Number of People

Chapter 903: Mang Siqi

  Chapter 903 Mang Siqi

   Just when Yinger was about to say goodbye and leave, she saw the girl standing across from her. After a moment of surprise, Yinger smiled and went forward, "Zijuan, are you here to find Sister Yuanyang too?"

Wearing an indigo vest with pinched teeth and a green and milky yellow skirt, Zijuan looked at Yinger who came up to him, and also smiled and shook hands: "Yes, I heard that the mandarin ducks came back from Yongping Mansion. The girl also came to ask to see how Uncle Feng is doing over there."

"Well, yes, Uncle Feng has been away for a month, and he hasn't heard from him yet. Although he just went there to be busy with business, he can ask someone to bring a letter, so that he can reassure the people he cares about, right? "Ying'er is eloquent, and her eyebrows are also a little clear.

  Zijuan smiled faintly, "That's true, but there is always a priority. Uncle is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Even if he is busy for a while, he must have something in his heart, so there is no need to be in a hurry."

  Ying'er's face froze, but she recovered quickly and smiled again, "Well, it's just that my girl is worried, and I don't feel at ease, so I came to sister Yuanyang to inquire about it for my girl."

   Seeing that these two girls were talking with meaning, Yuanyang also thought it was funny to stand aside.

  However, she has always been friendly with Zijuan, and her relationship with Yinger is average, so it is not easy to mediate between the two under such circumstances.

  Anyway, in this big crowd, I am not afraid that the two of them will tear up something. They both want to save face. Even if they don't care about it, they will never lose face for their own girl.

   This looks like a beautiful dimple, with a faint smile, and even holding hands and smiling. Outsiders don't know how close a pair of sisters are, how did they know the story here?

Fortunately, Ying'er didn't linger for long before leaving, and Zijuan also asked Yuanyang for a while. Although she was closely related to Yuanyang, it was impossible for Yuanyang to talk to Zijuan about such things, so she followed Jia Mu's instructions. , although Zicuckoo also has some doubts, but can't find any flaws.

   Turning her eyes, Zijuan wanted to cheat her best sister.

"Before the uncle left, he came to my girl's place and sat there for a while. He said a lot of things about himself, and he also said that he went to Yongping Mansion, and Jin Chuaner and Xiangling would follow him. Only Qingwen and Yuchuan'er are left. Qingwen has to take care of the grandma over there, and Yuchuan'er is still young. If there is anything in the future, she may not be able to take care of it. She said that as long as there is something to do, I will just look for you. My girl is also there Making fun of the uncle, saying that he, an outsider, actually wants to arrange for the most sought-after butler in the mansion,..."

Yuanyang didn't expect that Zijuan, who has always been loyal, would come to deceive him, so he didn't care, and said with a smile: "Oh, how can I be worthy of Miss Lin's words, the housekeeper is either Wu or Lin, Miss Lin don't I made a mistake, but if Miss Lin has anything to do, as long as I need you, just ask me,..."

"But that's not what my uncle said. He just said that it's nothing to do. Yuanyang is different from ordinary people. Sooner or later we will be a family..." Zijuan lowered his voice, but there was a mysterious smile on his face. Cover Zicuckoo's mouth.

   It’s fine to talk about it in Feng’s house, but if it is heard by the people in Jia’s house, then it’s okay?

"Zicuckoo, you little hoof, are you trying to kill me?" Yuanyang also lowered her voice and pretended to be vicious, "Mr. Feng was just joking, don't you know the seriousness? Damn girl, it's in vain for me to pay you back." Treat you as a sister, but you arrange me behind the scenes,..."

"Hehe, this is what Uncle Feng said, not me. I almost asked Uncle Feng, since that sister Yuanyang wants to be a family with us, why is she going to grandma's place to make love with Qingwen?" As for my partner, I'd better go to Bao girl's side, of course I welcome my sister to come to our side the most, my girl must be happy too,..."

Zicuckoo was half-true and half-false, and the more she said it, the more it seemed, which made Yuanyang really a little anxious, "Little hooves, you are still here! Uncle Feng just made a joke, and your girl doesn't know what to do after hearing it." What do you think..."

   "Sister, are you implying that my girl is small-minded?" Zicuckoo and mandarin ducks are very different, so they dare to make such a joke.

It's just that Yuanyang couldn't bear it, and wanted to tear Zijuan's mouth, "Little hooves, how dare you say that? How have I ever said anything to Miss Lin? If your girl has any suspicions against me in the future, it must be you, the little girl." The hoof stabbed me with a knife in the back!"

Zijuan kept giggling, avoided Yuanyang's hand, and begged for mercy: "Sister, don't be angry, I'm just telling the truth, the uncle said that you will come in sooner or later, um, from now on, it's a family, so naturally my sister wants to come in." help us,..."

   "Besides, I'll be really annoyed if I say it again." Yuanyang pinched Zijuan's cheek resentfully, "I tore your face, and I'm not afraid that Uncle Feng will blame me in the future!"

   "Isn't it right for the butler to tear the face of the little maid?" Zijuan said with a smile.

