Number of People

Chapter 887: Difficult Deal

  Chapter 887 Difficult deal with self-written scrolls

   This is because I don’t want to give myself so much anymore, Feng Ziying knows it well.

   "Brother You, there are actually more than that, but the main purpose is to provide logistics maintenance and support for the camps in Ji Town, right?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

"Ziying, brother Yu in front of you will not hide it anymore. It is true that there are still seven or eight hundred households. It is true that there are two or three hundred households who have gone to Liaodong, but you also know the situation of brother Yu. There are a lot of things before and after the war and before and after training. Brother Yu dare not hand over all the people to you. Xingzhou Youtunwei is different from Kaiping Zhongtunwei. They directly face the camps, except for reclamation , the more important thing is to bear the guarantee and maintenance of vehicles, weapons and armor, all of which are given to you, once something happens, brother Yu will not be able to play."

You Shigong is telling the truth. Before and after each battle, the repair of armor and weapons, the repair and maintenance of vehicles, these are not small things, it is quite a huge project, and there is also consumption in daily training, and these craftsmen are also needed to make maintenance.

  I want to leave all the craftsmen, and this Xingzhou Youtunwei has really become a pure tunwei. No wonder You Shigong is difficult to agree.

   But Feng Ziying really needs this group of craftsmen, which involves the construction of a coal-iron complex that has entered the substantive preparation stage.

According to Gu Dengfeng and Zhuang Limin's introduction, they have selected as many as three sites in the entire Yongping Prefecture, all relying on the area where iron mines are relatively easy to mine as the center. In the northeast of Qian'an near Jianchangying, there is one on the outskirts of Lulong County, and the other is in the area under the jurisdiction of Kaiping Zhongtunwei, not far from the Acropolis.

Of course, the first choice is the area in the northeast of Qian’an, which is the easiest to mine, while the Lulong area is the most suitable in terms of transportation conditions. The location of Kaiping Zhongtunwei is slightly off, and the advantage is within the jurisdiction of Tunwei, so it is used as alternatively.

  The goal of Feng Ziying and this group of people is to create a full-process complex project from coal coking to coking iron, then iron-making steel, and finally transforming iron and steel into steel products.

The final product is not only steel and iron materials, but also military materials such as firecrackers, cannons, plate armor, swords, and iron wires, as well as iron pans, iron needles, kitchen knives and hatchets, plowshares, hoes, and pickaxes. , shovels, horseshoes, iron bars for carriages and other civilian supplies.

  Feng Ziying is even considering launching the local method cement.

  This production process is even simpler, and the resources in this area are more abundant in Yongping Province, almost all counties have them.

In the future, once the output of iron materials reaches a certain level, it might be possible to build a railway track from the iron source to the port, and it can be built along the battalions inside the side wall, which can greatly improve the transportation capacity of the entire army and materials. Of course, this is just a long-term plan.

   Such a huge project plan cannot be promoted quickly without enough manpower, or even enough skilled labor.

Even if I can recruit more refugees in the future, from an ordinary farmer who has never been in this industry to a skilled craftsman is completely two concepts, which will greatly slow down the progress of the entire project, so Feng Ziying cannot accept it this situation.

  He must get these craftsmen, and he must find a way to bring back all the craftsmen who have been exiled to Ningyuan and Guangning. This will become the most important cornerstone for him in Yongping Mansion.

   "Brother You, do you know the reason why I want these craftsmen?" If the dispute continues like this, it will hurt feelings, Feng Ziying plans to change the angle.

  You Shigong is also very curious. If it is said that the army and the land are not in good harmony, the problem of artisans and households is definitely not the main reason.

Not only have they been freed from labor, but they are not military households, and the food they need to hand over to the guards to reclaim wasteland is lower than that of the farmers in the counties. The only sequelae is that once the war starts, they need to take on the responsibility of serving as masters in the army. In fact, it is a disguised military household, but as long as there is no war, it is much happier than ordinary civilian households.

   "Ziying, I'm also curious about this. What are you doing with these artisans? There are still hundreds of artisans in Lulong, right?"

  Feng Ziying didn't hide his curiosity about You Shigong: "Brother You, I plan to open a mine here in Yongping Mansion..."

"Opening mines? You are a magistrate of the government, so you shouldn't care about these things, right? Besides, the mining tax is paid to the Jieshen treasury of the Ministry of Industry, and your government office can't afford a penny. Could it be that Zhu Zhiren is still planning to compete with the emperor for this money? ?” Everyone knows that there are many mines in Yongping Prefecture, but the enthusiasm for mining is not high, and You Shigong is also very aware of this.

"Of course, mining alone is of little significance, and I don't need so many craftsmen. I want to integrate mining and iron smelting, and then use the iron smelted to make various iron products, such as firecrackers, cannons, and plate armor. And swords and weapons, such as iron pots and iron needles, plowshares, shoes, pickaxes, etc. are in short supply."

