Number of People

Chapter 880: Zizijuan has a well-thought-out plan

  Chapter 880 The self-written scroll is confident

  Zhu Zhiren's frankness made Feng Ziying startled, which did not conform to his own perception of this person.

  To be able to endure for so many years, and to be able to remain calm in such an unfavorable situation, one should not be so upright and open-minded. It is difficult to persevere in such an environment with such a temperament.

  Seeing Feng Ziying was a little surprised, Zhu Zhiren chuckled, "Do you feel that the old man is a bit different from your understanding?"

  Feng Ziying nodded.

"Ziying, you came the day before yesterday, and we said it on business, but today, since you came as a nephew, if the old man still gossips with you, Dongxian and Zishu will definitely write about it in the future. letter to blame the old."

  Zhu Zhiren took a sip from his teacup. This was not to see off the guests, but a gesture to express his willingness to open up and talk, but it is not hard to say, but it is necessary to have a talk.

  Zhu Zhiren is very clear that maybe this is really an opportunity, but he needs to hear what the other party has to rely on, what kind of conditions are offered, and whether it is worth investing in himself.

  Yongping Mansion has not been easy for him in the past few years. He almost stumbled to maintain this situation. Doesn't he want to go further? But conditions do not allow it.

He also knows very well that if he can't achieve anything in the next year, then it's a luxury to continue to serve as the prefect of Yongping, and the transfer is even more wishful thinking, maybe he really only has to become an official .

"I know that Ziying could choose Ningbo, Baoding and other places far better than Yongping Mansion, but she chose Yongping Mansion, so it makes sense, and it can make Qi Ge and Master Qiao agree with you There must be a reason for this choice, so this old man wants to hear the reason, can you?"

Zhu Zhiren's question also made Feng Ziying hesitate for a moment and then smiled, "Ziying has nothing to say to others. In fact, Master Qi Qiao did not agree with my nephew choosing Yongping before. The official teacher also suggested that my nephew can choose Yongping." Huangzhou, um, the hometown of officials and teachers, but later they agreed to the choice of my nephew for two reasons."

"First, Yongping Mansion is located at the throat hub where Liaodong enters the Central Plains and the Central Plains exits the customs. My father is the governor of Jiliao. If Jizhen and Yongping are not in harmony, it will directly affect the morale of the Liaodong army. My nephew also has this condition. Handle this kind of discord that shouldn't have been;..."

Zhu Zhiren nodded. This should be the main reason why Qi Qiao and Guan Yingzhen put Feng Ziying in Yongping. Without the status of Governor Feng Tang and Ji Liao, no one else would have such conditions to suppress the military of Ji Town .

"Secondly, I'm afraid Shibo also knows that my nephew has dissatisfied many fellow scholars in the North with regard to the strategy of opening the sea. Although my nephew also has objections, it is a reality that the people in the North and the south of the Yangtze River are different, so my nephew hopes to be able to Try it in Yongping to see if it can benefit Yongning from Kaihai,..."

  Zhu Zhiren pondered deeply, "Yuguan? Do you want to open a port in Yuguan?"

Yuguan is Shanhaiguan, but Shanhaiguan is under the jurisdiction of Shanhaiwei, and Yongping Prefecture cannot control it. However, there are many good coastal ports in the south of Shanhaiwei, which belong to the ancient Yuguan. It should be regarded as Funing County now, but Shanhaiwei, Funingwei, and Funing County are complex in this area, and because of their sparse population, they are not taken seriously by Yongping Prefecture.

  Feng Ziying nodded.

Zhu Zhiren was a little disappointed. Opening a port and building a port is relatively simple, nothing more than people and money. Feng Ziying's plan is naturally to take advantage of the needs of Shanhaiwei and Funingwei. Straight into Yuguan Port.

   It's just that this has become a pure commercial port, which is of course of great benefit to Shanhaiwei and Funingwei, but what about Funing County and Yongping Prefecture? Maybe some commercial tax revenue? But if the goods are all imported for Shanhaiwei and Funingwei, there is still a question mark as to how much this commercial tax can be received. Military supplies have always been exempt from commercial tax.

"It's a good idea to open a port near Yuguan, but the surrounding population is too small. Except for Shanhaiwei in the north, Ziying, you plan to transfer the rice and military supplies from the south to Shanhaiwei by sea, and then from there Land transportation to Guangning Zhuwei and Ningyuan?" Zhu Zhiren said with a smile: "It is of course a great thing for Liaodong Town, and it is also a good thing for the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households and the court, but it is of little significance to our Yongping Mansion. Come on, Ziying, you are the magistrate of Yongping Prefecture, not the guerrilla generals of Ningyuanwei and Guangning Zhuwei."

Without waiting for Feng Ziying to explain, Zhu Zhiren continued: "Ziying, I know that it is not easy for your father in Liaodong now. It is normal for you to have such a plan. It is unreasonable not to have such a thought, but you also have to consider Mr. Qi Ge, Mr. Qiao and others." Dongxian and the others arranged you to Yongping, I am afraid it is not just as simple as providing logistics support for Liaodong Town, right? You have also said that the scholars in the North are quite dissatisfied with your strategy of opening the sea. I am afraid that the scholars in the north will be a little disappointed if they import military funds for Liaodong through Buyuguan."

