Number of People

Chapter 916: Zizi Scroll

  Chapter 916 Self-character scroll storm

"Master Qi, do you want to ask about Ziying's affairs in Yongping?" Fan Jingwen laughed, laughing so much that Qi Yongtai felt a little uncomfortable. Not small, Fan Jingwen knew it all.

"Well, I have received a lot of news from Hejian, saying that the Yongping government has treated the gentry harshly and abused one side. The new acquaintance ignores the status quo, seeks the sword, and ignores the objective facts. "

  Qi Yongtai's words made Fan Jingwen couldn't help laughing, "Master Qi, do you believe these words?"

"I don't believe it." Qi Yongtai said sternly: "But at least it shows that Ziying's style of doing things is too harsh. It's only been a few months? How did he offend the entire gentry in Yongping Mansion? He doesn't understand that his strategy of opening up the sea has made him Scholars in the north are not satisfied, and now they have just gone to Yongping Mansion, but they have caused such a big disturbance, do they really want to make everyone criticize them?"

"Master Qi, sometimes Ziying is a bit radical, but this time the students think there is nothing wrong with it. What does such a big turmoil mean? It means that Ziying is really doing things. If you only hear praise from the local gentry, then I think Ziying It doesn't matter if you don't go to Yongping Mansion." Fan Jingwen said seriously.

"Oh?" Qi Yongtai was really a little curious. Fan Jingwen is from Wuqiao, Hejian Prefecture, and he actually helped Feng Ziying speak. Otherwise, I can't open the way here, "Tell me the reason."

   "Master Qi must be more aware of the situation in Yongping Mansion in the past few years than the students, but when Ziying was going to Yongping Mansion, the students were very curious, so they learned about it."

Fan Jingwen had received a letter from Feng Ziying to introduce the situation in advance, so he naturally understood Feng Ziying's intentions. This guy had expected that Master Qi would ask him to find out the situation, but he didn't understand why Feng Ziying didn't write to Qi Yongtai first, but now he must replace Feng Ziying Make a difference.

"There are a lot of taxes owed in history, and the students have also learned about the specific amount. Yongping Prefecture, whether it is the summer tax, autumn grain or commercial tax in the land tax, is the last of the Beizhi Prefectures, only better than Shunde Prefecture. It is said that these two prefectures were deprived of their official positions from the 12th year of Yuanxi to the 18th year of Yuanxi, but even so, after the 22nd year of Yuanxi, Yongping Prefecture started to move The state’s summer tax, autumn grain and commercial tax are both showing a downward trend. In the worst year, it is said that less than 30% of the shipment was made, and the rest was kept,..."

Dazhou followed the Ming system, and the land tax was divided into summer tax and autumn grain, including wheat, rice, horse grass, rending silk, agricultural mulberry silk and household salt banknotes. Because there was no reform by Zhang Juzheng in the previous life, the old system was still followed. It is very complicated and inconvenient.

  The second is the commercial tax, which is divided into the "prohibition of discussion" and the "levy of the city".

The Dazhou Dynasty was slightly better than the previous dynasty. The prohibition system was limited to salt and silk tea from the border areas. Later, even the silk tea was changed to a quota system. The only thing that was allowed to be monopolized by the imperial court was salt, but the salt class was transferred from each capital to the salt envoy. The yamen and local branches are in charge, and have nothing to do with the local government.

The customs tax is actually the "customs tax" and "market tax". In short, it is a goods toll tax and a commodity transaction tax. A batch of goods must be taxed from south to north, and then sold. There is also a transaction tax.

The former Mingguan city levy was 1 in 30, which is 3.3%, and Dazhou continued to follow it, which means that the price and cost will increase by 3.3% without passing a checkpoint, and the real The transaction tax is nothing. Think about how much you will get if a batch of goods travels from Jiangnan to Yongping through the canal, and how much you can save if you ship them by sea. How tempting is this.

  The amount of these land taxes and commercial taxes must be determined first, and then the starting and retention ratios. Once determined, they will basically remain unchanged.

"Students don't know if there is a false report on the retained quantity. The students think it is. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain that after the imperial court has significantly lowered the quotas of summer tax, autumn grain and commercial tax, they still have difficulty completing the shipment quantity, so they can only use Floods and droughts, civil unrest, military disasters and other reasons in exchange for the court’s consent to increase the retention ratio, but this brings about the court’s inferior judgment on Yongping officials’ annual assessment and three-year Beijing inspection,…”

  Fan Jingwen's words made Qi Yongtai frown.

  The inside and outside of this statement is directly saying that the current situation of Yongping Prefecture is very bad, and it should have a lot to do with the local gentry.

   But what Fan Jingwen said is also true. Which prefecture and county can collect all the land tax and commercial tax by relying on the government alone, or rely on the cooperation of the local gentry and big households?

  The government provides convenience and care, while the big gentry cooperate with the local government to complete taxation, local security, and official promotion. This is a benign operating model.

