Number of People

Chapter 905: Self-character rolls are stripped and cocooned (ask for 300 monthly tickets!)

  Chapter 905 Self-written scrolls (seeking 300 monthly tickets!)

  Of course Feng Ziying couldn't think of the idea she gave Yuan Chun. Helping her solve her troubles would also arouse Yuan Chun's great emotions.

  Of course, this emotion is not aimed at himself, but at the Jia family and the Wang family, but it is true that Wang Ziteng's movements are worthy of attention.

Xue Biao has asked someone to make a formal engagement to Fang's family. It was Jia Zheng who came forward, and Fang Youdu's father was also on the way to Beijing with his daughter. Once Xue Biao got engaged, Xue Biao would rush to Denglai , ready to prepare for his own future development path.

  From Shen Yourong's letter, it can be seen that Wang Ziteng's main focus is still on the formation of the Denglai Army.

Shouwang Zhangchi and Youdu Yushi Liu Yixiu’s inspection of Denglai only temporarily allowed the Denglai Governor’s Mansion to promote the construction of the naval fleet, but Feng Ziying knew very well that as long as Wang Ziteng’s intentions did not change, it would be adjusted sooner or later. When he comes back, the Denglai Army will still be Wang Ziteng's most important heart.

However, Shen Yourong took advantage of this opportunity to speed up the construction of the naval fleet. The first batch of thirteen ships had also been formed, and now he had begun to place artillery on the ships as originally discussed with Feng Ziying. Follow the formation method of the Xiyi people's fleet.

   Putting down the letter, Feng Ziying handed it to Wang Wenyan who hadn't left yet.

After Wang Wenyan saw it, he couldn't help but click his tongue, "My lord, this Lord Shen wants to build it according to the method of Xiyi warships. The investment is not small. The configuration of various large and small guns alone is far better than what we used to build on the ship. Ships, and there are higher requirements for the range, power and quality of the artillery, which will not only cost a lot, but also the way of water warfare will probably change a lot, right?"

"Well, this is what I discussed with Mr. Shen at the beginning. He served as a general in Fujian and took charge of the Fujian Navy. He fought against Hong Maofan in Penghu. Preparation, plus the strength is far inferior to ours, it is hard to say who will win this battle, just in the case of the same size of ships and the number of sailors, the Dazhou Navy is not an opponent at all, and it is precisely because of this that Shen Daren has always been worried The weakness of our coastal defenses,..."

  Feng Ziying also looked a little heavy.

According to the news from Guangzhou, the situation in Nanyang is also becoming more and more complicated. Has arrived in this area, and began to compete with Hong Maofan for spices, minerals and other interests.

Although from the present point of view, there is no sign of the large forces of Xiyi going north, but Xiyi merchants are pervasive. More or less Xiyi merchant ships have appeared in Dazhou, Japan, and North Korea, such as Guangzhou in Dazhou and Japan. Nagasaki became a gathering place for Western Yi merchants.

  Feng Ziying doesn't think the Xiyi people will be peaceful for too long. When the Xiyi people find out that Dazhou's coastal defense is so weak, and the Dazhou navy fleet is so backward, I'm afraid their ambitions will be exposed slowly.

It is precisely because of this that he has been urging Shen Yourong to quickly build a naval fleet, not only to have a naval fleet that imitates Xiyi ships, but also to build a shipbuilding base in Denglai that can manufacture Xiyi ships , Only in this way can we truly support the future needs of the Navy.

It's just that this is not in line with Wang Ziteng's appetite. He only wants to build the Denglai Army into a frontier force like the Xuanfu Army or the Jizhen Army. For now, Feng Ziying has nothing to do.

As the governor of Denglai, Wang Ziteng has this power, and the imperial court obviously does not have a deep understanding of the urgency of building a naval fleet, and even lacks interest in exploring waterways through the Ezo land to the Whale Sea to reach the Jurchen territory in the East China Sea , which made Feng Ziying very speechless.

  This is determined by historical limitations. The lords in the court and China are completely unaware that the world is in an era of great change, and they still look at the so-called Xiyi merchants with a disdainful eye.

At this time, Western colonists have already begun to experience the accumulation of science and technology after the Renaissance. They are in the preparatory stage of the Industrial Revolution. They are sharpening their knives and fighting for any land under the sun in the world. Satisfied with the status quo, even if you really win the war against the Jianzhou Jurchen or the Chahar people in the future, you will still face aggression from the western sea, just like the Opium War two hundred years later in your previous life.

   "My lord, are you worried that the Xiyi people will go north and even pose a threat to our Great Zhou?" Wang Wenyan was keenly aware of Feng Ziying's worry.

"In classical Chinese, the Xiyi people are actually no different from the Jianzhou Jurchen and Chahar people. They bully the weak and fear the strong, guided by their interests, and even more vicious. It's just that they are limited to geographical reasons and are unable to reach out for the time being. But you should be aware of the Xiyi people. The advantages of people on ships, our merchant ships are more suitable for offshore navigation, Nanyang is our limit, but do you know how many times the distance from Xiyi people to Nanyang is equivalent to us?"

