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Chapter 926: Jizijuan military discussion, the crisis emerges

  Chapter 926 The military discussion of the self-character scroll, the crisis emerges

   Qi Yongtai was slightly surprised by Zhang Huaichang's visit.

Although he and Zhang Huaichang belong to the leading figures of the northern scholars, Zhang Huaichang was born in the Liaodong army, which is slightly different from the general background of the northern scholars. , but not much.

Although Zhang Huaichang is the censor of the Zuodu, his attitude is not limited to the stand of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. As a veteran censor of the Zuodu, he has been in this position for twelve years. Zhang Huaichang had never been afraid of Shen Yiguan, the former chief assistant. The impeachment should be impeachment, and the rebuttal should be merciless.

  Because of his clear defense of the interests of Liaodong, neither Emperor Yuanxi nor Emperor Yonglong, nor the scholars from Jiangnan or even the group of scholars from Huguang never thought of letting him join the cabinet.

Even the northern scholars who stand on the same front are not satisfied with Zhang Huaichang's too strong and narrow attitude, thinking that he has a wrong view of the overall situation and is not good at balance and compromise. Qi Yongtai thinks that he has a square personality It's hard, but still slightly inferior to Zhang Huaichang.

   In a sense, Li Chengliang, the former general of Liaodong, felt that it was difficult to sustain himself under Zhang Huaichang's continuous criticism, so he took the initiative to resign.

But you must know that when Li Chengliang first served as the Liaodong General Soldier more than 20 years ago, he was still a seventh-rank official. In the matter, Zhang Huaichang was regarded as Li Chengliang's loyal supporter. Wang Gao, the leader who killed the Jurchen, and Man Khan, who defeated the leader of Chahar who repeatedly invaded, were full of praise.

  Who would have thought that after Li Chengliang came out of the mountain for the second time to serve as the Liaodong General, Zhang Huaichang, who had already served as the censor of the right capital, had changed his perception of Li Chengliang.

Especially after Li Chengliang gave up the Six Forts of Kuandian, Zhang Huaichang personally wrote a letter to impeach Li Chengliang and Xiao Daheng, Minister of the Ministry of War, thinking that Li Chengliang lost his land and land, and fell into a dangerous situation in Liaodong. Thank you to the world", Li Chengliang was so frightened that he couldn't sleep or eat, and repeatedly wrote to apologize and resign.

But at that time, the imperial court could not choose a suitable successor, and with Daheng Xiao's asylum, Li Chengliang could only be allowed to stand on the last post for the time being. Formally agreed to Li Chengliang's resignation and let Feng Tang sit in Liaodong.

  For such a maverick but considered a leader among northern scholars, Qi Yongtai has always maintained close cooperation in official affairs, but he does not have much personal friendship.

   "Brother Huaichang, please come in." Qi Yongtai personally reflected the Yimen.

   "Brother Chengfeng, please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit." Zhang Huaichang also bowed his hands.

  White face, slightly thin, with a black beard under the chin, but a pair of eagle-like eyes under the thick eyebrows are full of divine light, it can be seen that this person's character also belongs to that kind of stubborn and tough temper.

This is also the reason why Qi Yongtai is not willing to have a deep friendship with the other party, because he also has that kind of temperament. If two people have a dispute because of disagreement, it is really difficult to step down, so just like hedgehogs, keep a certain distance from each other , but can maintain a friendship.

  The two entered the flower hall, Qi Yongtai signaled the other party to take a seat, and soon a servant brought tea cups.

   "Brother Chengfeng may be a little curious why I waited for your door?" Zhang Huaichang smiled, looking very casual.

"I'm really curious. Brother Huaichang is the kind of person who doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and he is absolutely unwilling to waste time on such hypocritical courtesies." Qi Yongtai also nodded with a smile, "Chengfeng thinks he is the same. This kind of temperament, but it can't be as pure as Brother Huaichang."

   "Hehehe..." Zhang Huaichang laughed loudly, "It is said that among us scholars in the north, you and I are incompatible. I didn't expect Brother Chengfeng to understand me."

  Qi Yongtai also laughed, and finally said: "Then from my understanding, brother Huaichang's visit must be something serious?"

"Theoretically, I am the censor of Zuodu, so I shouldn't be involved in court affairs other than the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but first of all, I am a scholar, and I am a scholar from the north of Liaodong, so I have to ignore the affairs related to the safety of Liaodong. Talk, so I just found Brother Chengfeng and came here."

   Zhang Huaichang's words made Qi Yongtai serious all of a sudden, "Why did Brother Huaichang say this? As long as it is a state matter, everyone can speak, let alone Brother Huaichang? Brother Huaichang, please tell me."

   "I heard that the Mongolian Chahar tribe is about to move again, intending to violate the side?" Zhang Huaichang asked directly.

Qi Yongtai hesitated for a moment, but still nodded and said: "There is indeed such a saying. The Yebushou sent by Jizhen to the grassland got the news that Lin Danbatur was ambitious and intended to establish his prestige by plundering and conquering foreign countries, so as to subdue the internal and external forces." Erka's ministries."

