Number of People

Chapter 879: Self-written test

  Chapter 879 Exploration of Self-written Scroll

  Feng Ziying's solo visit was within Zhu Zhiren's expectation.

  As his deputy, if he can't get his own support, it will be much more difficult for this co-prefect than the two second assistant officials, Tongju and Tuiguan.

  Because according to the regulations of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the general judges are in charge of grain transportation, horse administration, and water conservancy.

For a border area like Yongping Mansion, grain transportation needless to say, the rice, wheat, silk cloth, and horse grass shipped from Liaodong every year must be sent to Liaodong. This is the most important task of Yongping Mansion every year. , It can be said that if this matter is not done well, then from the prefect to the general judge, they may be directly dismissed from office, and if they delay the battle, they may even be sentenced to prison.

Because of the importance of the work in charge of the general judgment, the duties of the general judgment of all the prefectures under the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty are clear and unmistakable, that is, Tian Fu, um, that is, from the time of collection to the province every year, whether it is sent to Beijing, or transported to the capital. Either way, this is the first in the world.

  So even the magistrate will not easily interfere with the duties of the general judge, unless the general judge has obvious dereliction of duty.

As for horse administration, it may not be so important in the south, but it is indispensable for border towns like Yongping. Although the situation of raising horses varies from place to place, the horses raised may not be able to become war horses in the army. However, horses are indispensable as a logistical supply.

   Needless to say, water conservancy is directly related to the annual land tax payment, which is also very important.

  Because of the particularity of the general judgment, the magistrate of a prefecture often relies heavily on the general judgment. If the general judgment is not effective, the magistrate often has to spend several times his energy to personally handle these matters.

  The situation of pushing officials is also similar, of course, it cannot be compared with Tongju in terms of status and importance.

  As a general judge in one prefecture, the main duty is to review the lawsuit and come up with opinions, and make a judgment basis for the verdict of the magistrate.

  This matter is not unimportant. Among Gein’s main responsibilities as the magistrate, other matters can be entrusted to deputy officials such as co-prefects, general judges, and officials to handle other matters. Only the litigation and trial cannot be left to others.

   That is to say, Tongzhi can replace the magistrate to handle any affairs under certain circumstances, but only litigation and trial cannot.

Of course, this is only a stipulation in the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is not the case in actual operation. Many of the same prefects are entrusted by the prefect to conduct trials. Of course, in most cases, litigation decision is still the most important job of the prefect, and it will not be easy to leave Manpower, this also shows the importance of the affairs to be handled by the pusher and the particularity of his status.

  The responsibilities of judges and officials are quite clear, and even the magistrate cannot change them at will. That is to say, he has a clear job.

  But Tongzhi is different.

Tongzhi, as the second official next to the prefect, his clearest duty is to assist the prefect in dealing with the affairs of the prefect. Just stay where you are cool.

  Of course, there is one more duty of the co-presbyterian, that is, the Qing army.

  What is the Qing Army? The full name is to clean up military craftsmen, which roughly means to manage and guard related military affairs.

   But this is an important border area, and the camp of Weizhen is directly under the jurisdiction of the general army of Jizhen.

  For example, Funingwei, Shanhaiwei and Kaiping Zhongtunwei are all directly under the jurisdiction of Jizhen General Army, and the local government has no right to intervene.

  The Lulongwei and Dongsheng Zuowei, which were first established in Lulong County, merged with the original Yongpingwei to form the new Yongpingwei in the pre-Ming Dynasty, and the Great Zhou Dynasty followed this system.

However, after the Chahar people invaded the border in the 23rd year of Yuanxi, the Ministry of War deeply felt that the first and second lines of Yongping Mansion, especially the second line of defense, were weak. The strength of the camp, Yongpingwei was dismembered, most of it was merged into Funingwei, and the rest was dismantled and merged into Jianchangying, Yanheying, Taitouying and Shimenzhaiying. In Lulong County, there is actually no guard army left.

It can be said that Lulong County is like a big naked girl, standing on the land of Yandong surrounded by captives, you say that this kind of feeling and feeling that she may be killed at any time without the ability to resist Are the prefectural and county levels and local gentry in Yongping Prefecture satisfied with the Ministry of War and Ji Township?

It's just that the arm can't twist the thigh, and no matter how dissatisfied, Yongping Mansion has nothing to do with the Ministry of War and Jizhen, and Jizhen is also well aware of Yongping Mansion's dissatisfaction, and the discord between the two parties is also getting worse. led to the current stalemate.

So Feng Ziying is very clear that if he wants to win support from Zhu Zhiren, if he wants to impress the colleagues and subordinates who are currently unpredictable, such as the general judge, the judge, and even the experience department, the Zhaomo Institute, and the prison secretary, even if it is someone who looks at it from other places. It sounds more like the work of the Qing army, but in Yongping Mansion, it is the key to the harmony of the government and the people. He must do this well and do it beautifully.

