Number of People

Chapter 861: Good Times

  Chapter 861 The Good Times

  Blushing and looking at the door, Yinger pouted and said: "The girl said, she trusts the uncle, and the uncle will definitely make arrangements."

   "Just this one sentence?" Feng Ziying laughed and nodded, "It seems that I am so trustworthy in Sister Bao's heart, um, it seems that I really can't let your girl down."

   "Is there other meanings in saying this?" Ying'er became nervous, looking at Feng Ziying, her eyes were round and bright like a deer.

"What's the point of my master? It must be done in order to overcome all difficulties. Your girl trusts you so much, and I will never turn back and never give up." Feng Ziying teased the other party, "The key lies in the master. There are only ten days to go to Yongping Mansion to take office, so it is so urgent."

   Yinger suddenly became anxious, "Master, what should we do? The girl is seventeen this year. If the master goes to Yongping and doesn't come back for a year or so, what will the girl do?"

"That's why I want to do everything possible to overcome all difficulties and get this matter done before I leave." Feng Ziying nodded solemnly: "Go back and tell your girl, please rest assured, and agree It will definitely be done, well, if my wife here wants to see her, I will ask Baoxiang to come and talk to your girl,..."

   "Madam wants to see the girl?" Yinger was taken aback, "Then when...?"

"You don't need to make preparations. If my mother wants to see Sister Bao, Sister Bao can just find a reason to come to the house." There is an aunt here to help beat the side drums, and the mother is still a little hesitant. To make a good impression on her mother, Feng Ziying also felt that she was almost stable.

   After Ying'er left, Yu Chuan'er came in with her mouth raised, "Master, are Miss Xing and Miss Miaoyu coming in?"

   "Yu Chuan, what's the matter, you look unhappy?" Feng Ziying looked at Yu Chuan a little unhappy, and asked in surprise.

"Sister Ping'er just left this day, Ying'er came again, just after Ying'er left, Miss Xing and Miss Miaoyu came again, and Master is too..." Pouted, Yu Chuan didn't dare to say "Faxin "There are two words, but Feng Ziying understands it.

   It seems to be a little bit, but it's really always something to come to me, and I don't have much to do, but it makes this girl unhappy.

"Yu Chuan'er, I'm an honest gentleman, and I always talk about business matters." Feng Ziying explained helplessly, and Yu Chuan'er also ignored him with a cold face, "Slaves are not qualified to ask about the affairs of the master, and the master has no business with the slaves. Speaking of which, I just feel that Qingwen and Sister Yunshang have been serving the Lord for so long..."

  Feng Ziying suddenly realized that this was a disguised form of arguing for Qingwen and Yunshang, or a little bit of arguing for herself?

I guess I also heard that apart from Eryou, only Jin Chuan'er and Xiang Ling, two girls who had already been groomed by me, were allowed to follow him to Yongping Mansion, while Qingwen, Yunshang and she had to stay in the capital city. Not happy.

After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying said: "Yu Chuan'er, the young mistress is pregnant, Qingwen and Yunshang are familiar with each other, and you also know the young mistress' trust in Qingwen Yunshang, even the Shen family I didn't even bring my personal maid, so I must not be able to do without Qingwen and Yunshang,..."

"The servant girl can also go to Yongping to serve the Lord with my sister and Xiangling." Yu Chuan'er blurted out the words, and felt that she had exposed her true intentions after she said it. Girl, but Miss Miaoyu is not willing to marry into the mansion, so naturally there is no need for slaves to serve, slaves would rather serve the Lord."

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Oh, it turns out that Yu Chuan'er is considerate of Master, and Master almost misunderstood Yu Chuan'er's intentions."

  Yu Chuan'er twisted her body like a twist, lowered her head, and pinched the sweat towel between her fingers, "My servant is sixteen this year,..."

  Is this implying that she can pick this flower?

Feng Ziying also heard from Jin Chuan'er that with her big marriage and Daiyu's marriage, Yu Chuan'er may also have a sense of urgency, thinking that in the future, the grandma and maids in the mansion will become more and more beautiful. Many, worried that she would be sent out in the future, so Yu Chuan'er has been thinking about going to Yongping with her.

But when she heard that she didn't have her name in Yongping this time, Yu Chuan'er cried in the room, her eyes were swollen for two days, and she was in a sleepy mood. Yu Chuan'er exploded.

   After pondering for a while, Feng Ziying didn't know how to deal with this matter for a while.

  Yu Chuan'er is a lovely girl, and she is also clever in her work. Although she is not as capable and sharp as her sister Jin Chuan'er, she has a sense of innocence.

