Number of People

Chapter 876: self word roll

  Chapter 876 Arrival

   From Luanzhou to Lulong, it basically goes up along the Luan River.

   Walking this way, it can be seen that this line should be the most affluent area in Yongping Prefecture.

There are hundreds of miles away from the northern side wall. The Qinglong River flows into the Luan River on the edge of Lulong County. The abundant water source and the formation of fertile and fertile alluvial plains and valleys make both sides of the Luan River and the Qinglong River called the The fertile land of Yongping Prefecture.

   Along the way, Feng Ziying was thinking about what to do when he took office. He didn't have much time. According to his prediction, three to five years might be the most likely, and it would not exceed five years.

Although according to the regulations of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is an exam every three years, and promotion can only be discussed after three exams, but that is the normal accumulation of qualifications and promotion of political achievements, which is not applicable to me, and even the vast majority of officials with Jinshi background It is impossible to be like this, and it is not uncommon for one liter in two years and two liters in five years.

   This is also the biggest advantage of being a Jinshi.

  Feng Ziying couldn't stay here for nine years, he didn't have that much time, and Master Qi and Master Qiao wouldn't let him stay here for nine years.

   If Master Qi and Master Qiao are to be able to speak for themselves in recommending themselves in the future, they need to show decent political achievements, which is also the path that Feng Ziying has already determined.

The reason for promoting the cooperation between Shanxi merchants, Cantonese merchants and Haitong Yinzhuang is to build this coal-iron complex in Yongping Prefecture. In addition to promoting the development of the coal and iron industry in the north, it is also to a large extent borrowing from Yongping Prefecture. Use this platform to give yourself political achievements.

   But now it seems that this situation may not be as optimistic as I thought before, and it can even be said to be much worse than I predicted.

  First of all, the huge risk that the Chahar people might want to invade the south is like a boulder hanging above their heads, which can fall down at any time and smash everything they have done.

Whether it is Qian'an or Lulong, they are directly facing the impact once the line from Xifengkou-Lengkou-Taolingkou-Shimenkou is broken through. If you look at the dense barriers and camps along this line, you should be clear about this. What a lot of pressure the front line is facing.

  I have worked so hard to build it, maybe the Chahar people can pick up peaches from the ground with an easy breakthrough, and even smash everything to pieces.

  Secondly, the spread and rampantness of the White Lotus Sect has also exceeded expectations. Not only are there counties in Luanzhou, Lulong, Leting, and Changli, but even the Jizhen army may be involved.

  When Feng Ziying learned of this situation, she almost felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

  The third is the disrepair of water conservancy facilities and roads. The relationship between the gentry and the government is not harmonious.

To a large extent, these matters cannot be handled by the county-level government alone. They all need the assistance and support of the gentry from all over the country. These factors may more or less make the administrative operation of Yongping Prefecture not so smooth. I don’t know Is this the main cause of Zhu Zhiren's illness?

As for disharmony between the military and the land, rampant banditry, lack of education, poor trade routes, and business failures, those are trivial things, but if these small things are combined, they will also have a negative impact on the above-mentioned aspects. It becomes a vicious circle that is difficult to escape.

  These problems plagued Feng Ziying all the way until she entered Lulong County, where the government is located.

  Because Feng Ziying and his party didn't ask anyone to go to the front station, but came in low clothes, so they didn't disturb anyone, and they went directly to the government office.

  Yongping Fuya is located on the top of Pingshan Mountain in the old city. The old city here refers to the ancient Pingzhou City. There is a Jianqu in front of the gate and a plaque of "Gubeiping". There are two huge archways on both sides of the plaque, standing majestically.

  There are inscribed plaques on each of the archways. The east plaque is inscribed "East to Liaohai", and the west plaque is inscribed "Xigong Shenjing".

  Feng Ziying didn't go in immediately, but walked around outside the door and observed the situation of the entire government office, which was quite satisfactory.

Inside the Halberd Gate is the Yimen Gate, and outside the Halberd Gate, Jingshan Pavilion and Shenming Pavilion are facing each other. Looking inside, the Yimen Waiyin Hotel and the Tushen Temple are far away from the row of houses on the west side of the Halberd Gate. I don't know what it is, but looking inward from the front, the palace hall can be seen faintly.

  Wu Yaoqing and Baoxiang had already circled the horses to one side, the pegs were polished and slippery, and there were some horse manure around them, and the two ancient locust trees were also sprawling, probably more than a hundred years old.

   "My lord, do you need to report?" Wu Yaoqing asked softly seeing that Feng Ziying still felt unfulfilled.

  Feng Ziying was about to strike up a conversation, but saw two characters who looked like scribes walking out of the Yimen, with a bit of aggrieved faces on their faces.

