Number of People

Chapter 917: Self-character scroll surgery (the first update asks for a monthly pass!)

  Chapter 917 Self-written scroll surgery (the first update asks for a monthly pass!)

   No results.

   Qi Yongtai no longer talked about Feng Ziying's recklessness, but sent a letter to Feng Ziying, asking him to act cautiously, but he didn't have to be conservative, he acted very aggressively, no problem.

  Feng Ziying understood, and in the reply letter also said to be careful of tigers and sniffing roses, Qi Yongtai was amazed, but also deeply agreed.

  Feng Ziying’s letter to her father said to let the arrow fly for a while and see what will happen.

  After receiving letters from Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia respectively, Feng Ziying was determined. In fact, he never thought that this group of Lulong gentry could stir up much trouble.

The reason is also very simple. It is the responsibility of the Qing army to act as an acquaintance. The long-term existence of military households and Tunwei Yintian does not mean that this kind of thing is reasonable and legal. Maybe the local government has some such things in it. problem, but that doesn't mean it's a fait accompli.

Coupled with the bad impression of Yongping Mansion in the imperial court, even many civil servants who were born in northern scholars in the imperial court were very dissatisfied. His performance is just under the eyes of the capital, but he is so self-sufficient, how can it be embarrassing?

  Cleaning up hidden military households by yourself first starts with military craftsmen, and even the military in Jizhen actively cooperates. Can your local gentry override the court regulations?

   Really regard Yongping Mansion as an independent kingdom for a group of guys who shut their doors and watch the sky?

Once the virtuous circle operation mode of co-prosperity between officials and gentry is broken, the local officials will never be the ones who suffer the most. Indifference, nothing more than deception.

   Now it's my turn to teach them a good lesson and let them understand the truth that the laws of the country are like furnaces.

  Of course, it will take some time, don't rush, take your time.

   "Song San, have the documents of the hidden military households been cleaned up?" Sipping tea leisurely, Feng Ziying took the time to look at the gloomy and restless military secretary.

"Is it really that difficult? Your **** said it's actually not that difficult. The focus of these rich and powerful households is not on military households and hidden households, is it? I have pulled the pawns for you to clean up the hidden fields of Tunwei. Get up, help you relieve the pressure, why, if you are still restless, why don't you resign, I believe that someone will be willing to serve the court."

  Hearing Feng Ziying mention the pawns under his command, Song San's heart trembled.

  I have been sitting in the position of official for more than ten years, and I have been overwhelmed by the two officials under my command. The relationship between the two parties is also very delicate.

Neither of these two people is an idle person. After finally waiting for this opportunity, they stared at him with wide eyes. If they didn't show themselves to be in the eyes of this fellow Xiao Feng, and showed their intention to change, the two of them would jump at him. come up.

  Song San also knew that Xiao Feng Tongzhi was right. Since the news of cleaning up the Tunwei Yintian was released, the pressure that was originally on him suddenly eased.

  The big gentry all went to find Lu Laizi in the house, and that was the key.

For these big households, hermit households are no more than two or three thousand households, and what they escape will not be forced labor, and the big gentry households are nothing more than coming forward to deal with the county to let these hermits attached to their names The tenants are just farming.

   "My lord, everything has been cleaned up, and the military households involved have been notified one by one..." Song San said with difficulty.

   "Oh? Are you here to register and report?" Feng Ziying asked calmly.

   "More than 70% have arrived, but they are all old, weak, sick and disabled..." Song San sighed, "More than 10% have not yet arrived..."

   "Does the military office know the whereabouts of these people?" Feng Ziying didn't believe that Song San dared to fool herself on this issue. This was the responsibility of the military office.

   "About more than 20% fled to Daning and Ningyuan outside the customs, and a few of them are in the local remote mountainous areas..." Song San's heart was pounding, he knew that his words might cause unpredictable risks.

"Oh? Daning and Ningyuan. I have already written a document, asking the local guards to order these military households to return. If women and children are inconvenient for a while, the Dante form must be returned. You must check and verify." Feng Ziying said lightly: "Then the rest There are probably dozens of households left, right? Are the third-class yamen servants in the county and the people in our mansion starving to death? Isn’t this their chance?”

Song San was bitter, of course he knew that Feng Ziying's words were definitely not aimed at those dozens of bitter families, but of course they were aimed at the few big families who thought they could hide from them or rely on them, and he had notified them long ago , but relying on some connections, these few families want to resist stubbornly, and don't even think about whether Xiao Feng Tongzhi is a good person?

   "My lord, in view of my humble position, you can still notify..."

   "It's not necessary, give me the list, I'll take a look,..."

   After receiving the list, Feng Ziying, with a half-smile, held a vermilion pen, and lightly clicked on the first name of the three households.

Somewhat interesting, Liao Fude, a gentleman in Lulong Beizhuang, was born as a scholar, but his nephew is a juren. Now he is an official in Zhangde Mansion. He not only owns nearly 3,000 mu of good farmland in Beizhuang, but also has a large number of registered households under his name. There are more than 60 households, and there are a few tenant farmers and slaves, which can rank seven or eight among the Lulong gentry group.

