Number of People

Chapter 856: I don't know the influence of my own scroll

  Chapter 856 The influence of the self-written scroll, without knowing it

  When the carriage put the two of them down in the Muni courtyard and galloped away quickly, Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu couldn't help but hug each other tightly again.

  The sky was getting dark, Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu didn't know how long they had stayed in that house, but looking at the sky, they knew it was almost Xu time.

   "Xiuyan, what shall we do now?" After experiencing this time, Miaoyu no longer dared to be stubborn and hypocritical, and wished she could leave the Muni courtyard immediately, and hurriedly held Xing Xiuyan's hand.

  As Xiuyan said, since these people can enter and leave the Muni Temple at will, it means that these people must have a great background. Although they let themselves go at this moment, what if they suddenly regret it and want to make a comeback? Will there be such good luck next time?

   "Sister, why don't you pack up quickly and go back to the mansion with me." Although he believed that the other party would not come again, Xing Xiuyan was still a little scared.

This time, she didn't know the reason why the other party was merciful and lenient, but she could guess that it had a lot to do with the fact that sister Miaoyu she mentioned would marry into Feng's family as his concubine. There is no interest in stopping to listen to what I have to say, let alone mention it later.

As for why the other party released the two of us directly after hearing Brother Feng's name, I also hope that the two of us will not mention this matter again. Who is the other party? There is a lot of power in the capital city, but it is so restrained that it is anticlimactic, so Xing Xiuyan can't see through it.

   Could it be said that Brother Feng's influence has reached this level?

This is the capital city. There are so many dignitaries, princes, and ministers. Even if Brother Feng is promoted now, he is only a fifth-rank official. It must be very prestigious outside, but in this capital city, I am afraid it may not be enough. Yes, this made Xing Xiuyan feel a little unbelievable.

   "Okay, I'll go back and tidy up. Anyway, there's nothing in the house, just some change of clothes and small items." Miaoyu also gritted her teeth, "It's just that there is no carriage here, and it's getting dark. How can we go back?"

  This is a difficult task.

It's not close from Muni Court to Rongning Street. Normally, Xiuyan would walk here by herself in order not to bother the mansion. No matter what, it would take less than half an hour. If she had to accompany Miaoyu to pack things now, It would take at least two sticks of incense to go out again, and it would be dark by then, so where could I rent a carriage?

There are also horse-drawn carts, donkey carts, and even horses, mules, donkeys, and other carts and horse stalls that can be rented in the capital city. , you have to find a place; secondly, you usually need to book in advance, negotiate the price, and agree on the rental time. If you are not an acquaintance and a frequent visitor, you have to pay a deposit. easy.

Otherwise, I can only go back to Jia's mansion to ask for a carriage, but I'm afraid it will take an hour to go back and forth, but seeing Miaoyu's appearance, she is also very bluffing, she doesn't want to stay here any longer And Xing Xiuyan also wished he could go home early.

If you are walking, you don't need to carry this thing on your back. In this dark sky, not to mention Miaoyu, even Xiuyan dare not walk this kind of night road. If you really encounter such rascals, you will call Tiantian should not , Shouting to the ground does not work.

  For the girls, after experiencing such an exciting and frightening experience, they just want to go home early and relax in a safe and stable environment.

While the second daughter was hesitating, she saw a carriage slowly stop beside her, and a head with a shiny face and thick beard stuck out, "Miss Xing, it's going to be dark today, where are you going?" ah?"

  Xing Xiuyan was taken aback for a moment, with a kind face on her face, and suddenly remembered that this was the mansion several times. During this time, the Second Master Ni, who often had dealings with his uncle, was said to have a close relationship with Brother Feng.

   "Second Master Ni." Xing Xiuyan was blessed and hesitated for a moment, "We want to go back to the mansion, but we still need to bring some things there, and we are thinking about what to do."

"Oh? Want to go back to the mansion?" Ni Eryi hurriedly jumped out of the car, "I'm afraid it's not easy to rent a car at this moment. It just so happens that my car is a bit shabby. If the two girls don't mind it, you can take it." use."

   "Then how?" Xing Xiuyan hurriedly said: "We used the car, what should you do?"

"Hey, what's wrong with that?" Ni Er said cheerfully: "You girls are delicate and expensive, and a vulgar person like me, where can't I go? I didn't have Uncle Feng to support me a year or two ago. How about walking on two legs all day long? Forget about it, hurry up, if there is something, let Su San help you carry it out."

  As soon as the coachman heard Ni Er's words, he jumped out of the car and waited for orders.

"Then Second Master Ni, thank you very much. We were worried about how to go back to the mansion. Seeing that it was getting dark,..." Xing Xiuyan thanked again: "You don't have to bother this brother with the things, we are here Get some things from this Muni courtyard and come out, please wait a moment for your second master and this brother, we will come out after we go."

