Number of People

Chapter 914: Zizijuan is not a family, do not enter a family

  Chapter 914 Zijuan is not a family, do not enter a family

  Although Xing didn't know who was going to ruin Yingchun's reputation by saying this, Xiuyan could hear the gnashing of teeth and hatred in her aunt's words.

   Xiuyan is so smart, although she has not been in the mansion for a long time, as long as she has a glance at the various entanglements and entanglements in the mansion, she can get a rough idea and distinguish a clear one.

   It is tacit understanding that the long room where the aunt lives and the second room are at odds, but the old ancestor is still there, and no one dares to point it out.

  The second master is still relatively low-key, and the eldest master, that is, his uncle, is also more forbearing, so the relationship between the two brothers is still decent, but the relationship between my aunt and the second wife is not so harmonious.

  The second wife was born in the Wang family, and her aunt was just a small family and a second wife, so she was born with insufficient confidence, but she still occupied the role of the eldest wife.

But everyone knows that the ancestor likes the second master, and doesn't like to see the elder master very much. This kind of embarrassing and aggrieved role makes the long room of Rongguo Mansion always hard to let go. But she also happens to be the daughter of the royal family, and this intricate relationship makes the relationship between the two parties even more confusing.

Xiuyan even suspected that the reason why the second brother Lian wanted to reconcile with the second sister-in-law desperately, and even went away to Yangzhou and was unwilling to stay in the capital city, was largely because the second sister-in-law relied on the power of the Wang family to oppress the second brother Lian. It was unbearable, so I simply reconciled and left, and went to find my own life.

  The second sister-in-law and the aunt are not on the right track, and the relationship with the second wife is a aunt and nephew, so this relationship is delicate.

   "Aunt, it's not possible to..." Xiuyan couldn't help but say something.

   "Hmph, no, what do you know?" Xing said angrily: "Some people are used to buying people's hearts, but they are actually very dirty. I can't compare to others who can do such superficial things..."

  Xing Xiuyan didn't dare to say any more, and it would be embarrassing for her aunt to pick it up.

Mrs. Xing also knew that it was not easy to point out such private discord, so she stopped talking, but turned the topic to Xing Xiuyan's father, "Xiuyan, your father hangs out in casinos outside all day long. You two don't care about it? Someone came to the casino the other day, saying that your father owes the casino hundreds of taels of silver,..."

   Xing Xiuyan was taken aback when he heard it. No wonder his father hadn't been seen in the past two days, but he owed gambling debts to the casino.

"Do you know that I lent your father three hundred taels of silver two times before, and your father said it would only take three months. I thought he was going to make a living, but I didn't know that he was coaxing me, so I lent it to him. I didn't expect him to Instead, I went to the casino to be happy. This is a good deal. A few days ago, someone from the casino came to ask for the debt, and kept claiming that if you don’t pay, you will cut off your father’s fingers. I looked at my relatives and paid him fifty taels in advance. It is said that there is still more than three hundred taels short, but my aunt can't take it out anymore,..."

   Upon hearing this, Xing Xiuyan hurriedly said: "Auntie, where is my father now?"

"The person over there didn't say anything, but I know that those casinos don't treat people like your father easily. They still want to get back the money owed from him. I'm afraid they will come again in two days. Maybe your father is still enjoying himself in the casino, not wanting to leave."

  Xing almost gritted his teeth. He threw three hundred and fifty taels of silver on Xing Zhong, and he didn't know if he could pay him back in this monkey year?

   I still owe the casino more than three hundred taels. If I can't pay it back, I don't know how the casino will deal with Xing Zhong?

  Xing Xiuyan can't think so much, she only thinks about her father's safety now, as for the money owed, she doesn't know how to pay it back, but her father has to get it back no matter what.

   "Aunt, what is the name of the casino, and where can Aunt know?" Xiuyan asked hastily.

"It seems to be called Yinhook Gambling Workshop. It's in the alley of Cheng'en Temple in Fucaifang in the west of this city, next to Wanggong Factory." The Xing family still remembers the place name firmly, but he said quickly: "Xiuyan, you are a big Girl, don't go to that dirty place, be careful of the disadvantages, and your reputation will be tarnished,..."

   "But aunt, if my father is detained there by them, and there is no money to give them, what should I do?" Xing Xiuyan was anxious.

"Don't worry, how can such a place be willing to treat a fat sheep like your father so easily?" Mrs. Xing also understands these reasons, "If you come to the door at this time, it will be a good blackmail of you, it is better to delay like this Wait for a few days until you feel that there is nothing to gain, maybe you can let your father go, and you can negotiate the price no matter how bad it is..."

   Having said that, Xiuyan also understands this truth, but this is her own father, how dare she let him be detained in the casino?

  If those strong men, who are no different from bandits, want to use their father to scare monkeys on a whim, wouldn't it be too late to regret it?

   Distraught Xiuyan didn't have time to talk to her aunt, so she left in a hurry. She was going to discuss with her mother, if what the aunt said was true, how could she redeem her father.

She understood that for her aunt, she had already lent her father three hundred taels of silver, and temporarily paid her father's gambling debt of fifty taels of silver. I'm afraid it's harder than killing her.

