Number of People

Chapter 904: Zizijuan helpless

  Chapter 904 Self-written scroll is helpless

Frightened by Siqi's recklessness, Yuanyang looked around subconsciously, then grabbed Siqi's arm and pulled it aside: "Little hooves, are you crazy? Dare to speak so nonsense, and be bullied If the master hears this, he won’t beat you to death!”

"It's just you and me these four weeks. Could it be that you, Yuanyang, are still a betrayer or a gossip?" Siqi was not afraid, and let Yuanyang pull her aside, put his hands on his hips, and stretched out the twin peaks on his chest. Even higher, still refusing to let go: "If I misread your mandarin duck, then my eyes should be blind too!"

   "Go, don't try to trick me. With your big mouth, if I don't say it, someone needs to know!" Yuanyang said angrily: "When will it be your turn to decide on your girl's affairs?"

"Am I wrong? Didn't Sun Shaozu's former wife mean that he was bullied and beaten by him for a long time after drinking, and finally jumped into the well to die? Do you really think this can be hidden from everyone? My girl used to fear that it would take less than a year." You have to follow in the footsteps, Yuanyang, besides, my girl is honest and honest, I know that people below say that she can't pierce a fart with a needle, and that she is 'Er Wood', but she is also the master anyway, and I grew up with her Yes, no matter how much friendship is in it, I can't watch her jump into the fire when I play chess!"

   Startled by Siqi's words, Yuanyang ignored the amazing pair of peaks jumping up and down in front of her excitedly waving her hands and talking, and hurriedly asked: "Siqi, where did you hear the news?"

"Hmph, snakes have snake ways, rats have rat tracks, I naturally have my own method, if you don't believe me, you have to ask about it, there are many servants of the Sun family, and some of them have been kicked out, why can't they ask? "Si Qi curled his lips, "It's just that everyone is pretending to be deaf and dumb, and they are too lazy to meddle in other people's business. The old man is also a person who only recognizes money, so why would he care about my girl's life?"

  Yuanyang was silent, if what Siqi said was true, then the two girls really had a bad fate.

  She has also heard about Sun Shaozu's situation, saying that he is a vulgar person, that marrying the second girl is a continuation, and that spending money has fooled the old man, but she is not clear about the others. She did not expect this to be the case.

"That's right, being a concubine for Uncle Feng has a bad reputation, but my girl's temperament, I think she will suffer a lot if she marries, so it's better to be a concubine for Uncle Feng. Everyone who is a grandmother knows her temperament Whether she goes to the second room or the third room, she knows everything, Miss Bao and Miss Lin won't embarrass her, even if she goes to the long room, Qingwen's little hoof has become the caring maid of Feng's family's grandma, If you have climbed a high branch, you can also speak a fair word to Grandma Feng, so what else can my girl do?"

   Don't think that Si Qi is reckless, but after saying this, it is also reasonable.

  Where does the second girl have such a temperament? If she meets someone who is unkind, not only will she be angry with men, but even concubines or even housemaids will be able to ride on her head.

  As Siqi said, if she really became a concubine for Uncle Feng, and went to the second and third bedrooms, Miss Bao and Miss Lin would definitely not make things difficult for her. Wouldn't it be much better than marrying into the Sun's family?

  Of course, if you want to talk about ostentatious vanity, marrying into the Sun's family will definitely make you look better, but for the second girl's life, it may not mean much.

Seeing Yuanyang being speechless by his own words, Siqi became more and more proud, "Uncle Feng is so righteous, needless to say in his dealings with others, my girl's reputation has been damaged in the past, he must not treat my girl badly, right? Everyone knows everything here and there. My daughter can get a satisfactory home, which is better than being sold by the old man."

  Yuanyang gave Siqi a hard look, "You said it lightly, can the elder agree? What does the old ancestor think? Do you want the Jia family's face? Where is Uncle Feng?"

"I think Uncle Feng has this in mind. My girl has a calmer temper, but her character and appearance are not inferior. Besides, her physique is also capable of giving birth. The Feng family has three families and one family. Don't you expect to have more sons?"

Si Qi plausibly said, "As for the old man, didn't Sun Shaozu just use money to fool the old man? Could it be that Uncle Feng still needs some silver? If the Sun family can get it, the Feng family can get more! On the ancestor's side, hum, why did my girl ever care about her? Her thoughts are all on the second master Bao, and on the noble concubine in the palace."

  Yuanyang was stunned for a moment, "Siqi, please be more respectful!"

"Hmph, besides, what face does the Jia family still have? Before the garden was built, there was a lot of money outside, and people came up to ask for debts every three days. Money, I'm afraid this year the big guys in our mansion will even have to cut off their monthly bills, right?"

