Number of People

Chapter 857: Uncover the cover of the self-character roll

  Chapter 857 Uncover the cover of the self-character scroll

   While Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu were still in prison, Jia's mansion didn't notice anything unusual.

Xing Xiuyan was only considered a marginal figure in the mansion, and she was allowed to live in the Grand View Garden because she was a girl's family, and she was also a relative of Mrs. Xing, and Xing Xiuyan had a very good temper and was liked by others, so she was allowed to live in it. Entering the garden, Xiuyan also wisely chose Lu Xueguang, the most simple and plain. Of course, this is her favorite simple and elegant scenery here.

  At this time, the Jia Mansion was shrouded in a tense atmosphere.

"Back to the ancestors, since January, there have been no teas and fruits in the ethnology, and lunch has been a lot short. Originally, these trivial matters should not disturb the ancestors, but these children who came to study in the ethnology Many of them are from outside the mansion. At the beginning, in order to encourage the children of the clan to study and progress, the mansion also talked about taking care of lunch and tea and fruit between classes. In the past two years, the children have also won the favor of the children. They all know that it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant. , It is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality. There used to be, but now there is no such gossip. The grandson is also thinking that if these words spread more and more, it will definitely have a great impact on our Jia family. If outsiders know, If you are not sure, you will think about it,..."

  Jia Rui stood in the hall with a calm tone, but the meaning hidden in the words was obvious.

"I also went to ask my second sister-in-law. The second sister-in-law said that the current difficulties in the mansion have been slightly reduced. It is true that there are not as many teas and fruits as before, but the lunch is still in accordance with the original rules. My grandson went to the back room to ask, and she said yes. The prices of vegetables, rice and noodles outside have increased, and the tea and fruits have simply been reduced, and they have been filled in for lunch,..."

   Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng sat on the side with gloomy faces, and Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang over there also had very ugly faces.

Theoretically, it is not up to the gentlemen to meddle in such matters at home, but this time it was the news that the two brothers Jia She and Jia Zheng heard when they went to participate in the 80th birthday of Chen Ruiwen's mother in the Duke of Qi's mansion, which made them lose face, so Then I rushed back to ask what happened.

Xie Jing, the head of the Xie family, Marquis of Dingcheng, is now a guerrilla in the Fifth Army Battalion, making fun of the Jia family. Now they can’t even open the pot, which attracts everyone’s ridicule. Only then did I find out the whole story.

It turned out that the children of the Jia family used to study in the ethnology school. They used to take care of lunch, and there were tea fruits between classes. Now there are no tea fruits, and lunch is much worse. Some children complained after returning. It was spread out, and rumors were passed on, and it became a joke among these Wu Xun families.

   "Later, the grandson went to the Liu family's daughter-in-law who was in charge of the kitchen, but the Liu family's daughter-in-law said that this was the management arrangement, and the purchase and purchase were also in accordance with the requirements of the back room manager..."

The wife of the Liu family is in charge of the kitchen, but Zheng Haoshi is in charge of the back room in charge of the kitchen purchases. All expenses including the kitchen and woodshed are under the care of the back room manager, but Zheng Haoshi's wife is Lai Da. The distant sister, Zheng Haoshi is Lai Da Lai Er's cheap brother-in-law, and she always wears the same trousers as Lai Da.

  Mother Jia's face was extremely ugly, and she snorted softly, "Brother Rui, what else do you want to say?"

"The grandson also finds it very strange. Before this year, the prices of vegetables, meat and eggs were going to increase, but after the next year, according to the usual practice, the prices of these things will drop a bit. Moreover, the grandson also heard that the grain harvest in Jiangnan, Huguang, and Jiangnan last year was transported from the canal. The price of the rice and noodles here is about 10% lower than that of the previous year, and the prices of all things have dropped a bit, so how come it has risen a lot when it comes to our Jia's house?"

   Jia Amnesty and Mrs. Xing remained calm, while Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang changed slightly.

Jia Zheng was in the Ministry of Industry, so he could hear some news. Naturally, he would not ask about the price of grain in the capital city, but of course he knew the news that Jiangnan and Huguang had a good harvest last year. The grain in the capital came from Jiangnan, Huguang, Grain is cheap in a good year, so naturally the price can't afford it. Why does the Jia family buy it and say that the price has increased a lot?

   But Mrs. Wang is much more sensitive than Jia Zheng.

She also knew from Wang Xifeng that the whole mansion had great opinions on the huge cost of repairing the garden, which even affected the monthly payment of the people in the mansion. But Yuan Chun is the eldest girl of her family, and she is also a concubine visiting relatives, so no matter what, she has to support this scene .

Now the hole in the public house is too big, and the people below have opinions, she knows it well, but under such circumstances, there are still people who engage in such activities in the purchase of the back room, and even the notoriety has spread to the outside, so she feels in her heart Some get angry.

It's just that the Lai family is an old man in front of the old lady. Although Mrs. Wang is upset, it's not easy to get angry immediately, but she can see something from the uncle's gloomy silence and Mrs. Xing's excited sneer. It's not a coincidence to launch an attack at this time, I'm afraid it's premeditated.

   "Brother Rui, in your opinion, what is the reason here?" Jia She pondered for a long time before he stroked his beard and said slowly.

