Number of People

Chapter 859: A bumper harvest in the Zizi scroll, worrying about it

  Chapter 859 I have a good harvest in the scroll, worrying about it

  From the afternoon, Jia Amnesty and Jia Zhen led a group of people to take Lai Da and Lai Sheng quietly, and locked them in the room for interrogation. Naturally, Lai Da and Lai Sheng refused to admit it.

But when Lin Zhixiao and Wu Xingdeng began to persuade the servants of the mansion one by one, when Wang Shanbao and Zhou Rui also appeared in front of the interrogation of Zheng Haoshi and Zheng Haoshi's usual close servants, soon these originally The servants who were still a little lucky understood that this was the cooperation between the elder master and the second master.

   And when Nanny Lai begged to see the old ancestor overnight but was turned away by Yuanyang on the grounds that the old ancestor was ill and bedridden and unable to see others, everyone knew that the Lai family's situation was over.

   Without the generosity and favor of the ancestors, how could the brothers of the Lai family be the chief executive of the Rongguo Mansion and the other be the chief executive of the Ningguo Mansion? It is almost impossible to change to another family. Now that the ancestors have withdrawn their support for the Lai family, it is natural that the trees will fall and the monkeys will scatter, and the individual will take care of himself.

Lin Zhixiao led Wang Shanbao and Zhou Rui to be in charge of the internal investigation and verification of Jia's mansion. Wu Xingdeng and Shan Daliang were responsible for cleaning up various accounts such as external purchases and repairs of Rongning and Ningfu's two mansions over the years. With the help of Ni Er, the merchants contacted and communicated, and a lot of preparations had been made some time ago, so the progress was quite fast.

  Wang Xifeng mainly reorganizes the accounts and connects with external merchants, and strives to completely rebuild this system.

After all, Rongning Second Mansion consumes a lot every day, and this kind of rectification will inevitably have an impact on the operation of the entire Rongning Second Mansion. Although those merchants encountered this situation at first, they had to cover up for the Lai family, but later discovered The Lai family has no hope, and the total of more than 1,000 people in the Rongning and Ningfu prefectures will still not be short of daily purchase expenses, so when Wang Xifeng released some cooperation intentions, these people immediately sold the Lai family. net.

  Even those merchants who cooperated with the Rongning Second Mansion a few years ago still hoped to regain this customer, and were willing to confess the previous situation one by one. This is almost nailing the last coffin board for the Lai family.

  When Jia She led Lin Zhixiao, Jia Rui and others to move, Feng Ziying stopped caring.

After spending so much time and doing so much preparatory work, even Jia Amnesty and the second wife of Jia Zheng's first room rarely agreed. The Jia family is now in such a predicament. Da Lai Er is even more illegitimate than the Jia family's illegitimate children.

   Fortunately, the news came back continuously, and the Lai family's stubborn resistance did not have much effect.

After all, this is the master's handling of a slave with a bad conscience, and Lai Shangrong is just a person who has just obtained the qualification to donate an official. Not really a character.

  So when this storm swept in, and when the Lai family's biggest reliance, Jiamu, avoided seeing her, the Lai family had little room to resist.

   "So Lai Da still refuses to fully explain?" Feng Ziying smiled leisurely and asked Ping'er who was standing by the door, "Why are you standing so far away, afraid that the Lord will eat you?"

   Ping'er pinched the sweat towel and glanced at the door shyly. Although there was no one, she still felt uneasy and would rather stand at the door.

  Feng Ziying doesn't care too much for himself. In broad daylight, he can't do anything with a wild animal.

   "Then what is the old lady's attitude?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile, "You won't be soft-hearted, will you?"

"Last night and this morning, Mammy Lai went to the old ancestor's place to beg three times. The first two times, the old ancestor didn't see her. The last time I couldn't bear it, so I still saw her. However, the old ancestor didn't give Lai Mammy Leave a message, just let Lai Da explain the matter clearly first, investigate the matter clearly, and finally talk about how to deal with it."

Ping'er introduced the situation, "Over 10,000 taels of silver, 8,000 taels of bank notes, and land and shop title deeds were found in the cellar under the bed of Mrs. Lai and his wife's house. Last night, Jia Rui brought People went to check the place where Lai Shangrong lived, and found thousands of taels of silver and some land deeds, and Lai Shangrong and Jia Rui almost got into a fight, but later they heard that Jia Rui asked someone to bring Lai Shangrong under control."

"It seems that the harvest is not small. Now, sister Feng, can you rest assured?" Feng Ziying nodded, "In this way, the cash plus bank notes can be more than 30,000 taels. Have you calculated the land and shop title deeds and how much they are worth? ?”

   "Grandma asked someone to ask, and it is estimated that it can sell for more than 20,000 taels." Ping'er came out to report the situation on the one hand, and listen to Feng Ziying's suggestions for the next step on the other hand.

