Number of People

Chapter 900: Uncertain

  Chapter 900 I'm not sure

  Xiangling was persuaded by Yuanyang's words.

  The two Aunt You's temperament is well known to everyone. As Yuanyang said, the matter of thousands of taels of silver is still to build a house. If the master doesn't know, maybe he really thinks that Jin Chuan'er is too presumptuous.

"Sister Yuanyang, you are still careful, and I don't know if Jin Chuan'er has thought of this, I have to remind her tomorrow." Xiangling leaned Zhenshou over, next to Yuanyang, "I knew that Sister Yuanyang would come over , then you should work with us, we are only two days ahead of you in finding it."

Although Xiangling didn't ask anything, she must still be very interested in why she came here in a hurry. Yuanyang is also very clear about this. Even Eryou asked casually, but Yuanyang didn't respond, so they just knew what was interesting and didn't ask. up.

   "I didn't think about it before." Yuanyang ambiguously changed the topic, "Xiangling, Miss Bao will marry at the end of the year, so you are going to follow Miss Bao?"

Xiangling and Baochai have a very good relationship, and they became Xiangling's protector for a time, which prevented Xue Pan from getting involved, so Xiangling has always been very grateful to Baochai, and whenever he went to Jia's house, he would go to Baochai's house first, The Yinger relationship is also very good.

  Xiangling hesitated for a moment, "Miss Bao hasn't told me yet, but I want to go there, um, no, I can just follow Miss Qin."

  Mandarin Duck already understood Xiangling's easy-going and docile temperament, and nodded, "That's right, Miss Qin wants to marry with Miss Bao, so it's fine for you to follow Miss Qin."

  Yuanyang has also seen Baoqin's demeanor. This Qin girl is no less inferior than Baochai in any aspect. Her appearance, talent, learning, and bearing are all good, but the two sisters have different temperaments.

   Baochai is graceful and calm, Baoqin is clever and ingenious, but they are both smart and shrewd.

   In the eyes of Yuanyang, these two sisters are much stronger than the two sisters, Miss Lin. Well, of course, this too much refers to how to behave in the world.

  Miss Lin was originally a somewhat reserved, sensitive and stingy character, but she was fine with her servants, even if she had a little temper with a few girls, it didn't hurt.

But Ms. Lin's concubine elder sister is like some money. Not to mention aloof and lofty, she is often arrogant and arrogant, but she doesn't have much ability. It can be said that apart from being born with a good skin, she has a bit of poetry and prose. In terms of standards, the girls in Jia's mansion are no worse than her, and they are all more noble than her, but no one has a bigger temper than her.

  Mandarin ducks have heard the people in the mansion say it many times. This is because Miss Miaoyu has almost no friends in the garden. Except for Miss Xing, even Miss Lin has a normal relationship with her concubine elder sister.

The gardeners, carpenters, masons, and people in the kitchen also complained a lot about this Miaoyu girl, thinking that she was very particular and demanding, and even put on a cold attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away, begging for help. There is no one way to ask for help.

"Well, it doesn't matter which girl I'm with, anyway, Miss Qin must be with Miss Bao." Xiangling was gentle and said with a smile: "But if Sister Yuanyang comes over, she can only follow Master, right? "

   Yuanyang's body was hot, and she pushed Xiangling who was next to her, "What are you talking about, when did I say I'm coming?"

"My sister didn't say it, but I have said it several times. Whenever I talked about the people in the house, I would praise Sister Yuanyang and Sister Ping'er. Jin Chuan'er has always been disobedient. It's all the same, but I don't have anything to say to my sister Heping'er."

  Xiangling's words moved Yuanyang's heart, feelings, and hesitation, and he calmed down before whispering: "Jin Chuan'er and Qingwen are at odds?"

   "It doesn't seem to be the case, but it's true that it's not as close as Sister Yuanyang." Xiangling said honestly.

   Yuanyang joked: "Then I'm here, what should Jin Chuaner do?"

Xiangling blinked, and said after a while: "Then I don't know, but I think Sister Yuanyang is here, it doesn't matter if it's Grandma, or Miss Bao, or Miss Lin will marry here in the future, where is sister going?" , I’m sure grandmas are welcome.”

   Seeing Xiangling thinking so simply, Yuanyang couldn't help smiling and shaking her head.

  How can there be such a simple thing, no matter how good the relationship between sisters is, but when it comes to such things, I am afraid it will not be so easy to get rid of it.

  The long room has Qingwen, the second room has Yinger, and the third room has Zicuckoo, each of which has the ideal person in the eyes of the girls of each family.

  Zijuan is good-natured and loyal, but Miss Lin will definitely not agree, Zijuan has been with her for so many years, how could she let herself be in charge of the third room?

Although Qingwen has a very close relationship with herself, and even Qingwen herself said that her temperament is not suitable for a housekeeper, but for that grandma, she has to decide whether it is suitable or not, and it is not as suitable as it is. Don't you think about yourself?

