Number of People

Chapter 912: The rumors of the self-written scroll strike (the second update asks for a monthly pas

  Chapter 912 The rumors of the self-written scroll strike (the second update asks for a monthly pass!)

  Jia She returned to his room with a sullen face, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back.

   It wasn't until Xing Shi appeared that he scolded impatiently: "Where did you go? Why did it take you so long to come?"

  Xing's face changed a little because of being bluffed, thinking that Jia She knew about her elder brother, she mumbled for a while and dared not speak.

   "Okay, sit down." Jia She flicked his sleeves, and Mrs. Xing quickly took her seat, "What's the matter, master?"

"Hmph, you walk around in the yard all day long, don't you hear something?" Jia She stared at the other party viciously, "It's useless for you to be the eldest wife of the mansion, and the people below spread the word, but you closed your eyes. listen,…"

   Hearing Jia She's stern voice, Mrs. Xing stood up in fright.

  She really thought that Jia She knew about her brother.

   This Xing Zhong is also an ignorant person. When he came to the capital city, he would do nothing. He was idle all day long, but he didn't have much money in his hand, so he went to the casino.

  A few days ago, he said he was lucky and won dozens of taels. Xing was also a little jealous, so he went to talk to him, and the guy also generously gave Xing twenty taels.

Who would have known that luck would change after this coming and going. Ten days ago, she came to borrow a hundred taels for an emergency, and Xing was a little hesitant, but finally lent it to the other party. Unexpectedly, she came to borrow money seven days ago, and Xing refused. , the guy cried and robbed the ground, which made Mr. Xing unable to step down, so he could only borrow another one hundred taels, and said that there was no more.

  Who knew that someone came to the door the day before yesterday and said that Xing Zhong was detained in the casino and owed more than three hundred taels of silver, and wanted Xing to redeem him with the silver, which made Xing so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born.

Don't care if you want to, but the other side said that you have to come to the door every day to ask for the debt, or you have to cut off Xing Zhong's fingers to pay off the debt. Xing was so scared that he didn't know what to do, so he could only give fifty taels of reprieve first. Take a break.

  Today, I was worried, thinking about how to solve this matter, and planned to call Xing Xiuyan to talk about it, but I didn't expect Jia She to come back angrily.

   "Master, I really don't know..."

"I don't know, I don't know, what else can you say besides saying you don't know? Didn't Wang Shanbao's family hear it too? Isn't that girl who plays chess her granddaughter? Follow the second girl, don't you know anything?" Jia Sheyue said The more angry, "I think once Lian'er leaves, there will be no order in this family. I have to wait for my second brother to ask me for such a big matter, how do you discipline me as a mother?"

Mrs. Xing was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that it was not her brother's business. She let go of most of her heart and asked cautiously: "Master talked so much without beginning and end, but my concubine was also confused. Water, I don’t know what the master is talking about,…”

  Furious, Jia She picked up the cup on the coffee table beside him and threw it at it. The teacup flew past Xing's ear, hit the wall and fell to the ground, and fell to pieces. Xing couldn't help screaming in fright.

The maids outside rushed in, but saw the elder's face was ashen, and the wife shivered, knowing that the master was teaching his wife a lesson, and before Jia She's eyes came over, they all slipped out in fright, and quickly closed the door .

  In this long room, Jia She is the sky, whether it is the Xing family or the original Jia Lian and Jia Yingchun, there is no room for resistance.

Jia She's eyes spit fire, and looked directly at Xing Shi: "You are a mother in vain, don't you know anything about the second girl? Playing chess to protect the master, it's nothing more than colluding with the second girl, isn't it the same for Xiuyan?" Living in the garden and seeing the second girl all day long, don't you think you are an aunt? "

   Jia Amnesty was also a little out of words, cursing for a while, but he was really stunned.

  When the second younger brother hesitated to ask if he was going to give the second girl to Feng Ziying as a concubine, he didn't know what to say for a while.

  It was hidden in my heart if I had this kind of thought. Being asked face-to-face by the second child was like a slap in the face.

Of course he denied it, but the second child said that it was spread in the house, which made Jia She furious, so he came back in a hurry, and wanted to ask how Xing's mother was doing, and why everyone in the house knew about it. He knew nothing about being a father.

Although Xing was terrified, it was not her own business after all, and she had to be more at ease in her heart, so she boldly asked: "Master, you have to tell my concubine something, you have to die Let this concubine be a sensible ghost."

   Jia She stared at the other party, and after a while he gritted his teeth and said: "It is rumored in the mansion that Feng Ziying wants to take the second girl as a concubine, and that the two are in love with each other..."

   Mrs. Xing breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be this matter. Didn't he and the master also talk about this matter? It's just that there was no mention of a road at that time, and Sun Shaozu's relationship was involved, so I didn't mention it again. Why is the master so angry about this matter?

After calming down, Mrs. Xing regained her usual composure, "Master, there have been rumors about this matter among servants, but it is by no means as exaggerated as what Second Uncle said. It is all rumored throughout the entire family. Slandering the second girl, the master doesn't know the temperament of the second girl, and dare not make a sound even if the needle is pricked, how can I dare to do something with the Feng family?"

