Number of People

Chapter 899: Secrets in the Boudoir

  Chapter 899 Secrets in the Boudoir

   The preoccupied mandarin duck tossed and turned on the bed.

   Not only the news for myself, but also a little more melancholy about my future fate.

  She couldn't guess her own fate. The old ancestor was in good health, but she was nineteen years old.

   If you want to stay with your ancestors all the time as you said, then you will really become an old sister-in-law and don't even think about getting married.

  The ancestor actually tried himself, but his refusal also made the ancestor feel at ease.

  But both the ancestors and I knew it in our hearts. It is certainly possible to say this, and it can also make the ancestors feel at ease. If this continues, wait a few more years, and I am in my twenties. How can I marry another outsider?

  Maybe she will be a concubine for Jia She as Jin Chuaner said.

  Of course Yuanyang doesn't want to be Jia She's concubine.

Being old is one thing, being greedy for money, stingy, evil-minded, and filthy, all of which make mandarin ducks look down on them, plus Mrs. Xing and other dull masters who want to enter Jia She's room, that's really true. That is to fall into the pit of fire.

  Thinking of this, Yuanyang became more and more confused.

She would have thought about it occasionally, but it was diluted by various tedious things in the mansion, but today when she came to Feng's mansion in Yongping Mansion, she saw that the close friends of the former boudoir already had a bit of the aura of the Feng family. Chen Miscellaneous.

  Although Jin Chuaner is just a big girl, she is indeed different after the man grooms her. Many times she speaks and acts with confidence, and she has the demeanor of a half-master.

  As I said, maybe one day Jin Chuaner's family will give birth to a boy and a half girl, and they will be able to really lift up their concubines, and the black-bone chicken will jump on the branches and become a phoenix.

  Jin Chuaner, Qingwen, and Xiangling all have support, but what about me?

  Feng Ziying's heroic face involuntarily surfaced in her heart, every move, every smile and word, were vividly remembered, making Yuanyang's heart both sweet and confused.

  Perhaps they just made empty promises for a while, but they let themselves be so concerned about it. Why do you ask me to enter the house, be a housekeeper and a big girl, and don't say which house it is...

   Unknowingly, she thought wrongly, Yuanyang was even more ashamed and annoyed when she came back to her senses, what happened to her today, to have these thoughts?

Suddenly, there was another sound like a flute from the main room over there, mixed with some soft and affectionate whispers, which was inaudible, but occasionally the sound was louder than before, even if it was A few feet away, there must be a few walls, but they are so tenacious, penetrating to the bone marrow, making people's heart tremble.

   "Sister Yuanyang, are you still asleep?" Xiangling's voice came from beside her.

   Today it's Jin Chuan'er's turn to be on duty at night, and Yuanyang naturally knows what the maid of the big family is doing on duty at night, so she also goes with Xiangling as a companion.

  Looking at the oil lamp being turned on a little bit, the red dimple in front of her eyes has a scarlet rouge mole imprinted between her eyebrows, and a moon-white small dress outlines her normally exquisite and slender body.

  Yuanyang couldn't help being surprised, and couldn't help but look around more.

When Xiangling was in Jia's mansion, she was also very friendly with her. This girl seemed a little thin at first, but she has only been in Feng's house for a long time, and her figure has become a lot plump, although her frame has not changed. But look at the strong and straight chest, how can it be as thin as when he was in Jia's mansion?

   Before the mandarin duck had time to answer, the sound of the waves over there became louder, and even a heavy panting could be faintly heard.

   Yuanyang subconsciously clamped her legs and curled up.

  She is nineteen years old, and she has been in Jia's mansion for so many years. How can she not understand what this voice is, and the owner of this voice is very familiar.

  There is almost nothing in the mansion that can be hidden from her, even she herself will inevitably encounter such embarrassing situations.

Like the play between Baoyu and Zixiao and Qishang, she bumped into it once, she also met the false phoenix and false phoenix between Grandma Zhu and her own big girl Xiuju, Jia Lian and Bao's family She also passed by and ran into someone who was fighting in the field at the corner door of the next room, and she ran away in a panic.

Seeing that Yuanyang was so embarrassed, Xiangling clung to Yuanyang's arm with one hand, covered her mouth with the other hand and smiled lightly, "Sister Yuanyang, Jin Chuan'er is like this. She is usually as cold as ice in front of others, and you know her temperament." It's only been a few days, and the servants here are a little afraid of her, but this servant has become like this, hee hee, but the master really likes her like this,..."

   "Huh?!" Yuanyang was startled, unable to believe it.

Jin Chuan'er has a bit of a cold temper, which is known to everyone in Jia's family, so Jin Chuan'er's popularity in the mansion is far less than that of herself, Ping'er, Xiren, Zijuan, and even her own sister Yu Chuan. All children are stronger than her.

  Among the big maids in Jia's mansion, Jin Chuan'er is famous for her coldness, Qingwen's explosiveness, chess player's madness, and Yinger's arrogance.

   It is Jin Chuan'er who is handsome in life and serious in doing things, so that he can be liked by his wife, but even so, the popularity in the mansion is not good.

