Number of People

Chapter 855: Unexpected

  Chapter 855 Unexpected

  The middle-aged man sitting next to Zhang Qi had a gloomy face and didn't speak for a while.

   It is indeed speechless to encounter this kind of thing. He did not agree with recruiting these gangsters, thinking that these people are more successful than failures, and they are easy to attract people's attention.

  Can the position of great treasure be won by a group of gangsters?

   It's a big joke.

  What else can this group of people do besides brainlessly pleasing their master and committing suicide?

  My master is still too young and immature, and I haven't really prepared to plan and act for the future. If he hadn't already taken this step, he really wanted to give up.

   Fortunately, the master in front of him is not too self-willed and can listen to others, otherwise he will leave at the risk of offending the Su family.

   "Wu Heng, that is to say, in the past few days when you went to the Muni Academy, besides the presiding officer, there are other people who know your identity?" The man surnamed Tao asked with a sullen face.

"Uh, because I went there twice with the prince, the abbot knows our identities, and the two young novice monks around the abbot should also know a thing or two. I'm afraid other people should not know our identities..." The matter is very important, as Zhang Qi Wu Heng, the leader of this group of Jianghu people under his command, knew that it was related to everyone's fate, so he didn't dare to lie.

They have not been here for a long time in Prince Fu's Mansion. Although the treatment is good, they feel that there are not many specific things, so they thought of "ingenuity" to please the master, but they kicked the iron plate now, self-defeating, and now they have to How to deal with the aftermath.

   "Your Highness, are you sure?" The man surnamed Tao turned his head and asked.

"Well, it's confirmed. This woman is indeed the concubine daughter of Lin Ruhai, the former Lianghuai inspector of salt and censor. Her mother is Dong Zenggui, the former Hangzhou Tongzhi. She was supposed to join the Jiaofang Division, but was redeemed by Lin Ruhai, who was still in the Metropolitan Procuratorate at the time, and raised as a concubine, and later gave birth to this daughter,..."

  The man surnamed Tao also knew that the prince also had his own connections with Long Jinwei, so he got the exact news soon.

"Lin Ruhai and Feng Keng are in the same family as Qiao Yingjia, the left deputy governor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Before they died, they betrothed their prostitute daughter to Feng Keng, and this daughter was married as a concubine. It was only because of Lin Ruhai that they died. Both daughters of the Lin family need to be filial. , so before marrying into the Feng family, Lin Ruhai's first wife is the first daughter of the Jia family in the Rongguo Mansion, so..."

  The man surnamed Tao nodded slightly, understanding the connection here.

The Jia family is insignificant. Although there is another woman married into the palace, as Zhang Qi's confidant, he also knows that the woman from the Jia family is a noble concubine in name, but it is more like a gimmick to win over the royal family. The current emperor has not let it go. on heart.

"Your Highness, the Muni Academy is also quite famous among the nobles in Beijing. It may be very difficult to deal with the leaked information from the Muni Academy. The people who moved the Muni Academy, plus these two daughters, are afraid that the Shuntian Mansion and the Ministry of Punishment will It's hard to suppress it, if not, Long Jinwei will intervene, and this matter will become a big problem,..."

The man surnamed Tao spoke very slowly, obviously after careful consideration, "I also thought about whether this matter could be resolved in the name of the palace guards meeting and rescuing them by chance, but Wu Heng also said that another woman seemed to see through their identities, But it doesn't matter, as long as there is no substantial harm to the two girls, I believe that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan will not go to war for it, even if he turns a blind eye and closes his eyes, it will pass, and he may even feel that His Highness is quite Courtesy,..."

  Zhang Qi was overjoyed, "What does Mr. mean...?"

   "It's not that simple." The man surnamed Tao smiled wryly and shook his head, "If it's someone else, that's fine, but Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan..."

  Zhang Qi nodded slightly, realizing the problem.

  Waved his hands with a cold face, signaling Wu Heng and others to go down first, leaving only the man surnamed Tao and another middle-aged man standing behind Zhang Qi holding his sword.

The man surnamed Tao knew the other party's identity, so he didn't shy away from it: "Although Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is going to leave Beijing soon, Lord Qi, Lord Qiao, and Lord Guan all have a close relationship with him, and it will be a matter of time before he returns to Beijing. But having a bad relationship will become a problem for His Highness."

   "Then Wuheng and the others..." Zhang Qi gritted his teeth, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

  The man surnamed Tao shook his head.

Although he doesn't like this group of people, firstly, this group of people can still be useful in some shady things; Even if they killed this group of people, Feng Ziying might not think that this group of people made their own decisions, and maybe they thought it was killing people to silence them.

"Your Highness, there is no good solution to this matter, but I can only seek the best in secret. In my humble opinion, let me go back first, and you can tell the two girls. After all, it is not a good reputation to be kidnapped. Let's just say it was a misunderstanding, keep an eye on the two of them and keep it secret, if the second daughter really didn't tell the outside world, that would be great,..."

