Number of People

Chapter 860: All kinds of self-character rolls (ask for a monthly ticket!)

  Chapter 860 Self-written scrolls (ask for a monthly ticket!)

  Ping'er's words made her heart throb, and seeing this girl flushed with blush and eager eyes, Feng Ziying felt a burst of pride in her heart.

In the book "Dream of Red Mansions", Ping'er, who is known as the four major maids among the maids, along with Yuanyang, Zijuan, and Xiren, finally fell in love with herself. This sense of accomplishment is undoubtedly a great feeling for a man. glory.

   Regardless of whether it is based on my current talent, ability, or power and status, I have achieved this step by relying on my own strength. This is not counting the helpless Wang Xifeng who also regards herself as the backbone and backer.

   However, Pinger has a gentle personality, but she is decent and generous in her dealings with others. She is deeply loved by the Rongguo Mansion. It is really not easy for her to say these words today.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying felt tenderness in her heart, and couldn't help saying in a deep voice, "Ping'er, come here."

  Ping'er hurriedly glanced outside the door, but refused to answer: "Master, if you have anything to say, just say it like this, slaves can't..."

"What can't be done? I don't even listen to my master's words. I will go to Yongping in a few days. I may not be able to come back for a few months, and I won't see you again. Why don't I even want to talk to you today?" Feng Ziying stared at the other party with burning eyes.

  Ping'er's pretty face showed a tangled look, and she was a little bit reluctant, but if she was to be subdued by the other party, and she was deeply afraid that the other party would act outrageously in the past, then...

   "Why, are you still worried about me?" Feng Ziying saw the worries and contradictions in Ping'er's heart, "I still won't be like Jia Rui,..."

  Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Ping'er gave Feng Ziying a very charming look, which almost made Feng Ziying's bones a little bit weak, and walked over slowly.

   Before Ping'er could approach, Feng Ziying relaxed her arms, and pulled Ping'er into her arms. The fragrance was fragrant and refreshing.

With a cry of "ah", Ping'er was about to struggle in panic, but felt that the other party had no other moves to cross the line, and felt a little relieved, so she let the other party hug her willow waist, and she also gently snuggled into the other party's arms in, but silent.

  Ping'er is of medium height, with a plump figure, her sideburns are close to Feng Ziying's nose, and the fragrance of her hair lingers in her nostrils. Her crystal clear ears are in front of her eyes, so exquisite and clear that Feng Ziying couldn't bear it any longer, and gently kissed the earlobe.

  Ping'er only felt that his whole body was limp, and he suddenly became limp in the opponent's arms.

The delicate body is in the arms, the beauty is like jade, watching the red clouds rushing towards the face, the charming dimples are charming, and the round and plump chest rises and falls sharply. Feng Ziying can't hold back, gently squeezes the other's round buttocks, and sits between her legs Down.


Ping'er was awakened by the coolness on his chest. Although he was not in a state of confusion, seeing the shameful scene in front of him, Ping'er struggled to stand up from the other party's legs, and hurriedly covered the half-exposed spring light with his hands. , blushed and spat, and said in a crying voice: "How can you not count what you say? How can the slaves see people with such behavior?"

  Feng Ziying was also a little embarrassed, but he was gentle and generous, so he naturally wanted to comfort him. He put his hand around Ping'er's waist again, and said softly: "My lord can't help it, who made Ping'er so seductive?"

  Hearing Feng Ziying's words, Ping'er felt a little sweet but still a little embarrassed, "If the master only wants Ping'er's body, then the servant has nothing to say. If the master wants Ping'er,..."

"Ping'er, I naturally like you. If you only care about your body, why can't you buy and choose such women? Datong Gusu, Yangzhou and Hangzhou, there are countless people who are willing to enter my residence. How could you be that kind of person?" ?" Feng Ziying spoke uprightly.

Ping'er was secretly delighted, the frost on his face was just gone, the spring was full of spring, and his eyebrows were charming and charming, "Since this is the case, why should you be so anxious? What belongs to the master is always the master's. The servant girl is here to discuss business with the master, grandma I'm still waiting in the house, if you have time before you leave, you might as well come here, grandma and slaves are also welcome..."

But she didn't say any more, Feng Ziying's chest was itchy, but she had to pretend to mutter: "I have a lot of things to do these days, so it's hard to make a decision, so let me make a plan and see if I can go now." I came to the mansion before, and then I will let Baoxiang come and talk to you."

Ping'er smiled pretty, her crystal eyes were full of affection, she bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and gave a hum from her nasal cavity, she moved gracefully, and was blessed: "In that case, the servant is leaving, grandma is still waiting for the servant in the house .”

  Seeing Ping'er disappear outside the door, Feng Ziying suppressed the desire that was about to explode in her heart, and sighed.

