Number of People

Chapter 921: Those things about Jia's family in the self-written scroll (seeking monthly ticke

  Chapter 921 The things about the Jia family in the self-written scroll (the second one asks for a monthly ticket!)

Jia Yun didn't know what new things this master wanted to hear, and who he wanted to hear about, so she pondered for a while and said, "The situation in the mansion is just like that. Squeezed, Jia Rui is very active now, he regards himself as a hero of the Jia family, and took a lot of money from Mr. She, which caused Mr. She to yell at Jia Rui for not being a thing all day long..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, this Jia Rui is really a talent, the money went to Jia She, Jia She must have no choice but to be able to pay.

   Seeing Feng Ziying smiling, she was in a good mood, and Jia Yun knew that she had guessed right.

This master is really interested in the affairs of Jia's mansion. Before he came, he went to Jia's house for a walk, and heard a lot of news from the people who surrounded him. Now this master is alone In Yongping Mansion, it is rare to go back, and to have these news aftertaste and chew, which can be regarded as a relief from loneliness.

   "Uncle Zhen also gave Jia Rui a lot. It seems that Lai Sheng's ability to make money doesn't need to be much weaker than Lai Sheng's. The Ningguo Mansion can finally breathe a sigh of relief..."

   "Jia Rui eats a lot of food, I'm afraid he is even more arrogant now?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

"That's not true. This guy is used to being able to judge the situation, bullying the weak and fearing the evil. Second Master Ni met him a few days ago, and he behaved well." Jia Yun shook her head, "Now the oil and water in Jia's mansion are similar. Now, he took the money he got, found a few people outside, and went to Erye Ni's Silver Hook Gambling Shop to lend money,..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised, "Jia Rui also dared to go out to lend money? What is he relying on? Where did he come from?"

"Master, snakes have their ways, and foxes have their tracks. Everyone wants to live. Jia Rui has no other skills. He used to dawdle in the ethnology, but now the second master Bao and the third master Huan are not studying in the ethnology. It turns out that The teacher he invited didn’t come, and there were some useless boys left in the ethnology. Jia Dairu is in charge of the ethnology now, and he doesn’t have much training. Jia Rui finally took this opportunity to make a fortune. Naturally, I have to plan, too..."

  Hearing Jia Yun explaining for Jia Rui, Feng Ziying looked at Jia Yun curiously, thoughtfully, "Brother Yun, it seems that Jia Rui seems to be trying to please you."

Jia Rui's affection for Sister Feng and Heping'er is unknown to anyone except the person concerned. Naturally, Jia Yun has no way of knowing that this guy is so bold that he wants to touch Feng Ziying's woman. If he knew, it would be impossible for him to have such an attitude .

Hearing the meaning of Feng Ziying's words, Jia Yun hurriedly got up and bowed, "Master, Jia Rui made no less than two thousand taels of silver in the matter of the Lai family this time. Thousands of taels of silver are in our capital, and there are hundreds of taels of silver left, so I thought about making a profit, and I also came to ask my nephew,..."

   "So you gave him such a bad idea?" Feng Ziying said angrily.

"Master, although some aspects of Uncle Rui are contemptible, this guy still has some schemes..." Jia Yun sighed, "It's not easy for us descendants of the Jia family to live a good life. Uncle Huang, my generation of Brother Qiang, Brother Qin, Brother Zhi, plus my nephew, if it weren’t for the uncle to support and support my nephew, how could my nephew be able to achieve today’s fortune?”

  Feng Ziying waved her hand, "That's Brother Yun, you work hard yourself,..."

"My nephew will never forget my master's kindness, but the rest of our Jia family may not have such good luck. If Master Rui hadn't caught up with Master to support him this time, how could he be as bright as he is today? Like Master Huang , now the whole family also relies on Grandma Zhen and Second Grandma Lian to give me some money? If Brother Qiang hadn’t been taken care of by Grandpa Zhen, I’m afraid he would also have no food and clothing,..."

"I think Brother Qiang is very close to Brother Rong. Which family is he from?" Feng Ziying also has some impressions of Jia Qiang. He has a jade face and red lips, which is better than Jia Rong. In the book "Dream of Red Mansions" It seems to be a character with some plot.

  Jia Yun was looking forward to Ai Ai, but she was a little speechless.

  Seeing Jia Yun's expression, Feng Ziying was quite curious, "What's the matter, brother Yun, is there anything shameful about this?"

Jia Yun didn't know the purpose of the other party's asking about Jia Qiang. She thought the other party had heard something, hesitated for a while, and could only vaguely say: "Brother Qiang's father left early, I'm afraid I haven't seen him before. Her mother also passed away a few years ago, Brother Qiang is a posthumous child, um, Uncle Zhen and his mother... Some people say that Brother Qiang is Uncle Zhen's child,..."

  Feng Ziying was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he would ask such a secret when he asked casually. This Jia Qiang is actually Jia Zhen's illegitimate child? No wonder that Jiao Da mouth in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" always talks about climbing ashes and stealing uncles. This really has a long history.

