Number of People

Chapter 908: self-written scroll

  Chapter 908 Self-written scroll is forced

  The first fire that Feng Ziying ignited immediately made the entire rich and powerful families in Lulong County restless.

Before, they had also expected that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, who had made a great reputation in the capital city, would not be silent in this corner of Yongping Mansion, but they never expected that the first person was a military household and a hermit. And Tun Tian surgery.

   If you want to impress Hotan, this will directly hit the waistlines of the big households.

  Which of the big gentry families in Lulong did not hide their military households? Which family has not benefited from the private confiscation of land by the army?

Although every family thinks this is a hidden danger, but these two decades have passed, and none of the previous Fuzun and Tongzhi has come to pick this matter, why does Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan want to come here ?

   It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s not a matter of which family, but that at least half of the big gentry in Lulong County are involved. You, a new acquaintance, are going to challenge all the gentry in the entire county?

"Ziying, you really created a big problem for this old man." Zhu Zhiren didn't expect Feng Ziying to be so fierce and fierce. Before he settled the matter of the craftsmen in Ji Town, Zhu Zhiren was very satisfied. Although there is his father's factor, after all, it also involves the interests of Jizhen's military, and it is not that simple.

  But now that Feng Ziying turned his sword, he pointed at the big gentry in Lulong County, which made Zhu Zhiren's liver tremble.

"Fu Zun, let me say something blunt. Our government's lack of prestige in the eyes of these big gentry is quite prominent." Feng Ziying glanced at the other party, smiled and said: "Although the court treats the gentry favorably, but It does not mean that the gentry can override the government, and the gentry enjoy the preferential treatment of the court, but they should also take on obligations. One of the most important obligations is to set an example and abide by the law, but it seems that the gentry in Yongping Mansion Failure to achieve this is even challenging the bottom line of the court's laws."

   Feng Ziying's unkind words made Zhu Zhiren's face burn, and he was a little annoyed, but he had to admit that what the other party said was true.

  The various resistances he encountered in Yongping Mansion were probably caused by these gentry. Why doesn't he want to do some things?

   Making some political achievements is also beneficial to your future promotion.

  But these gentry always find various reasons to obstruct, and even use some connections in the court to greet and set up obstacles, making themselves in a dilemma, and over time it makes them feel a little bit cold and discouraged.

   Now that an assistant with such a cool and strong style came suddenly, he was still a little uncomfortable, and even became a little timid, which made Zhu Zhiren feel a little uncomfortable in his heart, which quickly turned into a kind of excitement.

  Zhu Zhiren is very aware of his shortcomings and advantages.

  The shortcoming is that he is soft-tempered, and at the same time, he does not have a strong backing background in the court. The advantage is that he has stayed in Yongping Mansion for so many years, and he is familiar with everyone.

  The advantages and disadvantages of the person in front of him seem to be exactly the opposite of his own.

  My father is the governor of Jiliao, he has achieved the pinnacle of military commander, and he is still a martial artist. As long as he makes a little contribution in the Liaodong battlefield, he will be promoted to a prince.

His mentor is Gelaojiajiahubu Youshilang Zhang Zhongshu Keshi, the master is the left deputy Du Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and even Chai Ke, the left servant of the Ministry of War who has a relationship with the township party, is full of praise for him. The close-knit Yonglong five-year Jinshi served as his wings, and he was born as a Shujishi, and he also had the halo of the Hanlin Academy.

   Zhu Zhiren couldn't help but get bloodshot from these connections.

  Zhu Zhiren is well aware that this person's future is limitless, and now he is just living here temporarily, looking for a suitable platform to take off.

What I have to do is actually very simple, that is to take this opportunity to cooperate with the other party, no matter what the other party is, after all, in this Yongping Mansion, I am the well-deserved parental officer. How can you not catch it?

   When something really went wrong, Zhu Zhiren believed that neither Qi Yongtai nor Guan Yingzhen and Qiao Yingjia would sit idly by. If this is the case, why would he not dare to go crazy with this guy?

"Ziying, I understand your ambition, but some things can't be done overnight, maybe step by step can avoid more troubles..." Zhu Zhiren said with a wry smile: "Do you think the old man doesn't want to do these things? But you want Knowing this group of gentry is not easy, they all have inextricable connections in Beijing and China, the slightest touch will attract all kinds of attacks and doubts,..."

"Fu Zun, of course I know, but because they have these backings, we don't want to do it?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "I'm a colleague, and the Qing army is my duty. I lived with my father in Datong since I was a child, and I know it well." Military households and hidden households are a chronic disease, and they can be found everywhere, but this is the first time I have seen such a rampant situation in Yongping Mansion. Of course, this is not the responsibility of the mansion. It has been more than ten or twenty years, and the ruins left over Things, there will definitely be a lot of resistance to clean up, but I have made various preparations and challenges,..."

  Zhu Zhiren shook his head, "The problem of military households is troublesome, but it's not the most important thing..."