  Feng Ziying’s words made You Shigong look serious, “If this is the case, there is a great demand for plate armor and guns in the army, but the Ministry of War…”

  You Shigong thought that Feng Ziying came up with this idea because he valued the needs of weapons and armor in the two towns of Jiliao.

"Fire guns and swords and armor are just one aspect. Foshan Zhuangji cooperates with Shanxi merchants to set up a gun workshop here to make fire guns and cannons, and also invites and recruits a group of Xiyi craftsmen to make them. Even including the giant cannons needed on the naval fleet, we will find a way at the Ministry of War, and then compare them with the Military Bureau and the Military Bureau to see who has better quality, longer range and cheaper price. I believe that the Ministry of War will make a rational choice, but I am more optimistic about the demand for ironware among the people. For iron pots alone, Nanyang, Japan, and North Korea have a large demand. The output of Foshan is in short supply for Nanyang. , and these civilian ironware are also in great demand internally in Dazhou, so this piece is very interesting,..."

Feng Ziying's words made You Shigong recall, "Ziying, you are going to use these craftsmen to help you build these coal mines and iron mines, and even use them to set up various workshops and make guns. Cannons, weapons and armor, and by the way, you can also make folk ironware, Ziying, you are too dedicated, aren’t you?”

"How about Brother You, let's talk about the problem of local refugees fleeing to your guards and battalions in Ji Town to avoid taxation? I have a definite handle on this. It involves Xingzhou Youtunwei and Kaiping Zhongtunwei. This number But quite a few, should Ji Town return these people to the local government? Yongping Mansion has not paid enough taxes in the past few years. Is it because these people have some influence?

This can be regarded as the most important reason for the discord between the army and the land. A large number of refugees flowed into Kaiping Zhongtunwei and Xingzhou Youtunwei, and gradually evolved into aliens who escaped taxation. Yongping Mansion and Ji Town have also been torn too much times, but to no avail.

When Feng Ziying mentioned this, You Shigong laughed, "Ziying, I admit that such a situation exists in this area, but I'm afraid it's not because of us, but because these refugees escaped on their own, we can't help The obligations and responsibilities of your Yongping Prefecture to clean up the fugitives,..."

   "Brother You, this is wrong. They escaped on their own, but without the help of the two guards to cover them and provide them with land, how could they survive here?" Feng Ziying retorted.

  You Shigong also knew that the army was at a disadvantage in this matter. They were all under the rule of the Great Zhou court. Of course, the escape had nothing to do with the Tunwei, but didn’t the Tunwei help these people find a way to stay? The local government came up to find out, didn't the Tunwei deliberately make things difficult and obstruct it?

If this kind of thing continues to be torn up, it will hurt feelings again, You Shigong stopped decisively: "Ziying, we are responsible for this matter, but it is indeed a tricky thing to clean up escaped households. I have to deal with the invasion of the Chahar people, so I can't promise anything for the time being, so let's talk about this craftsman, since you have said so much, do you have any plans?"

Finally, the other party was forced into the game. Feng Ziying also knew that it was difficult to gain much advantage in dealing with the army at the local level. This was only possible because of her special status. , even if you can temporarily let yourself take a step, it is difficult to maintain it for a long time.

"Brother You, how about this, you first hand over the two or three hundred artisan households to me, and the rest of the artisan households will be handed over to me after the Chahar invasion is over..." See You Shigong Frowning, Feng Ziying continued: "I won't make it difficult for Brother You. The repair and production of the ordnance of the camps are still handed over to these craftsmen. You can compare the situation in previous years. These maintenance and production are still handed over to these craftsmen. Leave the rest of the time to us to arrange, limited to three years, after three years, I will return these craftsmen to you, what do you think?"

This is a non-binding verbal promise. It is reasonable to say that You Shigong can not accept it, but he can also see that Feng Ziying has made up his mind to use these craftsmen for a few years first, and it is probably related to what he is going to do now.

"Ziying, you know my difficulties, and I also know that it's not easy for you to come here for the first time, so what can you say, Brother Yu? Then I will give you four hundred households at Youtunwei, Xingzhou. Yes, there are still one or two hundred private artisan households here in Kaiping Zhongtunwei. To be precise, they fled to Kaiping for so many years and brought them out with the craftsmen from Youtunwei in Xingzhou. , I will also leave it to you, and the rest will be according to what you said, and we will wait until after the incident of the Chahar people to worry about it. As long as we can deal with the invasion of the Chahar people, it is easy to say, what do you think? "

Feng Ziying was moved by You Shigong's frankness. Anyway, the other party was very supportive of her. Although she didn't agree to hand it back, she did so from a different angle. On the contrary, the chief soldier of Jizhen was unqualified.

  "Okay, Brother You, then it's a deal!" Feng Ziying was satisfied. With this group of skilled craftsmen, whether it is to build a new coal mine, build a coking furnace, or start a furnace to make iron, it will be much easier.

  (end of this chapter)

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