Number of People

Chapter 925: The Troubles of Happiness in Zizi Scroll, Super Shura Field

  Chapter 925 The troubles of happiness in the self-written scroll, Super Shura Field

The idea is very good, but it is still too early to put it into practice, and it will not be put into practice within three to five years. In the current situation where both iron and steel are extremely precious, it is only a luxury for you to use iron to pave roads. I'm afraid that even the emperor dare not think about it.

  This requires that the steel output of Yongping Prefecture must reach at least 10,000 tons in the future. At the same time, the throughput and radiation capacity of Yuguan Port are also greatly restricted by land transportation, so that such a large investment can be considered.

  For Feng Ziying's dissatisfaction, Wang Shaoquan did not take it seriously.

  The current scale of construction of berths in Yuguan Port is not small, and it doesn’t make much sense to be too advanced. Moreover, Yuguan Port has reserved a lot of room for expansion, which can be expanded in the next stage.

  Just like the iron and steel bases in Qian'an and Lulong, it is nothing more than that now. Once it is on the right track, especially when the process is mature, it will not be difficult to replicate on a large scale.

Also at Yuguan Port, as long as it is profitable, the berths can be rapidly expanded, and even without affecting the existing shipping capacity, the expansion can be realized in a relatively short period of time. The key is that you have to have enough cargo in and out , There are enough ships coming and going here, and enough convenient land passages to quickly turn over the goods, so that the goal can really be achieved.

Of course, Feng Ziying knows that these people will never realize that once this industrial and commercial model is started, when enough coal and iron are produced, how much it will drive the entire industry. Now the price of iron and steel in Dazhou is very expensive. Once the cost scale is reduced, this demand will increase countless times, and many aspects of iron and steel that were originally reluctant to use iron and steel can be boldly used, and the military use alone is a big gap.

  Of course Feng Ziying will not argue with them now. Everything will have to wait until after the Chahar people invade the south this autumn.

Now Feng Ziying has not disclosed the news to the Shanxi merchants and Zhuang Limin for the time being. After a while, he will slowly reveal the news when everything has been completed and it is difficult to withdraw it, so that the Shanxi merchants and Zhuang Limin can all I can only be tied to myself and Yongping Mansion. At that time, many things will be much easier to handle.

"Shaoquan, for the cement firing method in Qian'an, you can choose a suitable place for construction and firing near Yuguan Port. I have seen it here. There are many suitable limestones. You can use local materials. In the future, you can even Ship this new thing out,..."

  Feng Ziying's suggestion made Wang Shaoquan's eyes brighten. This cement is a new thing. Now everyone has not fully realized the magical effect of this thing, but once it is used on a large scale, everyone will understand the great benefits of this thing.

   "My lord, our Shanshan Chamber of Commerce is willing to partner with you. You see..." Wang Shaoquan also knew the benefits of sharing interests and risks, so he offered it.

   "In this way, Mr. Fu Zun is probably also interested. In addition, I see that this place is close to Shanhaiwei. In the future, I will inevitably have to deal with Jizhen. I will ask when the time comes. I guess they will also be interested..."

Feng Ziying did not mention herself. In fact, like Yongping Mansion, a coal-iron complex, most of the share capital comes from Shanxi merchants and Guangdong Zhuangji. In addition to Feng's family, Feng Ziying also asked Xue's parents to invest in a share, paying 20,000 yuan. two silver.

Now that Xue Baoqin is going to marry him as his concubine, he naturally can't treat her badly. He plans to let the second room of Xue's family also invest in the cement workshop in Yuguan. Wall and castle construction will come in handy.

  Feng Ziying also discovered that as she married more and more wives and concubines, in the future, the interests of the long house, second house, and third house also need to be discussed and how to balance them.

To say that Shen Yixiu on the side of the long house is actually in charge of the affairs of the third house. After all, his parents belong to the third house. When Daiyu gets married in the future, these affairs should be handed over to Daiyu, even if Daiyu doesn't like these mundane affairs, but She would definitely not let Shen Yixiu take care of it, she would rather let a third-bedroom concubine or a big girl take care of it.

   As far as the present is concerned, since Baochai and Daiyu haven't married yet, it's not easy for me to arrange too much, but once the three households have formed their own system, how to balance it is really a bit of a test.

  So from now on, Feng Ziying also consciously began to plan, how to divide the assets in her hands, and strive to be fair, so as to avoid the three parties in the future.

For example, the Xue family invested in the coal-iron complex, and the Xue family's second house in the cement industry in Yuguan was considered a compensation for Xue Baoqin's marriage to him. Then the Shen family and the Eryou who belonged to the Shen family also needed Some arrangements are.

  As for Daiyu, presumably the main family property of her parents should be included in the three houses, which is safe, and Daiyu herself still has considerable family assets, which are allocated to Haitong Bank and Kaihai Bonds.


   It was late June when Feng Ziying returned to Yongping Mansion.

