Number of People

Chapter 853: Kidnap ticket? Robbery?

  Chapter 853 Kidnapping a ticket? Robbery?

  Xing Xiuyan almost collapsed, mixed with embarrassment and anger, looked at the other party bitterly: "Sister, I was thinking for you, why did you blame me and blame me?"

"I don't think, Xiuyan, you are not young, are you? Your parents brought you to Beijing, maybe they didn't want to find a good marriage for you?" Miaoyu was very paranoid in some aspects, but in Some aspects are very sensitive, "You are already sixteen, it's time to talk about marriage, I think you have a good impression of Feng Ziying, why don't you..."

Xing Xiuyan was really angry, and her face turned cold, "Sister, if you really have no intention of this marriage, then you shouldn't have said anything about it, but you don't have to bring it up on your sister. In addition, my sister still has to persuade her, even if you are right Brother Feng has no intentions, but going to Changcui Temple has nothing to do with him, and he will soon leave Beijing to serve as an official, and he will have little time to return to Beijing, even if my sister lives in Changcui Temple, there is almost no chance to meet her."

  Miaoyu was taken aback, but she only heard Xiuyan mention the matter of Feng Ziying's second wife and concubine, and didn't care about Feng Ziying's release from Beijing to become an official, "He wants to leave Beijing?"

   "Well, I'm released as an official. I heard it's in the Yongping Mansion on the east side." Xiuyan said with a cold face, "So sister don't need to worry about the embarrassment of meeting him in the garden in the future."

   Miaoyu didn't speak for a while, and Xing Xiuyan couldn't figure out what this best friend was thinking.

   After a long time, Miaoyu finally said with some interest: "Xiuyan, don't force me, let me think again."

"Think about it again? Think about it again? The people in the Muni Court are about to kick them out. Didn't you see the little nun's attitude before?" Xing Xiuyan said coldly: "Sister, do you think that it's not because of others that they provide you with food and drink every day? Did you come here? It’s just for the sake of the teacher’s face. In the past two days, there have been idlers harassing you, which makes people feel that you have become an eyesore,..."

  Xing Xiuyan's words hit Miaoyu's sore spot, and Miaoyu's expression darkened immediately, "Sister, there is no need to speak so harshly. If I don't go to Jia's mansion tomorrow, I can still find a place to rest."

"Let's forget about it. My sister is so delicate and expensive. I'm afraid that ordinary small temples can't afford it. Is my sister planning to follow a group of old nuns to go door-to-door for alms like that little nun? Can my sister let her go?" Can you bear this face?"

  A series of rhetorical questions made Miaoyu furious, but she didn't know how to refute the other party.

  Seeing Miaoyu's resentment, Xiuyan felt amused for no reason.

  My elder sister is really naive and hypocritical. I didn’t feel it when I followed the teacher before, but now I can feel the coldness of the world when the teacher leaves.

   Feeling helpless, but unable to lose face.

  Clearly knowing that he cannot accept that kind of life, yet unwilling to face the reality, obviously still has to accept Brother Feng's arrangement in the end, but still arrogantly refusing to bow his head, why bother?

"Okay, if my sister still can't make up her mind for a while, then think again, but my sister still hopes that my sister will come to the garden as soon as possible. Sister Daiyu came to Lu Xueguang yesterday and I sat there for a while, and came to tell me This matter, please let me come to you again to persuade you, originally she said she would come with me, but I know you always like quietness, so I came alone, but sister Daiyu really cares about you."

   Xing Xiuyan's words still took care of Miaoyu's face, knowing that Miaoyu and Daiyu were not very close.

Miaoyu snorted coldly, but didn't say anything. She and Daiyu really couldn't say how close they were. After all, they had never lived together for more than ten years since they were young. Now they suddenly want them to be as close as sisters. Sisters, it's really impossible. It's very rare to be able to maintain this kind of relatively polite but indifferent sisterhood.

  Of course Miaoyu also knew that Daiyu could not be blamed for this. In this kind of matter, it was the parents' problem and had nothing to do with them, but the psychological alienation was hard to melt.

  When Miaoyu sent Daiyu out of the Muni courtyard, she didn't know that the two of them had already been watched from the moment they stepped out of the threshold of the meditation room in Miaoyu's small courtyard.

The two carriages stopped at the entrance of the Muni courtyard quietly one after the other. At this time, when the number of pedestrians passing by was the least at noon, the carriage blocked the eyes of the pedestrians on the opposite side of the road, and the people who followed from the Muni courtyard Then quietly approached.

Just when Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu were about to withdraw their hands and leave after shaking hands and saying goodbye, two silhouettes, one on the left and one on the right, covered their mouths with a sweat towel. The armpits of the two women were pushed by the back, and before they could react, the curtain of the carriage suddenly opened, and the two women were pulled in.

