Number of People

Chapter 913: Jizi Scroll Temple Little Demon Wind

  Chapter 913 The little demon in the temple of the self-character scroll

   Mrs. Xing didn't think so. Feng Ziying was certainly lustful, but her age was such that she was a family with three families and a single biography. Naturally, she wanted to spread more branches and leaves. What happened to the few women?

   But when it comes to her own daughter, she must be unhappy, and Xing does not dare to refute.

"My lord, I still don't think that's the case. The Feng family also knows how to measure. It's fine if girls like Siqi and Zijuan are broken by him, but girls like the second girl will be in the future." If he really wanted to enter Feng's residence, he would also want to see Bai Ling dyed red, and he wouldn't be afraid of gossip from people in his own residence?"

  Xing's words made Jia She annoyed again, "Who said the second girl is going to be his concubine? I haven't spoken yet. What's the face of this Jia family?"

Seeing that Mrs. Xing was silent again, Jia She suppressed the displeasure in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "Go and call Xiuyan to ask, there are so many rumors in this mansion, why didn't she, as a niece, tell me?" Do you have a letter?"

   Xing has no choice but to ask the little maid to call Xing Xiuyan.

  Xing Xiuyan was still gossiping with Miaoyu in Changcui Nunnery.

"I thought Baoqin was also arrogant and arrogant, but I didn't expect that..." Miaoyu never thought that Xue Baoqin, who is so refined from other worlds, would serve a husband with Baochai's second daughter as Feng Ziying. Concubine, and Baochai, who has always been radiant, agreed, which was really beyond her expectation.

"Sister, it doesn't matter if you are proud or out of the world, a girl always has a home." Xing Xiuyan said indifferently: "Miss Baoqin was delayed by the Mei family, and the divorce made her almost want to marry someone else." A good family has become impossible, but with her temperament, my sister thinks that she can accept an ordinary family that spends all day long for food, rice, oil and salt, and become a vulgar woman who stays in a small house all day long?"

   "It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Could it be that there is no good family in this world?" Miao Yuyi seemed disdainful, "Do I have to hang myself on Feng Ziying's tree?"

"Sister, it's not that I can't find it, but for the Xue family, I'm afraid it has multiple meanings. Firstly, Uncle Feng found a good marriage for Second Master Xue. The direct sister of the imperial censor is also a classmate of Uncle Feng. Knowing the root and the bottom, secondly, the current situation of the Xue family can be seen, it is becoming more and more ordinary merchants, and the imperial merchants are getting more and more depressed. If there is no good support, the next generation will be lost to everyone. It has truly become an ordinary merchant's family."

Xing Xiuyan is obviously much more rational than Miaoyu who doesn't hear anything outside the window, "For the second aunt of the Xue family, the second master of the Xue family is the key to supporting the future of the Xue family, but the second master of the Xue family is also a student If it doesn't work, what should I do? Just doing some business can't support the future of the Xue family, so it is of course necessary to have a son-in-law who can support her son. As for Miss Baoqin, she will be another woman after all. Maybe the family thinks this way, but the Mei family looks down on the Xue family and regrets their marriage."

"My sister means that the second wife of Xue's family means to repay her kindness?" Of course Miaoyu is not stupid, it's just that she doesn't understand current affairs. When Xiuyan said this, she understood, "The other thing is to find a backer, Or are you planning for the Xue family?"

   "Look at Suiyangyan, each has its own plan." Xing Xiuyan sighed softly, "Which one can get rid of the shackles of his own family and act according to his own will without any scruples?"

   Miaoyu's face changed slightly, and she remained silent.

   Xing Xiuyan seemed to realize that her words touched some of Miaoyu's pain, and wanted to explain, but finally shook her head.

"Sister, don't blame my sister for being a little blunt. Even my sister is the same. Although my younger sister used to feel that my uncle did not look down on my sister and aunt, but as I got older, the more I experienced, the deeper my feelings. It should be due to helplessness, many things are beyond his control, and he also needs to take care of many aspects, but for the elder sister, the younger sister still thinks that uncle has made the most appropriate arrangements."

   Miaoyu blushed slightly, slightly annoyed: "Why did my sister say that? Could it be that I can only marry, and I can't find a quiet place to be at ease?"

A look of helplessness flashed across Xiuyan's beautiful and elegant face, "Sister, I'm afraid this world is not something people like you and me can do if they want to find a clean and comfortable place, like the situation you and I encountered that day, we Who did you offend? If it weren't for relying on Uncle Feng's reputation, I'm afraid you and my sisters would all..."

  Xiuyan didn't continue, but Miaoyu was speechless.

"Besides, the place where the monks are located is also disturbed by mundane affairs, begging for alms, cultivating the fields, praying for blessings and disaster relief, which one can be ignored? It is this Changcui nunnery, if The Jia family is going to die in the future, and there is no one to provide for them, so my sister has to support herself?"

  Xiuyan's words lifted Miaoyu's last fig leaf, but this time Miaoyu was not angry, just lost in thought.

   Seeing Miaoyu dazed in a daze, Xiuyan also sighed softly.

