Number of People

Chapter 918: The character scroll is high, it is really high

  Chapter 918 The self-written scroll is high, it is really high

  Following Zhu Zhiren into the back hall, Zhu Zhiren will try to signal all the servants to go out, leaving only him and Feng Ziying.

   "Don't worry, my lord, if you are not fully sure, how dare you use frontier soldiers to act?"

It was also the first time for Feng Ziying to handle such a thing. To be honest, he was still a little nervous. On the side of Yongping Mansion, he didn't have anyone he could trust or use. Either way, it's still the third class of yamen servants, and it's hard to entrust important tasks.

Therefore, except for Wu Yaoqing who assisted herself, Feng Ziying did not reveal the slightest word to others, and the blockade and arrest of Liao Fude was also borrowed from the frontier soldiers, and he directly called You Shilu's confidant to lead the team. Afterwards, he would rather give You Shilu Thank you for the bonus over there, and it is better than something leaked or something went wrong during the operation.

If the king does not keep secrets, he will lose his ministers, if his ministers do not keep secrets, he will lose his status, and if he does not keep few things secret, he will cause harm. Feng Ziying still understands this truth. He can't make any mistakes now. The gentry in the entire Yongping Mansion are staring at him, wishing they could Find something wrong with yourself.

   This is a life-and-death battle where either the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. There is no second result.

  Whoever wins can take the absolute initiative in the future game process, and even win the final victory.

   "However, Ziying, you have pushed the entire gentry of Yongping Mansion to the opposite side of us." Zhu Zhiren sighed, but the expression of anger and tension before had calmed down.

  Hearing that Zhu Zhiren used the word "we", Feng Ziying knew that this guy was still on board, which also showed that this guy was smart enough.

  If you dare to do this, how can you not have someone to back you up, how can you not have a perfect plan? If I can think of it, so can Zhu Zhiren.

"My lord, forgive me for offending me. Liao Fude can't represent Lulong's gentry, and Lulong's few black sheep can't represent Lulong's gentry, let alone the entire Yongping Mansion's gentry. I always think that if a group of people who are not even willing to protect the government Gentlemen, then there must be something wrong, either there is something wrong with the court laws, or they have not cultivated their moral character, their greed is too much, and they have violated the king's law."

Feng Ziying was very calm, "Perhaps my lord will think that it is not a big deal to hide military households privately. Even if they hide their farms and turn public affairs into private ones, they are just fined with silver, caned sticks, and deprived of their names, but you have to think so, my lord. Over the past years, they have been so unscrupulous, don't they have other illegal acts? I can't see it."

   "Oh? It seems that Ziying is really getting something?" This is what Zhu Zhiren is most interested in.

   Such a big fight is already too difficult to get off, so it has to be done on a bigger case. Even if Feng Ziying wants to stop at this time, Zhu Zhiren can't agree.

   He is the one who really has no way out, and outsiders will never believe that Zhu Zhiren did not participate in it.

"It's true." Feng Ziying knew that the person in front of him was impatient, and if she gave him a reassurance, I'm afraid he would have trouble sleeping and eating today. "Last night, a raid searched and found a batch of Among the goods, there are more than 300 pieces of top-quality furs, more than 200 roots of century-old ginseng, and a batch of golden scorpions. If these goods are shipped to the capital, they will be worth more than 200,000 taels. If they are shipped to the south of the Yangtze River, It may even exceed 300,000 taels, if as expected, all of them are stolen goods,..."

   "Stealing stolen goods?" After being confused by Feng Ziying's rhetoric, he was a little disappointed. If it was just collecting stolen goods, it would be a felony, but it was not enough to use the frontier army.

"My lord, do you still remember the robbery in March of the previous year?" Feng Ziying reminded: "Just to the east of Shahe River, less than forty miles away from the Luanhe River, the robbed caravan came from the capital city and was bought from Liaodong. Leather goods and medicinal materials,..."

"The year before last?" Zhu Zhiren recalled, "It seems that there was such a thing. People from the Ministry of Criminal Justice also came, but in the end they ended up with no results. Well, it seemed a little suspicious that it was a group of horse thieves who came from Lengkou in the north. The people who used the Jianchang camp searched in the mountains, but there was no report."

   "Hehe, does your lord know who is behind this caravan?" Feng Ziying smiled secretly.

  Zhu Zhiren bit the bullet and asked, "Who is it?"

   "Prince Yizhong and Prince Beijing." Feng Ziying said flatly.

Zhu Zhiren was shocked, no wonder he was able to use the Jianchang camp to search. At that time, Li Chengliang was the governor of Jiliao, and Prince Yizhong had always had a close relationship with Li Chengliang, but he didn't pursue it later. Even the people from the Ministry of Punishment were just helping out. , and did not show up.

   "Then Ziying means..."

