Number of People

Chapter 877: The look and feel of the scroll

  Chapter 877 The impression of the self-written scroll

  When meeting the prefect Zhu Zhiren, Feng Ziying also observed him carefully.

  Feng Ziying said that the other party was old, frail and weak, and he didn't believe it at all.

  Although this person is in his fifties, his face is fair and rich, and his eyes are extraordinarily energetic. Although he looks sick, his speech is clear and orderly.

  This person has served as the magistrate in Yongping Prefecture for more than four years and almost five years. If there is no accident, he will either retire or transfer after more than a year.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that this person can still be promoted. This kind of situation is not uncommon. Things that are not related to his political performance happened frequently in the Zhou Dynasty, and it is difficult for you to use a unified and standardized standard to evaluate.

"Ziying, Dongxian and Zishu have written to me before you came, and even brother Boxiao wrote to me to praise Ziying's talent. I am very happy in my heart. The situation in Yongping Mansion must be Ziying has also heard about it, and she is not optimistic. This government has been an official here for almost five years. The people here are fierce and cunning, and because of my health, I often suffer from dizziness and am bedridden, so I have delayed my official business. ,..."

  The half-truth and half-false introduction also contained a little self-blame. Of course, Feng Ziying could only listen and could not say a word.

   "..., Ziying is here, she should let go and work hard, there are many cunning officials in the mansion, Ziying also needs to be careful, and there are two judges and officials in the mansion, Ziying should work together,..."

   After chattering for a long time, serving tea to the guests, Feng Ziying left.

  The next step is to meet with colleagues.

Tongpan is the No. 3 person in the Fuzhong, who is equivalent to in charge of food, water conservancy, river and other affairs. Status and responsibility depend more on the attitude of the second division, but there are no second divisions in the northern Zhili prefectures, so it is more determined by the prefect.

The duties of the Tuiguan are more clearly defined, which is to be in charge of the criminal name affairs, but the prefect needs to personally decide when the lawsuit is involved, and the specific investigation and arrest includes the criminal chamber in the Fuzhong, the prison secretary, and the criminal chambers of the counties, so it is mainly to assist the prefect in reviewing various criminal cases. Case, in case the magistrate decides the case.

In addition to the most important general judgment and promotion of officials, the next is various officials from the Experience Division, Zhaomo Institute, Prison Division, Confucianism Officer, Tax Division, Miscellaneous Bureau, Hebo Office, and Inspection Division. Everyone came to see each other one by one, and Feng Ziying naturally had to speak one by one. This was also explained by Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia before coming.

After all, it was the first time for Feng Ziying to go out as an official, and she came to the government all at once. It can be said that she wanted to deal directly with the lowest-level officials. Besides, you are well-planned and far-reaching, but when you encounter these lowest-level daily chores, it is completely difficult to deal with them. It's another matter, the world is inevitable, and if you don't understand the importance of subordinate officials and subordinates in such places, you will definitely suffer a lot in the future.

Feng Ziying naturally understands the truth. At any rate, he was a cadre from the villages and towns in his previous life, and he knows the interests of low-level officials well. The essence hasn't changed much.

  When Feng Ziying left the inner hall, Zhu Zhiren slowly picked up the teacup and took a sip. He didn't raise his head, and he lost the previous kindness and kindness.

   "Zeren, how do you feel?" Putting down the teacup, Zhu Zhiren raised his head slightly and returned to his normal state.

   Regarding Dong Weng's changes, the middle-aged scribe who had moved from behind to the opposite lower right was also pondering, as if he felt that this question was a bit difficult to answer.

"Why, it's hard to answer? I still don't understand it?" Zhu Zhiren's mouth twitched slightly, intriguing, "If it's really a simple character, how can he make such a name as Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, dare to single-handedly enter the hinterland of the Tumote people? Dare to risk the great evil of the world, oh, dare to risk the great evil of the North, and push forward the great plan to open the sea?"

"Dong Weng also thinks he can't see it through?" The middle-aged scribe raised his eyebrows, "Looking at Dong Weng talking with this son, he didn't speak many languages, pretending to listen, but in fact he had made up his mind long ago, his eyes were calm, But there is no impatience at all, from what I see, he seems to be a tough-tempered person."

"Only a tenacity can be praised by Dongxian and Zishu? Brother Boxiao's praise in the letter is nothing new. The strategy of opening the sea is not new. The key lies in how to balance it and how to refine it to a specific strategy. If there is no Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia for the support of Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, and it happens to meet the emperor's intentions and catch up with the Ningxia rebellion, hum, no matter how beautiful the wish is, it can only be shelved in the pile of old papers in Wenyuan Pavilion."

   Zhu Zhiren sneered.

   "According to Dongweng's opinion, this son has gained a false name, and is too embarrassing to use in practice?" The middle-aged scribe was surprised.