He also said that he was benevolent and righteous, and he had an explanation. It seemed that Wang Xifeng really planned to continue to stir up trouble in Jia's mansion. This woman really had a strong desire for power. He was reluctant to give up that bit of authority.

   It's just that I have gone to Yongping Mansion, how can I have so much energy to take care of these **** things of Jia's family?

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head.

  I always thought that I could control the situation with ease, but when I was really caught up in it, I realized that I was just an ordinary person, who also had emotions and desires, and was also troubled by such cumbersome affairs.

  Just like Wang Xifeng and Ping'er, they reconciled with Jia Lian, and Jia Lian also went south to Yangzhou. How much do you still have intertwined with them? It stands to reason that they should pat their buttocks and walk, and it doesn't even count as saying that they don't admit it when they lift their pants. I don't have to cross the last bottom line.

But after going back and forth like this, it still has the taste of developing into a deformed relationship. When I ask myself, it seems that I really can’t do it all at once and ignore it completely. I always feel that something has not been handled well. You said this What is it called?

   Digging carefully, it seems that I was really greedy for Wang Xifeng and Hepinger's body before, but after getting in touch with him a lot, I seemed to have a little affection unconsciously.

  You don’t mean how pure this kind of feeling is. It’s just a kind of mentality mixed with **** and novelty, and then slowly evolves and settles, becoming a kind of reluctance and exclusive mentality.

  Perhaps this is how the environment changes people.

When I came to this time and space, I developed this kind of self-centered male chauvinism unconsciously. The interest and desire for women or relationships are all based on my own active mentality of exclusiveness and control. I don’t like Someone turned against himself.

  In a word, you must get what you want, no violation, no loss.

Sitting in the study and thinking for a while, Feng Ziying sorted out her thoughts clearly. There were still many things in front of her. Jianyou's application has been officially approved by the Ministry of Rites, and the old lady welcomed another wave of visits. Inquiring about the situation and being a matchmaker, fortunately, my aunt was very helpful and played a full role in front of my mother, helping me to stabilize my stitches and avoid my mother's heartbeat.

   But it's a matter of face, the old lady still hasn't completely let go, but her attitude has relaxed a lot, and she only said that she still needs to think about it.

  Feng Ziying reckoned that this matter could be finalized before she left the capital to take up the post of Yongping, and arranged for someone from her family to come to propose marriage.

   While he was thinking about it, he heard Yu Chuaner come to report that Yinger, Miss Xing and Miss Miaoyu from Miss Bao's family had come.

   Yinger? Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu? How did they come together? What kind of battle is this?

   Ask again, it is three daughters, one in front and one behind, Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu are together.

  Feng Ziying was a little puzzled, what did Baochai ask Yinger to do at this time?

   And what are Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu doing here? I guess I entered the yard, I want to thank you, but this seems to be a bit of a big deal.

   Yinger naturally wants to invite her in to meet her, but Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu might as well wait.

  Seeing this girl come in, she was blessed, "I have seen the uncle."

   "Well, sister Bao asked you to come, but what happened?" Feng Ziying was really afraid of something wrong now.

He doesn't have so much energy now, but within ten days, the family has been helping him pack his luggage. It may take a few months to see if he has a chance to come back. If not, he will have to wait until Shen Yixiu gives birth Time to come back.

   "Back to the uncle, nothing happened, the girl just let the servants come to inform that the uncle and the Mei family met, the Mei family officially retired, and the uncle and the Mei family had a quarrel, but..."

  Ying'er was concise and to the point, "The girl said that the second wife fell ill with anger, and asked the master to talk about the marriage of the uncle before, can we make an agreement as soon as possible, so as to ease the second wife's heart..."

  Feng Ziying scratched her head, he really didn't have time to tell Fang Youdu about this matter, he didn't expect that the Mei family would divorce so cleanly.

   "The Mei family resigned, but those are the reasons?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"Young lady said it's the same reasons. She said that someone sued the late second master for fraud in Suzhou. The Suzhou government has accepted the case, and Xue's family has also arranged for people to go back to Suzhou to deal with the matter..." Yinger fell. She is also eloquent, "However, the girl also said that these things are based on both parties without proof, and it will probably take a year or so to delay..."

   "Well, Lord, I understand. If you go back and answer your girl, I will give you news in these two days." Feng Ziying thought for a while before saying.

Baochai's mind was also very clear, and quickly used Xue Biao to find a good marriage to offset the blow to the Xue family's reputation. I'm afraid it will affect my mother's perception of the Xue family.

   "The servant girl will go back and return to life just like that." Yinger honestly gave another blessing and was ready to leave.

   "Slow, your girl didn't ask about her own affairs? Well, it is also a matter related to Yinger and you for the rest of your life." Feng Ziying looked at Yinger with a half-smile, which made the girl feel flustered.

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  (end of this chapter)

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