Number of People

Chapter 909: Zizijuan desperate? (Ask for 200 monthly tickets!)

  Chapter 909 I'm desperate? (Ask for 200 monthly tickets!)

   "Then Ziying, do you think there is room for maneuver?" Of course, Zhu Zhiren couldn't cover Feng Ziying with a few casual bluffs, he wanted to listen to the other party's opinion.

It is only May now. According to the habits of the Mongols, it will take about October to gather and go south. There are still five months. In terms of time, it is indeed relatively ample, but facing a Mongolia that may go south at any time Cavalry, how to deal with it?

   How to prevent the Mongols from ravaging Yongping Mansion with iron hooves is the most critical.

  As for whether the Mongols are willing to go to Shuntian Mansion, Liaoxi Mansion or Xuan Mansion, that has nothing to do with Zhu Zhiren, he only hopes that Yongping Mansion can live safely.

   Even if it is really impossible to survive safely, at least the damage should be minimized.

   It is best to squeeze the Mongols to the north of Lulong. If necessary, Qian'an and Funing can be sacrificed, as long as they don't go south and enter the line of Lulong, Luanzhou and Changli.

"Fu Zongbing, I have talked with You Zongbing, and he is not sure which way the Chahar people will come in, but I can be sure that once the Chahar people make a surprise attack, the side wall will definitely be unable to resist. After the Chahar people come in, we can talk about how to deal with them and drive them out." Feng Ziying said in a deep voice.

  Zhu Zhiren became a little impatient, "Ziying, I understand what you said, but how do we deal with it? If the army of Jizhen can't stop it, what can we do?"

  Zhu Zhiren was telling the truth. If even the main frontier army in Jizhen could not stop the Mongolian cavalry heading south, how could Yongping Prefecture prevent these Mongolian cavalry from going south to Lulong and Luanzhou as he wanted?

  Actually, just looking at the map, you can see that the terrain in the north of Yongping Mansion is there. If the Chahar people want to break through the side wall, there are two roads that pose the greatest threat to Yongping Mansion, one is Yanhe Road and the other is Taitou Road.

   These two roads just overlook Lulong and Changli in the south, which is the hinterland of Yongping Prefecture.

Taiping Road further to the west is close to the Santun camp, which is the base of Jizhen’s general army, where Jizhen’s mobile forces are stationed, and Shimenzhai Road further west is next to Funingwei and Shanhaiguan. , Not only are there many fortresses, but they are also heavily defended.

The line from Lengkou to Taolinkou on Yanhe Road is sandwiched between the confluence of Qinglong River and Luanhe River. Qian'an County and Youtunwei in Xingzhou are also in this area. It is considered a relatively affluent area in the north, and it is dangerous in Feng Ziying's view. The coefficient is the largest, and the section from Qingshankou to Jielingkou on Taitou Road is directly facing Taitou City and Funingwei, and Changli is further south.

"My lord, Ji Town has a lot of soldiers and horses, but the area to be taken into account is too large. It is impossible for him to concentrate all the heavy troops in our Yongping. Whether it is from the significance of defending the capital and for the sake of their own heads, they will The heavy troops are placed on the line from the west of Xifengkou to Gubeikou. Once they break through here, they can directly advance to the capital.

  Feng Ziying patiently explained to Zhu Zhiren, even spread out a map she brought, and introduced the overall situation to Zhu Zhiren.

  Zhu Zhiren was overshadowed.

  Why doesn't he understand this truth.

  No matter how strong the Shuntian Mansion's army is, it is clear that the Chahar people will not be able to capture the capital city, but as long as there is a slight disturbance, the imperial court must first strengthen the defense there. This is a political influence.

As for Yongping Mansion, it doesn’t matter if you make some sacrifices for the capital city. Anyway, the Mongols come and go like the wind, and it’s impossible to stay in Yongping Mansion. Keep the passage with Liaodong open, everything is acceptable.

There is another reason that Feng Ziying did not say. You Shigong has just taken charge of Jizhen, and the forces under the Jizhen system are complicated. There are generals who support Ma Gui. Although Ma Gui is seriously ill now, these people still count on Ma Gui to replace You Shigong. He was afraid that a flood of criticism would come, and even his own father might not be able to protect him by then.

Therefore, in this case, the first thing to do is to keep the line of the capital safe. The pass forts in the north of Shuntian Prefecture must be strengthened for defense, and then the line of Pinggu-Sanhe-Baodi must be reserved enough mobile troops to prevent the Mongols from After Yongping Mansion broke through, they took advantage of the situation and went west to Shuntian Mansion.

On the premise of ensuring the safety of the capital, You Shigong has to consider avoiding too much loss of troops and being criticized by others. Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for the frontier army of Jizhen to take the initiative to consider the safety of Yongping Mansion. Well, even if Feng Ziying brought up the old man's brand, You Shigong can only say that he has thought about it a little, and it is impossible to change this general situation.

   "Ziying, as you said, once the Mongols invade the south, our Yongping Mansion can only wait for death, or do you mean that we should make preparations now, fortify the wall and clear the country?" Zhu Zhiren's face was dark and his voice was dry.