   In fact, she didn't understand what was in the heart of this best friend who grew up with her.

It's nothing more than she feels that she is also the daughter of Lord Lin, and that her mother is also from an official background, but her grandfather was imprisoned in an accident, and her mother was sent to the Jiaofang Division. It may be that she appeared as a concubine who was not even as good as a concubine, and in the end she could only be used as a dowry for her younger sister.

Self-proclaimed that she is not inferior to her own sister in appearance, literary talent and temperament, and she wholeheartedly wants to dominate the other party in all aspects, but in the end, she wants to tie the fate of the two sisters together in such a way, how can this make the proud Can Miaoyu accept it?

This is also the reason why she can't accept the reality that Xue Baoqin also accepted to marry Feng Ziying with Xue Baochai. You must know that she has always secretly regarded Baoqin as a confidant. In fact, the two have different personalities. The situation is somewhat similar.

  Who would have thought that Xue Baoqin would become Feng Ziying's concubine in the blink of an eye. This feeling of disillusionment is too unacceptable.

  The two of them were silent to each other, but they heard the sound of the threshold outside Changcui Nunnery, and it was Xiuyan's little maid, Zhuan'er, who came to look for her.

   "The master and wife want the girl to come over immediately."

   Xiuyan was taken aback.

  It’s fine for the wife to look for her. My aunt, Xiuyan vaguely felt that it might be her father’s business. During this period of time, her father was elusive and often stayed out at night. Later, she learned that her father often went to casinos to gamble.

  As a daughter, she could only persuade her earnestly. She once knelt with her mother in front of her father and begged him not to go again, but she didn't get much effect.

   But even the master is going to ask, so what kind of disaster did my father really cause?

   "Zhuan'er, what can the master and wife say?" Xiuyan bit her lip and said.

   "Girl, it was Mrs. Fei who asked the maid to find the girl, and she didn't say anything."

Zhuan'er knew that she didn't like Xiuyan very much, and Zhuan'er also didn't think much of this shell girl, but she was his wife's half-niece, and his wife didn't like this family very much, but because of She has no choice but to accept it, but she really regards herself as a girl.

   "Sister, what's the matter?" Seeing Xiuyan's expression was wrong, Miaoyu hurriedly asked.

   "It's nothing, sister, I'll go there first, and come back tomorrow. By the way, Miss Bao is also asking us to sit down in Hengwuyuan tomorrow. Let's go together tomorrow."

   Xiuyan stabilized her mind.

   "Forget it, I won't go, my sister will just go, I'm still comfortable in the nunnery alone." Miaoyu shook her head.

"Sister, let's go, Miss Bao is pure and kind, and she sincerely invites you. If you don't go, it will make people think that you are out of touch." Xiuyan persuaded: "Didn't you have something to say to Miss Baoqin? It's just right. .”

   After hesitating for a while, Miaoyu finally nodded.

  Xing Xiuyan followed Zhuan'er all the way to Jia She's courtyard.

Hearing her aunt's blatant reprimand mixed with inquiries, Xiuyan was also full of grievances, but she couldn't show it, she could only explain politely: "Master, Madam, what a hero, Brother Feng, would do such a lowly thing ? That's..."

   "What is it?" Seeing that Xiuyan hesitated to speak, Xing sternly said.

"It's normal for Second Sister to really admire Brother Feng." Xing Xiuyan said indifferently: "Second Sister is not young, and she has never seen other men in normal times. Big Brother Feng and Second Sister are beautiful and bright, and my niece is absolutely trustworthy."

"Hmph, what do you know?" Jia She said unceremoniously: "Feng Ziying is certainly talented, and he doesn't have much to say about other virtues, but he can't get through with women alone, and he is not satisfied with a three-bedroom wife. , but want to play Er Yatou's idea, I will definitely not allow it."

  Xiuyan bowed her head and remained silent.

   Mrs. Xing hesitated for a moment, but seeing Jia She's signal, she could only bite the bullet and said: "Xiuyan, you have a lot of contacts with your second sister, um, can you find any other immoral actions by the second girl?"

   "Huh?" Xing Xiuyan didn't understand what her aunt meant for a while.

   Mrs. Xing didn't want to say anything, Jia She came out angrily, and Mrs. Xing said in a low voice: "Is there anything in the mansion that... the second girl has lost her virginity..."

Xing Xiuyan's complexion changed suddenly, "Who is this person who is so vicious? Second sister is innocent, how could she do such a thing? My niece can guarantee that second sister is absolutely innocent, and she will never do anything wrong..., a few days ago, I was with my second sister. The elder sister embroiders together, and the second elder sister is no different,..."

Seeing what her niece said was categorical, Xing felt a little relieved. If she lost her virginity in Yingchun, then her aunt would also be responsible. She also knew that her niece was always shrewd, so she muttered: "Xiuyan, in your opinion, Who made these rumors, and what is their intention?"

   "Auntie means...?" Xiuyan was startled.

  Gritting her teeth, Xing said: "It must be someone deliberately trying to ruin Er Yatou's reputation, but I don't know what this person's purpose is."

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  (end of this chapter)

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