Number of People

Chapter 897: Seeing Spots and Seeing Leopards in Zizi Scroll

  Chapter 897 I see the leopard in the self-written scroll

  Feng Ziying is naturally unaware that the storm instigated by the butterfly wings has affected everywhere, and he can only follow his own path ignorantly according to the remaining memories of his previous life.

  The replacement of the Ming Dynasty by the Great Zhou was already a huge change and dislocation in history. Although the Great Zhou basically followed the regulations of the previous Ming Dynasty, they were two dynasties after all.

  The strength of the Wuxun nobles in the former Ming Dynasty was severely weakened after the Tumu Fort change, and they would basically not be able to become successful in the future. However, the Wuxuns of the Great Zhou Dynasty started with the Zhang family, and until now, they can still maintain a rough idea.

  Although the decline of inertia is unavoidable, it is also because of the lack of outstanding talents. Once there are one or two talents, there can still be some momentum.

  For example, Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng can still stand at the pinnacle of generals.

The structure of the Great Zhou is also very different from that of the former Ming Dynasty. Although under the model of the civil servant cabinet and the six ministries and nine ministers, the Great Zhou continued the process of the Jiawan era of the former Ming Dynasty, but the historical trend and progress have been disrupted. chaos.

  For example, the three major Wanli campaigns in the previous life should have ended long ago, and Zhang Juzheng's reforms have already borne fruit, but in this time and space, things are different.

   Except that the Imchen Japanese Insurrection happened on time and followed the original historical track, the Battle of Ningxia was postponed for many years, and Feng Ziying personally participated in it before it was quelled.

  The Bozhou Rebellion is still brewing, but Zhang Juzheng's reforms were almost wiped out by the wings of butterflies, and replaced by his own strategy of opening the sea, which barely made Da Zhou breathe a sigh of relief.

But Feng Ziying is very clear that this strategy of opening up the sea cannot be compared with Zhang Juzheng's reform legacy. Coupled with the unbroken Bozhou Rebellion, this means that the current Dazhou is worse than the daimyo at the same time in the previous life. .

  Of course there are some good factors, such as Liaodong, the Ula tribe was not wiped out by Nurhachi, the Yehe tribe also formed an alliance with the Dazhou, and even the Horqin tribe did not completely invest in Jianzhou Jurchen like in the previous history.

  But there are also disadvantages. For example, Lin Danhan, a Chahar native, swelled earlier than in his previous life, and the first point of the blade was not Jianzhou Jurchen, but Da Zhou, which made Feng Ziying feel very depressed.

Feng Ziying was a little uncertain whether her arrival would have a positive or negative effect on this time and space that has changed the direction of history, but after careful calculation, it seems that Zhang Juzheng's reforms did not disappear because of his own arrival, but Da Zhou's. The appearance makes it no longer have this kind of social environment.

He even went to investigate the famous courtiers in the Yuanxi period, and Zhang Juzheng was still among them, and he even served as the elder of the court, but he failed to show his elegant demeanor in the history of his previous life. It can be said to be excellent, which is probably the reason why the times make people.

   The most difficult problem now seems to be not external troubles, but internal troubles.

Feng Ziying always thought that it might be possible to drag on like this forever, as long as the Supreme Emperor does not get dizzy and Emperor Yonglong can stabilize the current situation, Prince Yizhong will have no chance. , can't stir up too much trouble.

But now the variable is coming. Emperor Yonglong is actually in poor health. Shou Wang Zhangchi's performance is certainly bad, but it undoubtedly shows that Emperor Yonglong's control is weakening, at least the control over the harem is weakening. This also shows that Emperor Yonglong's health in disguise It is not a lie that things are getting worse.

  Feng Ziying is very doubtful. The recent activity of Prince Yizhong, the increasingly tough attitudes of Jiangnan scholars, and even the attitudes of military heroes like Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng are all related to this?

  Theoretically speaking, scholars and civil servants will not intervene in the affairs of the Tian family, but everything happens in case.

  Emperor Yonglong was far less respected and liked by the dominant Jiangnan scholars than Emperor Yuanxi. This is something everyone knows well.

Especially after Emperor Yonglong ascended the throne, he liked to personally intervene in specific affairs such as personnel, military affairs, and finance, which was far better than Emperor Yuanxi in the middle and early stages who only cared about major policies and did not ask for details. The attitude of letting go also made the cabinet feel the coercion from the imperial power.

  Under such circumstances, would the scholars have other thoughts?

  If this is the case, what Feng Ziying needs to consider is not only Yuanchun's fate and countermeasures, but also how she, her father, and the Feng family should deal with unpredictable things that really happen in the future.

  The question comes back, how to deal with the matter entrusted by Yuan Chun?

  For Feng Ziying, roles such as Shou Wang are actually not very important.

  Although Concubine Xu Huanggui seems to be in charge of the Sixth Palace, and Zhang Chi is the eldest son, it seems that he is the closest heir to the throne, but you only need to think about it, and you will understand that Zhang Chi does not actually have much advantage.

  Because in this situation, Emperor Yonglong did not intend to make him the crown prince at all, so what does that mean?