   Seeing that the second daughter was going into the Muni courtyard to pick up things, Ni Er also knew that it would not be appropriate for his subordinates to follow, so he nodded and said, "That's fine, we'll wait for the girl outside."

   "By the way, Second Master Ni, this one is my sister, Miss Lin's sister..." Seeing Ni Er glance at Miaoyu, Xing Xiuyan hurriedly introduced him, "Miss Lin, Second Master Ni knows about it..."

  Ni Er suddenly realized, and felt excited, this is Uncle Feng's aunt?

  Of course Lin Daiyu and Ni Er knew about it. The first wife of the third wife, this is a rare opportunity.

He was able to get close to Feng Ziying quickly, largely because of his wife's route. When the Youshi sisters were still living in Maxiang Hutong, he was very considerate and often went to give various expenses and gifts. The You sisters also naturally wanted to mention themselves in front of Uncle Feng, and later they had more and more opportunities.

  But the You family's twins are concubines after all. Although Uncle Feng likes them quite a lot, Miss Lin is different. She is the first wife who is going to be married by the media, and the son who will be born in the future will also be the first son, who will inherit the title of Master Feng.

  Ni Er rushed to meet the ceremony, and Miaoyu could also see the eagerness and closeness of this Ni Erye, and roughly guessed that he should have something to do with Feng Ziying.

   It was not until entering the Muni courtyard that Miaoyu asked Xing Xiuyan what the origin of Ni Er was.

"My sister will know when she enters the Rongguo Mansion in the future. The Feng family and the Jia family are family friends. Uncle Feng has supported the Jia family's second master Bao and third master Huan, especially the third master Huan has now entered the Qing Dynasty. Tan Academy, I heard that sister-in-law Zhu is also looking for Brother Feng, hoping to send Lan Geer to Qingtan Academy in the future, so that Lang Geer can have a future in the future. The two masters also value Brother Feng very much, so the Jia family actually He has a deep relationship with the Feng family,..."

Xing Xiuyan realized that she had strayed from the topic, so she pulled it back again, "This Second Master Ni is said to be very powerful in Xicheng and Nancheng. He turned out to be the neighbor of Jia's family. What to do, I can't say a word or two,..."

Although Miaoyu is not very familiar with current affairs, she can also feel that this Second Master Ni seems to be an unusual person. Kong Wu is powerful and has an irrepressible aggressive aura. Although his attitude is very gentle and humble, it is against The two of us are completely different from others.

However, Xiuyan seemed to have some scruples, and she didn't want to talk more about this Second Master Ni, so Miaoyu didn't ask any more questions, but such a person would be supported by Feng Ziying, which surprised Miaoyu, Wasn't Feng Ziying compiled by the Imperial Academy? How could he still have contacts with such people who are clearly not officials and scholars?

After packing up, Miaoyu and Xiuyan went out, but they saw that Ni Er had been waiting outside the door, not at all troubled, and when the second daughter came out, she personally came to take the baggage in Miaoyu's hand into the carriage, and invited the second daughter Get in the carriage, and walk with the carriage.

   This also made Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan very embarrassed, and they greeted Ni Er to get in the car, but Ni Er firmly refused, saying that he was used to walking, and taking the car was a last resort, so he happened to take a walk today to exercise his muscles.

  The second daughter was sent to the corner gate of Jia’s mansion. It was already dark, and Ni Er sent the second daughter to the door again, and then left.

Xing Xiuyan naturally understood that Ni Er must be so hospitable and enthusiastic because of Feng Ziying's face, but no matter what he did, Xing Xiuyan had to appreciate it, and when he saw Feng Ziying, he would naturally thank Feng Ziying for his kindness, maybe This second master Ni wants such a purpose.

   Quicui Temple has been sorted out long ago, and all the furniture and objects are readily available, including all kinds of bedding and mosquito nets.

   After learning that Miaoyu had entered the garden, even though it was already late, several girls also came to show their concern and each gave some things, which moved Miaoyu a little.

  Considering that there are still some items in the room that are not yet complete, and Miaoyu is still a little uncomfortable, Xing Xiuyan drags Miaoyu to her Lu Xueguang to have a night talk.

  After today's turmoil, the relationship between Xiuyan and Miaoyu has deepened, and they don't have too many scruples about many words.

   "The younger sister means that I should tell him about this matter?" Miaoyu didn't say who he is, but Xiuyan naturally understood.

"I'm not sure. The person reminded us not to talk about this matter. Although he didn't understand what they meant, the matter has already happened. What if similar situations happen again in the future?" Of course Xing Xiuyan knew about such a matter. It would definitely damage her reputation and Miaoyu's reputation, but she trusted Feng Ziying, "If I don't tell Brother Feng, I will never feel at ease. I also believe that Brother Feng will have a proper way to deal with it."

  Miaoyu took a deep look at her best friend. Although the other party never admitted it, she could be sure that Xiuyan's feelings for Feng Ziying were not ordinary distant relatives. How can ordinary people have that kind of unconditional trust?

  (end of this chapter)

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