  The wheat harvest of the entire Yongping Mansion has basically ended, the summer grain has been put into storage, and the summer tax has also begun to be collected.

After being hungry for almost a month, Feng Ziying didn't take Third Sister You with her when she went out this trip, so after she came back, she hugged Jin Chuan'er and Xiangling for a good night. Chuan'er and Xiangling.

   "I've lost a lot of weight." Jin Chuan'er, who was curled up in Feng Ziying's arms, murmured, her beautiful eyes glowed with splendor, and her pink cheeks were full of spring.

"Can you not lose weight? Running around in the wild all day long, exposed to the wind and the sun, how can this diet compare to being taken care of by Jin Chuan'er at home?" Feng Ziying's words made Jin Chuan'er's heart sweeter, "The servant girl will lose weight today. Cook a few dishes for Grandpa, make up for it..."

   "No, I want to eat you and Xiangling well. I have been out for so long, and I am so hungry that I need to make up for it." Feng Ziying said while pulling the exhausted Xiangling over.

"My lord, I really can't stand this servant, you should find Jin Chuan'er." Xiangling snuggled up to Feng Ziying obediently, "It's also because the two aunts are inconvenient, just in time for the master to come back, it will be fine two days earlier .”

   It's strange to say that Eryou's inconvenient time was almost followed by the latter. Just two days before Feng Ziying's return, the second daughter Tiangui came one after the other.

  Second Sister You was particularly disappointed, not because she missed the good day when Feng Ziying came back, but because she was annoyed that Tiangui had come again.

It's finally the turn of Yongping Mansion to win the championship, no longer fetters of a big woman, and the mother-in-law is also looking forward to being able to conceive a boy and a half girl early, but it's been three months since I came to Yongping Mansion, not to mention She tactfully tactfully Cheng Huan every day, but it can be considered that she got what she wanted, but her own Tiangui came on time every time, which also made the second sister You feel helpless.

Think about Xue Baochai's marriage at the end of the year. At that time, it will be impossible to have such exclusive favors. At that time, the favor will be shared equally, and the chance of pregnancy will be even smaller, so Second Sister You is ready to bring Take Sanjie You to Baiyi nunnery near Taolinkou in the north of the city to worship Guanyin and ask for a child.

"Oh, Second Sister wants to go to Baiyi Nunnery?" Feng Ziying didn't expect Second Sister You to be so anxious. In his opinion, he was only eighteen years old, and Second Sister You was only nineteen. It's not the best childbearing age yet.

Baiyi Nunnery is nominally in Lulong territory, but the north side is the side wall, which is already under the control of Ji Town. Of course, it is nothing for the people to worship Guanyin and offer incense, but it is not completely eradicated in Yongping Prefecture. Before hiding the rampant bandits in the territory, he was not willing to let Second Sister You take risks.

Taolinkou is seventy or eighty miles away from Lulong County, and now that I am so hated by others, I can't guarantee that a piece of news will leak out, and people will tie up my concubine's room and let me redeem her with money. Big joke.

  The bandits explained by Liao Defu actually came in from outside the side wall with the Mongols. Feng Ziying couldn't believe this. Even if there were Mongolian horse thieves, they were definitely only a part of them, and there would definitely be scum from the Jizhen army involved.

   "Well, my aunt is a little anxious. The day I came to Tiangui, I wiped away my tears." Jin Chuaner added: "The third aunt doesn't care much, and she is still comforting the aunt."

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Second Sister You to be in such a hurry, she shook her head: "The future is long, why is there such a hurry?"

Jin Chuaner glanced at Feng Ziying, and whispered: "I'm afraid I'm still a little worried that Miss Bao and Miss Qin will get married at the end of the year, right? I heard that Miss Bao and Qin will come to live in Yongping Mansion when they get married, unlike Grandma who stays in the capital. Auntie is naturally a little anxious."

  Feng Ziying could even feel that Jin Chuan'er was somewhat reluctant to have Baochai and Baoqin come to Yongping Mansion, but Xiangling didn't necessarily think so.

  Thinking about it now that the family is bigger and there are more people, everyone in the house has their own standpoints. Even Jin Chuaner and Xiangling, who usually have a good relationship, have a steelyard in their hearts.

   When Baochai and Baoqin get married, Xiangling will definitely follow, but Jin Chuaner will definitely not go.

  But Shen Yixiu has Qingwen over there, and the relationship between Jin Chuan'er and Qingwen can't be said to be very good, but Yu Chuan'er and Qingwen have a good relationship.

  If Jin Chuaner is unwilling to stay in the long room, it means that she can only go to the third room.

  But with Daiyu's temperament, I don't know if Jin Chuan'er can bear it? And there is a Zicuckoo over there, I don't know what is the relationship between Jin Chuan'er and Zicuckoo?

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't help but feel dizzy. This is really a trouble of happiness. A beautiful thing that can't be imagined in modern society. Now it's a dilemma for me. It is really a super Shura field.

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  (end of this chapter)

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