Number of People

Chapter 874: Zizijuan dilemma

  Chapter 874 Dilemma of Zizi Scroll

The local farmers are forced to live in the reclamation area of ​​the army like Zhongtunwei, and the counties want to clean up the refugees, but they are blocked by the army. The water conservancy is not repaired, the law and order are not stable, the caravans are reduced, and the local gentry complains. What are you doing? Expect to be able to collect taxes?

You Shilu also specifically mentioned that the Huimin Salt Field in Pubo, south of Changli County, has also been abandoned, mainly due to the attack by bandits. It is said that the Japanese from the sea were harassed. They had already transferred the salt to the Si Yamen of Changludu and paid the salt field fee. The merchants were overwhelmed by the disturbance and had to withdraw, and the salt households scattered in all directions.

The re-opening of the Changludu Salt Envoy Division was suspended several times due to Japanese pirates’ harassment. Over time, the Huimin Salt Field disappeared, while a large number of private small salt fields took the opportunity to carve up the abandoned salt field by the sea. From then on, the entire Yongping Prefecture was private Salt Daxing.

  For this reason, Changlu patrol salt censor has sued Yongping Mansion, the Ministry of Households, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate several times, and the Ministry of Households also specially came to inspect, but they all ended in vain.

You Shilu also mentioned that because of the ferocious Japanese pirates, it was difficult for the local officials to catch the heads of the government. The Ministry of Households also specially connected with the Ministry of War and Jizhen. He hoped that the garrison of Jizhen could help wipe out the Japanese pirates. However, the Japanese pirates came from the sea and came and went without a trace. However, Ji Zhenjun didn't have much mind to take care of this kind of nosy matter, so he came here twice and the matter was settled, but it didn't help.

   But what makes Feng Ziying very curious is that the activities of Japanese pirates have been decreasing in recent years. More importantly, Japanese pirates rarely appear in the area north of Denglai. This may not be well understood by others. Feng Ziying has been dealing with maritime merchants for a long time, and naturally she is very clear.

Huimin Salt Fields like this one, which has repeatedly concentrated fire in Pubo, is just a mere salt field, and the salt in the salt field must have sufficient sales channels to realize it. Could it be that the Japanese pirates are so entangled here, just for the sake of it? No matter how you look at it, snatching salt looks like the actions of private salt dealers? This is a bit strange.

   From all the circumstances, the situation in Yongping Mansion is not optimistic, and the position of the prefect is not easy for me, but I don’t know what the prefect Zhu thinks. Could it be that he can’t afford to be sick all the time? If this continues, I am afraid that the court will lose its patience.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying was also a little uneasy.

  Sister You, who was beside her, also felt her man's emotional changes, but it was not her turn to intervene in this kind of matter. All she could do was to please him on the bed and protect his safety off the bed.

  It is very rare for her own man to have such a situation. She used to see Feng Ziying calmly and calmly. She had never been helpless, but tonight, she felt that the man was a little uneasy.

   "Msanggong, is the matter here in Yongping difficult to handle? The slave family has never seen such a difficult situation with Xianggong."

  Seeing that Third Sister You's gray-blue eyes were kind of flattering, her cheeks were as pink and tender as snow, her lips were as hot as fire, and she walked down that beautiful white swan-like pink neck, huge and round,...

The slender and fit jade legs of two days have the firmness and elasticity unique to mixed-race girls. In addition, they are still practicing swords and martial arts tirelessly all day long. Even Feng Ziying doesn't understand why the third sister You is not as good as the second sister You in the bed. many.

"There are indeed some troubles. It can be said that there are long-standing problems. The army and the land are not peaceful, the law and order are not stable, the tax and labor are uneven, and the water conservancy is not repaired. No wonder they don't want to come here. Even the teacher advised me not to come to Yongping." Feng Ziying laughed at herself and said, "I'm jumping into the quagmire myself."

"There must be some reason why Xianggong chose Yongping Mansion, right?" Third Sister You naturally couldn't think so far, "The army and the land are not peaceful and the law and order are not stable. Father-in-law is the governor of Ji Liao, and Lord You is the commander-in-chief of Ji Town. Disharmony should not be a problem, and you can ask them for help if the law and order are not stable."

"It's true, they can help, but this help is also temporary. If the fundamental problem is not solved, I'm afraid it will be difficult to rely on the identity of the father." Feng Ziying knows that the identity of the father can be used once or twice. , but if it is used too much, it may cause a rebound, and he will not do that.

  I am a co-prefect of Yongping Prefecture, so I should look at and deal with these issues from the standpoint of a prefect of the same prefecture. In a word, I should deal with them according to the existing rules and procedures, instead of blindly using personal connections and favors.

I feel that I can't help, and Third Sister You is also a little lost. In Feng Ziying's eyes, it is also a little funny. These things are difficult for me, and I have to sort out the clues slowly before I can be targeted. Taking measures, other people can't easily catch up, let alone Third Sister You?

