Number of People

Chapter 871: You Shilu

  Chapter 871 Self-character scroll You Shilu

   Unexpectedly, Feng Ziying offered to go to the Acropolis to see it. The man in the general banner was really taken aback by Feng Ziying's magnanimity.

However, the horses these people ride are obviously suspicious. These horses are obviously good horses from the Western Regions. They are completely different from the Mongolian horses that are common here. Even in the army, they are extremely rare. There is such a horse, if you don't check it out, you can't justify it.

  Looking deeply at Feng Ziying, the man of the General Banner nodded expressionlessly, "That's fine, if you can explain the ins and outs clearly, this General Banner will naturally not make things difficult for you."

  After speaking, the man circled his horse and went straight to the Acropolis.

   Seeing a group of cavalry men staring at them, Feng Ziying said hello to Wu Yaoqing, who was rushing out, and they got back on their horses and followed the man.

  This is where the Acropolis is located, and there were so many people around who saw the previous scene, Feng Ziying was not afraid that the other party would kill and seize horses. If it was changed to a remote and uninhabited place, he would not dare to act rashly.

   Moreover, he could also see that the general flag was not the kind of arrogant and brainless person. Although he was a bit domineering, this was often the temperament of a man in the army, and those with a little personality often had some skills.

Looking at this guy's control over his group of soldiers, you can see that this guy is not an ordinary person. Feng Ziying also met the Yulin Army and the Datong Army during the Western Expedition to suppress the rebellion. The feeling of overkill.

The acropolis of Kaiping Zhongtunwei is not large. It seems that except for a few soldiers inside, the ordinary garrisons should live outside the acropolis, or they have been completely civilianized, and they are only slightly better than ordinary farmers. They farm like peasant households and have much more land than local peasant households, but instead of paying taxes, they have to undertake various corvees, especially those in the army, so it is hard to say that this is the case. Is it good or bad.

   Just before entering the Acropolis, a police whistle sounded in the entire Acropolis, and the soldiers in the entire Tunwei were running around and getting busy.

The General Banner, who was still a little careless, hurriedly left Feng Ziying and the others behind, leaving only a small banner with ten people who drove Feng Ziying and the others to a corner for surveillance. know exactly what happened.

  Feng Ziying was also taken aback. Could it be that he caught up with the foreign invaders just after taking office? And it also hit the Kaiping Zhongtunwei, which is equivalent to the rear, at once. What are the Santunying and Jianchangying doing there?

  Thinking about the behavior of the people outside the Acropolis just now, Feng Ziying doesn't quite believe that this is an invasion by foreign enemies, it's more like an emergency assembly.

  Could it be that Zhongtunwei often engages in this kind of emergency training?

It's just that at this time, people don't care about their own group. In addition to the nearly 100 cavalry quickly forming a team, at the other end, there are nearly 1,000 infantry soldiers who are also forming a team, but the speed and orderliness of this group of infantry soldiers The degree is obviously inferior to this gang of cavalry, which can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

   Soon, dozens of riders filed in from the west gate, and the next person with serious eyebrows and narrow cheeks straddled the horse first. Was it You Shilu or who could it be?

  Although Feng Ziying saw You Shilu, Feng Ziying did not greet him immediately, but waited until You Shilu got off his horse and inspected the soldiers in the Acropolis before raising his voice.

   Naturally, it was unavoidable to be in a hurry. You Shilu obviously knew Feng Ziying's current identity, so he congratulated Feng Ziying, and then let Feng Ziying into the main hall in the Acropolis.

  You Shilu also introduced the town coach of Kaiping Zhongtunwei, a guerrilla Du Shan, to Feng Ziying.

Only then did Feng Ziying know that You Shilu followed You Shigong to Jizhen, and You Shigong was appointed as the general soldier of Jizhen. Feng Road and Taiping Road are three routes of defense. This time I came to Zhongtunwei, and I came here for supplies and civilians.

Hearing You Shilu's introduction, Du Shan knew that this frighteningly young man was not only the new magistrate of Yongping Mansion, a fifth-rank official, but also the only son of the governor. This kind of father-son relationship with different identities made him Du Shan was also shocked.

  Before, the generals of Ji and Liao only knew that the only son of the Governor-General was compiled by the Imperial Academy, but they did not expect that in a blink of an eye, he would be released as the co-prefect of Yongping Mansion.

  Seeing this Du Gueran was very shocked, and Feng Ziying didn't take it seriously.

After all, there are too few situations like Feng Ziying who are out of high positions when they are under 20. In the eyes of military officers who are accustomed to fighting to the death, civil servants should be in their 30s and 40s before accumulating meritorious service and being promoted to such a fifth-rank university. Members come up.

Moreover, like Yongping Mansion, an important place in the capital, the folk customs are fierce, the law and order are not stable, and there are many disputes with the military. The well-known Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan came to take up the post.

But after thinking about it, this old man who is backed by the cabinet and the boss of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the father is the governor of Jiliao, it is more appropriate to choose him as the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion, at least to deal with many things Faster and more efficient.