"Even if this Liao Fude is not one of the robbers, he is definitely an insider. The Beizhuang is only more than 60 miles away from the crime scene. I asked the people in the torture room. Although it is not too far away from the mountainous area, there are often Mongolians. Small groups of horse thieves came and went, but the caravan consisted of 30 bodyguards and palace guards, but they were surrounded by cavalry, and a few of those who resisted were shot and injured their legs, arms and shoulders. , saved his life..." Feng Ziying said: "But later, people from the Jianchang camp were used to encircle and suppress the mountainous area, and they did not find any trace, except that they had a safe and large enough hiding place, with no other explanation, . . . "

   "This Liao Fude's manor is the hiding place?" Zhu Zhiren understood, but it was not convincing enough to use the frontier army.

"In addition to this batch of goods, what's more important is that it has more than ten feet of firecrackers in its possession, and there are a lot of salt tea and iron materials in its manor. Judging from their styles, they are all the specifications imported from the grasslands in the pass. According to my As far as I know, Liao Fude has never applied for the qualifications and quotas for trading in the Governor's Mansion of Jiliao!"

  Zhu Zhiren was overjoyed, firecrackers plus embargoed materials? The mere possession of firecrackers can definitely be charged with committing treason, and the Waitong Grassland tribe is also the main direction of the government's ban.

  The amount of iron materials, salt, tea, etc. exported outside the side wall each year has a fixed amount for each military town, and permission must be obtained from the military town.

Of course, this is a superficial article. In fact, many military officers in the frontier army are fornicating the grasslands. All kinds of smuggling have been banned repeatedly, and it is getting worse and worse. However, this is absolutely prohibited publicly and needs to be severely cracked down. , and there are quite a few offenders who are arrested every year, but they are all small fish and small shrimps, and the real big fish are hidden behind their backs.

   But now that these materials have been found in Liao Defu's village, and he has never applied to Jizhen for an export license and quota, then this crime can basically be detained to death.

The only thing that makes Zhu Zhiren a little worried is whether Feng Ziying and the others took advantage of the chaos to frame the firecracker at night. After all, the crime of hiding the firecracker is too big. Neither will recognize it.

Seeing Zhu Zhiren's happy face, he was hesitant to speak, how could Feng Ziying not understand the worries of these old foxes, and quickly added: "Don't worry, my lord, these firecrackers are just some of the most inferior items, so don't worry about them, but they are private. The Mongols in Tongprairie are certain, and last night some slaves came forward to accuse Liao Defu of torturing and killing slaves and **** women and children,..."

  Zhu Zhiren didn't care about the torture and killing of slaves and the **** of women and children.

Which of these rich and powerful families does not have such a situation, as long as you are willing to investigate, you will definitely not be able to escape. The problem is that you will not get any results if you investigate under normal circumstances. Under the circumstances, these attached tenants and slaves dared to come forward to testify, and this kind of thing is just icing on the cake.

   "Ziying, I won't ask any more questions. You can just do it, but besides Liao Defu, do you have any other considerations?" Zhu Zhiren said after a little thought.

  Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment and then understood. It seems that Song San still felt unsafe and gave Zhu Zhiren a copy of the list. The old fox had pretended to be stable before, as if he didn't know anything.

   "There are two other families, Jian's and Mao's,..."

"Well, in my opinion, it's better to give the Liao family a chance. Since the Liao family is doomed, then don't give the Liao family's children a chance to make meritorious deeds. As far as I know, the Jian family and the Mao family have contacts with the Liao family. It is very close, whether it is a hidden household or no land, the Liao family must know a thing or two. As long as they are willing to show their heads, it is not impossible to give them a way out, but as long as the Jian family and the Mao family fall, Ziying, compared to The matter of cleaning up the military households and hidden households will be a matter of course. Even if the guards have no land, they can make a good start, so that these guys can eat dogs as much as they want. The Mao family and the Jian family want to get rid of the crime. The same can be done first,..."

Feng Ziying's heart was shocked, and she looked at Zhu Zhiren with a little more admiration. This is a real master, one hit kills, and can directly destroy the entire group of Lulong gentry, "But if the Mao family, Jane The family refused to..."

"It's up to them whether they are willing or not. Since the Liao family came up with the head, there will naturally be problems. It is a criminal prisoner. Since it is a criminal prisoner, it is natural to use punishment. Under the three trees, why not ask for it? Besides, even if they don't show up , so what? Just say that they are the first ones, but don’t tell me, you have nothing to do with other big gentry,..." Zhu Zhiren smiled slightly, "Don't worry, as long as there is a breakthrough, these guys will It will quickly become a dog bites the dog, and everything can be shaken out, of course it’s all shaken up by others, and the scale will be up to us at that time,..."

  Tall, really tall, this is really an old sow wearing a bra—one set after another, Feng Ziying can only bow her hands in admiration.

   It's just that he doesn't understand. Since this guy has so much bad water in his stomach, he also knows how to operate it. It's not difficult to find some opportunities to prove it, but why he has been hesitant to do it, but he has to wait until he does it?

  (end of this chapter)

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