Siqi also stopped arguing about the thoughts of her ancestors, and she also knew that this topic should not touch the inverse scales of mandarin ducks, so she said to herself: "Can the Jia family now be compared with what it was ten or twenty years ago? What's the matter?" You have to ask outsiders for everything, the reputation of the Rongning Second Mansion has long been useless,..."

  Yuanyang froze, and subconsciously glanced at the other party. Did this little hoof also sense something, or was he too sensitive?

  But seeing that Siqi had no other expressions, Yuanyang relaxed a little, it seemed that he was a little suspicious.

"Okay, Siqi, don't talk nonsense all day long. It's not up to you and me to discuss the matter of the second girl. If Uncle Feng is interested, there will be arrangements. Do you think you can go and talk to the elder?" "Yuanyang stabbed at the other party, "Take it easy, don't ignore everything, maybe you will mess up what was originally a good thing."

  The two exchanged a few more sentences before Yuanyang broke up with Siqi.

   To be honest, after learning about Yingchun's situation, Yuanyang was really happy for her.

If Feng Ziying is really interested, Yuanyang thinks that it should be possible to deal with the old man, just like Siqi said, it is not a matter of money, Feng Ziying will definitely make the old man bow his head, but on the third girl's side, even if Lang Youqing concubine is interested, it is estimated that two The master may not be able to wipe off this face.


   "Yuanyang said that?" Yuan Chun stood up and walked a few steps in the hall, "Is it that simple?"

"Yuanyang said on behalf of Uncle Feng that sometimes the simplest solution is the most effective. He said that if King Shou is really the seed of infatuation and is willing to only love the beauty and not love the country, then it is really not easy to handle, but it certainly is not. In this way, then he has to weigh it carefully, well, Yuanyang also said that Uncle Feng will arrange people to start it outside first, and it is enough for the empress to cooperate a little in the palace,..."

Baoqin told Yuanchun one by one about bringing the mandarin ducks back, and Yuanchun couldn't accept it for a while. Hearing that "I love Jiangshan but not beautiful women", Yuanchun couldn't help but snort, she still doesn't like people like Shou Wang. Can you see through?

That is to say, I feel that I dare not speak up, and Concubine Xu Huanggui can help him cover up in the palace, so I dare to be so presumptuous, but if the rumors come from King Fu and King Li, it will be much easier to handle. It's all about cooperating to create momentum.

   "Well, is there anything else?" Yuan Chun asked after thinking for a while.

   "The other thing is that Yuanyang brought back the words, Uncle Feng told you when your mother was visiting relatives, and the master is willing to release you as an official,..."

  Yuan Chun was surprised when he hugged the piano.

  Feng Ziying did tell him this, which means that the situation in Beijing and China will be very tense and dangerous, so avoid this whirlpool.

  I was a little worried at the beginning, but now it seems that this situation is becoming a reality step by step, and even Feng Ziying is inclined to this view.

  Yuan Chun was confused for a while.

  If the father is released, he can avoid some troubles, but what about the uncle? What about the entire Jia family?

  Can it be avoided?

   And what happened to my uncle was also unknown, and this was what caused Yuan Chun the most headache.

She realized that her uncle might have been her help in the past, but now Wang Ziteng is considering things more and more according to his own interests and the interests of the Wang family, and it seems that her niece in the palace has not been let go by him at all. on heart.

   Or he has already seen through the emperor's intention to make himself a concubine?

Yuan Chun realizes that he is so helpless now, he even has no goal, living in this palace is like a cage, not to mention, and he can't see what his future is, what he should do, and why he has a goal ?

  The emperor didn't come here at all, not only to himself, but also to the other newly promoted concubines who made it clear that they wanted to use the family, but he was just different from them.

  They have the same interests as the family, but themselves, the Jia family is useless to the emperor, and the Wang family, which was originally useful in the emperor's mind, does he have any influence on the Wang family? Can you control Wang Ziteng? It's no wonder that the emperor abandoned him like a shoe.

  Then what is the meaning of staying in this palace? Do you not only have to worry about being entangled by people like Shou Wang every day and cause death, but also worry about whether you will be implicated by the Wang family?

  For a while, Yuanchun felt that it was the most stupid decision for the mansion to send him to the palace, and the concubine pushed herself out to become the emperor's concubine, which was a stepping stone for him to try.

  In their minds, they themselves are a dispensable pawn. It would be great if they could influence their uncle.

  But how can I just hang around like this all my life, aimlessly, until the new emperor ascends the throne, and then I will be arranged in a cold palace, and I will be alone all my life, but I am only in my early twenties.

  Sometimes Yuan Chun couldn't help but think to himself, maybe it's not a bad thing for him to be captured by King Shou, at least he still has a hope, now that he is like this, what is the meaning of life?

  Especially when she heard that her two cousins ​​were going to marry into the Feng family as the main wives and enjoy a good life, the aggrieved resentment in her heart filled her chest even more.

  (end of this chapter)

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