"That's not the case. Although Qiao Qi and others promoted it and got the emperor's hand-picked appointment, the specific strategy still has to admit that this son's ability is not new, and the sea tax is also what it should be, but this The setting of the franchise fee and the annual bidding are ingenious. This Dongfan Reclamation is a stroke of genius. It can perfectly combine the salt business and the reclamation, and capture the Longyou merchants, the Anfu merchants and all the Yangzhou salt merchants. In the bag, I have to take it."

Zhu Zhiren couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, "It is said that there are upright people in the north, but I didn't expect that there would be a scholar who is so proficient in economics and flexible. It's really rare. No wonder Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia They treated him like a wall, and they did not hesitate to suppress the voices of the northern scholars and sent him here to avoid the limelight."

   "Dong Weng, are you just avoiding the limelight?" The middle-aged scholar smiled.

"Hehe, Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia are also very confident in him, and Dongxian and Zishu also think that this son is extraordinary, but his political excellence does not necessarily reflect his ability to deal with the officials and gentry below him. On the top, without ten or eight years of polishing down below, who dares to say that he really understands the rules in our land of Dazhou?"

  Zhu Zhiren's harsh words made the middle-aged scholars frown a little. Obviously, Dong Weng may be optimistic about the future of the new acquaintance, but he is not optimistic about the other's tenure in Yongping Mansion.

   "How much influence does the plan to open the sea have on our Yongping Prefecture? It is indeed courageous to venture into the grassland alone, but what's the point in our place?" Zhu Zhiren further asked.

"Dong Weng, what you said is biased. Master Tongzhi is the only son of the governor of Jiliao. We Yongping and Jizhen have many conflicts and quarrels. Don't you also hope that someone can solve this knot?" Middle-aged scribe Somewhat surprised.

   "If Feng Ziying is useless even for this, how dare Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia put him in Yongping? Wouldn't it be better to go to Ningbo Mansion or Baoding Mansion?" Zhu Zhiren sneered.

"Ah? You mean that Master Tongzhi could have gone to Ningbo Mansion? Then why didn't he go?" The middle-aged scribe was taken aback. This Ningbo Mansion was much better than Yongping Mansion in every aspect, and Ningbo The establishment of a city shipping department is exactly where Feng Ziying's political achievements lie. Any fool knows that he should choose Ningbo Prefecture.

"Hehe, Zeren, have you forgotten what this little Feng Xiuzhuan is called?" Zhu Zhiren chuckled, "Young scholar leaders in the Northland, even our Huguang talents Yang Wenruo (Yang Sichang) and He Mengzhang (He Fengsheng) want to Let him be a little bit, he was scolded so badly by the scholars in the north, why did he go to Ningbo? Let Jiangnan sing praises for him? Then how will he gain a foothold in the north in the future, and how will he return to the court in the future? I'm afraid that even Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia won't be able to protect him. If he goes to Ningbo and does nothing, it will be a quarrel, people hate dogs, and he will become anticlimactic? Do you think he will tolerate this with Feng Ziying's temperament?"

  The middle-aged scholar suddenly realized, "So this son came to Yongping and we have to work hard without being lonely. Isn't this what you mean?"

"I also hope that he will do a lot of work. He has Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia behind him, and his father Feng Tang. It would be a pity not to use up such resources, but I am also worried that he will be too impulsive and aggressive. Haste makes waste." It’s counterproductive.” Zhu Zhiren’s tone became calmer, “Besides, he’s just here, Zeren, you know the situation in our prefecture and counties is complicated. It hasn't been a year or so, how can I get started?"

   "What does your lord mean..." The middle-aged scholar hesitated.

"Let's take a look first. Whether it's a mule or a horse, you have to take it out for a walk. This little Feng Xiuzhuan has such a great reputation. I really don't want him to waste his name. I also like some of the surprises he brought me. I don't hesitate to support him, and I can win face in front of Qi Qiao and the two of you. When Dongxian and Zishu ask, I can also have an explanation. It's up to him to go, anyway, he has two Qi Qiaos to endorse him, so it's a big deal to change places."

  Zhu Zhiren's calm tone was still somewhat disbelieving in the middle-aged scholar's ears.

He knew that Dong Weng himself had endured it for so long, and he probably wouldn't just end up in the position of magistrate of Yongping Prefecture. They all said that he was waiting to be an official, but if he really wanted to be an official, why bother with Guan Yingzhen, Chai Ke and Zheng Jizhi maintain such close ties with the big men from Huguang and central China. How could they attach so much importance to Guan Yingzhen, Chai Ke and others?

Besides, my Dong Weng is also from a poor family. Now he has one wife and six concubines. The two concubines only gave birth to two young sons two years ago and last year. As for Enyin, how could he be willing to resign from office?

  Looking at what I said to myself today, which one looks like I want to become an official? It's nothing more than putting hope, but also worrying that the expectation will be too high and the disappointment will be greater. He still said such things in front of himself that even he himself didn't believe. Hey, this Dong Weng also put in a lot of painstaking efforts.

  (end of this chapter)

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