   What the man surnamed Tao said made Zhang Qi shake his head. If it was that simple, it would be really easy, and he hoped so, but what if the other party went to tell Feng Ziying where it was?

"If the two of you tell the story, Your Highness needs to be prepared. He said he was shocked by a chance encounter. Originally, he wanted to find someone to pretend to be a robber. His Highness would personally go out to save the beauty and win the beauty's heart. With such a situation, therefore... Your Highness can also find an opportunity in private to apologize to Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, and in my opinion, it might be better if things get worse..."

  The idea of ​​the man surnamed Tao made Zhang Qi's eyes light up.

  This is a good way.

Although it seems absurd that I want to play a hero who saves the beauty and wins the beauty's heart, it seems reasonable for someone like me to do this kind of thing, and after discovering the identity of the second daughter, he immediately expressed his attitude and sincerity, and even apologized. Well, this kind of attitude is not bad, maybe it can really bring the relationship with Feng Ziying closer.

"This is probably the best attitude. In addition, from another perspective, it can also prove His Highness's frank personality. From my point of view, perhaps someone like Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is more willing to get acquainted with that kind of straightforward and frank personality. A prince who is not obsessed with classics, righteousness and poetry."

Zhang Qi couldn't help standing up, rubbing his hands with joy, "Sir, what you said is true. Although Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan became famous in the imperial examinations, like his father, he has always disdain poetry and prose. Guhe elder brother and third younger brother have repeatedly invited When he went to the Poetry Club and Wen Club, he was declined by the other party, but there is really something in it when you say that, Mr...."

"Your Highness, don't be too happy, this is only a possibility, and from my point of view, this little Feng Xiuxuan was born in martial arts, but he is quite trusted by the princes in the court. People, their attention to current policy affairs shows that they have their own opinions in many aspects, if His Highness wants to win the support and approval of his people, I am afraid that he can't just hope for the goodwill of his temperament."

Zhang Qi was more satisfied with the analysis of the man surnamed Tao. Of course, he would not simply think that this would turn the disadvantage into an advantage. There is still a long way to go to fight for the position of great treasure in the future, and every step needs to be steady. Of course, Feng Ziying is worth fighting for object, but the resourcefulness and judgment shown by the person in front of him made him even more happy.

"I remember what you said, Mr. Zhang Qi." Zhang Qi sighed, "Then this matter should be handled according to Mr.'s advice, but in Mr.'s opinion, I think Gu should hope that the two women will inform them when they go back. What about Feng Ziying, or should I keep silent?"

The man surnamed Tao smiled wryly and shook his head: "His Royal Highness, you are too ostentatious. From my point of view, the best result of this matter is for the second daughter to keep silent. After all, we cannot predict the Feng family's reaction to this matter." In terms of opinion, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's temperament and what he thinks about this matter, we can't be sure whether it is better not to take such unnecessary risks or not. What I said earlier is just a countermeasure under last resort. .”

  Zhang Qi nodded with some regret. From the bottom of his heart, he really hoped it would be the latter, but there were indeed some uncertain risks, but there was still a chance to make good friends in the future.


  Xing Xiuyan and Miao Yuku sat in this room, just two hours, but it seemed like two months, every moment was suffering.

  Although Xing Xiuyan has certain expectations, Xing Xiuyan is also very clear in his heart that the possibility of such expectations is not high, and the other party is more likely to be worried about the accidents brought about by the exposure and will poison the two of them.

  Stories of murder and silence are not uncommon in legendary stories, and even deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  Confused thoughts kept popping up in her chest, thinking of her parents, Feng Ziying, and all the sisters in the garden. Xing Xiuyan could only hold the hand of Miaoyu, who was also hopeless and helpless, to comfort her.

   At this time, they can only sit and wait for the result. The "bandit" who watched the two of them outside the door seemed to be a little uneasy, whispering a few words from time to time, and looking at them sometimes fiercely and sometimes complicatedly, which made the two girls feel even more frightened.

  Finally, the two people outside the door joined the footsteps of several other people. After a low-pitched conversation, Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu couldn't help hugging each other, waiting for the choice of fate.

  It was only at this time that they realized that they were so fragile that they had no room to resist in the face of unpredictable results.

The same masked man came in and brought the sweat towel and blindfold with a wave of his hand, but his attitude was much better, "I'm sorry, girls, this is a misunderstanding, I'm sorry, we will send you back, please The girl is still the same as before, so we won't be abrupt, please, you two..."

  Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu couldn't believe their ears, they couldn't help hugging each other tightly, and then let go, "Hero, you said you will send us back now?"

"Yes, it was purely a misunderstanding. Please forgive me for this matter, um, there is no need to publicize it, so as not to damage the reputation of the two girls..." The man's attitude was surprisingly gentle, "Okay, we will send the two girls off immediately go back,…"

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  (end of this chapter)

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