What Zhu Zhiren said is true. Of course, it also means to consider it from the perspective of Yongping Mansion itself. As a co-prefect of Yongping Mansion, he is simply providing logistics support for Liaodong Town, but neglecting his own job. Even if he can collect some commercial taxes , but it may be a little far from Zhu Zhiren's expectations.

"Shibo, not only importing military resources for Liaodong from the south, but what my nephew wants to do is to do something from several aspects. The opening of Yuguan is just to open a door and serve as a hub for internal and external transportation." Feng Ziying pondered. After a while, he said: "I don't know Shibo, but I know that Lulong and Qian'an are rich in iron and steel mines..."

Zhu Zhiren laughed, "Why don't you know? These two counties have also mined a lot, but the mineral quality is uneven, and the investment in iron smelting is huge. The local lack of craftsmen and labor, the government can't support it. Although the people have this intention, but Many of them were abandoned due to lack of smelting technology. The old man just came to Yongping as the prefect five years ago, and the emperor also intended to encourage mining. Well, he also used more mining taxes to enrich the internal treasury. The old man also had this intention at the beginning, but road traffic, population Labor, iron smelting technology, and export sales also need merchants to operate, and many restrictions make it only on paper,...why, Ziying has this intention?"

"Yes." Feng Ziying nodded with certainty, "Shibo should know that Jiangnan has benefited greatly after the opening of the sea was released, and merchants in the north were quite criticized. My nephew joined forces with the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce and the Guangdong and Guangxi Railway Merchants to intend to Northland focuses on mining and connects to sea transportation in order to benefit the Northland.”

Zhu Zhiren cheered up, but then he felt a little depressed, "Ziying, if you want to open mines in Lulong and Qian'an, the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry may be happy to see the results. I understand what you mean. If you want to open mines and smelt iron If the material can be transported abroad, it can complement the import of southern military resources. This is a good thing, but the mines in Qian'an and Lulong are all located near mountains. If charcoal is used to smelt iron, charcoal needs to be burned and trees cut down. , and labor is required, and the consumption of iron materials out of smelting is very high, and the population in this area is sparsely populated, which is very inconvenient."

"Uncle Shi, there are bound to be many difficulties in doing things, but we in the North have to do something, we can't just watch the silk, tea, porcelain, and cloth from the south continue to be exported, and talk about food. Our output is not as good as that of the north. The capital relies on grain, silk and various southern products from the south of the Yangtze River. In terms of the most important silk, tea, porcelain, and cloth in the sea trade, we are even far behind. All the food and salaries of the Nine Borders depend on Jiangnan grain and silver. This is a fact. People in the court will naturally be arrogant and their voices are louder than anyone else. The northerners will be three points shorter. Except for Master Qi, the other four in the cabinet , the first assistant and the second assistant, plus the two elders of Li Ge (Li Tingji and Li Sancai), are all scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, I am afraid that Shi Bo will not think that Duke Daofu is still representing the scholars in the north?"

  Zhu Zhiren remained silent.

Although Li Sancai (named Daofu) was a scholar from the north, he had served in Nanjing for a long time, and later served as the governor of water transportation. He justified, so he is no longer considered a Northern scholar, and many Northern scholars even regard Li Sancai as a traitor and hate him to the bone.

Zhu Zhiren is a Huguang scholar, but although the Huguang scholar seems to have always maintained a neutral position among the northern scholars and Jiangnan scholars, in fact, as the Jiangnan scholars are becoming more and more powerful, it is impossible for the Huguang scholars to be impartial , and increasingly consistent with the northern scholars.

   Taking a deep breath, Zhu Zhiren nodded.

  He is very clear that it is difficult for people like Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe to be recognized by people like him. The only thing he can rely on is that he is a Huguang scholar.

The scholars from Huguang are now vaguely forming an alliance with the scholars from the north. Although the scholars from Jiangnan currently occupy a dominant position in the cabinet, Qi Yongtai is from the Ministry of Officials. Scholars in the south of the Yangtze River also respect him very much. If he resigns as Minister of the Ministry of Officials this time, he himself has a lot of power to recommend who will succeed the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. If he can grasp this point in the future, he may make some progress.

"Ziying, the idiot you are talking about understands, but what is in front of you is the specific difficulty. Iron materials are in great demand both in the north and the south. Foshan, Guangdong is famous for its iron materials. It is said that only iron materials are sold every year. The tax is more than 100,000 taels, but Foshan has a dense population, convenient transportation, and advanced iron smelting technology, how can our Yongping Prefecture be like Foshan?" Zhu Zhiren couldn't help asking.

   Zhu Zhiren's questions are all critical.

   One is labor force, the other is technical talents, the third is capital, the fourth is transportation capacity, and the fifth is sales channels, none of which is simple.

"Shibo, regarding the issue of labor, my nephew hopes to coordinate with Ji Town. There are many people in Tunwei, so we should be able to discuss it. There are some craftsmen in Tunwei and Fuzhong, and Foshan is the main one. Shanxi merchants and Haitong Yinzhuang can solve it, and Foshan Zhuangji can also provide some; transportation is a big problem, but we can only make do with it now, but it will become more and more troublesome in the future, but we can only take one step at a time; sales channels It's relatively simple, as long as Yuguan is opened, everything else will be settled." Feng Ziying said lightly, but her tone was very positive.

  (end of this chapter)

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