"Then it's about 60,000 taels of silver? No, according to my calculations, since the Lai family can hide so much in their own house in the mansion, Lai Shangrong also has that much, there must be other places to hide the silver." , their family has been exploited in Jia's mansion for so many years, a rough estimate will not be less than 100,000 taels, you go back and bring a message to Sister Feng, let Sister Feng, She Shibo and Lin Zhixiao and the others, Lai Da must have others. Make a deal with him, as long as he breaks his mind, especially tells him about his son, threatens him to send his son to an official, and deprives his son of his official status, he will definitely be able to dig it out. few,…"

  Hearing Feng Ziying's unceremonious suggestion to use Lai's eldest son to threaten Lai Da, Ping'er couldn't help shivering.

"Do you think the master is too cruel?" Feng Ziying also saw Ping'er's mood change, and smiled, "Being friendly to the enemy is cruel to yourself. Lai Shangrong is in his late twenties. Could it be that he will Knowing what his parents did in Jia's mansion, if you don't believe me, if you check the money hidden in his house, he will not know whether the land deed is written in his name? A fool will settle accounts, and his parents in Jia's mansion will not know. He is a servant leader, and the old matriarch values ​​him a year, and he can have hundreds of taels of silver, where did the cash and land that cost tens of thousands of taels come from?"

  Ping'er couldn't help nodding.

The tens of thousands of taels of cash and the title deed of the farm shop, to be honest, people like them can’t even think of such a large amount. If it is a few thousand taels, everyone thinks it is justified, but this time it is tens of thousands of taels. , is completely beyond imagination.

  It is like the family background of Lian's second master and second grandmother, which is only 30,000 to 50,000 silver in private money.

  But the whole Lai family has lived in the mansion for decades, and Lai Shangrong was raised outside with at least a few hundred taels of silver every year as a young master, and he can save so much money, anyone can understand the tricks inside.

"So, Ping'er, put away your pitiful sympathy, the whole family is spending tens of thousands of taels of silver, and running forward for the family's wishes, you and Sister Feng, master and servant The two are still worrying about the next month’s monthly allowance for the Jia family, but they still worry about pity for others, isn’t it a little ridiculous?”

  Feng Ziying's half-sarcastic words made Ping'er's face flushed, and she couldn't help but coquettishly said, "Why are you talking so badly, who is going to pity them? The slaves just feel, feel..."

"What do you think? Do you feel that their masks are being exposed right now? Then when hundreds of servant girls in your mansion wake up early and work hard every month for the pitiful few hundred copper coins, they are sitting in the room with peace of mind waiting for those The merchants who deliver goods to the mansion take the initiative to send hundreds of thousands of taels of kickback silver to him every month, do you still think they are pitiful?"

   These words are too straightforward and contrasting.

Even for a girl like Ping'er who has the reputation of being a housewife, her monthly salary is only two taels, and a year is only twenty-four taels, plus the year-end bonus reward is only fifty or sixty taels of silver, but like Lai This kind of man is not satisfied with the monthly money and bonuses given by the official 800 taels of the mansion every year, but he is still not satisfied. He still has to reach out in all aspects of the mansion. Now that the boat has capsized, is it worthy of pity?

  Then it didn't capsize?

Finally shaking her head, Ping'er calmed down. She did feel sorry for the Lai family before, especially when she saw the old mother kneeling in front of the ancestor's gate surrounded by everyone, and seeing Lai's disheveled hair being surrounded by two rough The mother-in-law dragged her into the woodshed, and when she went to the East Mansion, she heard Lai Sheng being whipped and screamed by Uncle Xiaorong in the woodshed, and she really felt a little soft in her heart.

  However, after hearing what Feng Ziying said now, I slowly recalled it in my heart.

   People are not enough to swallow elephants like snakes. If you walk at night for a long time, you will run into ghosts, and you can bear it if you do it yourself.

"Okay, Ping'er, don't worry about this. Sister Feng knows how to do it. With the ancestors around, it won't make the Lai family have nothing to eat. But if you want to be as good as before It's impossible to get the rain, so An Anfen finds an errand to do in Zhuangzi, and that's about it."

  Feng Ziying made a final conclusion, "I can say that Sister Feng has an explanation for this matter, so she won't be behind the back and curse the Lord, right? I can also go to Yongping Mansion to take up my post with peace of mind."

  Ping'er heard Feng Ziying's words, and then remembered that Feng Ziying was leaving Beijing soon, and panicked, "Master, why don't you go to see grandma? Grandma misses you so much..."

"I'm afraid she is busy dealing with the Lai family's money and property right now? How can she have the time to take care of these?" Feng Ziying laughed, with a half-smile on her face, the smile was thought-provoking, "Why, is it Pinger Xiangye? Is it because Sister Feng misses you? I am afraid that I may not be able to come back after a year or so."

Ping'er blushed, hesitated to speak, and finally turned around, turned her back to Feng Ziying, and said slowly: "Naturally, the slaves miss you, but you have important things to do, and grandma really misses you. I often mention Grandpa in my daily life,..."

   Ask for a few monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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