  Jin Chuan'er is totally different from her predecessors and later generations, but I never thought that Uncle Feng still likes it like this. If you want to say, there is no man who would like his own woman to be like this, right?

  Seeing that the mandarin ducks were quite frightened, Xiangling hurriedly whispered: "That's what I said, I like Jin Chuaner like this, but I can only treat him like this..."

  Mandarin ducks are too shy, what does this mean?

  Can't figure it out, and don't dare to think deeply, Yuanyang quickly changed the subject, "Don't Master Feng still have two aunts? Didn't Jin Chuaner say that she was going to be on duty..."

  Xiang Ling covered her mouth and chuckled again, "Jin Chuan'er is on duty at night, those two aunts can't bear it, so we can only let Jin Chuan'er block the gun,..."

  Yuanyang spat, not daring to say these things anymore, at least she wanted to save some face.

It's just that when you shut up, the bone-shaking voice over there inevitably came to your ears again, and Yuanyang hurriedly said: "Jin Chuan'er is not particular about his hoofs, and you, Mr. Feng, are not short of money. Why don't you?" Choose a bigger and more secluded house, like this... Jin Chuan'er is fine, the two aunts are also like this, if outsiders listen to it, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Sister Yuanyang, this house was also chosen by Baoxiang and the others first. It is close to the Yamen, so it is convenient. It is not small, and there is a large area behind it, but it is just some dilapidated yards. It turns out that people don't use it very much. It is deserted. It has been many years, how can the house in Yongping Mansion be compared with the capital city? Repair and repaint it again, turn it into a backyard, and now we live in a middle courtyard for the grandfather to use when he comes back to work."

  Although she has only been here for a few days, Xiangling has a general idea of ​​the situation here. Maybe Jin Chuaner and Xiangling have to think about living here for three to five years.

The two aunts are people who have no ideas, so Jin Chuan'er has to worry about major issues. Xiangling is also a carefree temper, so Jin Chuan'er pulls her to check for gaps and make up for the omissions, thinking a little more for her. Yes, just like what Jin Chuaner said to Xiangling, a fool who thinks a lot will gain something, Xiangling thinks it is quite good.

   "Isn't it going to go to war?" Yuanyang said casually.

"It doesn't count. I heard from Jin Chuan'er that it is estimated that from dismantling and repairing to painting and adding objects, it can be done with only one thousand taels of silver. The prices here are not as expensive as those in the capital. It's much cheaper, Jin Chuan'er made some calculations, and told his aunts,..."

Yuanyang couldn't help but glared at Xiangling's words, "Xiangling, it seems that you are a little lost, a thousand taels of silver is nothing? Why, there is no need for a thousand taels of silver in Feng's mansion Report to Uncle Feng, you can make up your own minds, do you really feel like you have become Uncle Feng's pillow, and you have forgotten yourself?"

  Hearing Yuanyang's bad tone, Xiangling was also a little timid, pouted and said in a low voice: "Jin Chuan'er said so, and I told the two aunts, I'm afraid it's the aunt who should go and tell the master?"

"Huh, you all said that the two aunts don't care much about things. What if the two aunts didn't tell the uncle that the money was spent and there was such a big battle, but the uncle didn't know. When I ask, I'll see how you explain it. !"

  Mandarin Duck is also for the sake of Jin Chuaner and Xiangling.

Needless to say, Xiangling is honest and honest, and she is not a big maid, but Jin Chuaner is different, she has been with his wife for so long and knows the rules, even if you are groomed, Uncle Feng spoils you, but the rules Can't be bad.

The mistress of the mansion did not come, so the two aunts are the ones to make the decision, but if Feng Ziying doesn’t know about such a big deal, and the second-year-old Feng Ziying must know, it’s inevitable that you, Jin Chuan’er, are a little mean, and even favored you. Proud.

   Once Uncle Feng has such an imprint in his heart, it will not be a good thing.

  Mandarin duck and Jin Chuan'er are closely related, but they don't want to see Jin Chuan'er suffer in Feng's house.

   In fact, Yuanyang can also feel it. Jin Chuaner tested herself earlier, maybe she has some thoughts, but Yuanyang can also feel some conflicting mood of Jin Chuaner.

It seems that he hopes that he can come to Feng's mansion, or that she has no power to influence whether he will come to Feng's mansion, so he simply hopes that he will come, but he is also worried that if he comes, it will affect her, um, Probably the meaning of favoring each other.

But Jin Chuan'er also understands that in this Feng Mansion, or in the future Feng Mansion, Jin Chuan'er and Qingwen are different from the future Zijuan and Ying'er. Heel.

Behind Zijuan is Miss Lin, and behind Yinger is Miss Bao. Originally, Qingwen didn't follow her, but now she has followed the young lady. Well, whether it's playing chess or not, they all have heels, but she, Jin Chuan'er, has no heels, and if she comes here, she also has no heels. In a sense, it is sympathy for each other.

  If you just want to be an ordinary girl, that’s fine, but if you want to be a housekeeper girl, then you won’t be able to follow suit, and you have to weigh it carefully.

  (end of this chapter)

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