Number of People

Chapter 888: Zizi roll start

  Chapter 888 Self-written scroll activation

  Feng Ziying actually likes this kind of communication very much. Simply relying on the relationship card or the network card will not last long, only the benefits are eternal.

  For You Shigong, the role of these craftsmen is mainly to maintain the logistical support and maintenance of the camps in Ji Town, which he must strive for and guarantee.

  Although wars in this era are not like modern wars, apart from the guarantee of food and grass, other maintenance guarantees are not easy.

The manufacture and repair of armor and belts, the addition and repair of weapons and related equipment, and a series of seemingly casual but actually quite complicated preparations and maintenance such as carriages, tents, saddles, and shoes. It is also a rather complicated system, not as simple as the outside world imagines.

  Feng Ziying lived with her father in Datong since she was a child, and naturally knew about these things, so he never expected You Shigong to show kindness and support him without reservation. This result has already made him very satisfied.

   Moreover, this kind of cooperation model is also what he wants, and it can really be more long-term.

  In the future, based on Yongping Mansion, a most powerful comprehensive manufacturing base for ordnance, armor, vehicles, etc. will be established. The primary target is Liaodong and Jizhen.

Now the production capacity of the Bingzhan Bureau and the Military Weapons Bureau has dropped to a very weak point. There is a shortage of people, money, and technology. That's why the firecrackers are made by Foshan, and the Bingzhan Bureau can only do some ordinary things. Items like swords and flag tents.

If Yongping can develop, relying on its geographical advantages, it can completely replace Foshan and Bingzhan Bureau as the main military supply base of the second town of Jiliao. At the same time, it can be further opened to Xuanfu, Datong, and Yulin towns. In the future, it will even be able to monopolize the military supply of the entire Northland Nine Sides.

This is an idea. If you are the chief assistant, you will definitely not tie the imperial court's weapons and military supplies to a certain family or even a few private workshops. At the very least, the imperial court should maintain a basic production capacity, but you can Bureaus were restructured to enable them to compete with these private workshops.

At this stage, these craftsmen are crucial to the initial stage of this one or several private coal and iron mining and production associations, but as time goes by, a large number of skilled workers are trained, and the role of these craftsmen will decline, and the two No one can tell what the situation will be three years from now.

Now Feng Ziying has no intention of conflicting with the gentry and landowners in Yongping Prefecture who control a large number of people. He hopes to use a demonstration effect to attract these local gentry in Yongping to join this huge steel and building materials foundation. In the industry group.

   There will be a process, but when the profit reaches a certain level, Feng Ziying believes that no one can resist this temptation, even if the landlords betray their own class interests, it can also be realized.

Just like in the south of the Yangtze River, none of those maritime merchants and owners of silk, cotton cloth, tea-making, porcelain-making, and shipbuilding workshops were originally not landlords. There were very few pure merchants, or they were all mixed merchants and landlords. Identity, using land as the basis for avoiding risks, and investing more capital and energy in industrial and commercial industries.

  After negotiating this important matter, the next thing is relatively simple, such as borrowing troops to solve the problem of bandits that has been plaguing Yongping Mansion.

The counties and prefectures under the jurisdiction of Yongping Prefecture actually did not know anything about these bandits, but in view of their own lack of arresting power, the abolition of Lu Longwei greatly weakened the military power of the guards under the jurisdiction of Feiji Town in Yongping Prefecture, so the military equipment The position of Dao is also very embarrassing here.

  Feng Ziying also communicated with the soldiers in Lulong County before coming to Jizhen, and they were also eager to use Feng Ziying's relationship to communicate with Jizhen, so as to clear up these long-troubled bandits as soon as possible.

The Fen Xun Dao, Fen Shou Dao, and Bing Bei Dao of the northern Zhili prefectures are slightly different from those in other provinces. They are all named directly by the Sansi Shishi and the Senate in the surrounding provinces, but in fact they are not subject to the nominal affiliation. It is under the jurisdiction of the three departments of the province, but directly under the jurisdiction of the sixth department of the imperial court and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, or the sixth department of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  For example, Yongping Mansion Bingbeidao is named after Shandong's inspector and secretary.

Now Yongping Bingbei Dao has very few troops and is not up to the task of suppressing bandits. Although there is an army in Ji Town, it is not the responsibility of the town guard to suppress bandits. The Ministry of War reported.

  Of course, as long as Jizhen makes sense, other issues will be easy.

"Ziying, what you said is not a problem, but only the Japanese pirates in Changli, Brother Yu, is helpless. These pirates come and go without a trace, they all come by sea, and Brother Yu can be sure that there will be absolutely There are local tigers from Changli and Laoting as the internal support, and these internal support forces are not small. Looking at the popularity of Huimin Salt Field after being encroached by these people, you can know how fat this piece of fat is, and even Changlu has been transferred. The Salt Envoy Si Yamen can't do anything about them, hehe, the water here is too deep,..."

