Number of People

Chapter 893: The Zizi scroll was attacked, provoked?

  Chapter 893 The self-written scroll was attacked and provoked?

  Receiving Baoxiang's report, Feng Ziying couldn't believe it, and fixed her eyes on him.

  But seeing Baoxiang's anxious expression, Feng Ziying suppressed the fury and annoyance in her heart, took a deep breath, and sat back in the official hat chair once she had jumped up.

   Just this sitting made the originally extremely strong seat creak.

   "Are there any casualties?" Feng Ziying felt that his palms could not help sweating slightly, which even made him feel more fearful than being in danger.

"I heard from Ruixiang that fortunately, Mr. Wu had arranged several people to accompany the car for protection. Except for two of the five of them who were seriously injured, the rest of the people in our house, only two coachmen suffered minor injuries from a fall, and they are all fine. Auntie, Jin Chuaner, and sister Xiangling were just a little frightened, and two other horses were robbed, and the car was also damaged."

   Baoxiang was so frightened by the sudden flash of light in Feng Ziying's eyes that he quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at each other, but his heart was pounding violently.

   After serving the uncle for so many years, it was the first time he saw the uncle get angry.

  In the past, even if the uncle scolded others, it was just an understatement. He and Ruixiang did something wrong and had to be punished, but the uncle's language was always neutral and peaceful, and he rarely got angry.

   It’s no wonder that everyone in the mansion said that the uncle is considerate of the master, and the wife also said that the uncle is more calm than the master when he was young.

  Feng Ziying feels at ease.

   This time it really all depended on Wu Yaoqing's caution.

  Second Sister You, Jin Chuaner, and Xiang Ling came to Yongping Mansion a few days late.

  Originally, I said that when I came to Yongping, they were about to come, but then I felt that I might be busy for a while when I came to Yongping, and I even had to go to various states and counties, so I asked them to come later, and the delay was one month.

  So when she came here, Feng Ziying also felt that it would be enough for one or two people to accompany the carriage. It would only take two or three days for the left and right carriages to come, so there is no need to be so nervous.

  However, Wu Yaoqing still felt that Yongping was not familiar with the situation here, because he had to come in three carriages to bring various household items, so it was better to be safe, so he arranged for five people to **** them there.

   I didn't expect to encounter such an attack, which also made Feng Ziying frightened for a while after being furious.

   "Where were they attacked?" As soon as the words came out, Feng Ziying realized that she had lost her composure. Baoxiang didn't know, and had to go back and ask what happened.

   "According to Ruixiang, he was attacked at the section from Zhenzi Town to the Shahe Ferry." Baoxiang asked Feng Ziying first after inquiring clearly.

   "Well, I see." Feng Ziying collected herself, "You go back first, and I'll be right back."

  Feng Ziying is now not sure whether this attack on her family was deliberately targeted at her by someone, or if she really happened to meet bandits by chance.

  If it is the former, then my words and deeds may fall into their eyes. If I panic or lose my temper in anger, I am afraid that it will make the other party even more presumptuous.

  Zhenzi Town is a famous town in the east of Jingdong, and also a big town in the west of Luanzhou. It got its name because the mountain is full of hazelnuts.

   This area has a flat terrain and fertile soil. It has always been known as "Luanzhou granary". The industries of wine making, iron smelting, iron making, bricks and tiles are quite prosperous.

  There are two official roads to the east from here, one is 110 miles due east to Lulong County, Yongping Prefecture, and the other is 90 miles southeast to Luanzhou City.

  The theory here is already considered the hinterland of Yongping Mansion, and bandits are still so rampant, which also shows that the law and order of Yongping Mansion is not stable.

But what makes Feng Ziying a little puzzled is that according to what You Shilu said, these bandits basically have fairly accurate intelligence information before they make a move. Liaodong or the caravan returning from Liaodong started.

Like my family, although there are a few carriages, it is impossible to think about how much gold and silver they brought. It is incomparable with the caravan. Moreover, if they know that this is their concubine's room, these people really dare to buy it. If he started, then Feng Ziying felt that he might not have come here for money.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying became more and more calm on the surface while the anger rose in her heart.

After coming to this time and space, he really rarely has the emotions he has today. He was also afraid when he encountered the Linqing civil uprising and went to the grassland to meet Bu Shitu and was attacked by the enemy. Wang Xiangchun had also been angry before when he was provocative, but this was the first time for him to be in a situation like today where anger was mixed with a little fear.

He found that he was more and more integrated into this era, into Feng Keng's identity, and the people around him were becoming more and more integrated with his fate and feelings, making him unconsciously worried about them, feeling happy, angry, sad and happy .

Like Second Sister You, Jin Chuaner, and Xiangling, they all had skin-to-skin relatives who shared the same bed with him, and they all had a relationship with him, but once one of them dies, it may be a blow to me. It will also be heavy.