  After talking for a while, Feng Ziying also knew that this person was also a second-generation official, the nephew of Du Song, the deputy commander-in-chief of Liaodong Town.

The situation in this army is different from that of local officials. Brothers who fight tigers, and father and son soldiers in battle, have always been inherited from their fathers and brothers. Therefore, it is very common for father and son brothers to be officials in the army. For example, You Shilu did not follow His brother came to Jizhen and served as the deputy general of the Chinese Association.

  After exchanging pleasantries, it was natural to have a banquet, and the banquet was also full of wine and chatter, and each of them did not mention it when they were happy.

  When the idlers and others escaped, only You Shilu and Feng Ziying were left, and the two of them said something about themselves.

"The situation outside the side wall is not very good. Lindan Batur's appetite is getting bigger and bigger now. It is estimated that the governor will find it difficult to satisfy his appetite." You Shilu showed a look of worry on his face, "I want everything, and my tone It is also getting more and more crazy, and from time to time, it expresses the intention of joining forces with Donglu, which makes the governor extremely angry."

   During this period of time, because Feng Ziying was busy with her own affairs, she had lost a lot of communication with her father. I don’t know how it’s only been a few months.

Last year, my father was still trying his best to win over the Chahar people, giving him what he wanted. Lindan Batur also cooperated very well. Nurhachi was forced to retreat from the Ula tribe, how long did it take, half a year, why did the wind direction change again?

   "What's wrong?" Feng Ziying asked thoughtfully.

"The governor tried his best to support the Yehe tribe, which aroused the vigilance of the Chahar people. They believed that the growth of the Yehe tribe would weaken their influence on the grassland. Moreover, the governor is making friends with the Horqin tribe. The Horqin people are not Like the previous two years, I flirted with Donglu, and I am still watching, which may have stimulated the Chahar people."

As a senior general in the army, You Shilu can still get in touch with some high-level decision-making intentions on the Liaodong side. In addition, his brother You Shigong is the commander-in-chief of Jizhen, second only to Feng Tang, so many things are naturally difficult. He doesn't shy away from his own brothers, so You Shilu also understands.

It was Feng Ziying who supported the father's support of Ye He's tribe, but Feng Ziying was a little surprised that the father of the Horqin people was also digging into the wall. It seems that the father was still influenced by himself, and he was not at ease with Lindan Batur. The situation outside the customs is more chaotic, and they are unwilling to let any one side dominate. This is the case for the Eastern Captives, and it is the same for the Chahar people.

   "So Brother You is worried that the Chahar people will provoke and go south?" Feng Ziying was keenly aware of You Shilu's purpose of coming to Kaiping Zhongtunwei to inspect the war supplies.

"Well, my brother is a little worried. The Chahar people are very strong. The Horqin people and the Khalkha tribes are nothing in front of them. The Yehe tribe dare not provoke them. If they want to go south, these tribes are nothing to them. It doesn't even have a restraining effect." You Shilu nodded, "Although the Mongolian right-wing tribes have a good personal relationship with the governor, they will never interfere in such a situation..."

When Feng Tang served as the commander in chief in Datong and Yulin, he had a good relationship with the Mongolian right-wing tribes. Whether it was the Tumed people, the Ordos people, or the Karaqin tribe (Yongxiebu tribe), they could all be friends. It turns out that most of the horses harvested every year are presented by the heads of these departments.

"Ji Town's jurisdiction is too wide, and the Chahar people are too powerful to swim. They can break through from any place. The only way is to prepare mobile forces. In addition, if possible, you can let the merchants enter the grassland. Even if you sell more things that the Chahar people need, go in and find out about the situation.” Feng Ziying said in a deep voice, “If the Chahar people want to move, there must be a preparation process, even if it takes three to five days, if we If you know it in advance, you can prepare for it.”

  You Shilu's eyes lit up, and then dimmed again, "There are people watching from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Long Banwei, which makes the merchants take the goods out of the customs. Ordinary things are looked down upon by the Chahar people, but the prohibited goods are..."

Feng Ziying nodded, "Don't take too much at a time, you can use the method of slow water and long flow to slow down the appetite of the Chahar people. As for Long Jinwei and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Long Jinwei probably needs Brother You to handle it himself, but I think the emperor should be able to understand, why don't Brother You make a secret report, as for the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the younger brother should send a letter to Master Qiao to explain the situation..."

  You Shilu was overjoyed.

There are merchants on the side of the Chahar people, but the Chahar people are now strictly checking, and the ordinary things will be handed over directly outside the pass, and the merchants are not allowed to go deep. Only urgent supplies and valuables are allowed to enter the inspection. The hinterland of the Hal people.

But the urgent supplies are almost all things that are not allowed to enter outside the customs. To enter the outside of the customs, you need to get a license from the governor's office, and there are many restrictions. I went over there, and the Chahar people have basically stopped now.

  (end of this chapter)

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