Number of People

Chapter 922: Jizijuan messy mandarin ducks

  Chapter 922 My character scroll is messy with mandarin ducks

   "It's nineteen, and it's time to think about it." Feng Ziying pondered and said, "Getting a family and starting a business, your career is barely established, and getting a family will be a matter of course. Brother Yun, don't you think about it yourself, or do you like it?"

  Jia Yun was a little surprised. This marriage was ordered by her parents and said by the matchmaker. What considerations could she have?

   It’s nothing more than hoping to find a more suitable one. As for the one I like, why do I say that?

   It's not about taking concubines, and I don't have the time to think about things like taking concubines.

Feng Ziying hadn't recalled it yet, he was still thinking about others with his own thinking, and felt that he had chosen Daiyu and Baochai because he had fulfilled his own wishes, but he didn't expect that such things could only happen to him. himself.

  Even so, didn’t the eldest wife’s first wife let the master say for him that the matchmaker chose the daughter of the Shen family?

   "Master, when will it be nephew's turn to pick and choose?" Jia Yun said modestly, "Nephew hasn't thought too much about it yet."

  Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "By the way, I remember that Lin Zhixiao had a daughter who seemed to be working as a maid in Baoyu's house. She was quite handsome and clever in her actions..."

Jia Yun didn't expect this master to be so out of his mind. The first sentence was still asking about his own marriage, but the latter sentence jumped to the maid in Jia's mansion. He never expected that Feng Ziying was doing it for him. Looking for a marriage.

"Uh, sir, you mean Xiaohong, right? Her original name was Hongyu, but she changed her name to Xiaohong because she violated the taboo of the second Master Bao's name. She is indeed a very clever girl." Hong seems to have been transferred to Lian's Second Grandma's room, I heard that she went there on her own initiative."

   "Huh?" Feng Ziying was taken aback, and Lin Hongyu went to Sister Feng's son's room? Recalling it carefully, it seems that there is indeed such a thing in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions". Lin Hongyu was squeezed out by many maids in Baoyu's room, so she simply applied to go to Wang Xifeng's room. girl.

"It's just that not long after my grandfather left, it seems that Xiaohong went to the second grandma's house. Now the second grandma Lian is busier than before, and she has to ask about everything. This mansion is not the same as before. Everything has to be carefully calculated, so I also need some around. Sometimes Miss Ping'er can't take care of a capable person by herself," Jia Yun explained.

   "Girl, what do you think, Brother Yun?" Feng Ziying asked.

  Jia Yun didn't react for a while, and after a moment of stunned, she said: "Master, my nephew hasn't even married a wife yet, so how dare he think about taking a concubine?"

  Feng Ziying was also taken aback, this guy actually thought he was looking for a concubine for him? Did he become a pimp himself?

But Feng Ziying suddenly realized that Jia Yun did not regard a girl like Lin Hongyu as a marriage partner at all. Also, how could he still marry a maid in his current status? It was because of the humiliation to him, but fortunately, the other party didn't understand.

  Feng Ziying was startled and then changed her tone, "Master just thinks this girl is nice. You walk around the house a lot, and you are familiar with the situation. Let me ask you..."

It was only then that Jia Yun suddenly realized that Uncle Feng had taken a fancy to this girl, and she pretended to be affectionate, so she hurriedly said, "My lord has taken a fancy to her? That's really Xiaohong's luck. This girl is very clever, careful and diligent, His parents don't make trouble in the mansion, they say they are 'deaf and dumb', they never talk too much,..."

Jia Yun is still a little strange. Uncle Feng has Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er and Xiangling beside him, as well as Qingwen and Yunshang. Chuan'er doesn't have any advantages either. In terms of being honest and honest, she is not as good as Xiangling, so why did she fall into the eyes of the master?

  Even if the master is tired of playing with the girls around him, then Miss Bao will marry in only a few months. Isn't a girl like Ying'er a ready-made housekeeper?

Maybe it's because Uncle Feng is too lonely here, and he can't stand it for the past few months. Reminiscent of the rumors outside, this master is first-class in everything, but he can't move his legs on women. Jia Yun felt more and more that her guess was right.

   Frustrated by Jia Yun's words, Feng Ziying wanted to make an excuse, but couldn't explain it. Could it be that she didn't mean it? What's the point of talking about an unknown girl here?

   You said it was intended for Jia Yun, what are you kidding? With Jia Yun's current status, can she ask for a maid as his wife?

  Thousands of words can only be turned into a single word "hey", which is really hard to explain, so I can only let Jia Yun think so.

   This Jia Yun looks no stranger to Lin Hongyu, but she doesn't feel anything about it. Could it be that the change of this person's status has brought about such a big change in the idea of ​​choosing a mate? Isn't it too fast?

