Number of People

Chapter 872: The Messy Grassland

  Chapter 872 The Messy Grassland

  However, what You Shilu is most happy about is the meaning expressed by Feng Ziying.

   That is, my elder brother can directly submit the secret book to the emperor.

As the commander-in-chief of a town, of course he has the right to submit a memorial to the emperor, but as Feng Tang's confidant, and now Feng Tang is his direct boss, if he bypasses Feng Tang and hangs up directly with the emperor, what will Feng Tang think? ?

   This is also the most troublesome thing for the eldest brother. If you report to the governor first, it means that the governor's office will do it for you. This is the most appropriate in theory, but...

There is no general who will always be content with the status quo. You Shigong, the chief soldier of Jizhen, is very clear that Feng Tang has quarreled with the court countless times in terms of agency and formal appointment. Li Rubai was going to be the chief soldier of Ji Town. If Feng Tang hadn't firmly supported You Shigong, the Li family would have gained a firm foothold in Ji Town.

Why is the emperor unwilling to agree with the elder brother to serve as the chief soldier of Ji Town? Isn't it because the emperor is not familiar with the elder brother and does not know the ability of the elder brother, and the Li family is clearly in danger in Liaodong, so the military department firmly opposes it, but the emperor Familiar, feel safe, still willing to use acquaintances.

You Shilu is aware of his elder brother's thoughts, his elder brother is gracious, and has no intention of departing from Feng Tang's intention of self-reliance, and the Governor-General has a close relationship with Chai Ke, the current left servant of the Ministry of War, and it has been rumored that Chai Ke may take over as Minister of the Ministry of War, Governor-General Your lord has this backing, plus this son, Mr. Qi Ge, Qiao Zuo, and others have the titles of teachers and students, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for my brothers to escape Feng's wings.

The elder brother just hopes to win the favor of the emperor through such a method, so that he can appear more in the emperor's sight. Although the elder brother is now in the army, the You brothers are very clear that the emperor does not trust his brother very much. However, the reason why You Shigong was finally appointed as the commander-in-chief of Jizhen was because of the strong support of the governor and Mr. Chai.

If something goes wrong in the future, just like facing the invasion of the Chahar people now, if there is a slight mistake, the court may take advantage of the situation and give you the gains of your decades of hard work, and if you are deeply favored by the emperor, No matter how big a mistake you make, you may be able to stand still by saying that you have committed crimes and made meritorious service.

  With the wisdom of the person in front of him, how can he not understand the meaning of giving the emperor a secret letter, but he still proposed it, which undoubtedly opened the door of convenience on behalf of his father, which naturally made You Shilu overjoyed.

  Of course Feng Ziying understood You Shilu's excitement and joy.

You Shigong is no longer the same You Shigong who was still serving as a subordinate to his father back then. Since he served as the chief soldier of Jizhen, he is no longer a pure subordinate. In a sense, he also possesses The strength of Kaifu Jianya.

Of course, in terms of the management system, he still has to follow his father, but seeing that his father is still serving as the governor of Liaodong, but he still serves as the commander-in-chief of Liaodong Town. He has no intention of resigning as the commander-in-chief. weight.

Allowing You Shigong to give up the right to report is actually just a superficial form. He has this right himself and is not bound by you as the governor. If you blindly suppress or restrain him, it will only make the original harmonious relationship sour. Feng Ziying also believes that My father wasn't so narrow-minded, but he didn't expect this to happen, and I brought it up for him, which would make a good relationship.

   Besides, if you don’t say anything, people won’t be playing secrets? Not playing today doesn't mean they won't do it in the future, so why bother?

  People cannot think too highly of themselves, let alone test their human nature in this way.

  When you have that strength, people will naturally think about how to deal with it. If you don't have that strength, if you want something strong, it will only make you laugh.

   "Third Brother, before Brother You goes to play the emperor, you might as well inform my father, I believe my father understands what Brother You means." Feng Ziying smiled and reminded me.

  You Shilu was even more pleased, "Well, I will remind the elder brother. But Ziying, the Metropolitan Procuratorate..."

   "Don't worry, Master Qiao still has the ability to control things, not to mention Mr. Zhang is also from Liaodong, he should know the priorities." Feng Ziying gave You Shilu a reassurance.

"Hey, don't dare to be careless." You Shilu was also quite emotional, "The Shi family is finished when they say it is over, and the Ma family is also in ruins. Those of us who have risen from the bottom have always envied the four kings, eight princes and twelve princes. The founding warriors, they are no better than us, at least they are the chief executives at the very beginning, unlike us, we have to sacrifice our lives for a hundred households, so our brothers are also looking forward to conferring wives and sons in the future, and fighting for a title , the children and grandchildren can start higher in the future, but I didn't expect the Metropolitan Procuratorate to come so ruthlessly, hehe, the Shi family and the Ma family are all princes, and they even pulled Governor Yun down, tsk tsk,... "

  Feng Ziying did not expect that the big action of the Metropolitan Procuratorate the year before last would have such a shock in the army, especially the handling of Shaanxi governor Yunguang, which was unprecedentedly severe.