   Seeing Xing Xiuyan leaving in a hurry, Xing entered the inner room.

   "What does Xiuyan girl say?" Seeing Mrs. Xing coming in, Jia Amnesty asked impatiently.

   "Xiuyan said that there is no such thing, it is definitely a rumor, and it will ruin the second girl's reputation."

  After hearing Xing Xiuyan's affirmative answer, combined with his own perception and judgment of the second girl, Xing also believed that with Yingchun's temperament, she would never dare to break down before getting married.

   If it is said that she admires Feng Ziying, some intimate behaviors like you and me may be possible, but if she wants to be a husband and wife with swords and shoes, she believes that the second girl will never dare.

   Jia She looked at Xing suspiciously, "Xiuyan is so sure?"

"Xiuyan said that she has always been friendly with the second girl. After living in the courtyard, they will be together almost every two or three days. Either the second girl will go to her Lu Xueguang, or she will go to the second girl's Zhuijin Tower. The second girl really broke her body, she will definitely feel unwell for a few days, Xiuyan will definitely be aware of it,..."

Regardless of the stupidity of the Xing family's major events, Jia Amnesty is the only one to follow in everything, but one or two things can be judged, at least the analysis of the relationship between Feng Ziying and Jia Yingchun is quite accurate of.

"Will it be before I live in the garden..." Jia She is still a little worried. The second girl is seventeen years old. It is too old for a woman of this age to marry. Huaichun is even more normal. If she is seduced by Feng Ziying's methods Second, it is inevitable that you will be hooked.

   "Master, how is that possible? Before the second girl lived in the garden, it was just a small courtyard. There were people in front and back, and the maids were all crowded together. How could there be such an opportunity?" Xing explained.

  Jia Amnesty felt a little relieved, "Well, you take someone to investigate,..."

  Ms. Xing was shocked, "Master, how can it be done? If this is spread, no matter whether there is or not, the second girl will not be able to see anyone,..."

  Jia Amnesty also knew that doing so would definitely have serious consequences, but he was really afraid that something would happen.

  Originally, he had already made up his mind to give Yingchun to Sun Shaozu, but Sun Shaozu was not angry a few days ago, which made him a little annoyed.

  He also thought about whether to simply give the second girl to Feng Ziying as a concubine. Anyway, the Feng family has a lot of money, and Feng Ziying has a bright future. However, he has heard some rumors in the past few days that Feng Ziying seems to be in a lot of trouble now.

  Seeing that Jia She was silent, Xing asked tentatively: "My lord, from the perspective of my concubine, the spread of such rumors seems to be deliberately done..."

   "Oh?" Jia She was puzzled and glanced at Xing, "Why did you say that?"

   "I heard that the third girl seems to be interested in Feng Ziying too..." As soon as Xing's words came out, Jia Amnesty interrupted unceremoniously: "It's nonsense, you don't know the temperament of the second child, how could he agree..."

  Just saying this made Jia She feel a little ashamed. Of course, the second child refused to agree, thinking it would hurt the face of the Jia family. Why did he seem to be a little moved, but now he feels that it is inappropriate?

"My lord, my concubine didn't mention the second uncle, but only the third girl. This Feng Ziying came to our house too often in the past two years, and was very close to the girls. Do you still remember that Lin Ruhai was seriously ill, and the girls all went south to Yangzhou? Are you going to take care of Lin girl? This trip back and forth, several girls are a little..."

Mrs. Xing didn't continue, and changed the subject, "Master also knows that the second uncle and Mrs. Wang don't think much of brother Huan, and there is nothing unusual about the third brother Huan. Feng Ziying took great pains to send the third brother Huan It is said that Qingtan Academy made brother Zhu's daughter-in-law very dissatisfied. She felt that Feng Ziying favored others and did not help her brother Lan. Could it be that Huan Laosan was some kind of prodigy in reading? Isn't it because the third girl was in front of Feng Ziying in every possible way,..."

   Jia She became impatient again, "What does this have to do with what you just said?"

"My lord, the concubine feels that the Wang family intended to betroth the third girl to Feng Ziying as a concubine, but then found out that the second girl had the same relationship with Feng Ziying, so she added fuel to the rumors to tarnish the second girl's reputation..." Xing Shi hurriedly said.

"Mr. Wang?" Jia She hesitated for a moment, "Even if Sanya and Feng Ziying flirt with each other, even if Wang intends to let Sanya win over Feng Ziying, but making up rumors about Erya and Feng Ziying is not intentional so that Erya can only promise to you." Is Feng Ziying dead?"

"Master, if the second girl really has that kind of relationship with Feng Ziying, of course it is, but the second girl has no such relationship with Feng Ziying at all. If such rumors come out, how much damage will it do to the second girl's reputation, and Does Feng Ziying feel that the second girl has a bad reputation and that she is indiscreet?"

   I have to say that the Xing family considers the problem from a more comprehensive perspective, far better than the rough and direct thinking of Jia She and others, and it is more able to consider the problem from the Feng family.

   The first update asks for 100 monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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