   "Your Excellency, are you worried about clearing up the army's land?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"Yes." Zhu Zhiren reversed his previous expression and said solemnly: "Since the past 20 years, for various reasons, there are only two or three thousand acres of farmland left in the army, and these two or three thousand acres have been replaced by remote areas. In Shimoda, where are they, how many of them are involved in it? This is not something that a group of gentry can do."

  Feng Ziying frowned, "What Fu Zun means is that there are still many problems here, um, are they related to officials?"

"Well, these fields are all concentrated in Lulong. The county magistrate has changed several times in the past ten or twenty years. Which one dares to pat his chest and say that he didn't touch his hands in it?" Zhu Zhiren looked coldly, "Does Ziying know these few people?" Where did the county magistrate end up?"

  Feng Ziying realized the difficulty, and frowned, "The army's farm land is under the jurisdiction of the military and household houses in the mansion, why did it come from Lulong County to deal with it specifically?"

"Ziying, you don't know the situation below. The military houses and households in the government office are not specifically managed, but only responsible for registration and supervision. The specific daily random inspection and management are in the county, otherwise the government How can you manage five counties and one prefecture, with only a few dozen people in each house, and a few Weizhen land and population?" Zhu Zhiren is still very familiar with the specific situation in the government office.

   "The government should also perform the supervisory function. Haven't seen any problems in the past two decades?" Feng Ziying smiled, as if he didn't believe it.

"Ziying, these things are all living on this piece of land. The people in these houses are all good people, how can they not see the problem?" Zhu Zhiren shook his head and smiled bitterly, "The problem is that the county can handle both the upper and lower surface articles. It is beautifully done, and you can't find anything in ordinary random inspections, such as embezzlement, deception, Li Daitao stiff, these fancy tricks emerge in endlessly, if you can have a tacit understanding with the specific handling personnel in the mansion, who will pay for it? Willing to lift these lids to offend people?"

   "Then Fu Zun means that this matter cannot be continued?" Feng Ziying asked coldly.

"No, Ziying, you have let the words out. This is the water that has been spilled. There is absolutely no reason to take it back. But I think it is possible to find some less drastic means, and slowly figure it out, so that those people There is some wiggle room,…”

   "My lord, I'm afraid it will be too late." Feng Ziying shook her head endlessly.

   "It's too late?" Zhu Zhiren was puzzled, "Ziying, what do you mean?"

  Feng Ziying pondered for a while before saying: "Fu Zun, if the news I got is correct, the Chahar people are very likely to invade the south this autumn..."

When Zhu Zhiren heard this, he almost slipped from the chair to the ground, his face suddenly turned pale, and his lips trembled, "Ziying, what are you talking about? The Mongols are going to invade south? Our Yongping Mansion? Where did the news come from?" Come? Is it accurate?"

The Mongol invasion dates back to 20 years ago. Although the entire Yongping Prefecture is still shrouded in the shadow of the Mongol invasion for the past 20 years, as time goes by, everyone's vigilance is gradually weakening. The day is tense, and no one can bear it. Unexpectedly, the Mongols are coming again now.

"As I said, if there is no mistake, the Mongol invasion is a high probability event. As for where it will come down from, it cannot be determined. Maybe the Mongols did not go to Yongping but went to Daning and Ningyuan in western Liaoning. It is also possible that they came from the west. Invading Shuntian Xuan Mansion, but I personally feel that our Yongping Mansion is more dangerous."

  Feng Ziying's words made Zhu Zhiren almost collapse in his chair. Feng Ziying didn't say where the news came from, but he knew very well that the news could only come from Jizhen.

"What should I do?" Zhu Zhiren didn't expect that he had been in Yongping Mansion for five years. If he was lucky, he would be able to move after one year. Such a bad news.

   "My lord, this is just my personal judgment. Even if the Mongols invade the south, we Yongping will not just sit and wait for death." Feng Ziying did not expect Zhu Zhiren to be so afraid of this.

It's no wonder that he was born as a literati and has never experienced such a thing, and the catastrophe of Yongping Mansion 20 years ago still left a deep shadow in the hearts of the officials and people of Yongping Mansion. Zhu Zhiren naturally heard about it a long time ago, so he was so afraid Also within reason.

   "Ziying, you don't know the Mongols..."

"My lord, when I was five years old, I followed my father to fight against the Tumot people in Datong. I fought again and again, and I didn't go to the capital until I was twelve years old." Feng Ziying interrupted the other party unceremoniously, "Yonglong six years Master Chai and I went west to suppress the rebellion, and I went alone to negotiate with Bu Shitu, the leader of the Tumet people, and finally persuaded the other party not to support Liu Dongyang and their rebellion,..."

   Only then did Zhu Zhiren realize that the young colleague in front of him was from a martial arts background, and he himself had been on the battlefield himself, and he felt a little relieved.

   The second is asking for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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