Number of People

Chapter 923: Jizijuan makes the best use of people's talents and things

  Chapter 923 Self-written scrolls make the best use of their talents and resources

   Jia Yun left.

  Of course, the purpose of his coming to Yongping Mansion was not just to visit Feng Ziying. The Haitong Yinzhuang Jingshi provided a loan of nearly 120,000 taels of silver for the construction of this coal-iron complex in Yongping, including the construction of the Yuguan Port Wharf.

  Such devotion also made him, the big treasurer of the Jingshi, bring someone to take a look in person. If he didn't take a look, he was not at ease.

Jingshi is the place where Haitong Bank raised the most funds. In addition to the large number of shareholders and large share capital, it also absorbed the largest amount of deposits. Nothing else, the first interest calculation on deposits is enough to make all non-professional banks pay attention , It can't even be imitated, the bank deposits of this era do not accrue interest and even pay storage fees.

  In addition, Jingshi City is second to none, whether it is officials or businessmen, and behind it means rich assets, which are incomparable even in Yangzhou or Guangzhou.

As long as they can win the trust of these people, there will be a steady stream of deposits. With Prince Zhongshun as the major shareholder and the cooperation with the Ministry of Households, the credibility of Haitong Yinzhuang has been recognized by the Tian family and the court. Invisible endorsement.

Because of this, there are some differences between the Jingshi and the Yangzhou and Guangzhou, that is, there is no need to worry about depositing silver. On the contrary, it takes a good plan to release loans. The industrial and commercial atmosphere in the North is far less than that in the Jiangnan and Guangzhou.

  So when Feng Ziying in Yongping Prefecture led such a coal-iron complex and the construction and packaging project of Yuguan Port, it was naturally the best place to lend money.

   But no matter how rest assured, as the big shopkeeper of the Jingshi, Jia Yun still insisted on taking a look with her own eyes after the previous risk review personnel came to verify and investigate.

  Feng Ziying approves of this, at least this kind of style is worth advocating. If you, a twenty-year-old shopkeeper, can't maintain this kind of style, then you will be embarrassing.

  After entering the harvest season in June, the situation in Yongping Prefecture finally began to calm down.

With all the Liao family imprisoned, especially the crime of colluding with foreigners outside the customs and selling prohibited materials was finalized. Hidden households, greed and farming, these things are nothing to worry about.

  The fact that some members of the Liao family began to bite the Mao family and the Jian family caught Lulong gentry off guard, and even implicated several other families.

However, Feng Ziying was not too pressing. After the Lulong gentry took the initiative to hand over the hidden military households and expressed their willingness to compensate the government for the service money that these military households had to pay to the government for escaping labor over the years, about Although the matter of cleaning up the farmland is still going on, the intensity and attitude are not as cruel and radical as they threatened at the beginning.

  There are more than 2,800 military households who have been cleared out one after another and reported to the military office of the government office. Some of them are still in Daning and Ningyuan in western Liaoning, but they can basically report before the end of June.

"Is this the coke produced?" Feng Ziying looked at the coke piled up in front of him with great interest. To be honest, although he has made great efforts in craftsmanship, he is purely an expert in talking. These craftsmen and craftsmen worked hard day and night.

   "Yes." Zhuang Limin was quite proud, "In fact, we tried several times before, and the kiln broke down twice. Fortunately, everyone is more and more experienced, and there are basically no major problems in the later stage."

   "Master Feng, the blast furnace here has also been built, just waiting for you to light it and start refining." Wang Shaoquan rubbed his hands, his face full of excitement and anticipation.

I have to say that it is much more convenient to choose a good partner. With the help of a large number of craftsmen, from mining to building blast furnaces, including coal coking, it is far better than recruiting local farmers to do the work. Its efficiency and progress are greatly improved.

After worshiping the gods and completing various ceremonies, as layers of ore and coke were laid into the furnace, Feng Ziying, Zhuang Limin, Wang Shaoquan, and several other representatives of Shanxi merchants watched nervously. The craftsmen around seemed much calmer, perhaps because they were used to such scenes, so they were all in an orderly manner.

However, Feng Ziying believes that once this test is successful, it will truly change history, and even change the general trend. A brand new steel age is about to come. Of course, it may take decades, but this torrent will never come again. unstoppable.

  Accompanied by the ignition, the whole furnace glowed red, and the fireworks exploded. The craftsmen are all knowledgeable, and they understand that the hotter the fire, the better the molten iron will be.