  As for the second room, Yuanyang has never thought about it, Yinger is not a simple character, and the two girls Baochai and Baoqin are also unusual,...

  However, there is no need to tell Xiangling these words. Yuanyang herself has not figured out how to take her future path, not to mention how to explain to her ancestors is a difficult problem.

   It's like Jin Chuan'er, I guess I feel a little embarrassed now, and I'm thinking about the same problem, otherwise I wouldn't have that kind of tone to test myself.

  The voice at the other end of the yard finally slowly subsided after two screams, and then there was another low and inaudible crackling sound.

After waiting for a while, I heard a creaking sound from over there. It is estimated that a little maid brought hot water into the house. I vaguely heard Jin Chuaner and the little maid talking, and then the door slammed again, and then Then slowly quieted down,...

  Yuanyang finally let go of his heart, this night was really restless, but looking at Xiangling seemed to be a bit commonplace, his eyelids had already drooped, and the sound of slow and fine breathing wafted through the room along with the silent night.


  Wang Wenyan came very quickly, almost as soon as Baoxiang arrived in the capital, Wang Wenyan rushed over non-stop when he received the news.

Before that, Wang Wenyan could only be regarded as Feng Ziying's confidant, but Feng Ziying had not let go of some extremely confidential or even private matters to Wang Wenyan, but now, Wang Wenyan has completely completed the transformation from Lin Ruhai's staff to Feng Ziying's chief staff. With the change of roles, there is no need to hide many things from Wang Wenyan.

  Of course, Feng Ziying knows that there are some things that need to be handled well, not because she is worried that Wang Wenyan is unreliable, but because she feels that there are some things that Wang Wenyan may not be able to accept, and it is best to come in step by step.

When Feng Ziying spent two hours detailing the position of the Feng family in the entire Great Zhou Wuxun system, the Feng family and Jia Wangxue and other old Jinling dignitaries, as well as the ties with Niu Jizong and other four kings and eight princes who are closely related but not so close , and the current predicament of the Jia family and the royal family, as well as the status of the Wu Xun group in the entire Dazhou military, and the current delicate relationship between the Supreme Emperor, Yonglong Emperor, and Prince Yizhong, and the positioning of the Wu Xun group among these , After talking one by one, Wang Wenyan couldn't help but gasped.

Wang Wenyan already had a general understanding of the relationship between Feng Ziying as the leader of the young scholars in the North, and the relationship between Qi Qiao and Guan Chai, the leaders of the North and even Huguang. Scholars and Huguang scholars, the three major groups of scholars and officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty, have a general understanding that Feng Ziying is going to take the road of civil servants, but her father is a senior military general with a military background, and has even reached the pinnacle of military generals. More importantly, Feng Tang, as the governor of Jiliao, also directly controls the army strength outside the capital city of Jizhen, which can control the situation of the capital at the same time as Xuanfu Town.

  Feng Ziying talked a lot, and Wang Wenyan also asked a lot. Feng Ziying almost knew everything, even Jia Yuanchun's embarrassing position in the palace and the concubine's original purpose of arranging him as a concubine to the emperor.

"My lord, what you mean is that according to your original estimation, as long as the emperor can stabilize the situation and doesn't act out of line, it is impossible for the emperor to take any action. When the emperor is grand, it will be a matter of course for the emperor to truly control the military power in the court. But now the emperor's poor health has become a variable?" Wang Wenyan asked hesitantly: "Are you worried that once the emperor is bedridden, Prince Yizhong may take the opportunity to make trouble? But don't you also say that the main force of the Beijing camp is under the control of the emperor?" Among them, both Prince Yizhong and the emperor are difficult to transfer, and the Supreme Emperor will never intervene in the dispute between the two? Then why does Prince Yizhong provoke the emperor? Isn't that a suicide attempt?"

  Wang Wenyan directly asked the key point.

"I'm not sure, but if the emperor is really bedridden, can Prince Yizhong win the support of the troops in the capital camp and even outside the capital city from the emperor?" Feng Ziying was also very distressed, "There are too many people here. If the emperor is very popular, will the Supreme Emperor remain neutral as before? If he has to choose between his eldest son and grandson, what attitude will the Supreme Emperor take?"

Seeing that Wang Wenyan was also tested by her own question, Feng Ziying further said: "Although theoretically speaking, the six cabinet ministries will not intervene in the matter of the Tian family seizing the heir, but there are contingencies in everything, and the emperor is not very popular among scholars. This is a fact, and because Prince Yizhong went to the south of the Yangtze River with the Supreme Emperor many times in the early years, and had a close relationship with the scholars and merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, so now the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River are still dominant, so will they change the original practice and intervene? Woolen cloth?"

When this question is asked, it seems a bit dangerous. Neither civil servants nor military officials seem to be very inclined towards the emperor's line. If the intention is wrong, do the emperor's sons have the power to resist?

  Every small factor in every major link here may bring variables, and even the attitude of a military commander or an important civil official may change the direction.

  (end of this chapter)

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