Number of People

Chapter 920: The news brought by Jia Yun from the Zizi scroll

  Chapter 920 The news brought by Jia Yun

  Jia Yun did not quite understand the conversation between Feng Ziying and Gu Dengfeng.

When it comes to the "three advanced technological processes" of coking, iron smelting and cement, if Feng Ziying played the role of "leading" and "guiding", then the real specific experiment, practice and implementation are basically coordinated by Gu Dengfeng on the spot .

For Gu Dengfeng, he originally thought that he would have a completely different life from Yangzhou when he went north with Feng Ziying, but he did not expect that his life would be different, but he became a coordinator, which was completely different from his previous expectations. , but extremely fulfilling.

  Well, in the words of Feng Ziying, the on-site commander of this "coal-iron complex construction project" urgently needs to coordinate with the local government, coordinate the funds of all parties, and manage the craftsmen and masters from Foshan and the local area.

  Everything is something that Gu Dengfeng has never experienced before, and everything has to be explored.

   But it is indeed a sense of accomplishment, especially watching the erection of "blast furnaces" that are completely different from the existing furnaces. They are used for coking, iron smelting, and calcining cement, each with its own style.

  Hundreds of people under my command, division of labor and cooperation, is indeed quite different from the pure coordination, communication and liaison work I did in Yangzhou. It is a completely new life.

   I don’t know how this little Feng Xiuzhuan knows so much, but it seems that the other party is a little confused, and many things introduced are specious, requiring craftsmen to explore and improve in practice.

  Gu Dengfeng was very busy, so he left after reporting to Feng Ziying.

He also has to deal with the workshops and household buildings of the Yongping government office and the workshops and household buildings of the Lulong county government office. It involves the transfer of land use and title deeds, and the sales of iron materials in the future will be subject to commercial taxes. Don’t think that in this era There is nothing else, one thing is indispensable, Feng Ziying will definitely not let others grasp the handle of this aspect.

   "Brother Yun, how is the capital?"

   Only Feng Ziying and Jia Yun were left, and Jia Yun's aura in front of outsiders also dropped a lot.

Three groups have gradually formed around Feng Ziying, one is his classmates, the other is the staff group he received from Lin Ruhai, and the third is the group related to his original identity, including the Jia family, and this group has the most complicated identity .

His classmates and Lin Ruhai's original staff members are basically fixed groups, that is, they are close and distant. As a child of Wu Xun and his special relationship with the Jia family, he formed a special bond, which made many of the original "Dream of Red Mansions" The lives of the characters in the novel have changed drastically.

  For example, Jia Lian, Jia Yun, Jia Huan, Xue Bian, and even Jia Baoyu, Liu Xianglian, Xue Pan, and Ni Er, are no longer the inherent identities and images in the original "Dream of Red Mansions".

Jia Lian became the big treasurer in Yangzhou, while Jia Yun took over the Jingshi. Jia Huan studied hard at Qingtan Academy. Apart from being a bit more introverted, even Zhou Yongchun wrote to Feng Ziying saying that Jia Huan had a promising future. Even Chun Wei, who was in the 11th year of Yonglong in the next year, dare not say it, but Qiu Wei, who was in the 10th year of Yonglong's tenth year, is very hopeful that he will be able to test a candidate.

  Two years later, a sixteen-year-old Juren should be a dream prospect for both Jia Huan and the Jia family.

Similarly, for Jia Yun, the changes in the past few years are also like a dream. Why did a side branch of the Jia family and a purely marginal figure in the Jia family suddenly fall into the eyes of Uncle Feng? I was a little worried before. Whether this little Feng Xiuzhuan has some other special hobbies made Jia Yun extremely entangled. After seeing Uncle Feng's penchant for female sex, he was really relieved.

  There are quite a lot of people who are good at the rich and noble families these days. Even people like Jia Lian and Jia Rong sometimes play arty things like this, and even Baoyu has that kind of sticky affair with Qin Zhong?

   But fortunately, this Uncle Feng doesn't seem to have any hobbies in that area, but rather cares about pretty girls.

With the change and promotion of status, Jia Yun has also jumped from a fringe figure in the Jia family to the most popular person in the Jia family. As soon as she arrives in the Jia mansion, she will be surrounded by a lot of people, and she is Jia She. When Jia Zheng saw it, he would stand up and say a few more words.

  Although it can’t be compared with Feng Ziying, it has given the side characters and servants of the Jia family an infinite hope, that is, as long as they hold the right thighs, then everything is possible. Didn’t you see Brother Huan and Brother Yun?

Jia Yun originally lived in the alley on the west side of Rongning Street outside the mansion, commonly known as the West Corridor, and had an old mother at home. Now that she is well-off, she has not moved out, but she has also refurbished several original side houses. Fan, it's very different.

