Number of People

Chapter 895: Self-character roll mandarin ducks come to your door

  Chapter 895 Mandarin ducks come to the door

  Wu Yaoqing and his party's investigation three days later had a result that was not considered a result.

  Indications from all aspects indicated that this group of bandits probably consisted of thirty to fifty people, and the number of crimes they committed did not stop at this one time.

In the past five years, there have been about 11 cases similar to the modus operandi of these gangsters, basically concentrated in Yutian-Fengrun-Lulong-Funing and Tianjinwei-Liangchengsuo-Kaiping Zhongtunwei-Luanzhou. on two lines.

The former line is mainly for caravans coming from the capital, or the caravans returning from Liaodong to the capital, while the latter line is mainly for those who come from the canal to Liaodong via Tianjin Wei or return goods from Liaodong to Jiangnan via Tianjin Wei. Caravan.

In a word, this group of people, or not necessarily a group of people, but they are gangs of bandits with similar modus operandi, they all target the merchants traveling from the capital to Liaodong and from Jiangnan to Liaodong via the canal. Caravans, these caravans may be big or small, but whether they are going to Liaodong or returning from Liaodong, they are not small, and they are naturally the best fat sheep.

But large caravans basically have to hire armed bodyguards, and even those with connections have to ask the garrison in Ji Town to take care of them and send a team of soldiers to **** them, but it is difficult for small and medium caravans or caravans with little relationship. If you encounter it, you will consider yourself unlucky.

However, judging from the number of times, the frequency of crimes committed by this group or several gangsters is not too high, eleven times in five years, an average of no more than two times a year, which is worthless compared to the hundreds of thousands of business travelers who travel to and from Liaodong every year Mention, of course, this only specifically refers to bandits of this size, and a gang of bandits with 10, 20 or even a few people is another matter.

   "Your judgment...?"

  Feng Ziying has recovered her former composure, her eyes are far away, and her fingers are tapping on the desk.

"What is certain is that these gangs, or perhaps even two or three bands of bandits with similar modus operandi should all be closely related to the Jizhen garrison, but they may not be stationed in our Yongping Prefecture, because from the eleven crimes committed In terms of location selection, the section from Zhenzi Town to Shahe Ferry, Yutian to Fengrun, that is, the section from Qiantunwei in Xingzhou, Tianjinwei (Zhigu) to Liangchengsuo, and the section from Liangchengsuo to Kaiping Zhongtunwei. The most crimes committed, and the section from Lulong to Funing only happened once,..."

  Wu Yaoqing's investigation was very meticulous. Not only in Luanzhou, but also from Lulong to Funing, he specially arranged for people to go almost everywhere.

"Furthermore, I have investigated, and this is only one time, according to the investigation file of the Lulong County Yamen Criminal Chamber, the bandit's eyeliner has been following from Fengrun, because they happened to meet a group of escorts from the capital to Liaodong. They marched together, but the team had to rest for two days at Lulong, so they went on their own, but they were robbed sixty miles away from Funing,..."

  Feng Ziying frowned slightly, "According to your statement, these thieves are trying to make money?"

"It should be so. In these eleven crimes, less than ten people were actually injured and died, and only one time was because the opponent had as many as 20 armed escorts, so they thought they could fight before resisting, resulting in four deaths. Three people were injured, and the rest of them controlled the scene as soon as they shot, and didn't cause much damage,..."

  Wu Yaoqing's answer deepened Feng Ziying's suspicion.

"According to what you said, this attack shouldn't have happened. Every time the opponent has accurate intelligence support, they are very clear about the target's guard force, property value, and even the route of travel, but my concubines He Yatou just brought some belongings and clothes with him, no special goods, how could they do it?"

  Wu Yaoqing also didn't understand this.

It stands to reason that if these gangsters followed the original style, they should have already figured out the target situation. The adults and their family members came from Yutian and Fengrun, and they walked for a few days along the way, and they also rested on the road The inns and restaurants in these places must have their eyeliner. They should know how many valuables there are, and they should even know the strength of the escorts. How could they make a move?

Both Feng An and Feng Tai could tell at a glance that they were veterans fighting on the battlefield, and they both rode on horseback with bows. Even if thieves and bandits come in twenty or thirty, you should know that this business will have to pay a price, and it may not be cost-effective, but why does the other party still come?

  This can only show that the other party is not here for money.

  The eyes of Feng Ziying and Wu Yaoqing met.

   "Yaoqing, it seems that many people are still very dissatisfied with my coming to Yongping..." Feng Ziying shook her head.

  The previous co-prefect did not fill the vacancy after he became an official, but delayed it for more than a year. This kind of situation is extremely rare. Qi Yongtai also reminded himself vaguely that some people seem to be reluctant to fill the vacancy for the co-prefect of Yongping Mansion.

   Exactly what was the reason for not wanting to see Tongzhi to fill in the vacancies, and who was unwilling to see Tongzhi to fill in the vacancies, Feng Ziying did not know, but he felt that it might have something to do with the attack on his family members on the road this time.

