Number of People

Chapter 907: Self-character scroll snake (continued)

  Chapter 907 Self-character scroll local snake (continued)

  Feng Ziying naturally knows what this guy is thinking, but he can't reveal his intentions yet.

"Old man, you just do your own thing. I know where these thousands of military households have vanished, and where they are actually hiding. It seems that if they don't ask inside the mansion for the past twenty years, they will be at ease. But here I am, Then I have to do it according to my way." Feng Ziying smiled, "Thousands of military households also involve the land of the original garrison guards, and I have to ask about the households' houses. Tens of thousands of acres of land are distributed according to the rules. Is it sold out?"

   Song San's back felt a chill, is this one really going to turn this Yongping mansion upside down? Could it be that Lord Fuzun let him do this?

That's right, after the three guards of Dongsheng Zuowei, Lulongwei, and Yongpingwei were abolished and merged in the past 20 years, all the soldiers were handed over to Xingzhou Youtunwei, and the artisans of Xingzhou Youtunwei returned to Yongpingwei after the merger , and immediately after the Chahar people Koubian, Yongpingwei was also abolished, leaving only craftsmen under the management of Yongping Mansion.

  The original military households who lived on reclamation were also hung on the military buildings of Yongping Mansion. A considerable part of the original military land was sold into storage, but a considerable amount of military farmland was still retained.

It's just that these twenty years have passed, the expansion of Yongping Prefecture, the construction of canals and roads, are naturally moved and replaced on these lands. The military households have fled and the land is getting less and less. Three thousand acres.

  And we need to know that the land transferred to households after the sale should not be less than 15,000 mu, and where did the 20,000 mu of good farmland go?

  In addition to various land occupations and replacements, Feng Ziying roughly estimated that at least 10,000 mu of good farmland had disappeared.

  The land disappeared, and the military households disappeared. In the past twenty years, the prefects and fellow prefects seemed to have ignored them.

Anyway, under the name of a military household, the land does not pay taxes, and the military household does not undertake labor. Everyone seems to have forgotten this matter. Since Ji Town has been handed over, naturally they will not ask about it, and Yongping Mansion Bianhu soldiers are hanging in the two rooms, and the theory belongs to the army's trusteeship, so they just keep silent.

  Even Song San didn't understand how this young acquaintance knew so much about the secrets of Yongping Mansion 20 years ago, so he caught it right away.

The key is that everyone in the Ministry of War has yellow registration, even if the Yongping Mansion has destroyed the files, but the Ministry of War can also have the bottom files to check, and then it will be for myself and the people in the household. I can't walk around, so no one dares to do this, at least I don't dare.

Seeing that Song San didn't dare to speak up, Feng Ziying smiled, "So, old man, just do your own thing, and no one can blame you for coming here and pushing everything on me, isn't that right? Is it over?"

"My lord, why are you bothering? You just came here, and you don't know the situation here, why bother to offend them?" Song San sighed, "This is not left over from the past few years, so many years have passed, you That way, they'll feel like you're targeting them on purpose,…"

"Am I targeting them on purpose? This military department has a yellow card. Why, they still think it's okay to swallow these things? Is it really a joke?" Feng Ziying sneered, "Old man, why don't you tell me something? Give it to them, I have to spit out what I eat, and I have to hand over what I take, as for how to deal with it later, Lord Fuzun and I have our own disputes."

Song San was really shocked by Feng Ziying's wild and domineering words. If it wasn't for the last sentence, "Master Fu Zun and I have our own disputes", he really wanted to quit this official. If he was caught between the two sides, it wouldn't work out. It's about to die.

It means that there is still room for negotiation, which means that it is not impossible to discuss, otherwise, if the rich and powerful families in Lulong County have no room to withdraw their military households and land, they will die. Messed up.

   It’s not without heels, loofah and vines, if you pull the bottom, it will affect the top. Don’t think that there is no one in Yongping Mansion.

   "My lord, are you really planning to clean up this area?" Song San's tone became lowered, and this sentence was no longer a joke.

"Of course." Feng Ziying also responded frankly: "I came to Yongping Mansion not to dawdle, nor to make money, but to do things, and this Yongping Mansion is in danger. If you don't do things, let alone the court can't." Promise, that is, we don’t even think about it ourselves.”

  Song San looked at the other party suspiciously, feeling that the other party was trying to scare people.

The chaos in Yongping Mansion is a little chaotic, but it is all aimed at foreign caravans. The local gentry and merchants have not received much impact. Even Ji Town is not very harmonious with the government, but the army With its own laws and regulations, it is impossible to do anything beyond the line.

  As for what Feng Ziying may have mentioned was the issue of tax arrears, the reasoning should also be the responsibility of the Fuzun and Tongju, and has little to do with Tongzhi.

  There is an assessment in the middle of the capital, and it should be Fu Zun and the judge who are anxious. They have survived for so many years. There is no reason why the famous Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan in the middle of the capital is here, but he is still sad.