   "Master, it's clear that someone is making trouble in the back kitchen." Since Jia Rui came here to make a public statement, he was naturally prepared, "So my nephew was also very surprised, so he went to investigate..."

   I heard that Jia Rui did the investigation by himself. Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang looked at each other in blank dismay. They have made it this far. What is this for?

"..., the vegetables, meat, eggs, fruits, and rice noodles for the back kitchen are delivered separately from the Gu family in the eastern suburbs of the city, the Tian family in the southeast, and the Hu's butcher shop in Jinchengfang. For the past three years, these three companies have been contracted separately. Our Rongguo Mansion, um, also includes vegetables, fruits, eggs, and meat from Ningguo Mansion, and the rice noodles are all smoked from the south of the city, except for a few that are sent from our own village for the old ladies and ladies in the mansion to taste. Yang’s rice shop in Fang Yang bought goods, and as far back as earlier, the rice shop was the original Zhao’s grain store in Xianyi Fang, and the meat was from the Xinglong Butcher Shop in An Fu Fang,…”

Jia Rui eloquently said, "There is also the white coal and musk coal used in the back room. The white coal and musk coal were originally the most famous in the Yin's and Lu's coal yards in the west of Beijing. It was not a problem at first to purchase goods at home, but for some reason, I went to an old Zhuji Coal House to buy white coal. Well, musk coal was also purchased from this store. Later, my nephew went to inquire, and it turned out that this Zhuji Coal The houses are also imported from the Yinjia Coal Factory and the Lujia Charcoal Field, that’s all, if it’s close to our house, it seems to be reasonable, and I asked again, the coal house sent to our house. The price of coal is 20% higher than that sent to other families, and the price of musk coal is 30% higher,..."

White coal is used to burn kangs and earth dragons in winter. It is used in a large amount in the whole house, and musk coal is high-quality charcoal. It is mainly used for warming fires in smoked cage stoves used by girls and wives. Of course, barbecue is also required. Use this musk coal.

Jia She's face was so gloomy that it was frightening, and Jia Zheng was a little unsteady. The government in this mansion is now in a huge deficit, and even Wang Xifeng doesn't want to take care of things. Most of it is also related to these things.

   On the other hand, Jiamu's face was stern, but she didn't say a word.

   "Brother Rui, since this is the case, since you found out in February, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Jia Zheng couldn't help it.

"Back to the second master, this kind of thing is beyond the nephew's business, so the nephew only asked the kitchen, and then asked the second sister-in-law, but the second sister-in-law was hesitant, pushing back and forth,..." Jia Rui spread his hands , "Until this time, a friend of mine outside took over part of the repair work and stone materials for the garden since last year. It has been delayed until March and the account has not been settled, so I came to ask me, I also asked the Eldest Master and Uncle Zhen, both of them said that after the garden was built, the accounts would be transferred to the second sister-in-law, but the second sister-in-law said that there was no money, so I had to wait a little longer, so I returned to that one. friend, but that friend made fun of me,..."

  Jia She and Jia Zheng both asked in unison: "Oh, why are you laughing at me?"

   "He said it's not that there is no money, but that there is no money without money." Jia Rui laughed.

   Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng looked at each other in blank dismay, not quite understanding what this meant.

"I don't understand what it means. When I asked again, my friend thought I was pretending, so he asked me directly how much kickbacks I needed to settle the account. He said that the other person who did the work with him paid a lot every year. I got a sum and gave a 10% rebate. In March, I got the last 8,000 taels of silver and gave a 20% rebate. I also asked if I know why some people were able to settle the bill in full years ago? I I was confused, and I asked who paid the bill in full? Didn’t it mean that the mansion is difficult, so you can only get part of it? My friend said, it’s because the people in your mansion are doing business with others, of course you can pay the bill in full, and now everyone Take the silver to donate to the official, and you will be the county magistrate,..."

  The last sentence made everyone present, including Yuanyang and Hubo standing behind the old lady, Qiutong and Caixia standing beside Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang, were inexplicably shocked.

  The money to donate an official is not a small amount.

If the stewards in the mansion are doing their best to make money, everyone knows in their hearts that there are hundreds of thousands of people in Jia's mansion, how can this be avoided, as long as it is not too much, then everyone will turn a blind eye Haven't you been here for many years?

But the money you donate to an official, I'm afraid it can't be spent in tens of hundreds of taels. The second master of Lian spent five thousand taels for donating a false title, which was the market a few years ago. In Jia Rui's words, he said that he was going to be the county magistrate immediately, and that was a real shortage. I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible without tens of thousands of taels of silver.

   This tens of thousands of taels of silver is not a small amount even for the current Jia family. That slave dares to be so bold and presumptuous?

   "Brother Rui, who is it?" Mother Jia, who had never spoken until now, finally spoke, her tone was calm, but everyone could hear the hidden anger.

  The servant’s family donated to the official and the master’s family didn’t know, and the donation was lacking the county magistrate, and his own treasure had never donated to the official. Who is so presumptuous? In fact, she knew in her heart who it could only be, but no matter how partial she was, if she didn't speak up at this time, the two sons and daughter-in-law would probably rebel.

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  (end of this chapter)

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