  It means that you have not won the victory even though you have such a big advantage, which in itself shows your own weakness.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Zhang Chi has no chance, but looking at his current attitude of **** and lust, even his father's concubine wants to get involved, and it is even more embarrassing if he is still at such a critical point. Be optimistic about him.

King Fu, King Li, and King Lu are all grown-ups, and King Shou still faces the challenges of these three adult princes. His father is in poor health. At critical moments, he doesn't think about how to improve and consolidate his position and advantages, and weaken his opponents, but he is still working hard. Thinking about such things, Feng Ziying really felt that this guy was a weirdo.

Feng Ziying found that she was still a bit lacking in how to deal with such things. If she was playing the game of strategy, she seemed to be able to do it. It might be because of the various experiences she had brought from her previous life. It's tricky.

  After thinking about it for a while, Feng Ziying asked Baoxiang to go back to the capital and Wang Wenyan to come to Yongping Mansion.

One is to listen to his opinion, not only about Jia Yuanchun, but also all kinds of observations and analysis that he has observed and analyzed, how to plan the cause and right in the next step, and the second is to let Wang Wenyan understand the situation in Yongping Make an understanding so that it can be combined with the situation in the capital.


  Following Jin Chuan'er into the inner courtyard, Yuanyang still followed the rules and went to meet the second and third sister You.

  Second Sister You and Third Sister You did not dare to neglect the number one maid in Jia's mansion, and Er You also vaguely felt that Feng Ziying treated this mandarin duck girl differently.

My master's temperament is clear to both of you. Although this mandarin duck is not as good as Qingwen and Xiangling in appearance, it is also similar to Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er. He is elegant and clean, and has a unique charm, so he is very polite when meeting and talking.

   Yuanyang felt a little ashamed and uneasy seeing Eryou being so polite.

  Before, she didn't have a good impression of Eryou. The people in Dongfu had never been willing to deal with Yuanyang, including Youshi.

This Eryou is also the younger sister of You Shi, and the old lady of You, Yuanyang, has also met her before. She has a temperament of vanity and vanity, and Eryou's barbarian blood, so Yuanyang has never liked the second daughter very much, and has had little contact with her. .

However, both Jin Chuan'er and Qingwen once said in front of her that the two were really good-natured, and the second sister You was gentle and kind, and she was a little timid and fearful, which was the complete opposite of that tall and burly person. Third Sister You is blunt and straightforward, without much scheming, so after a long time of contact, Qingwen and Jin Chuan'er feel that these two are easier to get along with than many girls in the mansion.

  After today's meeting, Yuanyang felt that these two words were more serious than what Qingwen and Jin Chuaner said, so the impression was immediately reversed.

Seeing that the mandarin duck came out of the bath still preoccupied, Jin Chuaner was also used to being intimate with the mandarin duck, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, you're still alive, why do you have to whisper to me and avoid us? Could it be that you want to come to our house to be a housekeeper for the master?"

   "Fuck you, what are you talking about?" Yuanyang blushed and pushed Jin Chuan'er.

   "Yo, I hit it right?" Jin Chuan'er became more and more curious seeing Yuanyang's disturbed look but still refusing to say anything.

  She also knew that Grandpa treated Yuanyang very differently, and even jokingly said that there should be a girl like Yuanyang in the mansion to take care of Grandma's side, lest Qingwen's violent family should not manage well and offend many people.

   "Even I hide it from you, could it be..."

Seeing Jin Chuan'er looking at herself up and down, and also looking up and down at her lower abdomen, Yuanyang didn't understand that this girl was thinking wrong, and wanted to tear her mouth: "You spend all your time thinking about these things, but He thinks as much as you do, if you have this kind of thought, why not wait on your master on the bed..."

   As soon as the words came out, Yuanyang felt that she had slipped her words, and her face flushed with shame.

  I am still a girl with a yellow flower, no matter how I follow the little hoof of Jin Chuan'er all day long, my mouth is a little imitated.

It can be seen that the mandarin duck really does not seem to be a matter of this aspect, and the hidden worry between the brows has not disappeared, Jin Chuan'er stepped forward to grab the arm of the mandarin duck, pulled her to the side of the bed and sat down, "When you take a bath, the master will be with you. I said, let you rest in the mansion for a few days, and the master also asked Baoxiang to go back to the capital, and now he left without even eating,..."

   "Ah?" Yuanyang was also taken aback, "How many days are you going to rest? What should I do? What is Baoxiang going back to the capital for?"

"You have worked so **** this trip. If you don't rest for a day or two, you will definitely get sick after you go back. Besides, since you haven't seen you for so long, don't you miss me?" Jin Chuan'er joked, but didn't answer Yuanyang's question. Baoxiang asked what he was doing back in the capital city, but he didn't ask why the mandarin ducks came here.

  Yuanyang hesitated for a moment, "Jin Chuan'er, I can't tell you what happened when I came here to see the uncle, and you don't have to ask, but I hope it can be resolved as soon as possible. My heart and the old ancestors in the house are also at ease."

  (end of this chapter)

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