  Feng Ziying is not without emotion, but she knows in her heart that this is the real situation. It is impossible for Jia Yun to marry Lin Hongyu again, unless she beats Jia Yun back to her original form.

   Feeling uninterested, Feng Ziying didn't bother to care about Jia Yun's marriage anymore, and returned to the original topic: "You gave Jia Rui an idea to go to the Silver Hook Casino to lend money, what's on your mind?"

"Master, I really didn't think much about it. He came to ask me that he wanted to find a long-term livelihood, but it was only three to five hundred taels of silver. With Jia Rui's temper, how could he have the patience to do some small business? After all, it means that going to the gambling shop to lend money is more secure, anyway, it is Ni Erye's business, if he doesn't do it, there will be other people to do this kind of business,..."

  Feng Ziying sneered, "Brother Yun, you really think highly of Jia Rui."

"Master, I don't know why you have such a deep prejudice against Uncle Rui. He is indeed a little ignorant and greedy sometimes, but I don't know the rest, but I do know that he is very filial to his grandfather. You can’t expect everyone to be good at everything,…”

  Jia Yun could tell that Feng Ziying was not satisfied with Jia Rui, but she didn't know where this dissatisfaction came from.

   You must know that Jia Rui, Second Master Ni, Master She, and Master Zhen have joined forces to clean up the Lai family. Isn’t this Master planning it all? Could it be that he felt that Jia Rui had made a lot of money in this incident and was too generous? How could Uncle Feng still care about these trivial matters?

  Feng Ziying was taken aback by what Jia Yun said, as if it was true.

  What kind of outrageous thing did Jia Rui do? It seemed that he wanted to spy on the ambiguous intimacy between himself and Sister Feng that day, and because he knew about Sister Feng's background, he wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail Fangze, and immediately packed up those little ones under his intimidation. Thoughts, and also did a perfect job in tidying up Lai's house.

  This kind of character is just a tool man in a sense, but he still insists on it, and seems to make himself look a little small.

  People are now looking for a long-term livelihood when they go to the casino to lend money. Most of them want to rely on the identity of the secret agent of the Dragon Guard behind him.

  This is a real situation in this society. Everyone is in a different position and has to work hard to find a better life for themselves. Why do I think that Jia Rui should not do this kind of thing?

"Forget it, Brother Yun, I'm afraid Jia Rui is not as simple as you imagined." Feng Ziying shook her head, wanting to remind the other party, but in the end she didn't reveal the identity of the secret agent of Captain Long behind the other party. I'll find out slowly."

  Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Jia Yun naturally didn't dare to be negligent, and nodded: "Don't worry, my nephew will naturally act carefully."

"You can think about it. With his temperament and status, he dared to go to the casino to lend money. Is it as simple as a word from you?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Is there something else here? Ni Er's casino , can you protect him? If the person who borrowed the money doesn't pay it back, and doesn't go to the casino, can Ni Er help him collect the money?"

   Jia Yun also felt a little strange after being startled.

  I just mentioned it casually at the beginning, but the other party seemed to be interested in it all at once, and even felt that it was exactly what I wanted.

But the work of lending and collecting accounts is not just a matter of a little money, but also enough deterrence and connections. Even if Ni Erkan gives the Jia family a little convenience, you have to rely on him. That might as well be Ni Er's own loan.

  Seeing that Jia Yun had some comprehension, Feng Ziying didn't say any more, "Okay, you just have to know what's going on with Jia Rui. Why did it spread to everyone when Yuanyang came to me?"

"Master, what kind of person is the mandarin duck? After walking for several days, he naturally attracts attention, and the driver and servant who brought the mandarin duck, who can control his mouth?" Jia Yun laughed, "That is the purpose of the mandarin duck coming to you. , There are different opinions in the mansion, and many people think that when Miss Bao is married, the ancestors will let Yuanyang dowry over to take care of the affairs of the second room for you, so let's get used to it first."

  Feng Ziying really didn't expect that there was such a saying in Jia's mansion, but it seems to be true after thinking about it. The real reason cannot be said, there must be an explanation.

  As for the fact that Yuanyang said to send some old things to cover people's eyes, ordinary people can still fool them. Anyone with discerning eyes in Jia's mansion can understand that it is quite suitable for Yuanyang to marry as a dowry and be a housekeeper.

   "Such a statement?" Feng Ziying smiled happily, "Brother Yun, what do you think?"

"My nephew doesn't dare to comment on the matter of the uncle, and there are also people who say that Yuanyang is here to stand in front of other girls to ask questions..." Jia Yun also laughed, "But the reputation of Yuanyang girl is indeed very good in the house. Yes, if you can help the grandmothers housekeeper for the grandfather, it will definitely be the most suitable."

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  (end of this chapter)

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