Number of People

Chapter 891: jizijuan foreign troubles

  Chapter 891 Foreign troubles in self-character scrolls

  With age and poor physical condition, for Emperor Yonglong of the Great Dynasty, it has been changed to once a month, and it is basically a ceremonial court meeting.

  Chang Chao gradually changed from the initial daily morning court to every three days, and then to every five days, but the most important noon court has not changed much.

  In the hall, the cabinet princes, the Ministry of War, the Secretary of the Household Department and the servants have all arrived, and the atmosphere is not very good.

  The Ministry of War and the Cabinet have also received the news from Ji Town.

   "Zhuqing, what do you think?" Emperor Yonglong's clear and quiet gaze wandered around the crowd, and then he retracted his gaze, lowered his eyelids, and said in a deep voice while looking at the memorial on the imperial case.

No one would have thought that the warning signal from Jizhen was actually from Chahar, not Donglu, but all the gentlemen present here are veterans over the age of 30 or 40. Many years ago, the biggest threat to the northern border of the Great Zhou was not the Jianzhou Jurchen who had only risen in the past ten years, but the Mongolian left wing led by the Chahar people.

Twenty years ago, the Chahar people swept in, broke into the side wall from Gubeikou and Xifengkou respectively, burned, killed and looted Yongping and Shuntian, causing huge losses to the two prefectures, and even broke into the river at the southernmost point. In the northern part of the mansion, if it weren't for the stubborn resistance near Tianjin Wei, the Chahar people might even have to fight around Shuntian mansion.

Because of this, even though Jianzhou Jurchen has risen rapidly in the past ten years, the Great Zhou court has never relaxed the construction of the defense of Xuanfu and Jizhen. Passed away, only thirteen-year-old grandson Lindan Batur took over, and Da Zhou breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, it was only six or seven years ago, and the Chahar people began to become restless again.

  Ye Xianggao pondered for a while, and then turned his attention to Zhang Jingqiu, Minister of the Ministry of War: "Jing Qiu, the sudden change of the Chahar people has something to do with Liaodong's support for them last year?"

  Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke frowned at the same time.

  Actually, when they got the news from Jizhen, the two of them realized that there might be troubles here.

The Chahar people are the old enemies of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but with the rapid rise of the Jianzhou Jurchen and the death of the Chahar Khan, the power comparison between the Jianzhou Jurchen and the Chahar tribe quickly changed one after another and began to reverse .

Especially after the Jianzhou Jurchen annexed the Hada and Huifa tribes of the Haixi Jurchen one after another, and launched a fierce attack on the Wula tribe, everyone in Da Zhou understood that the threat of the Jianzhou Jurchen to Da Zhou had surpassed that of the Chahar tribe. .

There were not many Han people in the territory of the Mongols outside the Great Wall, but there were a lot of Han people in Liaodong. Jianzhou Jurchen not only annexed the Jurchen tribes, but also used various methods to plunder and recruit a large number of Han people living in Liaodong. The state Jurchen's armor-making and iron-smelting technology have been greatly improved. In this regard, the Chahar people who still stick to the nomadic way are simply incomparable.

But after all, the Chahar people are lean and dead camels are bigger than horses. Not only is their population larger than Jianzhou Jurchen, but they can also affect the internal and external Khalkha tribes and even the left-wing tribes of Mongolia. Once they are mobilized, their short-term combat effectiveness may even be possible. To surpass Jianzhou Jurchen.

  Of course, the locations of the two parts are different. The Chahar people are located in the north of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they directly threaten the Xuanfu to Jizhen, while the Jianzhou Jurchen currently threatens Liaodong Town in the northeast.

  However, with the overwhelming strength of the Jianzhou Jurchen over the Haixi Jurchen and the flirtation between the Horqin people and the Jianzhou Jurchen, their sphere of influence has begun to penetrate into the front line of the Liaoxi Corridor, and it has also begun to pose a threat to Jizhen East Road and Middle Road.

When Jianzhou Jurchen tried their best to attack the Ula tribe last year, Feng Tang, who went to Liaodong, was unable to prevent Nurhachi from attacking the Ula tribe. , to constrain and force Nurhachi to give up the annexation of the Ula tribe.

   This is also a last resort.

   This move was also approved by the two big bosses of the Ministry of War, and even the cabinet acquiesced in Liaodong Town's various support for the Chahar people.

   But this kind of acquiescence is based on the premise that the Chahar people are obedient and willing to be used by Da Zhou. Now that the Chahar department has benefited from Da Zhou, they are going to eat back Da Zhou. This is very tricky.

  Once the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate find out, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe, and if it doesn't work out, there will be a wave of impeachment. Even the cabinet and the Ministry of War will not be able to explain it to the outside world.

  Ye Xianggao suddenly said such words now, is it because he wants to shirk his responsibility?

After exchanging glances, Zhang Jingqiu said calmly: "Master Shoufu, in the situation last year, since Tang Gang went to Liaodong, Donglu tried his best to eat the Ula tribe with one bite. We all know the consequences of the Ula tribe being annexed by Donglu. How serious would it be? In that case, the officials thought that no matter what method they took to avoid this consequence, it would be worthwhile. The Chahar people would only bring a burst of wind and rain, but once the Donglu swallowed the Ula tribe, the Donghai Jurchen It will become a meal on its plate, and once its wings are full, it will become a climate, and no one can control it,..."

