Number of People

Chapter 910: Hand-to-hand with self-written scrolls (200 monthly tickets are required for the fourt

  Chapter 910 Fighting with self-written scrolls (for the fourth update, ask for 200 monthly tickets!)

   Reasonable strategy? How could there be any reasonable strategy for such a pure bet? If it is really reasonable, it is a routine routine.

But Feng Ziying was unwilling to attack the fragile reliance that supports the other party's beliefs, and nodded, "Yes, I have already sent a letter to my father in the early stage, talking about if the Chahar people really break through from Jizhen, it will not be long for his first appointment. The image of the governor is damaged, and everyone in Chahar still looks down on the three melons and two dates in Ningyuan and Daning in Liaoning Province for the time being, so you might as well mobilize some troops to reinforce Jizhen,..."

  Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Zhu Zhiren's spirits were greatly lifted. The body that was originally curled up in the chair like a dead snake suddenly became high-spirited, and a pair of originally dull eyes also burst into light.

"That's right, Ziying, you're right. If the Chahar people want to fight the autumn wind, they will definitely not go to the Liaoxi side, but the Shuntian Mansion's Xuan Mansion and Ji Town have strong troops and are the focus of defense. Only our Yongping My grandma doesn't love my uncle, and it's very likely that the story from twenty years ago will be repeated. It will have a bad impact on your father, and it will have an impact on his achievements in Liaodong last year,..."

"Well, that's what I told my father in the letter. My father replied that he would consider it. I am going to send another letter to my father. By the way, I said that we have some considerations here and are willing to cooperate with Jizhen to do a good job of defense. Even our The government is willing to reward the Liaodong Army with some silver taels..."

Feng Ziying looked at Zhu Zhiren with more hints in his eyes, and Zhu Zhiren understood, with a happy face, and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, the Liaodong Army supported Jizhen and defended our Yongping Mansion. I believe that the local gentry must be very grateful. In return,..."

That's right, Feng Ziying smiled reservedly, "I'm afraid the gratitude of the gentry will be left behind. These people are short-sighted, and they wouldn't believe it unless they saw Mongolian cavalry stepping on their fields. They will think that we are deliberately scaremongering and blackmailing them, so..."

   Zhu Zhiren nodded happily. He knew very well that he could not be like these short-sighted gentry. Once the Mongolian cavalry rushed in, it would be meaningless to say anything else.

"Ziying, you don't need to talk about it. Clean up the military households and hidden households immediately. I will be your backing. To clean up the army's farmland, households and counties should also take action immediately. You can clean it up first. Let's not talk about how to deal with it. , wait until the right time to discuss, what do you think?"

  Feng Ziying sneered in her heart, this fellow still had some doubts in her heart that the Mongols would invade the south, and she was still worried that she was deliberately using this trick to fool him.

  Feng Ziying also knew that being too aggressive and violent might provoke a strong backlash from the local gentry. If all the gentry ganged up to attack, even Master Qi and Master Qiao would not be able to do so in court.

After all, these are all serious northern gentry, Qi Shi is from Beizhi, which can be regarded as his basic background, and Zuodu Yushi Zhang Huaichang is from Liaoxi, and Yongping Mansion is on the border. It is said that his uncle is This is a big family in Qian'an.

"What the Fu Zun said is true, then first clear out the hidden households of the military households, verify their integrity one by one, and then put them into the military room. Regarding the matter of the civilians, I would like to check the civilians of all states and counties first, and select them from among them. The elite, and then select brave warriors from the military households, gather together two thousand Ding Yong,..."

  Zhu Zhiren also had a headache.

To say that 2,000 people are not too many, following the Ming system, there are 1,000 people in big prefectures and counties, 600 to 700 people in medium-sized counties, and 500 people in small counties. It is not a problem to select more than a thousand people from five counties and one state.

   Then select more than a thousand people from the military households, and it is no problem to make up two thousand Ding Yong.

But the key lies in such a large force of the people. Feng Ziying's attitude is definitely not to form an army hastily, just do a simple rehearsal like the people in ordinary prefectures and counties. Gunners!

This action is too big, and Zhu Zhiren also knows the price of firecrackers, one is around twenty taels of silver, these two thousand means forty thousand taels, and this does not include the required gunpowder, guns and For training needs, according to this posture, all these miscellaneous things will cost at least five or sixty thousand silver.

  If the Mongols really invaded the south, it would be easy to say that if you win the battle, you don’t need to talk about it.

   But if the Mongols didn't come, whose expense is it? Is it really necessary to pay for the land clearing here?

   Wouldn't this be like taking such a big risk for nothing, but in the end it was nothing?

   Seeing Feng Ziying's burning eyes, Zhu Zhiren's heart also hardened. Up to now, he can only trust this guy for once.

   "Ziying, it's up to you!" Zhu Zhiren gritted his teeth, "You just do it, if you want to use the seal, just say it!"

  Feng Ziying nodded in satisfaction. This fellow finally has some foresight and responsibility. If he is unwilling to shoulder this responsibility, he really needs to consider whether to give the other party a drudgery.

With Zhu Zhiren's full support, Feng Ziying quickly mobilized the officials, pawns, and other officials in the entire military room, and at the same time summoned the magistrate and county magistrate of Lulong, demanding that the entire former Dongsheng Zuowei, Lu Longwei, and Yongzheng be punished immediately. The military households of Pingwei and Sanwei have been checked one by one, and the verification is accurate, compared with the Huang Ji.