   You must know that Yun Guang is not only a famous scholar who was born as a Jinshi in the North, but also a big official in the frontier. Just because it involved border affairs, the Shi family and the Ma family all came to be buried with him.

The You family has lived in Yulin for a long time and has a deep foundation. He naturally understands the power of Yunguang as the governor of Shaanxi. This kind of civil servant is basically a person who promises everything in Shaanxi. Members, all bowed their heads, but unexpectedly fell down and couldn't get up again.

   "Third brother, those are two different things, they are different." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Yunguang committed suicide and got involved in the export of military funds. He is obviously an enemy, and he encountered the Ningxia rebellion. Who will he fall for?"

"Hehe, Ziying, you're still young. If we don't take care of the food here, if we don't take care of the top and bottom one by one, maybe you're still drinking the celebration wine. Just broke in, who listened to what you said?" You Shilu also showed a bitter look on his face, "Even if you can make it clear in the future, you will be exempted from the official and jailed, and wait for your official to recover. You have a job, but the position is gone, maybe I will let you sit on a cold bench for a few years,..."

Feng Ziying can also understand that the competition in the army is more intense than that in the local area, and everyone is fighting for their lives, and they will not give up when it comes to the critical moment. You can get you out of any tricks, so this has to be done. See if you have a backer, after every battle, some people cry and others laugh, some lose their heads, and some get promoted.

   "No, now the emperor, the cabinet, and the Ministry of War all attach great importance to Liaodong, and all the princes in the court are like mirrors. As long as the situation is stabilized, nothing else will be a problem." Feng Ziying comforted the other side.

"Hey, Ziying's words are good, as long as the situation is stable, but this Lindan Batur has a treacherous mind, who knows what he wants to do, who knows where he will come in? Once he really fights in, this The situation..." You Shilu shook his head.

   "How is the situation at the Five Camps of Chaohua?" Feng Ziying asked after thinking about it.

The five major camps of fried flowers are the five tribes of Neikarka, which is also a troublesome place. The five tribes of Neikhaerka are north of the Chahar people and west of the Horqin people. Among them, the Zhalut tribe borders the Haixi Jurchen Yehe tribe , while the Wuqiyete Department borders on the Guangning side of the Great Zhou, and the other departments are all to the west. The most powerful of the five is currently the Hongji Department.

   "It's still the same, you don't accept me, I don't accept you, and you sing and I come on stage..." You Shilu couldn't help but use a joke to tease the tribes of Nekhka.

   "What is Lindan Batur's attitude towards them?" Feng Ziying asked again.

You Shilu saw that Feng Ziying was staring at the tribes of Nekhka, and his attitude became solemn, "Now Lindanbatur is trying to win over Zaisai from the Hongji tribe, but the asking price for Zaisai is very high. Lindanbatur has not yet make a decision."

Feng Ziying sometimes feels that the situation outside the pass is too chaotic. In the west half, there are Chahar people to the south, the five tribes of Inner Khalkha to the north, and Horqin people who seem to be sitting on the wall on the left and right; in the middle, to the south is the The Yehe and Ula tribes of the Haixi Jurchen are already controlled by the Jianzhou Jurchen in the north; to the east, the north and further east are the Jurchen tribes of the East China Sea. Giving up, the Jianzhou Jurchen soldiers are directly pointing to North Korea further east, so now the father is also trying his best to support Shuerhaqi and his son, hoping to regain the six forts of Kuandian and the initiative with North Korea.

On such a piece of land, there are countless forces in a mess, the Mongols, the Jurchens, the Great Zhou, and North Korea to the east, and the Mongols are divided into the Chahar people, the five tribes of Nekhalka, and the Horqin people. , Jurchen will be divided into Jianzhou Jurchen and Haixi Jurchen, and the Donghai Jurchen who is still not close to each other.

In such a chaotic scene, it is necessary to curb the expansion of the Jianzhou Jurchen, and to prevent the Chahar people from taking advantage of the opportunity. Hebu and Wulabu supported each other and had to consider all aspects, but with limited resources, it was really difficult for the old man.

   "Didn't Zaisai want to marry Yehebu's daughter? Yehebu and the Chahar people were at odds, which just led to Zaisai." Feng Ziying laughed.

"Hmph, Busia Mara is suitable, but who dares to marry? Zaisai has no confidence." You Shilu also laughed, "Zaisai fell in love with Jin Taiji's daughter Busula, Jin Taiji Still hesitating."

   "Oh? This Zai Sai still has self-knowledge, knowing that he has no ability to rule the world." Feng Ziying couldn't help smacking her lips when she thought of Busia Mara's deep eyes and strong and vigorous body.

"Hehe, Ziying, the Hongji assassination tribe has a little strength on the grassland, and even the Chahar people are far superior to them, so why talk about unifying the world?" You Shilu laughed and shook his head, "Do you have any good ideas? ?”

  (end of this chapter)

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