Number of People

Chapter 873: Tricky

  Chapter 873 Self-written scroll is tricky

  Feng Ziying pondered for a while.

  You Shilu didn't urge him either.

  He has known Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan since the suppression of the rebellion in Xijiang, and now Feng Tong knows him, and he also has an understanding of military strategy beyond his age, which is quite powerful.

"The people of Chahar are wolves. When a wolf grows up, it will eat meat sooner or later. Whose meat will it eat? Dazhou, Haixi Jurchen, Neikalkha and Horqin? Or Jianzhou Jurchen?" Feng Ziying said leisurely: "From now on Judging by Lindan Batur's actions, whether it is Neikalkha, Horqin or Haixi Jurchen, these meats are too thin and not worth eating. Jianzhou Jurchen is a little fatter, but this piece of meat is based on the degree of fatness It’s not as good as Da Zhou’s, and it still has some teeth, so what about Da Zhou?”

  You Shilu's face was a bit ugly, but what Feng Ziying said was the truth.

"Maybe in Lin Danbatur's eyes, Dazhou has a hard shell on the surface, but inside it is soft and plump meat. The hard shell is the Liaodong Town, Ji Town and Xuanfu Town Army backed by the Great Wall. This layer of hard shell, the fat inside will make the wolf's mouth full of oil, so even if it hurts and bleeds when tearing the hard shell, it is worth it."

Feng Ziying said indifferently: "We Han people are mainly farming and business people. They are different from those nomadic peoples who chase grass and swim in water all day long in the grassland and Gobi desert. We don't have an advantage in mobility. They can rely on a fixed defense system to protect themselves, but the area around them is too large, and it is difficult to cover all of these wolves' minions. Their mobility advantage can be brought into play in the face of our static defense. to the extreme,…”

"..., so in this situation, it is hard to hope that they will show mercy and not attack us. Instead, we are in the position of Lindan Batur, watching the poor and pitiful clansmen wandering here and there all day long. Hunger, but you can plunder rich gold, silver, food, salt, tea, cloth and people by crossing the Great Wall. Can you bear it? No. If you want to endure it, then Lindan Batur will not be able to sit firmly in this position , because he couldn’t find a way to fill his people’s stomachs, wear warm clothes and even have more gold, silver, silk, tea and servants, so he had to go south,…”

  You Shilu looked gloomy and sighed, "So...?"

"So throw away the illusion and get ready to fight. No matter what method and strategy we adopt to delay and block the Chahar people, it will be a drop in the bucket and will not solve the fundamental problem unless we can make Lindan Batur realize that this road to the south will pay. The price is too high, too big for him to bear, or he can find another alternative path, such as attacking Jianzhou Jurchen, but for now, Lindanbatur probably doesn't have the guts to challenge Nurhachi , and even if he dared to fight Qiufeng, the Jianzhou Jurchen, how could it be more lucrative to fight us Da Zhou?..."

  You Shilu nodded, Feng Ziying's words were simple and easy to understand, even a person who didn't read much could understand this truth.

The Chahar people have recuperated for so many years, and their strength is constantly expanding. This wolf is going to eat meat, whether it is Neikalka, Horqin, or Haixi Jurchen. It is not that the Chahar people do not want to eat their meat. But their meat is not fat enough, it is not cost-effective to beat them, and it is even less cost-effective to beat Jianzhou Jurchen. After all, the Dazhou in the east and south is the most cost-effective.

To a certain extent, Feng Tang's support to the Chahar people last year also stimulated Lindan Batur's appetite to a certain extent, but under such circumstances, Feng Tang had no choice. The task was to suppress the Jianzhou Jurchen, not to consider the threat of the Chahar people, but no one expected that the ambitions of the Chahar people would expand so quickly, not even Feng Ziying.

"Then Ziying, can you guess where the Chahar people will break through?" Knowing that this question is a bit naive, but You Shilu couldn't help asking, as his brother said, the rebellion in Ningxia Town had occurred as early as the incident. It was predicted by the person in front of me a few years ago, and this time the other party said it with certainty, so where the Chahar people will attack is a big problem.

From Xuanfu to Jizhen to Liaodong, anywhere within a distance of one or two thousand miles may be a breakthrough point, and it is even certain that as long as the Chahar people make an all-out assault, no place can resist it, because such a long line of defense, There are many places to break through, and the only way is to wait until the enemy bursts in, and deal with it as soon as possible to minimize the loss.

  And if you can predict and respond early, then you can fight this battle well.

"Third Brother, how can I predict such things?" Feng Ziying laughed dumbly, "Xuan Mansion, Ji Town, and Liaoxi Corridor are all possible, but I think that the north of Yongping and Shuntian Mansion are very likely, but Liaoxi Corridor Over there, with Lindan Batur's appetite, the possibility is slightly less, because there are really not many things worth grabbing."

   "Ziying, if you say that, the pressure on being a brother will be great." You Shilu smiled bitterly, "I bear the brunt of the three ways."