"Uncle Shi, my nephew has just arrived here, and I don't know anything about the situation in this house. I need to ask Shibo to give me advice on many things..." Feng Ziying presented a gift with a smile on her face, "The official teacher has taught the students many times, and also said When Zhirengong was tenacious, Chai Gong also called Zhirengong to do things for the public, meticulous,..., he can be a model for the children of Huguang."

  The previous visit was a public visit, but this time it was a private visit.

Both Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke should have written letters to each other. Although they both belonged to the Huguang scholars, the Mei family, who had also become enemies with him, was also the backbone of the Huguang scholars. Before Feng Ziying left, Mei Zhiye served as the Shuntianfu ruled the middle, while Mei Zhihuan served as the right counselor of Jiangxi Chief Envoy.

  Zhu Zhiren stroked his beard and smiled, but he felt extremely comfortable in his heart.

In terms of age, both Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke are much younger than me, but I passed the Jinshi exam too late, almost at the same time as Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke, and their official careers were much more bumpy. The right servant of the household department is also in charge of the Zhongshu department, and the other is the left servant of the military department who has the right to speak in military affairs.

  The key is that it is said that the imperial court intends to set up the Ministry of Commerce, and Guan Yingzhen may directly take over as Minister of the Ministry of Commerce. This is undoubtedly great news for Huguang scholars.

You must know that Xiangyang Zheng Jizhi, a leading scholar from Huguang, is already in his seventies. Although he is in good health, he is too old after all. There are no scholars, which makes the Huguang scholars, especially Zhu Zhiren, very anxious.

  Once Zheng Jizhi retired, not only would there be no Huguang scholar among the cabinet elders, but there would not even be a Huguang scholar in the six ministers. This is what the Huguang scholars are most nervous and concerned about.

  Zhu Zhiren’s closest relationship is Zheng Jizhi, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. He was able to secure his position as the magistrate of Yongping Prefecture under extremely unfavorable circumstances because Zheng Jizhi had repeatedly helped himself in the court.

The relationship with Guan Yingzhen can only be said to be good, and the relationship with Chai Ke is even more average. As he is much older than these two, it is impossible for Zhu Zhiren to befriend each other deliberately like some people regardless of face. Guan Yingzhen and Chai Keyou are increasingly becoming the leaders of Huguang scholars who succeeded Zheng Jizhi, but they themselves have not been able to have a closer relationship with each other, and Zhu Zhiren has always been a little entangled.

This time, Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke, especially Chai Ke, can take the initiative to write to him, which also makes him lose face. You must know that he and Chai Ke have no personal correspondence before, and this is the first time that Chai Ke has taken the initiative to write to him. .

  Everyone fights for a piece of incense, and Zhu Zhiren knows that because of his age, he is not valued by officials from North Korea, China, Huguang, and others. It can be seen from the attitudes of officials Yingzhen and Chai Ke towards him before.

  But this time the two of them wrote a special letter for this son, which shows that they value this son.

Zhu Zhiren also believed that Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia could not order Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke to act, especially Chai Ke. Huguang scholars are optimistic, which is what Zhu Zhiren is most curious about. He really wants to see what kind of changes this child can bring to himself.

   "Ziying, Dongxian and Zishu can only listen to what the two of them have to say, they are just old people, that's all..." Zhu Zhiren laughed and waved his hands.

"Why did Mr. Zhiren say this? Mr. Bo Xiao is seventy-five years old, and the emperor is still very dependent on him. I am afraid that Mr. Zhiren will not be sixty, right? My nephew heard that Mr. Ling only reached his full age last year. Mr. Zhiren is an old man. It's only a thousand miles away,..."

Although he knew that the other party was flattering him, Zhu Zhiren still felt very comfortable hearing that Zheng Jizhi was seventy-five years old, but it would take a year or two before he became an official. Eighteen, I dare not say that I am shoulder to shoulder with Zheng Jizhi, but with my own physical condition, it is no problem to work for ten years, right?

  Zhu Zhiren is still very confident in his physical condition, and the other party mentioned that his youngest son has just turned a year old, well, it seems that it is not an exaggeration to apply it to him.

  It’s no wonder that both Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke are so optimistic about this son. These sophisticated words and conversations are not like those young scholars who are arrogant, arrogant, and full of blood. Zhu Zhiren has a higher opinion of him.

  But none of these things can make Zhu Zhiren look at him with admiration. If he wants to gain a foothold in Yongping Mansion, it is not enough to rely on personal connections and some lip service.

  If you have network resources, you must have the ability to convert this network resources into real political achievements. You must come up with something that will convince the whole family, so that you can stand firm and be convincing.

"Hehe, there's no need to say Ziying's words..." Zhu Zhiren smiled and said, "Both Dongxian and Zishu have sent letters to this old man. Apart from other things, this old man will definitely support Ziying with all his strength. However, this old man will definitely support you." I want to ask, what is Ziying's plan when she comes to Yongping?"

  (end of this chapter)

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