Chimneys, fire channels, hydraulic blowers designed using hydraulic kinetic energy, and specially designed preheating chambers, which can heat the air to a certain temperature in the preheating chambers and blow it into the blast furnace to raise the temperature to the highest , The past few months of trying day and night are all for this moment today.

There are hundreds of artisans gathered around, and they all know that once this furnace of molten iron can be smelted to meet expectations, then such a blast furnace will never be built only this one, even with a coking kiln. Massive expansion.

  With the ironmaking blast furnace burning day and night, Feng Ziying, Zhuang Limin, Wang Shaoquan and others simply stood by the furnace. For everyone, this is too important, and it can be said that it is related to their future destiny.

On the second day, as the temperature reached the extreme, the craftsman in charge of controlling the fire shouted, and several people suddenly opened the gate with force, and the fiery red molten iron rolled out, and a small part was introduced into the nearby casting trough, and after cooling it became pig iron, while the other large part was pushed directly into the open hearth on the side.

  With the ignition of the open hearth furnace, the second and most critical round of steelmaking officially reached its climax.

This smelting is far longer than this iron smelting. It takes three or four full days before it is considered complete. The molten steel is released from the furnace and poured directly into the cooling casting tank. The cooling water is poured in, accompanied by white gas rising, The water mist lingered, and waited until the molten steel cooled down, and then a group of craftsmen swarmed up, holding up the steel billets cast according to the casting trough regulations, and couldn't help crying.

This kind of direct steelmaking of pig iron saves the traditional repeated forging and direct forming. It can be said that Feng Ziying's technical guidance directly made Dazhou's steelmaking technology leapfrog an era. In fact, this technology does not have a very profound principle, but if you Lacking sufficient scientific guidance, but simply operating through repeated exploration, perhaps a hundred years may not be able to truly find out the mystery.

  The most excited person is Zhuang Limin, who has become a veteran of iron and steel, and he knows what it means.

This means that the entire technological process from coke smelting iron to steelmaking has no shackles. As long as there is enough ore and coal, it can be continuously produced through this process. If you want pig iron, you can have pig iron. Where there is steel, there is steel, and the quality of this pig iron and steel is even far better than previously predicted.

At this time, Zhuang Limin even regretted that there were too few blacksmiths brought from Foshan. This kind of cost would be at least 50% to 60% or even higher than that of Foshan. The material industry is killing.

   It can be said that the only factor restricting the iron smelting industry in Yongping Prefecture is transportation, but with such a large-scale and cost-effective smelting process, the impact of transportation can be said to be almost negligible.

   You must know how huge the demand for steel is in this era, and the price of pig iron and refined steel makes even kitchen knives, hatchets, and iron pans among the people rare, and sometimes even a large family may not be able to complete them.

  For Feng Ziying, this is all he can contribute, and this has already emptied everything in his head.

  Compared to other traversers who are proficient in various crafts, he himself feels a little ashamed. Maybe he can do it by constantly urging Zhuang Limin to recruit Xiyi craftsmen to make up for his imbecile sin.

   "Mr. Zhuang, I have done what I promised. Now it's up to you to perform. Remember our agreement." Feng Ziying said calmly with her hands behind her back.

"My lord, don't worry, the first furnace of steel has already come out, and now there are plenty of craftsmen. Although these people have no experience in making firecrackers, they are all familiar with it. With a little teaching, they can basically get started. The craftsmen brought here should be able to produce one or two hundred firecrackers in a month, but the quality in the early stage may not be satisfactory."

  Zhuang Limin patted his chest.

"I don't care about this. The military households on my side have already set up the minzhuang, and soon the firecrackers my father transferred from Liaodong will be in place. I need enough firecrackers to equip these minzhuang. I want to familiarize these people and become a basically qualified gunner in the shortest possible time, well, the time is only three to four months!"

There is no way around this. The Chahar people may invade the south in September and October, and everything in front of them may be destroyed, but Feng Ziying can't wait until the Chahar people's invasion recedes this year to do all this, so he Just bet on this one.

Zhuang Limin pondered for a while, "Then I can only transport a batch of firecrackers from Guangzhou. There are self-generated firecrackers imported from Xiyi, and there are also firecrackers made by ourselves. The styles may not be the same. It might be a bit expensive, too.”

   This batch of self-generated fire guns Zhuang Limin also planned to choose an opportunity to sell to Liaodong. If Liaodong didn't want it, he also planned to sell it to Japan.

  When Feng Ziying heard this, she felt relieved: "No problem, the more self-generated firecrackers the better, I have enough money to pay."

  I just got a handful from the Liao family, and it just happened to come in handy and make the best use of everything.

  (end of this chapter)

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