"No matter what, the third brother has to be prepared as a Chahar person just to break through from your side." Feng Ziying hesitated, "You might as well report this news to my father, if possible, you can report the news to Liaodong. The Firebolt Battalion formed by the side was transferred first, and I heard from my father that the formation of the Firebolt Battalion was relatively smooth, but if it does not go through several **** battles, no matter how good the Firebolt is, it will not be effective."

You Shilu couldn't help but shook his head, "Ziying, you can tell your father this, but how can we, who are subordinates, say it? There are clear instructions for the establishment of the Fire Gun Battalion to deal with the Eastern captives. I'm afraid it won't happen." It is allowed to be transferred to Ji Town."

"That's too narrow. The Jianzhou women are really the enemy. Are the Chahar people who want to invade the border not the enemy? It can be used to train soldiers." Feng Ziying also shook her head, "I don't think it hurts Lindan Batur. , I’m afraid that in the next few years, the Chahar people will be more dangerous than the Jianzhou Jurchen, of course, the Jianzhou Jurchen will be the biggest threat in the end.”

  Taking advantage of the drink, the two chattered for a long time about the topic of border affairs, and then slowly returned to the matter of Feng Ziying's appointment to Yongping Mansion.

"The situation in Yongping Mansion is not very good. The magistrate Mr. Zhu has been in poor health. He lives in a simple place. Bandits are rampant in Erqian'an and Funing in the north. Even Funing Wei has been attacked, and the post road has passed caravans. They all need a large group of armed guards to **** them, otherwise they will be easily attacked. From the second half of last year to March this year, the caravans coming from Liaodong have been attacked several times, and one of them was the caravan of Prince Yizhong. They robbed more than 180 pieces of high-quality leather goods, more than 100 roots of ginseng over 30 years old, a lot of gold dust, and 40 to 50 pairs of deer antlers. It is said that the loss exceeded 50,000 taels,..."

  Feng Ziying was surprised, how could the capital know nothing about such a big matter? How did You Shilu know such details?

Seeing Feng Ziying's eyes full of inquiry, You Shilu smiled secretly, "Brother, you are here as the commander of the garrison, don't you even hear this bit of news? As for why Prince Yizhong is unwilling to speak up, I don’t know about that brother, I only know that there is still a small amount of stolen goods, and I also got a few pieces of blue fox fur. When the time comes, I will send you two to Yongping Mansion, and you can also give it to my brother. The daughter-in-law made a neckerchief, by the way, why are you alone, there is not even a maidservant around you, it just so happened that my hometown bought a few maids and sent them to my elder brother and me, Suidehan, Mizhi's mother-in-law, a real Mizhi woman, after returning For my brother, I will choose two and send them to you,..."

  Feng Ziying hurriedly waved her hands and politely declined, "Third brother, you have no eyesight, follow me..."

   "Oh, I'm blind, did my brother bring those two back from Ganzhou?" You Shilu suddenly realized and understood.

   "Well, I have already become a concubine for my younger brother. She is from the Kongtong sect, so she happens to be able to protect my younger brother." Feng Ziying said calmly.

  You Shilu stopped persuading him.

  I stay in the Acropolis at night, and the Acropolis usually has receptions. For example, military officials or military officials who go in and out of Liaodong usually choose to stay in the Acropolis, so this guest room is quite decent.

  On the kang, the two white flowers rolled up and down,... It took a while before they calmed down.

  Third Sister You is still so unbearable to fight, but without Second Sister You today, Third Sister You seems to be more relaxed, but she was defeated within less than a stick of incense.

  Holding Third Sister You's plump body in her arms, Feng Ziying couldn't sleep.

In addition to the news that You Shilu brought about the possibility of the Chahar people robbing the border, You Shilu also introduced a lot about the situation of Yongping Mansion. They even dared to plunder the caravan on the post road, even the caravan of Prince Yizhong suffered a great loss here, but it was more or less inseparable from the army.

   It's one thing to be unwilling to help suppress a place, but it's another thing if you collude with bandits.

  But You Shilu was in charge of the middle road, while Prince Yizhong's caravan was robbed on the east road, which was Li Rumei's territory.

In addition to law and order, the serious disharmony between the military and the land is also a big problem. Taking Zhongtunwei as an example, there are already a large number of people gathered here, many of whom are displaced from various counties. With the current situation, the counties have complained for a long time, but they are powerless to change this situation.

   No wonder Zhu Zhiren can't afford to pretend to be sick. Faced with this situation, what can you do?

There is also a serious shortage of local infrastructure construction. Taking water conservancy facilities as an example, the embankments of Laoting Hulu River and Dingliu River have been in disrepair for a long time. When the upper reaches are flooded by heavy rain, the lower reaches are washed into white land. What used to be good fertile land is now barren.

  The same is true for the banks of the Luan River, which is not far from Qian'an County to the south of Jianchangying.

   Ask for a few monthly tickets.



  (end of this chapter)

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