Although Feng Ziying didn't come to Yongping Mansion for a long time, he solved the problem of the military artisans in Ji Town. Now everyone in the government office knows that a group of Shanxi merchants and Guangdong iron smelters are planning to build iron factories in Yongping Mansion, and it is said that The scale is very large, and naturally it caused a lot of shock in the mansion.

In addition, I don’t know if I let Changli and Leting send the relevant investigations on Haiphong, that is, on Japanese pirates, to the mansion. It has also aroused some people’s vigilance. Huimin Salt Farm has too many interests involved, and even Feng Ziying dare not easily To intervene, you have to touch the bottom of the Japanese pirates from the side.

   It can be said that the imperial court was not satisfied with the situation in Yongping Mansion, and many people in Yongping Mansion were also dissatisfied. But while many people were dissatisfied, there were also many people who were very satisfied, and even hoped that this situation would continue.

Wu Yaoqing didn't respond to Feng Ziying's words for a while, but after thinking for a while, he slowly said: "My lord, Yaoqing feels that the other party's attack doesn't seem to have any real intention to do anything, it's more like a demonstration or a threat , it’s just that they underestimated our strength, that’s why this situation happened,…”

   "Well, demonstrations, threats?" Feng Ziying nodded thoughtfully, "Then who are they?"

  Wu Yaoqing hesitated for a moment, "My lord, it's better to recruit Brother Wenyan, I believe that Brother Wenyan should be better at these aspects, and the small ones are not as good as Brother Wenyan."

   "Yaoqing, don't belittle yourself, you've done a good job." Feng Ziying was telling the truth.

   This is not Yangzhou, Xuzhou, the places Wu Yaoqing is most familiar with, but a completely unfamiliar place. Wu Yaoqing can make such progress in more than half a year with a few people, and he is very satisfied.

  Even if Wang Wenyan came, he might be more careful and careful in planning, but he might not be able to do much better than Wu Yaoqing in other things.

   "My lord,..."

"This is the case for the time being. You and Luanzhou should explain it to Luanzhou and investigate slowly according to the usual practice. There is no need to go to war again..." Feng Ziying's eyes turned cold, "Since I want to do something, I will definitely touch some people For the interests of these people, sooner or later, these people will jump out, and you can arrange people to investigate slowly,..."

   After Wu Yaoqing left, Feng Ziying settled down to think carefully.

  If it’s just pure threats and intimidation, then what I’m doing or what I’m going to do must have touched some people, so what will happen?

There must be some people who are not happy about the withdrawal of the artisan households in Youtunwei in Xingzhou. The one directly affected is Youtunwei in Xingzhou, which is the territory of the general Niu Chengdong. Feng Ziying is not sure how much the withdrawal of the artisan households will affect him. .

  The other thing is to support Shanxi merchants and the Zhuang family, a large iron smelter in Guangdong, to build a large iron factory in Yongping Prefecture, which is bound to have a direct impact on the large iron smelters in Yongping Prefecture and even the eastern part of Shuntian Prefecture, such as Fengrun and Zunhua.

Originally their iron material was that the emperor's daughter would not worry about marrying, and they sold it throughout the Northland. Now, once their own iron factory is built, no matter how large or small, their business may be directly impacted. Could this be the reason? Hard to say.

Another thing is to rectify the law and order by yourself and investigate the Japanese pirates. Will anyone feel afraid, afraid to follow the vines to investigate and deal with something, whether it is bandits who have ties to the army, or Japanese pirates who are deeply involved with Changli and Leting big families, or even It is also directly related to the interests of Huimin Saltworks. Such huge interests are enough to make countless people take risks.

   While thinking about it, he heard a rush of footsteps coming in. It was actually Jin Chuaner: "Master, the mandarin ducks are here, and they are here to find you."

  Feng Ziying was taken aback, and almost thought that something happened at home, but when there was something going on at home, it should be Qingwen or Yunshang. When is it the turn of mandarin ducks?

   Could it be Baochai or Daiyu? It shouldn't be, Zicuckoo or Ying'er is not unfamiliar, they all know the basics, where can't they come?

   "Come in, please."

   Seeing Yuanyang covered in dust and exhaustion, Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning: "Yuanyang, if it's not a particularly urgent matter, you'd better go and rest for half a day before you come and talk to me."

   "No, lord, the slave girl should talk about things first before going to rest." Yuanyang glanced at Jin Chuaner next to him, Jin Chuaner was a little surprised, he couldn't listen to anything? Is there anything else in Jia's mansion that needs to be avoided? But she still nodded with great interest, "Grandpa, let Yuanyang talk first, the servant girl here will let someone boil the water first, and when Yuanyang is done, let her take a bath and have a good rest."

  Feng Ziying nodded, and then signaled Yuanyang to sit down and talk in detail.

  Mandarin ducks didn't dare to delay, and Haosheng carefully considered his words before telling Feng Ziying the words Baoqin brought, and he didn't dare to add or delete half a sentence, because he was afraid that it would affect Feng Ziying's judgment.

  (end of this chapter)

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