  In addition, he bought a house in Lige Old Hutong in Yongfang when he was young, and he estimated that he would wait until he was going to get married before moving there.

  Although it is not big, Li Ge Old Hutong is not far from Taiye Pond.

"Back to my uncle, everything is normal on the Jingshi ship. Uncle Duan has gone to Guangzhou now. It is estimated that the sea trade there is quite prosperous now. Our Haitong Yinzhuang is still a little strange there, and it may take some time to open up the situation. Jia Yun pondered for a while, "However, Uncle Duan also wrote to say that General Wu Jianzhang of Guangdong Sea seems to have some connection with Jia's family. If you can pull the strings, it can save a lot of time,..."

"Oh?" Feng Ziying still had some impressions. In "Dream of Red Mansions", there was indeed a Cantonese general whose surname was Wu. It seemed that on Jiamu's 80th birthday, a glass screen was specially sent to him. He was cherished very much by the Jia family.

   I didn't expect that General Wu really had someone, he was actually the admiral of the Guangdong Navy, but he was really a key figure, even more beautiful than Shen Yourong's current admiral of the Denglai Navy, he was in charge of the sea in Guangdong.

   "Then have you asked the people in the mansion?" Feng Ziying asked.

"I've asked, but I'm not even familiar with Mr. She and Mr. Zheng. In the East Mansion, Brother Zhen seems to have some friendship, but you also know that Mr. Zhen is a person. If you want to invite him to come forward, it will definitely cost a fortune. Said, and it may not be as effective as he said, so I haven't had time to reply to Uncle Duan,..."

Jia Yun is still very cautious when he is in charge of the Jingshi, especially when it comes to the Jia family. Naturally, he doesn't want people to poke his back. .

"Well, you can contact Brother Zhen, and you will spend the money that should be spent. If you can open up the situation in Guangzhou as soon as possible, it is far better than spending a little money here." Feng Ziying nodded, Guangzhou is the number one sea trade. The important point is no less than that of Ningbo, so there must be no mistakes.

   "Okay." Now that Feng Ziying expressed his opinion, Jia Yun naturally had confidence in her heart.

Jia Zhen's side is actually not difficult to deal with, it's nothing more than trying to get some money. Now Rongning and Ningfu's situation is not good. But it can't be lost, so it's really swollen face to pretend to be fat, and only Feng Ziying, Jia Yun and other insiders who have a special relationship with the Jia family know the current difficulties of the Jia family.

  A family-visiting villa, Grand View Garden, did puncture the glamor of the Jia family that was concealed on the surface at once, but now they can only use various means to paper it, so as not to be seen by outsiders.

"Speaking of which, I have also been in Yongping Mansion for almost three months. It seems that I have suddenly changed from a bustling crowd in the capital to a crowd of people. Well, you are the first old man who came to see me after I came to Yongping Mansion. ,..."

  Feng Ziying was feeling emotional, but Jia Yun said with a smile: "Nephew is not counted, Miss Yuanyang came to visit the uncle not long ago, right?"

  Feng Ziying blinked her eyes, this Jia’s house is really a lantern with air leaking everywhere, how come everyone knows about the mandarin duck’s visit, isn’t Baochai and Daiyu all aware of it? I don't know what to think when it gets out.

   "You know again? Doesn't everyone in the house know?" Feng Ziying looked at Jia Yun.

   There was a tacit smile on Jia Yun's face.

This Uncle Feng is very kind to the maids in the mansion, not to mention that Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er and Qingwen are already treated as big maids in Feng's mansion. It's one or two times higher, what are people drawing, isn't it this?

   It is said that as long as Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er, and Qingwen give birth to a boy and a half girl, they may be able to raise a concubine in Feng's mansion if they have a boy and a half girl.

   "Master, it's okay to know, the mandarin duck girl is very popular in the manor, even those who like to tell stories, they can only envy the mandarin duck girl,..."

  Feng Ziying put her hand on her forehead, where did this come from? Although she is interested in mandarin ducks, but this time it is such a thing?

   Besides, Yuanyang is a girl who can travel hundreds of miles. If there is no arrangement from the master, how can she do this?

  However, Feng Ziying didn't bother to explain to Jia Yun, not to mention that she was really interested in mandarin ducks. When thinking of mandarin ducks, Feng Ziying subconsciously thought of Ping'er and Sister Feng, and a certain eagerness in her heart seemed to be a little floating.

   "Is there anything else new in the mansion?" Feng Ziying suppressed her thoughts.

This man seems to really like the new and dislike the old. If you say that the two Youjia, Jin Chuan'er and Xiangling, take turns sleeping in bed every day, why is he always thinking about the outside world? What he didn't get is the best. This sentence is really the best portrayal.

  Some of the passions and longings that I had been diluted by the busy work in Yongping Mansion for several months were suddenly stimulated by the news brought by Jia Yun's arrival.

  (end of this chapter)

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