   Unless it is Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's political enemies in the court who want to deliberately target them, but no matter what, they will not be able to hit Tongzhi.

   "My lord, can you make it clear?"

"Hmph, old wilt, if you don't know how to behave after looking at you, I will punish you and do your own thing. Within three days, I will see the list of military households over the years, and within ten days I will order these military households to The households have to go to the military room to clear and register again, waiting for disposal." Feng Ziying said bluntly.

  Song San's face was ugly, but after a long while, he could only sigh and agree.

  The same thing was put on Lu Gaizi, the household miscellaneous department official, but for Lu Gaizi, this question was more difficult and hot.

  Arguing that household affairs should not be managed by the same judge, that is the territory of the general judge, but under the order of the prefect, Feng Ziying naturally wants to use his power to the fullest.

   But for Hufang, to clean up the land that has been embezzled and privately occupied by the rich and powerful families in the county for the past 20 years, it is like cutting the flesh of the rich and powerful families with a knife.

   Clearing up the military households is also painful for the big households, but after all, they are attached to the family and hide away. Without these people, there are other tenants, and they can even find a way to recruit refugees, but if the land is cleared, it is a tiger's mouth.

  But for Hufang, whether to cut the flesh or not is the business of adults, but even so, doing this kind of thing is still offending others.

   Is it tolerable, which one is unbearable?

  The face was about to be gloomy, and He Wenxiang sent the lame Lu away, and stood on the threshold with his hands behind his back, looking at the city wall in the distance.

  The land of Yandong in early summer is the most beautiful time. The wheat harvest is still early, but the endless wheat waves still make people feel refreshed. It seems that even the unique fragrance in the wheat field can penetrate the heart and make people feel better.

  But today, this good feeling in the past has turned into an indescribable irritability and frustration.

   It was not until the second son He Shuda came back that He Wenxiang motioned to follow him into the quiet room.

"Father, lame Lu and Song San have the same tone. The new Tongzhi master is not kind, and his attitude is very strict and resolute. It's nothing more than a military household. Our family is not too big. Even if it is cleaned up, we will have little influence. Big, but the land…”

  He Shuda grinned, obviously thinking that the land that had fallen over the years, after so many years of intensive cultivation, would be handed over to the government again. How could this be tolerated?

"Needless to say about the hidden households of the military households, this is the responsibility of the Tongzhi. I heard that in order to bring back the artisan households from Youtunwei in Xingzhou, he went to the Santun Camp and the Chief Soldier of Jizhen. Negotiations forced hundreds of craftsmen back." He Wenxiang's face was dark, "His father is the governor of Ji Liao, and he dared to ignore it. His son holding a hand?"

  He Shuda was taken aback for a moment, "Father, is this Tongzhi adult wanting to disown his relatives?"

"Who knows?" He Wenxiang sighed, "How long can he stay in this Yongping mansion? We can't give in so easily."

   "Father, brother..." He Shuda was still a little unconvinced.

"Your elder brother..." He Wenxiang hesitated for a moment, "Go and write a letter to explain the situation here, and see his attitude. He is the county magistrate in Tongzhou, next to the capital city, and he can always listen When there is some news,..."

   "Okay, that kid will write a letter right away." He Shuda said excitedly.

"Don't mislead your elder brother by adding oil and vinegar, and your elder brother was still studying in the county at that time, so he knows the ins and outs." He Wenxiang knew what the other son was up to when he saw the appearance of the second son, frowning: "Our He family can't afford to pick the head Against the government, there are Zhao family and Tian family."


"It's nothing. The husband and wife are birds of the same forest. When disaster strikes, they fly separately. Don't look at the people talking lively in the morning. If you really want them to face it head-on, I'm afraid they will slip away. Hmph, your father I have dealt with them for so many years, how can I still not understand?" He Wenxiang snorted softly.

   "Besides, I heard from Lu Laizi that this colleague doesn't seem to be a purely unreasonable person..."

  He Shuda was stunned by He Wenxiang's words. He looked at his father and asked puzzledly, "Father, what do you mean?"

"The problem of land is very complicated. It is not accumulated over a year or two. Moreover, the government only needs to register the land that has been abandoned for so many years, and the county actually measures it in detail. It will only change when the wasteland changes with time and our hard work. With the current appearance, if you can’t say a word, you should take it back. There was an agreement with the county at the beginning,..."

   "But father, that happened more than ten years ago, and the agreement with the county was pulled out. Isn't that going to settle the old score? How could the county agree?" He Shuda hesitated.

"Hmph, it's easy because it happened more than ten years ago. If it's really happening now, it's not easy." He Wenxiang said coldly: "It's not good to put all the responsibility on the county officials at that time. What? If you want to pursue responsibility, let the censors go after the county magistrate Guo who has already retired."

   First ask for a monthly pass, and more!



  (end of this chapter)

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