Number of People

Chapter 854: Self-character Scroll Wisdom and Braveness Huixiuyan

  Chapter 854 Self-character Scroll Wisdom and Braveness Hui Xiuyan

  Xing Xiuyan felt that the other party didn't seem to be eager to get rich (sex) and kill him, so she felt a little relieved.

In Suzhou, she did not enjoy the life of a young lady like she did in the capital city, nor did she have no contact with the outside world like Miaoyu. She knew a lot about the world, so she passed the period of tension and fear just now After that, the mood has gradually stabilized.

   "I don't know the purpose of the heroes who brought us two sisters captive here. If it was a misunderstanding and the wrong person was arrested, please release us immediately, and we will act as if it never happened."

   At any rate, he is someone who has read many legendary stories. Although Xing Xiuyan has heard such exaggerated and legendary stories in Suzhou, he never thought it would happen to him.

   She has never expected a story like a hero saving the beauty. She doesn't know if her sisters are considered "beautiful", but who can the "hero" be? Is Shuntian Mansion still the government servants of Wanping County, or the soldiers of Wucheng Bingma Division and the head arresters of the Ministry of Punishment?

"This girl is very good at talking, but I still have to say something that is hard to obey." The man in the lead has a good impression of Xing Xiuyan. He has done a lot of murder and robbing in the past, and he has never met a girl who is so calm. I don't know if the master didn't take a fancy to this girl but would instead fall in love with another girl who was trembling with fright and her face was green and her lips were white?

"The hero brought us here, why?" Of course Xing Xiuyan knew that the people in front of her were just minions who were ordered by others, and she couldn't decide at all, she just wanted to confirm her guess by asking questions .

   "Hehe, don't be impatient, girl. Naturally, some girl will know." The man first waved his hand, "There is a place to rest here. The two girls were probably shocked before, so let's rest for a while."

"Since you don't even want to say the reason, you must definitely not come here for money. Think about it, we are just ordinary women. Even if the heroes want to rob the rich and help the poor, it shouldn't be our turn..." But Xing Xiuyan didn't stop because of this, "The identities of the two of us can't afford the value of a big man being used as a hostage or blackmailing others. This hero, the little girl is right?"

  The masked man admired the shrewdness of the woman in front of him. The ordinary woman was already scared to death, but she was still able to keep asking, even pulling her hair out to get closer to the truth.

   It's just that this kind of topic is difficult for him to answer. To answer more is to leave an extra loophole for the other party. Who knows what the future outcome of these two women will be?

  Seeing that the other party was silent, Xing Xiuyan knew that he was close to and guessed the truth, but he was even more desperate in his heart, but he didn't dare to show the slightest fear on his face.

  If they really came here for sex, then the two of them would hardly have any chance, Xing Xiuyan felt cold in her heart.

Those who dare to act so boldly must have great influence in the capital, and they are absolutely sure that they will not be discovered or tracked down for such a crime. Think about it, there are more than one million people in the capital city, and there are dragons and snakes mixed together. , I am afraid that people are being killed, trafficked, and disappeared every day. Isn't this kind of situation very common?

This group of people either didn't know the identity of themselves and Sister Miaoyu at all, or they didn't care at all if they did. Thinking about it, Sister Miaoyu is just a layman who came to place an order to practice, and she didn't have much to follow. Who cares about a distant relative in the government?

  I'm afraid I'm missing, what else can I do besides my parents rushing to report to the government and wait?

   And she can definitely have something to do with the young man she saw in front of the courtyard last time.

  Miaoyu also said that since then, there have been idlers coming to spy on it. Fortunately, the Muni Academy is a well-known nunnery in Beijing, otherwise this scene might have happened long ago.

  Seeing that several people were about to leave in silence, Xing Xiuyan felt miserable and desperate. He knew that there was nothing he could do, but he refused to stand still.

"Wait a minute, the two of us sisters don't know why you heroes did such evil deeds, but aren't you afraid of being traced by the government when you do this? Two people are missing. Could it be that the Shuntian government just ignores it?" Xing Xiuyan tremblingly said: " Although we sisters are ordinary people, my elder sister is about to marry Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan in Beijing as his concubine, and she is about to move into the Rongguo Mansion to live in to be married. If she disappears, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan will How can I let it go? I will definitely find out the truth!"

The figure of the man who was about to turn around and leave froze slightly. He was still shocked by the sentence "Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan will not let it go" in the other party's words. Of course he had heard of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's name, even his master It is often mentioned, why is this woman still Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's concubine?

Calmly looking at the other party, the masked man took a breath and said slowly: "Hey, you still use this trick to scare our brothers, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, you sister, a female layman in a Buddhist nunnery, is actually still Can you become a concubine for Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, who is famous in the capital? Is it really shameless for the Feng family?"

