Number of People

Chapter 892: Jizi scroll crack

  Chapter 892 Cracks in Zizi Scroll

"That being the case, why did Feng Tang give a large amount of supplies to the Chahar people last year?" Fang Congzhe's face was gloomy, "It would be fine if it provided some salt tea, but why even Liaodong itself relied on the food and cloth brought in from the south of the Yangtze River?" It was also given to the Chahar people, and there is still a lot of military resources, including some armor and firecrackers, isn’t this helping the evildoers?”

This question is really difficult to answer at first glance, but fortunately, Chai Ke is very familiar with the situation, so he answered unceremoniously: "Mr. Fang, we all know that Lin Dan Batur is ambitious. How can ordinary small profits impress him?" As for him? Last year, Donglu went all out to take down the Ula tribe. Since he took control of Liaodong in the early Tang Dynasty, all the generals under his command were unfamiliar, and it was difficult to mobilize troops. He could only rely on external forces to maintain it. Not to mention the Wula tribe, even the Yehe tribe is very dangerous, I thought that the situation could be turned to safety last year, and keeping the Wula tribe would be worth the price!"

"But now the Chahar people are going to invade our Great Zhou. Isn't this raising tigers to cause trouble?" Fang Congzhe was not polite. All these precious military resources are given to him? Even if Feng Tang's move is not to be an enemy, it is also a threat to the tiger!"

  Qi Yongtai secretly sighed in his heart, is the honeymoon period brought about by the strategy of opening the sea coming to an end so soon?

  He has faintly sensed that Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, the representatives of scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, have begun to restore their attitudes before the strategy of Kaihai was proposed, and have further enhanced their control over various affairs.

Now the northern scholars are at a disadvantage in the cabinet, and Li Sancai is a man with a north face and a south heart. If I knew it, I would have firmly resisted his entry into the cabinet. He would rather wait for a vacancy, or make a deal with the emperor to bring Zhang Huaichang into the cabinet. alright.

  It's a pity that the emperor wanted Zhang Jingqiu to enter the cabinet with all his heart, but he never thought that with Zhang Jingqiu's attitude of obeying the emperor's words, how could Ye, Fang and others let him enter the cabinet?

  Li Sancai is used to rhetoric, but he has to admit that the other party has indeed done a good job as Minister of the Ministry of Industry. No wonder the emperor will finally allow him to join the cabinet.

However, the support for Liaodong's strategy, whether it is the emperor or himself, and even Ye Fang, knows that it cannot be shaken. The mess Li Chengliang made was finally cleaned up by Feng Tang. It's really getting out of hand.

Qi Yongtai sighed inwardly, but he didn't show anything on his face: "Mr. Fang, the two evils are the lesser. If the Chahar people are not given military funds and the Chahar people don't send troops to suppress the Horqin people and threaten the Eastern captives. As a result, the Ula tribe was annexed by the Donglu. Did Mr. Fang think about the consequences? I am afraid that the Donglu will not only eat the Ula tribe, but also become one with the Horqin people. We will worry about the safety of Liaodong Town. It's not just about worrying about the Chahar people invading south."

   Being pushed back by Qi Yongtai's words, Fang Congzhe was also a little displeased, "Didn't you say that Lin Dan Batur is ambitious? Then Horqin also belongs to Lin Dan's management?"

Regarding Fang Congzhe's understanding, Qi Yongtai also felt a little helpless, "Mr. Fang, the Horqin people are not under the jurisdiction of everyone in Chahar, and they are not even part of the traditional Mongolian left wing. They are the descendants of Temujin's second brother Habu Tuhasar." The tribes that have always been owned are independent of the traditional Mongolian left-wing and right-wing 60,000 households. Even Dayan Khan did not dare to annex them, but the Chahar people have always regarded themselves as Temujin’s heirs, so they like to issue orders to all Mongolian tribes , but whether people listen to him or not depends on whether his strength is enough."

The origins of the various tribes on the prairie, even the ministers of the court, few have figured it out. From the Northern Yuan Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty for more than two hundred years, the changes on the prairie are more rapid than those in the Central Plains, and the rise and fall of tribes Impermanence, perhaps a thriving tribe may disappear in just a few decades.

Fang Congzhe is not interested in these things on the grassland. He also knows that it is impossible to do anything about Liaodong, which has finally settled down. The emperor will not agree, and Qi Yongtai will not agree. But he's going to knock each other out.

From last year to this year, Liaodong Town demanded too much food, salary and military funds, which made the imperial court a little bit overwhelmed. If it wasn't for the fact that the strategy of opening up the sea really increased the imperial court's income, he would have made trouble a long time ago, and it is really not easy to bear it until now .

"Chengfeng, let's put these bad things on the grassland aside for the time being, but it's too much for the Liaodong side to help the grassland tribes so generously. That's all for the Yehe tribe. We also support Shuerhaqi, but People from Chahar and Horqin, shouldn’t we be more cautious? Also, the Ministry of War and Liaodong have both proposed to contact the Donghai Jurchen, so will the Donghai Jurchen get our aid but turn to the Eastern captives?”

Fang Congzhe's tone was calm, but he was also very to the point: "The imperial court's finances improved last year, but the hole in Ningxia's suppression of the rebellion the year before was too big, and the Nine Borders owed too much. We all need to fill it up slowly, so each family still has to Take it easy, and like Liaodong, they even give firearms and food to the Chahar people unscrupulously, but now the Chahar people are going to bite us back, I am afraid this should be a lesson to be used as a warning.”

