Number of People

Chapter 896: Jizi scroll is moving like a cloud

  Chapter 896 The wind is moving

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Yuanyang to speak for Yuan Chun in the palace, and it turned out to be such a secret thing that could not be said to others.

  Hearing Yuanyang blushed and finished speaking in a low voice, Feng Ziying didn't know what to do for a while.

For such matters, Yuan Chun did not ask Jia to pardon Jia Zheng, did not ask Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, and did not ask Wang Ziteng for help, but actually asked for help under the guise of a mandarin duck, and even got Jia Mu's support, without even telling him. Jia Zheng and his wife.

   Could it be that the Jia family really regarded themselves as life-saving straws?

   It’s fine to ask yourself for advice and help, the key is that even Feng Ziying feels helpless about such things.

Seeing that Yuanyang's face was also worried and nervous, Feng Ziying also knew that this girl probably never thought that she would be involved in such a thing, and it was inevitable that she was afraid and panicked, especially when it came to matters related to the Tian family. , maybe one day he will be able to ascend to the position of Great Treasure.

   After thinking about it for a while, Feng Ziying didn't have any idea, and it was a bit tricky to suddenly encounter such a thing that she had never thought of.

"Yuanyang, you have worked hard for a few days, and you have traveled hundreds of miles. Well, let Jin Chuan'er take you to wash up and take a rest for half a day. I will think about it carefully, and maybe I will let you wait for a few days. What about it?" Feng Ziying pondered for a while before saying.

"Ah? Wait a few more days?" Of course, Yuanyang wanted to take a break. This trip, although it was a car, but it was hundreds of miles away, the bones were about to fall apart, and the whole body, especially the buttocks, was sore. Incomparable, but she was a little surprised to have to wait for a few days.

"Well, it's not that simple. The longevity king is usually quite cautious. Why has he become so arrogant and indulgent in the past few months?" Feng Ziying nodded slightly, "Does it have anything to do with the emperor's poor health? The emperor If the health is really bad, how bad is it? Is there any intention to establish a prince? I have to think about these things,..."

   Yuanyang was helpless. Hearing what Feng Ziying said, she also realized that the matter of the eldest girl being in the palace was not that simple. Uncle Feng had already glimpsed some clues from it, but she couldn't understand it.

   "Well, then I'll leave it to you, my servant, and I'll go down and have a rest first." Yuanyang got up and left.

   Seeing Yuanyang and Jin Chuaner going out with a smile and holding hands, Feng Ziying also had plans in mind.

King Shou's insolence probably has a lot to do with Emperor Yonglong's lack of energy and his inattention to intervene in the affairs of the palace. Otherwise, he would not dare to take advantage of his father and woman by letting go of his courage. This guy is also arrogant and arrogant A role cannot become a big climate.

  He had a premonition that perhaps starting from this year, some major events would happen one after another, but he couldn't predict which major events they would be. Some subtle changes inside and outside the court had already been faintly revealed.

  Prince Yizhong is becoming more active, Emperor Taishang is getting older, Emperor Yonglong is also sick,...

  The people of Chahar are unwilling to be lonely, Jianzhou Jurchen is ready to wait, what else? Will the southwestern chieftain headed by Yang Yinglong continue to dormant like this? Will Yang Kedong be willing to be a hostage all the time? Is there anything more unpredictable? Like the White Lotus Sect and the Japanese?

  Feng Ziying didn’t even count that the estrangement between the northern and southern scholars had become more and more obvious after the honeymoon period and entered the cold period. Da Zhou, who was extended by Kaihai Zhilue, seemed to be a little alive, but is it a flashback or...

Feng Ziying does not believe that the situation in Dazhou can be maintained without the premise of the reform of strong men breaking their wrists and scraping bones to heal their injuries. The strategy of opening the sea is just a drop in the bucket to solve the symptoms but not the root cause, but all of this will start to erupt so early this year Is it?

Feng Ziying always thought that it would take a few more years before it would gradually appear. However, the absurdity of the Chahar people's unexpected southward invasion and the encounter with Jia Yuanchun made him doubt his own judgment. Will it come sooner and more violently than expected?


  Luanzhou, Shifokou.

  The huge manor is built on the mountain, and it looks nothing special from the outside. Only by climbing up the mountain pass from Shifokou can you get a glimpse of the whole manor.

  The old man sat on the futon, and the fragrance in the hall was lingering and lingering.

   "So they just want to give the new magistrate a blow? What's the point of doing this other than scaring the snake?"

   "I don't know what they think, but if I let this person do whatever I want in Yongping, I'm afraid it will hinder the teaching of the holy religion, so my disciple..."

  The man kneeling in the temple bowed his head and whispered.

"Father, I'm afraid it's not that simple. Zhangji Blacksmith Workshop in Hazel Town is the largest blacksmith workshop in Yongping Prefecture. More than half of the iron materials from Fengrun and Zunhua are supplied to Zhangji Blacksmith Workshop. My son doubts them. It is because they are worried that the iron materials produced by their iron factories in Zunhua and Fengrun will be impacted. This Feng Tongzhi is not simple. It's huge,…”

   Standing on the left side of the lower hand, a middle-aged man dressed in plain white robe said in a deep voice.

"Has Guoyong been affected?" The old man's face was rosy, and he couldn't tell that he was nearly seventy years old. He looked more like a strong middle-aged man in his early fifties, but his silver-white hair was exposed. his real age.