  But if the officials of Yongping Mansion were deprived of their posts, or if they were judged and inspected in Beijing, they were all in the middle, and the final result was relegation or dismissal, but your local gentry's big family is full of food, then this is not abiding by the rules.

I’m afraid I’ll bear with it if I’m a weaker official with no background. After a few years, I’ll find some connections and change positions and leave, but if I meet a strong, capable and fearless person, then I’m afraid I won’t admit it so easily and leave. up.

   Obviously, Feng Ziying is such a character.

   "Mengzhang, are you overgeneralizing?"

"Master Qi, is this actually the case? We all know which one of these big gentry is good at? Students have learned that there have been three prefects in Yongping Prefecture, and the current prefect Zhu Zhiren has been there for almost six years. The last time Jingcha was almost relegated, and I don’t know who he found a connection with. The former Tongzhi was directly appointed as an official. The reason is not clear, but it’s nothing more than that,…”

  Qi Yongtai is a little strange, even if Fan Jingwen is interested in this, it is impossible to understand it so thoroughly, "Mengzhang, how do you know?"

   "Ziying and I mentioned it in the letter." Fan Jingwen did not hide it.

  Qi Yongtai put on a serious face, "Oh, Ziying said that?"

"Master Qi, there is no need for Ziying to lie about these issues, and he also said that his duty as a co-prefect is to be the Qing army, and then to clean up the law and order. His concubine's room was robbed on the way to Yongping, and he almost became a prisoner." It's a big joke that the family members of the prefect were kidnapped by bandits, if his father hadn't arranged for several guards, I'm afraid it would really embarrass the court,..."

  Fan Jingwen's words made Qi Yongtai gasp.

  If that is the case, I am afraid that from Yongping Mansion to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, someone must be responsible for it.

  It is just around the capital, and the law and order is so bad that the officials in Beijing and China don't know anything about it?

   Qi Yongtai actually didn’t know the specific content of the feedback from all parties. He just subconsciously felt that Feng Ziying’s policy in Yongping Mansion was too radical, which would attract the backlash from the gentry, so he wanted to remind Feng Ziying.

As the leader of the northern gentry, he would of course care about the attitude and views of his basic gentry, but if he was to be easily swayed by the public opinion of these gentry, that is not necessarily the case. It is not an ordinary person to be a leader of the northern gentry. The gentry can influence it.

  He needs to understand what the real situation is like.

   "It seems that you, Mengzhang, are aware of what Ziying did in Yongping, but what kind of things can't be dealt with in a gentler way? Do you have to make such a commotion all at once?" Qi Yongtai asked.

"Master Qi, as far as I know, what Ziying did did not go beyond his scope of authority as a co-prefect, and he also won the support of Zhu Zhiren, the prefect. Master Qi should not understand Zhu Zhiren, right? This old cunning can support her Ziying, it shows that what you did must be necessary."

  Fan Jingwen talked eloquently.

"It's just clearing up the hidden households of the military households and checking the hidden fields of the guards. It's just that the gentry in Yongping Mansion are too greedy and eat too much and don't want to spit it out. In the past, they were all officials who were either muddled along or were colluding. So That's why, now it's Ziying's turn to do a real investigation and verification, and the camp will be bombed, all kinds of grievances and complaints, attacks and attacks,..."

In fact, Qi Yongtai also saw some clues. The news from all sides said that Feng Ziying was cruel and harsh, embarrassing the gentry, but when it came to the specific administrative strategies that violated the laws and regulations, no one mentioned it. Difficulties of objective reality.

It is obvious that Feng Ziying acted in accordance with the law and touched the interests of these people. If Yongping Mansion is really safe and peaceful, it will be fine, but Yongping Mansion has been inferior in the assessment and inspection for many years. The biggest problem is that the tax calendar owes more and more. .

  Obviously, this has a lot to do with these local gentry. I'm afraid it's not just as simple as military households and Tunwei Yintian. Maybe it's because I'm worried that Feng Ziying will follow the vine to find some other deeper problems.

"Also, Master Qi probably doesn't know why Ziying is so eager to clean up the military households. Ziying is worried that the Chahar people may invade the south in September and October, and it is very likely that they will choose Yongping to break through. At that time, Ji Town in the north of Yongping will be difficult to maintain, and we must give up Yongping to protect the sky, then..."

  Fan Jingwen's words shocked Qi Yongtai.

The division of labor in the current cabinet of Dazhou is not very clear. Except for Ye Xianggao as the first assistant to take charge of the overall management, Fang Congzhe, the second assistant, is mainly in charge of the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry. The Procuratorate, the Sixth Division, and the Department of General Affairs, but in fact, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Sixth Division can only be said to focus on coordination, and Li Sancai has officially resigned from the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and has been in charge of the Ministry of War and the Fifth Army. The secondary assistant Fang Congzhe was in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry.

  Qi Yongtai also heard that the cabinet discussed the possible violation of the border by the Chahar people, but there was no conclusion, but Fan Jingwen was so sure. Did Feng Ziying have any special channels to know?

  (end of this chapter)

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