  All of this was flowing like clouds and flowing water, without any hindrance, even before Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu made a sound, the carriage started quickly, accelerated suddenly amid the yelling of the coachman, and quickly disappeared outside the gate of Muni Court.

  Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu were suddenly lifted by someone, and they fell into the carriage in a daze like flying through the clouds, and the sweat towels covering their faces made it difficult for them to speak out despite their fright.

Until the carriage sped up quickly, the other party, who had already firmly controlled the scene, did not let go of the sweat towels that blocked the mouths of the two, and their eyes were quickly covered, and they quickly completed the knotting and binding with thin ribbons on their hands. It is enough to show that this is a group of professionals.

Xing Xiuyan never thought that she would encounter such a bizarre robbery in the capital city. She thought it was a robbery at one time, but when she saw the other party **** the two of them and gagged them, they were transported away in a carriage. She had never heard of a carriage being robbed.

  Compared to Miaoyu, who was panicked and dazed, who had never experienced or even heard of these things, Xing Xiuyan, who was very self-reliant in Suzhou and had a lot of contact with the outside world, calmed down after a short panic.

   This is less like robbery, more like kidnapping.

In the city of Suzhou, traffickers often abduct children and women. Needless to say, children are more likely to be village women who are not familiar with world affairs. There are also kidnappers targeting wealthy families, but they are generally targeting children or men. There are many heirs, but fighting like this is definitely not abduction, but kidnapping.

   But this is the capital city, and Xing Xiuyan also finds this kind of kidnapping a bit inconceivable.

   What is the purpose of binding the two of you? Want silver, or something else? Or robbery?

If it's the former, it's obviously not like it. The two of us don't seem to be up to this level. A woman, a woman from a small family, how can she deserve to be like this?

Jie Se's words, thinking of Xing Xiuyan's heart trembled, and thinking of Miao Yu's words in the past few days, there are often people wandering around in the Muni courtyard, and it seems that the people of the Muni courtyard don't bother much, which makes her a little uneasy .

  The problem is robbing, using such an exaggerated way, it still feels too exaggerated.

  Xing Xiuyan was concentrating on thinking hard, and at the same time, she was also thinking about where to pull the two of them.

She always felt that there must be some reason for this inexplicable kidnapping. She and Miaoyu should not be the target of kidnapping in the capital city where the law and order is strict. Knowing something, I dare not say that this kind of kidnapping has never happened, but kidnapping a woman on the street in broad daylight is really unheard of.

  If there is, it must be for a very special object, and it will definitely not be the turn of the two of you, and those who dare to do such things are definitely not ordinary people.

It’s just that the mouth is blocked now, and the eyes are also covered later, so it feels like it’s still spinning in the capital city, or out of the city, but it’s not too far away, but what exactly is it? The place is unknown.

   Until the two of them got off the car, Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu stumbled forward along the rope led by each other. After the rope was untied in their hands and the blindfold was removed, they found a courtyard.

At a glance, Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu can find that this courtyard is not simple, and has a strong Jiangnan style. Both Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu have lived in Suzhou for a long time. Gardens are no strangers. Although this courtyard is a little smaller, it is chic and elegant, with a soft flavor of Jiangnan.

The two people in front of them were both wearing bamboo hats, and the face scarves that covered half of their faces should have been put on just now, but Miaoyu couldn't tell anything about the smartness of their bodies and the leather boots under their feet, but Xing Xiuyan, who had always been careful But he became more and more aware of the specialness of this group of people.

   Miaoyu held Xing Xiuyan's arm tightly, her whole body was frighteningly stiff, her fingernails almost pinched into Xiuyan's flesh through her clothes, the pain made Xiuyan frown.

"I don't know why you brought our sisters here?" Xing Xiuyan didn't try to call for help. She knew that since the other party dared to take off the sweat towel from her mouth here, she wouldn't be afraid to call for help. benefit yourself.

When the first person saw that Xing Xiuyan was so calm and rational, there was a flash of approval in his eyes. If he really encountered those who were hotheaded or too frightened to yell, he thought it was normal, but like the person in front of him, there was still fear on his face. However, she is able to judge the situation and maintain restraint, which is not easy for a young girl.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do what I was ordered to do. Please be safe, two girls. Please believe that we have no malicious intentions. Also, I would like to remind you not to try to escape or call for help. This girl has behaved very well. You should know that we dare Letting you loose naturally won't be afraid of you doing these things, but that's meaningless, and it will force us to hurt yourselves."

   The first person smiled. Although there was a face towel covering his face, Xing Xiuyan still felt that the other party was very relaxed and natural, and his smile was very determined. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all, as if he didn't care about such things.

   Continue to ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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