  Do you want her to follow Eryou? You San is not willing to be a personal servant girl. The second sister You chose a small maid, and it seems inappropriate for Yu Chuaner to serve You Er. Exaggerated.

"Yu Chuan'er, I'm going to Yongping to do business. The conditions there are not as good as those in the capital city. Besides, the young mistress is due to give birth in a few months. Qingwen and Yunshang must be so busy that they don't touch the ground. My aunt is going to Yongping with my master, who else is in this room?" Feng Ziying said patiently and gently: "I need someone to clean my study room here? This is where my master studies and thinks about things. I don't want other people to come and fix it, and besides Qingwen and Yunshang, there is no one else in the mansion who can reassure you more. Who else can I trust?"

   These words seem to be reasonable and logical, and they put themselves in the position of the caring person of the master in everything. Yu Chuan'er felt warm in her heart, and felt that she was thinking too much?

This inner study is naturally the most important place for the grandfather. Many of the precious and important things written by the grandfather are hidden here. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter, even the people around the wife are not allowed. Everyone knows it inside.

   Besides Qingwen and Yunshang, there is indeed no one in this mansion who can reassure the Lord more. If Qingwen and Yunshang need a helper, it seems that they can only do it by themselves.

  Thinking about it like this, Yu Chuan'er's raised mouth slowly relaxed, but she still couldn't put it down on her face, and her fingers were still twisting the sweat towel, refusing to speak.

   "Yu Chuan'er, come here." Feng Ziying smiled and said softly.

  Yu Chuan'er was startled, raised her head, and glanced at Feng Ziying. Yudi gradually turned red, even reaching her pink neck, and then stopped, hesitated for a long time, and then came back coyly.

A light blue sleeveless bi-armour skirt, a light blue teeth-cutting vest, cream poplin trousers, plain embroidered silk shoes, and a sweat towel around the waist. The whole body is refreshing and neat. The face of the duck egg on the face is crystal clear and clean, full of youthful vigor, apricot eyes, nose like onion, red lips, it is indeed a pure natural beauty embryo.

Seeing Yu Chuan'er slowly moving in front of her, Feng Ziying didn't do anything else to cross the line, but held the other's slender hand holding the sweat towel, and said softly: "Yu Chuan'er, all of you are grandpas." People around you are caring, so there is no need to worry too much, you should know how the Lord treats you,..."

  Yu Chuan'er felt warm in her heart, she nodded slightly, but said nothing.

"I'm going to Yongping this time. I don't know anything about the situation there, but the conditions must be very difficult, and it just so happens that the young mistress is pregnant again, so there must be someone to take care of her at home. It is said that your sister should be kept behind." , but Qingwen and Yunshang have been with the young mistress for a long time, and they are very familiar with each other, so Jin Chuaner will go with the master, and you have to play a role in taking care of both sides, so that the master will not worry,..."

  Hand held by Feng Ziying, Yu Chuan'er's body was a little limp, and she was dizzy, as if even her thinking was a little slow.

This is the first time that Grandpa is so close to her. Grandpa's breath lingers on her cheeks and neck with warmth, which makes Yu Chuan'er even more obsessed with it. It gets blurry.

Feng Ziying also noticed this, and just lightly kissed Yu Chuan'er on the cheek, and then pulled Yu Chuan'er to stand still in front of her, "Okay, I have made love to you, now I feel at ease ?”

Yu Chuan'er looked up at the other party's clear and gentle eyes, and nodded obediently: "The slave girl knows, don't worry, the young lady and the mansion, the slave girl will take care of everything with Qingwen and Yunshang. of."

  Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction, "Well, then, go and bring in the girls Xiuyan and Miaoyu."

  Looking at the slender figure of Yu Chuaner stepping out, Feng Ziying felt boundless emotion in her heart. How can He De enjoy the tenderness of a beauty so wantonly, and only in this era can he be so favored.

When Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu came in, Feng Ziying was still immersed in a certain mood and couldn't extricate herself, so that both Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu looked at the dazed and gentle expression of the master in front of them in confusion, um, This seemed to have never happened before, and it made Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu feel strange all over their bodies.

   "Miaoyu and sister Xiuyan are here?" Feng Ziying finally struggled out of the trance and regained her usual clarity, "I haven't seen Miss Miaoyu for a long time, should I move into the garden now?"

"I just moved in yesterday." Miao Yu felt very strange about Feng Ziying. She admitted that he was a very good and unique man, different from the men she had seen or even heard of, but their special relationship and Not much contact made her always full of an inexplicable emotion towards the other party, which even made her a little indescribably troubled and troubled.

  (end of this chapter)

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