You Shigong is a bit gloating in it. Huimin Salt Farm is the most important salt farm in Yongping Prefecture, the director of Chang Ludu's transfer of salt envoy Lu Du's transfer salt envoy Siyamen. The salt transportation from Pingfu and even Liaodong was affected, and they had to be transported from Hejian.

  However, after the disintegration of the Huimin Salt Farm, it became the prey of the big households in Changli. These illegal salts even once occupied the local market in Yongping.

  Changludu Salt Transshipment Department also restored the Huimin Salt Works many times, but they were destroyed repeatedly and suffered heavy losses, so they had to give up in the end.

It was reported to the imperial court, but the Japanese pirates came from the sea, and the local government was indeed unable to solve the problem. The Yongping Prefecture and Changli County did not take the main responsibility, but it was too difficult for the Yongping Prefecture to wipe out the pirates who came and went without a trace. Even if You Shigong wanted to help, he was also helpless.

   "Who is Changlu Xunyan Yushi now?" Feng Ziying frowned.

"I was dismissed just now, and the imperial court has not appointed yet." You Shigong smiled, "There may not be such factors in it, but it's hard to say what role the former Xunyan Yushi played in it, and I don't believe it. It’s hard to say whether the Xunyan Yushi has nothing to do with the matter of Huimin Saltworks, or there is something hidden in it.”

As soon as Feng Ziying heard You Shigong's words, she knew that there was probably something tricky here, and it was inevitable that conflicts of interest and factional struggles in the imperial court would be inevitable. Except for the Lianghuai patrol salt censors, the other three patrol salt censors among the four major salt censors were all made by The Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Households, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate were negotiated, and then reported to the cabinet and the emperor for approval, which shows the particularity of these positions.

   Because the Lianghuai patrol salt censor has always belonged to the emperor's private land, the income has to go into the internal treasury, but after Emperor Yonglong took office, this income still belongs to the emperor and has not been handed over to the emperor.

   "Brother You, these Japanese pirates came from the sea. You said that there is an internal response in Changli, but where are these Japanese pirates hiding? I don't believe that they can come all the way from Japan. Doesn't it meet the realistic conditions?"

Feng Ziying is also very puzzled, there are really not many cases of Japanese raids in the north, especially in Beizhili, especially after the Imchen Japanese Invasion. You said that there are such cases in Jiangnan. The situation is reasonable, but Yongping Mansion is still targeting the salt field, which inevitably makes people suspicious.

"There are several possibilities, but none of them can escape. The Japanese pirates must have a foothold in the surrounding area, so we need to investigate carefully, but I believe it will not be too far away. Hundreds of Japanese pirates are going to hide, and there are The cost of food and clothing is not a simple matter. Someone must have covered it up for them. One sound, but when it comes to matters at sea, there is nothing my brother can do."

  Of course, Feng Ziying will not pin all her hopes on You Shigong. This is not his responsibility. He just needs to obtain a certain degree of support from the other party.

   Having solved the problem here, it can be regarded as making great progress, and Feng Ziying returned to Lulong immediately.

  The family members were coming, and it took nearly ten days to come. In addition, Baoxiang was asked to repurchase a house next to the government office here in Lulong County.

  In fact, there is a Tongzhi public house in Fushuli, but the scale is too small and rudimentary, so we can only live there temporarily.

  This is also a practice inherited from the previous Ming Dynasty, that is, not to repair the yamen, but to maintain the status quo as long as it is passable.

  Wu Yaoqing and the others are already busy. As Feng Ziying's main staff here, the Tongzhi Office is actually mainly used by him and Gu Dengfeng.

"The three sites have been selected. In addition, we have already produced several design drawings for carbon dioxide coking. We have already contacted Qian'an County and Lulong, and the pawns from the workshops on both sides have come. I checked it on the spot, the land and forests have been bought, the land deed has been filed in the government office, everything is ready, the only thing I owe is Dongfeng."

  Gu Dengfeng, Zhuang Limin, and two representatives of Shanxi merchants sat in the hall of the public house, sitting side by side. Feng Ziying was dressed in a blue uniform, with a white pheasant, sitting in the middle, and there was a bit of sympathy.

"Mr. Zhuang, Dengfeng, Shaoquan, since all aspects are ready, I have already made an agreement with the magistrate in the government office. I also negotiated with You Zongbing in Santunying yesterday. The craftsman will be in the shortest time. After sorting out, as long as you can do it here, you will definitely be able to deliver on time, but how to operate it, you must have a detailed strategy."

"Don't worry, my lord. After the site selection here is over, I have negotiated with the counties on both sides. I have already arranged for someone to notify the boat on the Guangzhou side to go north. It's just that there is no decent wharf on the Yongping Mansion side, so they will be here. Yangzhou will go north through the canal again, and then come from Tongzhou, and it is estimated that we will arrive within a month."

  Zhuang Limin sits in the town himself, because he is optimistic about this matter. In his opinion, once a production base is established in Yongping Prefecture, it will not only supply the military supplies of the entire Northland and Nine Sides, but also open up the markets of Japan and North Korea.

  (end of this chapter)

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