  When Jia She heard what Xing said, his anger subsided a little, but he still refused to give up, "Then what does the second child mean by deliberately disgusting me in front of me?"

"I don't know about this concubine." Xing didn't dare to speak nonsense, she still didn't understand why Jia She was angry, was it because the rumor about the second girl made him lose face, or did she feel that the Sun family knew about it? Is it not easy to explain to the Sun family?

Jia She's complexion was cloudy, and he thought for a while before saying: "Go and call Qiutong for me, Siqi girl is always cunning and rebellious, if you ask her without evidence, she will definitely not admit it, I will ask Qiutong first, You can ask Xiuyan later, you are an aunt who should be at ease!"

  Xing did not dare to make a sound.

  Qiu Tong was called over soon, and when Jia She asked about Yingchun, Qiu Tong plopped down on her knees: "Master, madam, how dare you say such things?"

   Jia She and Xing Shi exchanged glances, and their hearts became tighter.

   Jia She said gloomyly: "What are you afraid to say? Isn't it said that it has been spread all over the house? I know it all, so I want to prove it. What do you have to say?"

   Qiutong just kowtowed, not daring to speak.

   On the other hand, Mrs. Xing felt that this Qiutong might have some kind of trick.

   It’s just that before it’s too late, Jia Lian drifts off to Yangzhou. Originally, this Qiu Tong was all about following Jia Lian, but disappointed, he could only cling to Jia She.

   "Say it!" Jia She got angry again.

   "Then the master wants to forgive the slave and maidservant,..." Qiu Tong kowtowed like garlic.

   "Okay, tell me." Jia She felt that the words that came out of Qiutong's mouth would be even worse, but it was impossible not to ask at this point.

"The people in the house are saying that Uncle Feng has taken a fancy to the second girl, and the second girl also dislikes the uncle of the Sun family for being vulgar and unwilling to marry, so she comes and goes..." Qiutong glanced at Jia She, then quickly lowered her head, "Say it, say it..."

   "What else?" Jia She said impatiently.

   "It is also said that Uncle Feng has been to the second girl's Zhuijin Tower a few times, and the other maids have been sent out,... Then some people say that the second girl's body was broken by Uncle Feng,..."

  Jia She and Xing's two color changes.

   Jia She was dizzy for a while. After the rumors got out, could the second girl still get married? I'm afraid I have to die.

  The question is is this a rumor? Jia Amnesty still knows his daughter, so he definitely doesn't have such courage, but he also knows that Feng Ziying is bold and lustful, if the second girl herself falls in love with him, the two of them are alone, and the love is strong. Actually, maybe there will be outrageous actions.

   Xing Shi was not easily confused by Qiu Tong's words like Jia She, but just looked at Qiu Tong coldly.

She had heard a few words about Er Yatou and Feng Ziying's matter, it's not as well known as what the master said, but some servants said that Feng Ziying treated the Er girl very well, unlike the people in the house who despised and ignored Er Yatou , It is true that I have been to Zhuijin Tower several times, but when did I get to such an extent that I broke my body? She had never heard of it either.

   "Qiu Tong, where did you hear this? Why have I never heard of it?"

  Qiu Tong shivered, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes and said: "The servant is just from others..."

   "Which other person?" Xing said sharply.

"It was one day in April when the maidservant went to Zhuijinlou to give the second girl some incense powder from his wife. He passed by Zilingzhou and met a woman and a maidservant at the Fengyao Bridge, because they were crossing the bridge to Qiushuangzhai and Going to the Ou Xiangxie, the slaves only saw the background, but they didn't see clearly which family's servants it was." Qiu Tong replied in a serious manner.

  Jia She said in a low voice, "Which girl lives in Qiushuangzhai and Ouxiangxie?"

Subconsciously, Xing felt that Qiu Tong was lying, but she had to answer Jia She's words: "Qiu Shuangzhai is the third girl, and Ou Xiangxie is the Yun girl, but that road still leads to Nuanxiangwu and In Daoxiang Village, Si Yatou and Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law live there,..."

  Jia She snorted lightly, he knew what Xing meant, this cannot be used as a judgment.

   "Qiu Tong, you go down first." Mrs. Xing ordered directly.

  A coldness flashed across Qiu Tong's eyes, and after kowtowing, he lowered his head and went out.

"Master, this Qiutong's words are unbelievable. I have heard about the matter between the Feng family and the second girl, but it is not such an exaggeration at all. It is just the relationship between brothers and sisters of the whole family..." Wait until Qiutong Go out, Xing quickly explained.

"Hmph, are you so sure? Feng Ziying is sex-loving, and I heard that there are no girls at home. The second girl is too honest. When you meet Feng Ziying, who looks suave and suave, do you think you can escape his clutches?" Jia She Disdainful, "How can I still not understand his flirtatiousness?"

   The target is 3000 votes, thanks to brothers, Lao Ruiqiu explodes!



  (end of this chapter)

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