  Fang Congzhe's words made Ye Xianggao, Li Tingji, Li Sancai, Minister of the Household Department Zheng Jizhi, and the Minister of the Household Department Huang Ruliang couldn't help nodding slightly.

Suppressing the irritability in his heart, Qi Yongtai also nodded slightly, "What Fang Gong said is true, the Ministry of War really needs overall planning, but the surrounding area is too wide, and the enemies we face are extremely cunning and vicious. If you don't even have this bit of power, you can't fight the battle."

   "Chengfeng, I didn't say that no one said that the generals in the battle should not be given contingency power, but there must be a constraint. You can't be bold and make your own claims, and you will not be responsible for the consequences?" Ye Xianggao also joined in.

Seeing that Qi Yongtai's face turned blue, Li Sancai, who had been silent beside him, interjected: "What Ye Gong and Fang Gong said is indeed reasonable. In the future, with the improvement of the imperial court's finances, the situation will improve, and the food and military funds of the frontier areas will also increase. It is increasing day by day, brother Chengfeng, this is also the kindness of the princes,..."

  Emperor Yonglong was also a little irritable in his heart. He was helpless in the face of these courtiers who were so talkative every day.

  He really wanted to reprimand him, but he had to admit Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe's suspicions. The Chahar people were honest and cheering for Da Zhou last year. Why did they turn their backs this year?

   Is it You Shigong's alarmist talk, and even intentionally distanced himself from Feng Tang to show his loyalty to him?

  But it is not necessary to give his boss a blow in the back, it is completely unnecessary, which makes Emperor Yonglong a little uncertain.

  Or Lin Dan Batur is young and energetic, really thinks that Da Zhou is weak and bully, and wants to take advantage of it?

The atmosphere in the hall was a little stagnant, and the emperor's eyes seemed to be a little erratic, a little distracted. Ye Xianggao realized that the topic was too far away, and if Qi Yongtai was pushed too hard, it would easily cause the other party to rebound, so he never gave up. Li Tingji, who was speaking, winked.

"Your Majesty, gentlemen, it's better not to get too involved today, and we still have to discuss the content of Jizhen's urgent report at the moment. Since the Chahar people can't suppress it for a while, if what You Shigong said is true, then this autumn will be the same as heaven and forever." To make peace with Daning and Ningyuan in western Liaoning, preparations must be made as soon as possible."

Li Tingji actually doesn't agree with Fang Congzhe's attack on Liaodong, but Fang Congzhe, as the second assistant, is mainly responsible for the financial department. He has always believed that the taxes in Nanzhili and Zhejiang are too heavy, and there is a danger of civil uprising. He wants to appropriately reduce the taxes in Suzhou, Hangzhou, The tax and labor in Huzhou, Changzhou and other states, but this did not get the support of Ye Xianggao, so he wanted to think about throttling, but the idea was to hit the military expenditure of the Nine Frontiers, which Qi Yongtai and the Ministry of War could not Accepted.

  Emperor Yonglong nodded in satisfaction. He was very dissatisfied with the performance of Fang Congzhe and Ye Xianggao, but Li Tingji still knew the general idea.

   "Well, what does Li Qing think?" Emperor Yonglong asked.

"In terms of military strategy, Jing Qiu and Zi Shu are far superior to me. The Ministry of War should have a plan." Li Tingji immediately retreated and escaped. This kind of thing is not successful, it is wrong to say that it is wrong, and it is easy to offend Qi Yongtai. I don't want to ask for trouble.

Emperor Yonglong was slightly displeased, but thinking about Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe over there, I was afraid that Li Tingji would not be able to say much, so he stopped talking and looked at Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke, "The Ministry of War thinks How to deal with it?"

  Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke actually discussed it on the way to the palace.

   There is no good way.

The Chahar people's nomadic land spans thousands of miles, from Xuanfu to Liaodong. Except for the critical pass, other areas can only establish a cordon in the form of beacons along the thousands of miles of wall, but the Mongolian cavalry comes and goes like the wind. Once they break through , It is often difficult for the first line of defense to act as much obstacle, and it takes the second or even third line of defense to really deal with it.

The second and third lines of defense are basically the northern areas of Shuntianfu and Yongpingfu, except that the Liaoxi Corridor is dominated by Baozhen. If the north of Shuntianfu and Yongpingfu is slightly relaxed, the Mongolian cavalry You can directly break into the capital city. Although everyone here knows that it is impossible for the Chahar people to break through the capital city, this situation is unacceptable to Da Zhou, which is related to Da Zhou's face.

The problem is that if you want to stop the Chahar people on the second line and prevent the Mongolian cavalry from rushing into the capital city, you need to be on the line of Changping-Shunyi-Sanhe-Yutian-Fengrun-Kaiping Zhongtunwei in the north of Shuntianfu and Yongpingfu. The enemy stopped it.

   There is no good way, but when the emperor asked, the Ministry of War had to come up with a statement.

"Your Majesty, I have discussed with Lord Chai, because it is not clear what the Chahar people intend to invade the south this time, and the information from Jizhen only shows that Lin Danbatur intends to go south, but the specific situation is not yet known from where and how large it is. Clear, so our opinion is that in addition to further stabilizing the defense of the three towns, it may be necessary to mobilize part of the mobile force to fade out in Changping, Sanhe and Baodi, in order to maximize the response..."

  (end of this chapter)

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