  How do people in the Jianghu understand the difference between a concubine and a concubine? Except for the main wife, the concubines and concubines of the rich family are similar in their minds.

   Originally hanging in the middle of the sky and suddenly fell down, Xing Xiuyan couldn't help clenching his fists.

He was putting all his eggs in one basket. If the other party is really the kind of high-spirited Jianghu described in legendary novels, they either don't know about Xiao Feng's reputation, or even if they do, they don't care. , but the other party's eyes flickered, and his body froze for a moment. Based on this, Xing Xiuyan concluded that the other party must know about Xiao Feng's compilation, and also know some of the secrets here.

  As expected, the other party did not leave, but questioned, which is great.

  Questions show that the other party is jealous, but the other party can't even tell the difference between a concubine and a concubine, which means that the other party is indeed not from a gentry official background. How can people from a wealthy family not understand the difference between a concubine and a concubine.

"This hero, although I don't know the reason why the hero came to rob me and my sister, but I believe that whether it is the hero, you or others, I am afraid that you are not willing to fight against the government and go to the end of the world, or the hero feels something in his heart. All that matters, but the hero knows Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's identity, so he should know that if his fiancée disappears, I'm afraid whether it's the Shuntian Mansion, the Ministry of Punishment, or even Captain Long will have to give him an explanation, right?"

Xing Xiuyan's mood became more and more stable in this matter, and she saw that she had a little hope. At this time, she was more cautious, not only not to offend the other party and make the other party want to kill people, but also to put a certain amount of pressure on the other party to carefully consider the consequences. Weigh the pros and cons.

"Besides, my little sister can be sure that the hero is probably going in and out of the Muni courtyard these few days, right?" Xing Xiuyan decided to take a gamble. She must make the other party fearful, otherwise if the other party finds that the situation is out of control It may be necessary to kill people to silence them, "Muni Academy allows heroes to come and go at will, there must be some reason?"

  The masked man froze. He didn't expect the other party to notice this. This is a little troublesome. The Muni Academy knows that there are many people who are related to his party and Fu Wang's mansion. We can't even get rid of these people, right? That problem will only get bigger and bigger, and the prince will never allow it.

Xing Xiuyan didn't pause, and didn't wait for the other party to react, and continued in one breath: "I'm afraid the hero is still doubting my sister's identity, so you might as well tell the hero, my sister is the daughter of Lord Lin, the former salt censor of the Lianghuai River. It is Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's third concubine wife, and she will also marry into Feng's residence as concubine. If something happens, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan will never let it go. Please bear this in mind, and you might as well go and investigate. Let's see if what my little sister said is true."


  Zhang Qi's originally handsome face was about to be distorted and deformed. The most beloved Shoushan wax oil jelly bergamot was thrown to the ground and shattered. His eyes almost burst into flames as he looked at the two kneeling in front of him.

"Who made you act so recklessly?" Zhang Qi breathed foul air from his nostrils, his hands were firmly gripping the armrest beside the official hat chair, his body was trembling slightly, "you are **** looking for death, but you still have to drag it on?" solitary?"

"Forgive me, my lord. The younger ones also saw that the lord has admired that girl for a long time, so they made up their own minds and made such a bad plan. The younger ones also visited before and found that the girl is indeed a girl who came from Suzhou to practice. Layman, everything else is the same, and the other one is just a distant relative of the Rongguo Mansion, so..."

  Although the man kneeling below was a little nervous and anxious, he wasn't too frightened.

At any rate, he was doing things for the master, and he revealed something vaguely before, and the other party didn't flatly reject him. Now it's just because he met someone who can't be messed with, so the other party became angry and wanted to find a scapegoat. It doesn't matter, scold After all, the big deal is to hide for a while and not show up.

  There was a knock on the door, "Come in."

  The person who came in went straight to Zhang Qi, whispered something in his ear, and Zhang Qi's face changed several times.

I just fell in love with a woman at random, and still caused such a big trouble, and I just happened to meet Feng Ziying's fiancée, this world is a little too small, Feng Ziying's reputation for **** is really worthy She can even hook up with a female layman who is an order to practice, but it is really surprising that this woman is Lin Ruhai's concubine daughter.

   "Mr. Tao, Gu's mind is messed up now, please ask Mr. Tao to teach Gu how to deal with the absurd actions of these idiots." Zhang Qi hesitated again and again, and really couldn't think of any way to deal with it.

These gangsters are simple-minded and can't get on the stage. They can only do some clumsy work. Killing people to silence them is absolutely impossible. This kind of matter involves the Feng family. , the best way is to solve it quietly, but how to solve it is not simple.

   Do you have three or five tickets?



  (end of this chapter)

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