   "Master Fu Zun is like this all day long, doesn't he know that Master Tongzhi is coming soon? If Master Tongzhi finds a reason to refer to him, he will never even think about becoming an official."

"What do you know? Don't you know who Master Tongzhi is? Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan in the capital city, a second-class Jinshi, or a concubine. It is said that even the emperor has personally summoned him. Why did you come to our Yongping mansion to be one?" Tongzhi? Do you know?"

The gray-clothed man in green shirt dismissed him, "What about the second-class Jinshi? The hairy phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. If you come to Yongping, I don't think it will take long before you will be disgraced and shrunk like your master." Neck dawdling."

"You know what!" Another man, who was shorter but more flexible, had a disdainful expression on his face, "You still claim to be well-informed, and you don't even know who Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is, right? Do you understand, the old man of Qige, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials? Do you think he doesn’t understand these people’s sophistication? Let me tell you, he’s just here to make a splash, and maybe he’ll go to a better place next year. Fu Zun is at odds? Can't everyone make do with it like this?"

   "Then we are the only ones who suffer." The man in the blue shirt sighed, "Seeing that the door is empty, few people come to the door, and the higher-ups are pressing hard. How do you think this day is going?"

"What are you afraid of? The sky is falling and there is a man standing tall, you are a **** in the money and food department, what kind of mind are you?" came on me?"

"That's not the way to say it. I didn't see Mr. Tongsan getting old in the past two years. Isn't that why he was forced to look like this? He treated me well, and I wanted to contribute to him. However, I can't do it. Sighing sadly." The man in the blue shirt shook his head, "Let's go, go to my room today and have a drink or two..."

  The two went out, leaving only Feng Ziying and Wu Yaoqing on the side.

  Feng Ziying looked at the two people who were going away with great interest.

He can roughly judge the identities of these two people. The man in the blue shirt should be the **** of the household money and grain department. But the power is huge.

Wu Yaoqing's eyes were also a bit deep. It seemed that the Yongping Mansion was not peaceful. The prefect Zhu's life was not easy. Even the officials were not optimistic about the new fellow. Not optimistic, this is very tasteful.

   "Yaoqing, do you hear something?" Feng Ziying asked leisurely.

   "Hey, the Yongping Mansion is not peaceful." Wu Yaoqing used a playful accent to raise his voice, "However, the adults are confident, if not, how can they show their abilities?"

"Hehe, I wear your high hat well, I'm afraid that the higher you hold it, the worse you will fall." Feng Ziying didn't care, "Baoxiang, report it for me, I should also go see the lord grown up."

Tongzhi is the second official, so there is no need to have so many rules and etiquette like the chief official's appointment. The staff and gentry have to go outside the city gate to greet, bathe, sacrifice, and so on. , although I don't say that you can come here at will, but as long as the official documents are ready and the investigation is correct, you can take office immediately.

Moreover, in theory, all the officials, officials, and servants in the government office are only responsible to the magistrate. This "top leader" responsibility system is more prominent in this era, so it is really difficult for the second official to be lazy if he does not want to make progress. easy.

  Baoxiang quickly sent the famous assassin in, and after a while, several people came out, and the government office became restless like a stabbed hornet's nest.

When he came out, he was a thin man with thin eyebrows and narrow eyes, a face full of misery, and a wisp of beard under his jaw. Standing beside him was a middle-aged man who was a head taller than him, with piercing eyes, sizing up Feng. Ziying and Wu Yaoqing.

   "The manager of the subordinate experience department, Zhao Liheng, has met the adults."

   "The governor of the experience department, Yuan Tan, has met your lord."

  One is thin and the other is burly, and they complement each other, but the thin one is experience, and the burly one is the governor.

If a Yongping Mansion is equivalent to a prefecture-level city in later generations, such as Tangshan City, then the Experience Department is basically equivalent to the Fuya Li, which is the office in the municipal government. Well, of course they are combined into one, what about experience? , which is equivalent to the director of the office, the eighth rank, and the governor is the deputy, the deputy director, and the ninth rank.

   "Exemption." Feng Ziying raised her hand, and looked at the two of them up and down.

  Wu Yaoqing gave Feng Ziying the list of officials in the Yongping Mansion, and there will naturally be two of them as the experience department.

  According to the regulations of the Great Zhou Dynasty, all officials are subject to the avoidance system. All officials from the ninth rank and above need to avoid their nationality, and the limit is limited to the province, but the north and south Zhili are bounded by the prefecture.

   Of the two, Zhao Liheng is from Taiyuan, Shanxi, while Yuan Tan is from Hejianfu.

   "Is your lord in the mansion?" Feng Ziying asked openly.

   "Master Fu Zun is in the back hall, and the humble official has already reported to Lord Fu Zun." The surname Zhao's tone was very respectful, "Master Tong Zhi can follow the humble official into the mansion to pay homage."

  (end of this chapter)

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