The perfect goal, Feng Ziying secretly thought, Wu Yaoqing had already investigated the situation of this person in advance, his nephew was actually a drag bottle brought by his widowed sister-in-law. As a result, his brother passed away a few years after marriage, and his nephew had nothing to do with him It is close, and it is understood that his nephew has not returned home for six years.

   "Okay, Song San, this matter has nothing to do with you. This is still a matter for the punishment room and the third class of government officials." Feng Ziying smiled and waved her hand, "Go."


When Zhu Zhiren got the news, the sky was still numb, and when he heard that the servants had come to report the news, he almost rolled off the bed in a hurry, and it was the little concubine beside him who saved him from rolling off the bed .

Frustrated, he called his concubine to bring the clothes quickly, while Zhu Zhiren hurriedly paced back and forth in the room, "This Feng Ziying is so daring, is she trying to poke a hornet's nest? It's just a matter of hiding from a military household, what's the big deal? "

Seeing that the master was jumping in a hurry, the concubine didn't even put on her clothes, so she came to dress the master together with the maid with only a bellyband. If you usually see the scene of the new concubine's fleshy flesh, you must have a good life After a bit of training, I just gave up after being addicted to my hands, but today I have no interest at all, I just urge to get dressed and comb my hair.

As soon as Zhu Zhiren stepped out of the door, the long follower had already come up to meet him, "I heard that Master Tongzhi was in charge of military preparations, and the supervisor invited soldiers to prepare the road. They borrowed two hundred soldiers from Ji Town, ordered the servants in the government office, and raided Beizhuang. Thirty-two members of the family were taken into custody,..."

"Crazy, is Feng Ziying crazy? Take the whole family down?" Zhu Zhiren's feet went limp, and he almost collapsed on the ground, his face was pale with horror, "Is he treating a hidden military household as a case of treason? ?”

The long follower was also full of fear, "The three shifts of government servants in the government office didn't get any news. They just asked everyone to prepare all kinds of documents and shackles at noon, and they didn't set off until the evening. They didn't know where to go. Followed, only to find that there are frontier troops cooperating,..."

The presence of Yongping military preparations in Yongping Mansion is very low, because the north and west of Yongping Mansion are surrounded by Jizhen Frontier Army, and after the abolition of the Sanwei 20 years ago, the Yongping Mansion has almost no garrison troops except the frontier army. Nearly disappeared, this Bingbeidao is more like an empty shell yamen, Bingbeidao is a name of a business in Shandong, that guy is also a part-time job in Dezhou Bingbeidao, so he rarely comes here, I don’t know Feng Ziying But how did it get involved with that side.

Frontier troops are not allowed to enter the land that is not under the jurisdiction of the town army before they have obtained the capital. , I am afraid that these gentlemen will have to be attacked a long time ago.

It's just that this kind of hidden military households, even if it's the occupation of farmland, is not a big case, it's just a fine of silver and cane, and the law of the Great Zhou has weakened a lot on the basis of the law of the Ming Dynasty, especially for the gentry. The preferential treatment is even worse.

  Crimes such as encroaching on hidden land, taxes and servitude are leniently regulated for gentry. Unless there are other special circumstances, they are mainly fined with silver and deprived of their title, supplemented by cane.

  Feng Ziying brought his whole family back under shackles all at once, which is regarded as a big case of treason. Didn't this guy learn the law of the Great Zhou before coming here?

   Those who hold official posts such as the Criminal Ministry, Tongzhi, and Tuiguan must learn the laws of the Great Zhou before taking office according to the regulations. Feng Ziying is known as a politically capable person. Could it be that he doesn't understand this?

  Put on his clothes and rush out of the backyard. Zhu Zhiren was about to go straight to Tongzhigong, but Feng Ziying had already arrived first.

   Almost wanted to grit his teeth and scold the other party angrily, but Zhu Zhiren managed to say a few words: "Ziying, you are so confused, how could you do this?"

   "My lord, don't worry, if you are not sure, how dare you be so presumptuous?" Feng Ziying hurriedly said a word of reassurance, Zhu Zhiren looked at the other party suspiciously: "Really?"

   "In front of Fu Zun, how dare the subordinates speak nonsense? The subordinates are here to report." Feng Ziying smiled.

  Zhu Zhiren was a little relieved, it seemed that the other party had gained something, but he didn't know where the other party succeeded.

"Okay, go to my side first." Zhu Zhiren was certain in his heart, and he returned to his usual calm and composed appearance, shaking every step three times, "Ziying, you should also say hello to me first, Xing Wenbing said please Borrowing border troops, although your father is the governor of Ji Liao, but borrowing troops from the frontier is extremely risky."

   Borrowing troops from the frontier army, unless it involves several major cases, is a violation of the system, and the local government and the Bingbei Dao are both responsible.

  (end of this chapter)

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