"No, if that's the case, it would be meaningless for us to make such a big move now." Feng Ziying said word by word: "The iron ore mining in Qian'an and Lulong has already started, and I'm afraid you know about it. Coking has also been successful, a new type of iron-smelting blast furnace is under construction, and it is believed that the first furnace of molten iron will be smelted in June,..."

Gu Dengfeng, Zhuang Limin and the others are progressing quite smoothly, thanks to the adequate preparations in the early stage, and Feng Ziying's actions have also successfully attracted the big gentry from all over the place, so these local rich and powerful people are all thinking about Feng Ziying's next move , are unwilling to offend Feng Ziying on the issue of mining and iron making, and make himself a target.

A large number of craftsmen from Foshan Zhuangji have already arrived in Linqing through the canal, and it is estimated that they will land from Zhigu to Yongping Prefecture within a few months to prepare for the processing of iron materials after blast furnace iron smelting and steelmaking. .

  Feng Ziying also specifically confessed that Zhuang Limin would bring a group of craftsmen who made firecrackers, including the three Xiyi craftsmen.

  Time is too urgent, but Feng Ziying has no choice. Who made Lindan Batuer suddenly become ambitious? Maybe it was really because of his father’s support to the Chahar people last year that made him suddenly inflated.

  Zhu Zhiren was very puzzled: "Ziying, if you do this, don't you hand over your hands and send it to the door of the Mongols? What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, since Ji Town cannot be relied on, and you and I cannot do nothing, otherwise, if we really want to let the Mongolian cavalry come in and wreak havoc, I guess it will be difficult for you and me to explain to the imperial court. At that time, the imperial court may not just say Ji Town. How about the frontier army, the censors will definitely make trouble for us, and the local gentry may have long been dissatisfied with us, this time the loss is huge, why don't you take the opportunity to attack us?"

  Feng Ziying's description made Zhu Zhiren shudder. He could imagine such a scene, which was almost the same as Feng Ziying's description.

I have been doing nothing in Yongping Mansion for the past few years, but I have not won the support of the local gentry, and I am in a state of peaceful coexistence. However, if the Mongols invade the south, the court will not be able to explain it, and the damaged gentry will have to find a punch , I am afraid that I am the best scapegoat.

  Feng Ziying revealed that since this is the case, there is no need to worry about the attitude of the local gentry, but the question is, is this related to the cleanup of military households and military farmland?

   Is it possible to take advantage of this to make a fortune and wait until the court pursues the responsibility after the Mongols invaded the south? I can do this, what about Feng Ziying?

  Seeing that Zhu Zhiren was becoming more and more puzzled, Feng Ziying said: "My lord, I plan to summon Minzhuang."

Zhu Zhiren suddenly realized, and then shook his head with a wry smile, "Ziying, why are you so naive? If the people who have been trained for several months can withstand the Mongolian iron cavalry, wouldn't our surrounding army be able to go out of the side wall and take the Mongols out?" They were all wiped out? This is ridiculous, how is it possible?"

Zhu Zhiren shook his head and smiled wryly, while sighing, but seeing that Feng Ziying was unmoved, he gradually calmed down, "Ziying, do you still have the ability to turn stones into gold and throw beans into soldiers? I understand what you mean, Clear out these military households and hermits, and recruit them to form civilians, train them, and use them to resist the Mongolian cavalry,..."

  Feng Ziying nodded steadily, "Yes."

Zhu Zhiren was getting a little hairy, and suppressed his inner anger: "Ziying, are you asking for your own death? What has happened to these folks? There are also folks in every state and county. Look at what these folks look like? Joining the army How much better can it be if you come from the household to draw a small dog?"

"My lord, if we want to train a group of civilians who have not fought into soldiers or archers, it is impossible in a short period of time, but if it is a firearms soldier, it may not be possible. At least we can only treat dead horses as living soldiers now." Doctor Ma, besides, I also want to write to Liaodong, asking my father to call in a small group of firecrackers to help us train the people. In four or five months, we may not be able to train unsatisfactory characters, and we don’t count on them. You can go to fight the Mongols in the field, but if you stick to the city and the fort, you can still give it a try, right?"

Feng Ziying said calmly: "I don't dare to say anything else, but as long as the firecrackers are willing to spend their money and train hard, I am still somewhat sure. Otherwise, what should we do? We can simply resign now, so as not to save the censor in the future." Impeach?"

  Of course Zhu Zhiren knew that Feng Ziying came from a family of martial arts, so he must have some confidence to say so, but his reason told him that pinning his hopes on this was simply the same as betting in a casino.

  Seeing that Zhu Zhiren was silent, Feng Ziying said again: "My lord, you trust me, I think I have a great future, I will not risk my life and future, and my father will not allow it,..."

  Feng Ziying's last sentence "My father will not allow it" moved Zhu Zhiren. He did not believe that Feng Tang, the governor of Jiliao, would sit back and watch his own son take such risks. It was not worth it at all.

   After a long silence, Zhu Zhiren said with difficulty: "Ziying, if your father can give you a reasonable strategy, then I..."

   Lao Rui keep working hard!



  (end of this chapter)

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