   "Eldest brother doesn't have much influence, but my father entrusted him with the educational affairs of the government, but he has been in a hurry for a year,..." the middle-aged man couldn't help but said.

Hearing that the second son was not very satisfied with his favorite disciple, the white-haired old man glanced at the eldest son who stood at the bottom left of him with the first bowed eyebrows, frowned, and then said: "Guo Yong is busy preaching, good righteousness also Don't be too demanding..."

  The man in white clothes is the old man's second son, Wang Haoyi. Seeing that his father seems to have noticed something, the man in white clothes can only bow his head and say yes.

"Good gift, you can also tell Guoyong that preaching should not be limited to our Luanzhou, Changli, and Leting. I know the purpose of Guoyong. There are many big households in Changli and Leting. They admire the vacuum hometown and are willing to promote it for Everbright. I have done my best to teach, but the current situation cannot be limited to this. The management of the Yanhe Camp, Jianchang Camp, Taitou Camp, and Shimenzhai Camp in the north cannot be relaxed. These military disciples will be of great use to me in the future. ..."

"Father, don't worry, besides the above battalions, Guoyong has also made some progress in Kaiping Zhongtunwei and Shanhaiwei Panguanying." Wang Haoli, who had never said a word, said calmly: "It's just that it will take some time before we can put these places to work." the foundations of the…”

The white-haired old man nodded in satisfaction, "Good gift, I have to worry more here, your senior sister Zhang and senior brother Xu have done a good job in Shuntian and Shandong, and you can't neglect here in Beizhi, Yongping Mansion is our foundation, so we must not relax. In addition, dear Xian, you hurry up and go to Zhending again. Anbao and Zhou Yin wrote from Zhending that everything went well. You should go there again and bring some experience. Let them go and let them develop freely. Didn’t Zhou Yin say that he intends to establish a club affiliated to us? I think it’s okay. Let the security guide him. The situation may not be the same everywhere. They want to use the name of the club. Let him alone..."

  The gray-haired old man's eyes were like torches, his eyes were shining brightly, his speech was clear and organized, and he couldn't tell that he was a seventy-year-old country old man at all.

  Wang Haoli and Wang Haoxian, who were named, nodded and obeyed.

"I have another feeling that the end of the Great Zhou Dynasty is coming. To save our people to go to the vacuum hometown, we must completely destroy all the shackles that imprison the people before the end of the day. To do this, It is necessary to let the people forget everything in the secular world, and run away without restraint,..."

  The old man had a smile as bright as sunshine on his face, but in this slightly gloomy palace, he looked a little indescribably hideous and weird.

   "Here!" All the people in the hall were extremely fanatical in their eyes, and they responded in a deep voice.


  Japan, Sunpu Castle.

   With some turbid eyes falling on the sunlight outside the door, Ieyasu stood up and straightened his clothes.

   "Your Excellency Xiuzhong has arrived." The valet knelt outside the door and said.

   "Let him come in." Ieyasu sighed softly. If he doesn't deal with Hideyori, he won't be able to enjoy the good times now, and Hidetaka's prestige will not be truly consolidated.


   "Well, what are you doing today?" Ieyasu doesn't like anyone to disturb his peaceful life, he thinks this peaceful life can help him think deeply.

   "The Jianzhou Jurchen envoy intends to invite us to enter North Korea again. He said that he has reached a consensus with the Chahar Ministry of Mongolia and plans a great cause together..."

  After listening to Hidetada's report, Ieyasu fell into deep thought.

Who is the biggest beneficiary in the Battle of Bunroku Keicho? Of course he is himself, but Ieyasu doesn’t think it was a mistake for Hashiba Hideyoshi to start the Bunroku Keicho Battle. With so many famous generals, where do they get so much land from Lumi? ? The soldiers were also unwilling to disarm and return to the fields. They were accustomed to war and were no longer willing to face the loess and muddy water when they returned to the countryside.

  Anyone who blocks the path of the daimyo generals and soldiers will be torn to pieces. This is the general trend, but Hashiba Hideyoshi did a poor job. Since he knows that Dazhou will reinforce North Korea, why not implement containment? Although there are fortifications in the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the coastal defense tends to be banned. In addition, knowing that the Mongols are still unwilling to lie dormant outside the customs, why not invite them to advance and retreat together?

   What is right is more helpful than what is not right. Considering this from another perspective, it might not be possible to apply it to war.

   "Hidetada, what do you mean?" Ieyasu asked after a long time.

"My son thinks that before the matter of Xiu Lai is resolved, it is not appropriate to speak lightly of the war, but if the Jianzhou Jurchen can attack the northern border of the Great Zhou with the Mongols, the battle may not be resolved in two or three years. For us It might be a good thing to say..." Tokugawa Hidetada bowed his head and said.

   "Well, what are you going to do?"

   "It's better to use money and rice to recruit ronin. There are a lot of ronin in the countryside right now, and there are reactions from all over the country. This recruitment and formation can not only explain to Jianzhou Jurchen, so that they can intervene in the future, but also reduce the pressure in the city and the countryside..."

   "Well, who do you want to be the general..." Ieyasu nodded.

   "Terasawa Hirodaka is the main one, Kuki Shoulong is the assistant, and Wakisaka Yasuji is the queen." Xiuzhong was overjoyed, it was rare to get such a decisive approval from his father, and he was also a little excited.

   "Good." Ieyasu closed his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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