   This swift action immediately caused a commotion in Lulong County.

"Master Xu, is it too cruel for Master Tongzhi to do this? Does he treat us Lulong gentlemen as nothing?" The short and fat man in a purple-brown silk shirt with a mustache tightly held a fine-painted landscape folding fan in his hand, looking menacing Authentic: "He also claims to be the leader of the young scholars in the Northland. Is that how he treats us Northland gentry?"

"That's right, Mr. Fu Zun actually allowed the other party to behave like this, so you are not afraid of being sued by the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate?" Another middle-aged gentry with a stable reputation also frowned, "In the past, Mr. Fu Zun would not There is no way to do that.”

  Xu Huanshan took a sip of his tea expressionlessly, letting several people around him complain and lower their eyelids as if they hadn't heard anything.

This group of gentry was very noisy, but after hearing that their father was the governor of Ji Liao, their mentor was Qi Yongtai, and the host was Qiao Yingjia, their spines softened, and they never dared to slap the table and throw the bench like they did before. Going to file a complaint, you can only yell in front of yourself for a while, it seems like this is the only way to go.

   "My lord, you have to say something." Seeing that Xu Huanshan had listened for a while, but still remained silent, the gentry were a little anxious.

"Let me tell you, what's the point of making such a fuss?" Xu Huanshan finally opened his mouth, but his tone was a little impatient, "The Qing army is the responsibility of Master Tongzhi. It’s the same as the others before, why is it that now you are performing duties with Master Zhi, but you guys don’t want to help Master do things, but the villain complained first?”

  Hearing that Xu Huanshan's tone was wrong, the faces of several gentry changed slightly. The old man in the ecru patterned gown who had never spoken stood up and cupped his hands, and saluted Xu Huanshan respectfully.

   "My lord, although you are not from Yongping, you have always been a role model in the minds of our Yongping gentry. Maybe my eyesight is shallow and I can't understand the situation. I hope you will give me some advice and give me some pointers."

Xu Huanshan picked up his teacup and took a sip, raised his head slightly, as if he was pondering something, and after a while, he said slowly: "First of all, you have to understand that the Qing army is a master of Tongzhi. In his job, he has no problem doing this. Anyone who wants to stop him will seek his own death. Secondly, after twenty years, this military household is no longer a pure or simple military affairs, which involves many Civil affairs, like many people who changed their military status to civilian status at the beginning, it is not accidental, and it has also been approved by Bingbeidao,..."

   Several people's eyes lit up.

It is not absolutely forbidden to transfer military status to civilian status, but it needs to be approved by the county and government levels, and it must be reported to the Bing Bei Dao for the record. Tao was dismissed and imprisoned, and later deprived of his official status and deported back to his hometown.

  The old man in the light brown patterned silk shirt frowned, "The county is simple and has been arranged, but Song San in the mansion..."

"That's your business. Song San is a native of this town. As long as you don't go too far, I believe Song San is also willing to serve the gentry of this country." Xu Huanshan said seriously: "But I want to remind you that Qing army hermits It’s a serious matter, and anyone who wants to go against Master Tongzhi’s will and make a ghost out of it is absolutely not allowed, I can only say that some specific reasons can be verified, please learn from Master Tongzhi.”

Several people understood that the matter of clearing up military households and hidden households was a foregone conclusion, and whoever wanted to take it directly would have no good end. However, using these twenty years, many files have been lost or searched and corrected for a long time, and it is good to do some tricks Yes, but you need to be careful.

   Several people were a little reluctant, but they also knew that this was probably the bottom line. It was very rare for the pusher to be able to say this.

   "My lord,..." Xu Huanshan stood up and cupped his fists, "I still have something to do, so I will take my leave first."

   Before a few people could speak, Xu Huanshan walked away.

   There were a few people left, and one of them couldn't help but yelled, "Damn, what did he say for a thousand taels of silver? We have to figure out what else we have to do."

   "Old Tian, ​​it's not easy, at least he pointed you to a way." The short and fat man looked gloomy.

"Didn't you say that you only need to clear the registration first, and you have to decide according to the actual situation?" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "I got the news from the Fuzun, and the Fuzun actually doesn't agree with clearing the land. Although the land is related to the military house, it should actually belong to the household house, so it shouldn’t be the Master Tongzhi’s management.”

The old man in the brown long gown shook his head, "Master Fuzun didn't say anything in detail, I think Mr. Fuzun is also at both ends of the head, maybe he wants to do something about it, after all, he has been in Yongping Mansion for five years, and there is still a year left to reason." It's time for him to move, do you think his current performance can do it? Hmph, maybe I want to use Xiao Feng's knife to do something?"

   "Mr. Zhao, what shall we do?"

"Let's make a step forward. Let's make a step forward to clean up the hidden households of military households. Let's take a look at the attitude of this Lord Feng. People respect me a foot, and I respect others. If he wants to put us to death blindly, then it will be too much." We were blamed for being ruthless. He seemed to have offended many people. I heard that he was also asking about the situation in Changli County in Huimin Salt Farm. He seemed to be really unscrupulous. He was too young. Everything about him? Huh!" The old man's eyes became a little cold.

   Lao Rui will continue to work hard tomorrow!



  (end of this chapter)

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