Ye Xianggao waved his hand with a calm expression, "I have no intention of criticizing Feng Tang's actions in Liaodong. In the situation last year, he, as the governor of Jiliao and the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, has the right to act in the way that is most beneficial to Zhou, but Why did the Chahar people change direction so quickly, is there any other reason here?..."

  Chai Ke's eyes narrowed, "Master Shoufu means that the Chahar people may have colluded with Donglu?"

Ye Xianggao raised his head slightly, then shook his head, "Although it is impossible to say that there is no such possibility, I think it is still unlikely that Donglu and the Chahar people can shake hands and make peace so soon, unless there are some other factors. ,..."

   "What does your lord mean...?" Chai Ke was a little confused.

"I have some doubts that this Lindan Batur is probably an unwilling character. Maybe I feel that the stalemate between us and Donglu just gave them an opportunity to take advantage of the Chahar people. Feng Tang's last year Deliberate support, I am afraid it will further fuel their ambition."

Ye Xianggao’s words shocked both Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke. It’s not that no one has raised this point of view. At that time, Feng Ziying also said that although Lindan Batuer was young, he was ambitious. It's just a stopgap measure, or even looking for an opportunity.

  Zhang Jingqiu sneered in his heart. After all, the chief assistant still thinks that Feng Tang should take responsibility for this, which makes him very disdainful.

  If Feng Tang should be held accountable for such situations, I am afraid that no one will really be willing to risk their lives to take responsibility in the future, even the emperor will not allow this situation.

"Jinqing, now is not the time to discuss who is responsible, but how to deal with the actions of the Chahar people. The information sent back by Ji Zhen You Shigong is well-founded, and it is basically certain that Chahar will meet this autumn." There is a big move, and I have thought about this big move for a long time, and I am afraid that no one can undertake it except Da Zhou,..."

Emperor Yonglong interrupted Ye Xianggao impatiently, "A few days ago, Zhang Qing said that the chieftain was about to move in the southwest, and the battle for exiled soil became more and more fierce, so I was very worried. The chieftain is unwilling to be lonely again, and now suddenly even the Chahar people who were still receiving all kinds of material support from Dazhou last year are going to turn their guns to deal with us in Dazhou. Don’t you dear friends feel that this is too coincidental Bar?"

  One sentence surprised everyone present, Fang Congzhe hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, do you mean that the troubles caused by the southwestern chieftain are related to the southward invasion of the Chahar people?"

"One south and one north, separated by thousands of miles, it's not a day or two for the chieftains in the southwest to make troubles, but this year has been the most violent. The Chahar people have been quiet for several years, and suddenly they are going to be unfavorable to Da Zhou..." Emperor Yonglong's face became more and more serious, "Let's not talk about whether there is anything involved in it, but Zhu Qing thinks that once the Chahar people invade the south, will there be a stimulus or encouragement for the chieftain, so that they can take advantage of it? Donglu They can't fail to see this, so what will they do?"

   These words made everyone present look heavy.

Indeed, no matter whether there is any substantive connection between these people, the Donglu, the Chahar people and even the southwestern chieftains all have their own eyeliners in the capital city. Once they find an opportunity to take advantage of, they will definitely Take advantage of the fire.

Donglu, in particular, is the strongest, and unlike the Chahar people and Southwest chieftains, they need to find a more suitable time and opportunity. For Donglu, as long as there are any changes inside and outside the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is enough to contain the Great Zhou court. , is a good opportunity for them, and it is worth a try.

  Anything that can consume, weaken and restrain Da Zhou, they will spare no effort to support and use it, just like what Da Zhou has done to them.

"The Chahar people can't be allowed to rise, at least the Chahar people can't really cause too much damage to the Northland. We should try our best to suppress the Chahar people's ambitions. If it is impossible, then we must Try to control the possible damage to a certain extent, otherwise, once our northern power is consumed or restrained too much by the Chahar people, Nurhachi will definitely take the opportunity to do it, and once someone thinks this is an opportunity, just take advantage of it. I'm afraid it's not just Donglu and Southwest Tusi, there are even many things that we can't imagine will come up!"

   When it comes to the economy and people's livelihood, Qi Yongtai cannot compare with Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, but in terms of the overall situation concerning national security, Qi Yongtai is better than Ye and Fang.

  Qi Yongtai's eyes were burning like a torch: "How to do this, Jing Qiu, please come up with a strategy..."

Zhang Jingqiu hesitated for a moment, he was also taken aback by Qi Yongtai's words, and subconsciously glanced at Emperor Yonglong: "It is difficult to contain the Chahar people. We have specially investigated Lin Dan Batur, who has been with him since he was a child." In general, he has always been ambitious, taking the restoration of Temujin's glory as his mission,..."

  Zhang Jingqiu’s words shocked everyone present and even Emperor Yonglong. If Lin Danhan really had this ambition, and if he matched enough talents, then the Chahar Department might really become a serious problem.

  (end of this chapter)

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