   After Baoxiang left for a while, Feng Ziying walked out of the mansion slowly, and walked towards the mansion in the back street.

  The carriage had already driven into the yard. When Feng Ziying entered, the servants were still helping to unload the boxes and belongings on the carriage, and they were putting them into the house one by one under Jin Chuaner's command.

  As soon as Feng Ziying entered the room, Second Sister You and Xiangling surrounded her, and Jin Chuaner temporarily put down her command and trotted over.

  Seeing Second Sister You's timid and terrified appearance, Jin Chuan'er and Xiang Ling also looked pale with lingering fear, and Feng Ziying was also busy comforting her for a while.

  Feng Ziying went to visit the injured two after the three women's mood stabilized.

  Wu Yaoqing has arranged for a doctor to re-bandage and change the dressing for the two, and also asked about the situation at that time.

   "My lord, I plan to take someone over there to investigate on the spot. Although I have reported to the officials, I guess it is difficult to have any substantive results with the standards of the guys in the torture room in Luanzhou Yali..."

  After Wu Yaoqing finished asking, he came to Feng Ziying's room to report.

   "What can I gain?" Feng Ziying trusted Wu Yaoqing, if not for the other party's caution this time, I'm afraid it would not be so easy.

  Looking at the injuries of those two people, one was hit by an arrow, and the other was slashed by a narrow blade. Fortunately, he used a weapon to block it, otherwise half of his shoulder would have been taken off.

  Even so, it would be difficult for the two of them to recover from their injuries without half a year of recuperation.

"It's hard to say now." Feng Ziying appreciates Wu Yaoqing's temperament. The bigger the incident, the more calm he is. "From the reports of our side, there are about 30 bandits around, and seven or eight of them are armored." , many people are good at bow and arrow,..."

  Thirty riders, with armor, good at using bows and arrows, these words came out of Wu Yaoqing's mouth, which made Feng Ziying's heart sink.

Although border horses in the north are not particularly rare, horses that can be used by bandits for riding and shooting are by no means ordinary poor horses. If such good horses are not owned by the army, they can only be bought by wealthy local families. Thirty horses.

  Jujia is even more unusual. The Gujia mentioned by Wu Yaoqing is by no means the tanned leather armor of ordinary hunters, but leather armor made of solid cowhide, and may even be mixed with iron wire hoops!

  Who could possibly have this kind of armor?

Dazhou is not strict on cold weapons other than firearms, but it is very strict on armor, even ordinary wealthy households would take great risks to hide a few of them privately, and now there are seven or eight armor thieves Bandits, have the level of bandits in Yongping Mansion been as high as that of the regular army?

  It sounds normal to be good at using bows and arrows. There are many hunters in this mountain area who can use arrows, and there are many such good players, which is nothing.

  But you must know that the person who hit the arrow on your side is not an ordinary person, but an expert from the Northland recruited by Wu Yaoqing.

  With such a level, Feng Ziying can't think of any bandits who are so powerful?

   "The situation of their surprise attack..." Feng Ziying murmured.

  Wu Yaoqing also knew that this owner might have some suspicions. Thirty cavalry, armored, and a sharp archer, even if Yong Ping was brave and fierce, but this was still a bit beyond imagination.

   "I also asked the two people in the mansion. They have followed the governor for many years, but according to them, this kind of ambush and subsequent siege is not like the style of the army,..."

  Feng Ziying shook her head.

Feng An and Feng Tai are two servants left by his father. One is injured in the waist on the battlefield, and the other is limped by an arrow in his right leg, but he still has all his martial arts skills and experience, so he withdrew from the personal army I followed my father as a long-term follower, and now I follow myself.

  Although the two of them are not as good as those recruited by Wu Yaoqing in fighting alone, they can both make good bows and arrows.

   It was also thanks to the two's bow and arrow blocking that they restrained the opponent's surprise attack, prevented the opponent from fully exerting its strength, and gave our own a chance. Otherwise, it is really hard to say what will happen.

Since the opponent came prepared, he might even be familiar with it. If he is used to this kind of work, he must have practiced it long ago. If it is really related to people in the army, he will naturally not use the tactics of the army to attack and encircle. , and these thieves may not all be members of the army, they may also be deserters, or they may be the guards of big families.

  But no matter what, Feng Ziying felt that it should have something to do with Jizhen.

  You Shigong’s time in charge of Jizhen is still too short. Jizhen not only has Li Chengliang’s direct descendants, but also Magui’s people, and You Shigong has no experience in running a town before, so he lacks experience.

   Now Feng Ziying is not clear about the purpose and intention of these people attacking his family, but he can be sure that it has nothing to do with Tucai.

   Is it because I want to get back the cheese that those hundreds of craftsmen touched some people, or I started to investigate the robbery cases that happened on the official road from the capital via Lulong to the west of Liaoning in the past few years?

   There are even more hidden, complex and deeper factors?

  Feng Ziying had to think more.

  (end of this chapter)

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