Being teased by Zijuan, she had nothing to say, Yuanyang pretended to leave, and then Zijuan grabbed Yuanyang, "Sister, don't be annoyed, if you don't want to listen to the truth, then let's talk about something else, sister went to Yongping Mansion , my girl also misses Uncle Feng very much, and I don't know if Uncle Feng is very busy these days? What are you busy with?"

"I don't know what Mr. Feng is busy with, but it's true that he must be very busy. I stayed there for two days, and I saw that he almost came out at sunrise and returned at sunset. When he returned to the mansion, he was also talking about things with others. , or read and write letters,..."

  Mandarin Duck also knew about these situations from Jin Chuaner and Xiang Ling, so it was not a lie.

"Why, if your girl misses Uncle Feng, you can write to a trustee and send it. I think someone will go there in Feng's mansion in ten days and half a month. Ask someone to take the letter there and hand it over. Yu Chuan'er will do."

   Yuanyang suggested with a smile.

   It was not until Zicuckoo left that Yuanyang turned cold. After glancing at the bushes over there, "Come out, Zicuckoo is gone."

But I saw a strong and tall woman came out from behind the shade of the tree, and walked straight to the mandarin duck, "The girls are not married yet, but they all know the guardian, mandarin duck, You went to Yongping Mansion to see Uncle Feng? Why do you want to dance high branches and become a housekeeper for Uncle Feng?"

  Blushed by the other party's rude and straightforward words, Yuanyang is not easy to attack.

They are all born together, and they all know the basics. Siqi has such a reckless temper, relying on his grandmother as Mrs. Xing's companion, a little arrogant, but Siqi has grown up with several people, including mandarin ducks, purple Juan and Xiren are quite righteous, and I have no bad intentions. I am a different person from her grandmother.

"Siqi, it's not up to you to tell me whether I'll be a housekeeper for Uncle Feng or not. As for Zijuan and Yinger's guardians, it's a matter of their lives, shouldn't it?" Yuanyang said angrily: "You What are you doing again?"

  Yuanyang hadn't thought about the purpose of Siqi's visit. He heard Jin Chuaner's hidden words in Yongping Mansion before, and thought it was about the third girl Tanchun, so she didn't think about Yingchun at all.

  Glancing at the mandarin duck, Si Qi reckoned that this girl might really not know something inside, and the only one in the mansion who knew about this matter was herself and Heping'er.

  Pinger and Yuanyang have a close relationship, and Siqi thought that he would reveal a little bit of information to Yuanyang, but now it seems that Pinger's mouth is quite tight, and Yuanyang doesn't seem to know.

   If the mandarin ducks don't know, it's not easy for chess players to pick it out casually.

After all, although Uncle Feng promised this matter verbally, but this sudden trip to Yongping Mansion made his girl feel like she lost her soul. She has lost a lot, and watching Siqi makes her anxious for her.

"It's okay, I just thought you hadn't seen you for a few days, and I found out after asking that you went to Yongping Mansion to deliver things to Uncle Feng. The ancestors really regarded Uncle Feng as the son-in-law of our mansion. It's a pity Miss Lin Girl He Bao is not a serious girl from the Jia family."

  The words of playing chess made Yuanyang a little puzzled, what is this playing chess talking about so nonchalantly?

"However, Yuanyang, if you want to go to Feng's residence, that would be a good thing. The Feng family will have a great career in the future, and it will inevitably increase their reputation. When the two old masters of Rongning and Ning moved to the capital city, there were only a few people in the residence. ? How many people are there now? It’s not good without a decent housekeeper. Look at the Lai family’s misfortune to our house. They’ve been right for a few years and can’t breathe. This big family needs someone who knows everything. Take care, otherwise you will have to go through the same mistakes in our mansion."

Yuanyang looked at Siqi carefully, thoughtfully, "Siqi, why are you talking to me like this? Normally, you don't bother to come to my place, but today you come and tell me these nonsensical things." Yes, it made Monk Renzhang Er confused, what on earth are you trying to say?"

Siqi suddenly realized that what she said seemed to be a bit irrelevant, but fortunately she was thick-skinned enough to hold the scene, "Okay, I'll just come and talk to you for a while, I didn't expect to meet you Yinger and Zijuan are torn apart, by the way, Uncle Feng has gone to Yongping Mansion, how is it going?"

"How about what?" Yuanyang actually felt something at the moment, but it's not easy to say, after all, it's also related to the reputation of the second girl. If you want to be a concubine for Uncle Feng, it's really hard to say, Mr. What do you think, what do your ancestors think, especially when Miss Lin and Miss Bao are the first wives, but why is Jia's daughter a concubine?

  Although they come from different backgrounds, it still makes people feel a bit uncomfortable in comparison.

"It's about Uncle Feng's situation over there." Siqi also saw that Yuanyang was suspicious. She was reckless and knew that Yuanyang's character was trustworthy. "My girl also wants to ask, don't use that kind of look." Look at me, does my girl have to marry that guy Sun Shaozu to suit your wishes? I support the girl to be brave for a while, don't hold back everything, in the end it will be you who suffers."

  (end of this chapter)

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