  However, Third Sister You's concern still moved Feng Ziying a little.

  He is more and more aware of the tolerance and differences between himself and others towards the women around him, and he is also subtly changing their mentality.

  Just like other men in this era who marry wives and take concubines, how can they talk about these words with their wives and concubines about official affairs? If you ask a few more questions, the women will probably be reprimanded, but he never hesitates to communicate with them.

  Even if they can’t really help, at least it can make them feel their own respect, which is very helpful for getting closer to each other and shaping their personality.

  Feng Ziying doesn't want the women around her to become mere sexual tools that lack personality, self-esteem and thought and soul. That would be a pity for these intelligent and virtuous girls.

  A woman with a thoughtful soul is the most interesting woman, not a purely Israeli servant, and I don't even bother with such low-level needs.

Feng Ziying sensed the loss of Third Sister You, and said in a gentle voice: "Sister San, when I go to Yongping Mansion, I must move some people. At that time, some people will definitely jump over the wall. Yaoqing recruited some people to come, but they I can only guard the outside. When I get to the inner courtyard, I have to rely on you. I don’t have that much energy to ask these questions. In the future, your burden will not be light. In the future, I can only sleep with you in my arms. .”

   Slightly ridiculed and ridiculed, but it was telling the truth, which was particularly pleasing to Third Sister You's ears.

To be honest, after learning that Feng Ziying was going to marry her second wife, both sisters of the You family were under some pressure, and the second sister You was even more focused on using the time before Xue Baochai married in to conceive a child. Third Sister You was even more uneasy.

Compared with the second sister's gentleness and flattery in bed, the third sister You knows that she is far inferior to the second sister, but if the Xue family sisters marry in, the Lin family sisters will also marry in two years later. Counting Qingwen, Yunshang, Jin Chuaner, Xiangling and even the future Yinger and Zijuan, there are enough women around the master.

  So Third Sister You is also feeling a lot of pressure. I can't compare with the women of my husband-in-law in any aspect. Will I be left out more and more in the future? What should I do?

But what my husband said today made Third Sister You very happy. I may not be able to compare with other wives and concubines of my husband in other aspects, but in terms of martial arts and security guards for my husband, I am unparalleled Advantages, maybe my own advantages are not prominent in the capital city, but once I leave the capital city, especially the husband has to do big things, then this kind of security protection is very important, but I can best protect myself .

   "Don't worry, my master, even if I give up my own life, I will protect my master's safety..."

"Hey! Don't say such unlucky words. Both you and I will be safe and sound. I still hope that you two sisters will give birth to a boy and a half girl for you during the past few years in Yongping Mansion. Well, how about Just start working hard now..."


  Amidst the laughter,..., the neck-to-neck effect is like a mandarin duck, and the brocade quilt turns red.

   On the second day, Feng Ziying and his party bid farewell to You Shilu and set off for Lulong via Luanzhou.

   There are more than two hundred miles, if you hurry up, you can still catch up.

  Feng Ziying had no intention of rushing this way, and chose to drive slowly, just in time to take a look at the situation from Kaiping Zhongtunwei to Luanzhou.

  While waiting for a boat at the Shahe Ferry, Feng Ziying also casually asked how the porters on the pier were doing.

   Looking at the hungry faces, Feng Ziying also felt a little emotional.

In theory, both sides of the Shahe River should be the boundaries of Luanzhou, but the west of the Shahe River seems to have become the sphere of influence of Kaiping Zhongtunwei, or many households simply go west, abandoning the land here, and go to the Tunwei side Renting land can also save a lot of trouble and taxes.

   All the way to the east of Shahe, close to Luanzhou City, the pedestrians on the road and the farmland beside the post road have a bit of color.

   "Invitation, the situation in Luanzhou is not very good."

"My lord, Luanzhou is not bad. Qian'an and Funing in the north, Changli and Leting in the south are not as good as here. Look at this huge land, five counties and one prefecture, but only thirty or forty. It has a population of 10,000, including the Tunwei family members, but if it is placed in the south of the Yangtze River, there will be more than one Yongping mansion in every county,..."

Wu Yaoqing shook his head, "I also said that there are many refugees in the Northland, so there is less land for reclamation in these places? We have traveled all the way, and there are many deserted lands. What is the reason? I am afraid that the adults know better than us. I'm afraid there are some reasons why the Northland is so depressed, but we can't figure it out."

   What else could be the reason? Taxes and labor are heavy, debts are increasing, law and order is not stable, and all these have to fall on the mud-legged people. Can the big gentry still bear it?

   It’s just that this kind of truth has to be said to be blunt, I’m afraid it’s just a statement, and the sentence of governing the world with a scholar-bureaucrat is a golden rule, who dares to question it? Even Feng Ziying does not dare to challenge this now. She can only hope that the changes in productivity and production relations will realize the change of industry and class, and finally achieve the goal.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying was silent, Wu Yaoqing didn't say much.

  The group of people stepped into Luanzhou City as the night was approaching.

  (end of this chapter)

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