Feng Ziying said indifferently: "I tell you, ten times! But the Xiyi people still came indomitably. Not only did they come, they also occupied Sulu, Luzon, and the territory of Xuanweisi in the old port of the Ming Dynasty. Now they almost control the entire The spice trade in Nanyang, even if we Han people there, have to submit to the governance of the Xiyi people, and these Xiyi people transport the spices to our Dazhou territory, sell them at a good price, and the supply is in short supply,..."

  Wang Wenyan fell silent.

"They brought spices and silver. Where did the silver come from? It was from the farther Americas. The distance is about ten times the distance from us to Southeast Asia. The natives there were killed by them or became their slaves. , They drove these natives to mine for them, and then smelted silver, or embraced the spices planted by the natives of Nanyang for them, and finally exchanged them with us for porcelain, silk, and tea, and shipped them back to the mainland of Xiyi,..."

Feng Ziying's breath was filled with a deep taste, "After all, one day they find that it is more cost-effective and faster to force us to hand over porcelain, tea and silk than this trade method, and they will use their warships and artillery to force us, . . . "

  Wang Wenyan was shocked. Although he felt that he was already a leader in knowledge, such an idea that sounded like a fantasy still made him feel unbelievable and unacceptable.

  How many Xiyi people can there be? And far away from their home country, even if there are some ships and artillery, would they dare to invade Da Zhou?

   Moreover, most of the Xiyi people who came to Nanyang and Dazhou were merchants. Merchants were looking for profit. How could they use guns to force Dazhou?

  Seeing that even Wang Wenyan couldn't believe it, Feng Ziying was also a little bit uninterested for a while.

  Indeed, no matter how you look at it now, it is impossible for the Xiyi people to provoke Da Zhou with their little power, so no one will believe that the Xiyi people can bring any disaster to Da Zhou.

"Forget it, Wenyan, these situations are just my assumptions, but I think this assumption will become a reality if we are unable to respond in time, especially when the size of the ships and the number and strength of the artillery are seriously insufficient. Reality." Feng Ziying replied affirmatively.

  " But Governor Wang obviously didn't take these things seriously." Wang Wenyan also understood Feng Ziying's worries.

   "I think his plan is very likely to bring disaster to him. What is the purpose of building the Denglai Army so painstakingly?" Feng Ziying curled her lips contemptuously.

"My lord, do you think Governor Wang's Denglai army is going to join the confrontation between Prince Yizhong and the emperor?" Wang Wenyan still felt a little incomprehensible, "It's hard to say how strong the Denglai army is newly built, but it must be It can’t be compared with Xuanfu Army and Jizhen Army, I feel like he wants to build up a force he can control as his amulet?"

Feng Ziying thought for a while, "Maybe there are considerations in this regard, but I think he is playing with fire at both ends of the first mouse. He is neither willing to draw a line with Prince Yizhong, but he is not very optimistic about Prince Yizhong. I want to mix it up and observe the situation in order to get the best benefit for myself."

   "My lord, there is nothing wrong with this. It is related to the rise and fall of a family, and it is normal to be cautious." Wang Wenyan thinks it is understandable. After all, the Wang family is a martial artist, which is different from a civil servant. If you make a wrong step, there is no room for turning back.

"Forget it, let's not talk about Denglai. I think the news from Concubine Jia Guifei can give you a good sense of the situation. By the way, I will analyze it. One is the emperor's physical condition, and the other is what preparations Prince Yizhong is making. The third is the attitude of the Supreme Emperor, changes in these factors will affect the entire court situation, as you said, no matter how cautious you are, we must be prepared to deal with it."

  Feng Ziying took back the conversation: "As for Yongping Mansion, do you have any good suggestions?"

   "My lord, I am not familiar with the situation in Yongping Mansion. Yaoqing should be able to come up with better countermeasures. As long as you give him a chance, you can trust him." Wang Wenyan said seriously.

  While Feng Ziying and Wang Wenyan were talking about Wu Yaoqing, Wu Yaoqing was also waiting quietly in a tile house next to a brick kiln outside Zhenzi Town.

  About half an hour later, a figure came out from the field behind, quietly approached this washhouse, looked around at the door for a while, and then entered the courtyard.

   "Meet the adults."

  Wu Yaoqing waved his hand, "Don't be too polite, what about the matter I asked you to investigate?"

"It's more complicated. I asked a few people to find out about it. According to the issue of war horses you mentioned, there are two main sources of war horses in Zhenzi Town. One is the Youtunwei in Xingzhou in the north, but here are reclamation and military craftsmen. Lord, although there are quite a few horses, but like the war horses you mentioned that can be ridden and chased, it is very difficult to dispatch so many at one time without being known."

  The person who came was hiding in the shadows, "There is also the Kaiping Zhongtunwei in the south. The situation is the same, and it is unlikely. Excluding these two, it can only be the camps in the north."

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  (end of this chapter)

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