  Feng Ziying felt gossip, and couldn't help asking: "Then Brother Qiang is really Brother Zhen's seed?"

Jia Yun smiled awkwardly and scratched her head, "Brother Qiang's father has always been in poor health, sick, and bedridden for many years. Uncle Zhen fell in love with Brother Qiang's mother every time he came and went, and then gave birth to Qiang. Brother,... Actually, many people from both sides of the Rongning Second House know about this matter, even Brother Qiang himself understands it, but he can't say it clearly, that's all..."

  Feng Ziying let out a sigh of relief, "Everyone knows, but pretends not to know? Hehe, this Rongning Second Mansion is really..."

"My lord, there are so many branches and leaves. I'm afraid you don't know. How many children are there in the Rongning Second Mansion's Jia family? If you count the not far and near side branches like us, there must be fifty or sixty. If you add more Some remote branches have hundreds of numbers. You can only see the people in the Rongning Second Mansion on Rongning Street, but there are still hundreds of households living in the back alleys next to Rongning Street, all of whom are surnamed Jia. There are also a lot of in-laws in a mess, not counting the ones in Jinling."

Jia Yun was not without emotion, "In the past hundred years, branches and leaves have gathered in this area. Except for the head of the family who can attack the nobles and seek officials, what should the others do? If they can't study or earn a living, how can they live? Come here How can you afford to rely on the help of your own branch? If you can send you three or five taels of silver at the end of the year, you will be Amitabha."

"But there are so many people who have to live. Those who are successful can still find a job outside to make a living. What about those who are not successful, those who are sick and weak, and those who are lazy? There are all sorts of thoughts about giving away their wives and daughters, last year my nephew also heard that the family under the east corridor took their daughter-in-law away to make a living in a half-covered way?"

Now that the pick is open, Jia Yun doesn't have so many scruples anymore, "It's not bad to meet someone like Uncle Zhen, I didn't treat Brother Qiang badly, although I can't give a name, but at least when her mother left Brother Qiang is only four or five years old, and Uncle Zhen has never treated him badly. He feeds him with delicious food and drink every year, and lets him study. You don't even admit that you are your own kind, there are not many people like this among the big families in Beijing?"

  Feng Ziying was speechless.

"My lord, which big family doesn't have this kind of thing? The men in our family don't live up to their ambitions, they love leisure and hate work. When a woman meets a tall branch, it is inevitable that she will have different thoughts. If there is a lot of flirting, they will naturally get together..." Jia Yun babbled.

   "Brother Yun, it seems that you are well-informed, experienced, and full of experience, don't you...?" Feng Ziying said with a half-smile.

Jia Yun was taken aback, "Master, don't say that, you said that I am well-informed, and my nephew can barely bear it. After all, my nephew, I grew up on the edge of this Jia's mansion, and the two Rongning and Ning mansions Is there anything that can hide it from my family? If you say that I am no longer an outsider, Miss Lin and Miss Bao are close relatives of our Jia family, so there is no need for my nephew to cover up some things. My nephew is not married yet. , how dare you think about those...?"

  When mentioning that they were not married, Feng Ziying suddenly remembered something, pondered for a while and said: "Brother Yun, you are not engaged yet?"

Jia Yun shook her head, "In the past, no one cared about my nephew. Which girl would promise me such a precarious life? These two years with the uncle are finally on the right track, but they are extremely busy. I was a little anxious, and some people came to the door, but my nephew thought that the big business of the uncle is the most important thing now, and the second uncle Lian went to Yangzhou again, in case the nephew would also be sent to other places, so I simply waited a little longer,..."

"Brother Yun, are you nineteen this year?" Feng Ziying shook his head. He had the impression that Jia Yun in "Dream of Red Mansions" was just teasing with Lin Hongyu's handkerchief and finally made a private decision for life. Lin Hongyu was the daughter of Lin Zhixiao and his wife. , it can be regarded as the child of the Jia family.

It’s just that I have changed Jia Yun’s fate. Now I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult for Jia Yun to marry Lin Hongyu. I didn’t hear Jia Yun say that there are serious people outside who are matchmakers, but he refused. How could it be? To marry a maid?

   "It's nineteen." Jia Yun thought that Feng Ziying was going to be a matchmaker for her, and she was overjoyed.

The people around Mr. Feng are all of status. He also heard that Mr. Feng was entrusted to Mr. Feng by Xue's family. Mr. Feng told Mr. Mr. Feng the sister of his classmate, Fang Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Son, it seems that they may be getting married this year.

  Even though I can’t compare with Xue Biao, wouldn’t it be a good thing if Uncle Feng could help find a suitable family?

Of course, Feng Ziying didn't know that Jia Yun would think so far. He was still thinking about how to bring the topic to Lin Hongyu naturally, and it could be regarded as a relatively happy marriage in this passage in "A Dream of Red Mansions", but he didn't think about it. Shi Yi, the fortunes of these people have changed, and their identities are very different, how can they still walk together?

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  (end of this chapter)

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