   "Where are the Wuliangha people?" Zhang Huaichang is not ignorant of the situation outside the pass.

"Are there still Wuliangha people now? They are now under the command of the Chahar people, and they are very honest." Qi Yongtai said contemptuously: "The Wuliangha people only exist under one name, and a small part belongs to Tumote. Most of it belongs to Chahar and Karaqin, so it’s not worth mentioning.”

   "That means that Lin Dan Batur intends to force Khalkha inside and outside to be consistent with him through plundering and conquest in the south, and establish the identity of the golden family?" Zhang Huaichang nodded.

"That's what it means, but now it's just news from Jizhen. The Ministry of War has already sent people out. In addition, the Pedestrian Division has also arranged people to go to Karaqin and Inner and Outer Khalkha. It is estimated that they will be there in a month or two. There is reliable news back." Qi Yongtai explained.

"Chengfeng, I'm worried that there is a tacit understanding between Lindan Batur and Jianzhou Jurchen." Zhang Huaichang sighed, "Last year Feng Tang assisted the Yehe tribe, wooed the Horqin tribe, and bought Shuerhaqi and his son in order to I agree with reducing the pressure on Nurhachi and preventing it from annexing the Ula tribe, but I don’t agree with him aiding the Chahar people. If the Jianzhou women are really breeding tigers, then the Chahar people are wolves who can’t get enough. Now It was exactly as I expected,…”

Qi Yongtai laughed, "Brother Huaichang, I understand your worries. In the long run, the Chahar people are indeed a hidden danger, but in the situation last year, when Feng Tangchu went there, there was disharmony within Liaodong Town. He came from Datong, Yulin. The transferred troops were not yet familiar with the situation and were unable to fight. Can the Yehe tribe alone be able to suppress Nurhachi? Shuerhaqi and his son were still under house arrest by Nurhachi at that time, and the Horqin people almost rushed into Jianzhou The Jurchens are in their arms, even now the Horqin people are still flirting with the Jianzhou Jurchen, Feng Tang mentioned in the letter to the Ministry of War and the cabinet that the Horqin people are unreliable, and I am afraid it will be difficult to pull them back to Dazhou,..."

"In that case, if there were no Chahar people to help out, the Ula tribe would have already been acquired by the Jianzhou Jurchen." Qi Yongtai continued: "So Feng Tang's move was right at that time, but I didn't expect that this would not be enough. By the age of 20, Lindan Batur's ambitions have expanded so quickly."

  Zhang Huaichang shook his head with a stern face: "That's because of your misjudgment, which led to this disaster."

  Qi Yongtai laughed dumbfoundedly, "Brother Huaichang, isn't it time to pursue this matter now? You wouldn't come here for this."

  Zhang Huaichang sighed, and shook his head again, "Then let's talk about the current matter. Lindan Batur wants to coerce the five tribes of Neikarka to invade the south. Do you think Nurhachi will sit and watch such an opportunity?"

"Brother Huaichang, even if the Chahar people invade the south, Jizhen and Xuanfu are the most threatened. The area in western Liaoning is unlikely. Feng Tang is enough to deal with the Jianzhou Jurchen. He has the Yehe tribe, the Wula tribe and the Shu tribe. Erhaqi's containment should be able to deal with it."

Qi Yongtai's words made Zhang Huaichang shake his head, "Chengfeng, if Nurhachi was so simple, Li Chengliang wouldn't be ashamed by him. Raising tigers is Li Chengliang's biggest fault! If the Chahar people really want to attack aggressively, I guess Maybe it won't be which way, maybe even several ways, Liaoxi may not be able to escape, then you said that Nurhachi would miss such an opportunity?"

Qi Yongtai didn't dare to neglect Zhang Huaichang's statement. He thought about it for a while and said, "Even if Nurhachi wants to take action, he may still target the Wula tribe. Now that the Wula tribe has not regained its vitality, if Nurhachi attacks with all his strength, it will be very difficult for Feng Tang." response."

   "Ulabu and Shuerhaqi are both weak points. As long as Nurhachi concentrates on attacking one family, it will be difficult for them to escape." Zhang Huaichang said with certainty.

   "Feng Tang will not be unprepared." Qi Yongtai is still very confident in Feng Tang's sophistication.

"Chengfeng, can Wang Ziteng's Denglai army go to the battlefield to train?" Zhang Huaichang explained his intention, "I think if the Chahar people and the Jianzhou Jurchen have a tacit understanding, the Liaodong family may not be able to handle it. The battle line is too long, and Jizhen is under too much pressure. Unless troops from Liaodong are dispatched to assist Jizhen, Nurhachi will not sit idly by, so I suggest that Wang Ziteng's Denglai soldiers be used to help defend Jizhen. It is said that a lot of blood has been spent on this soldier, and it is a mule or a horse, which can just be pulled out for a walk."

   "I'm afraid Wang Ziteng is not very willing?" Qi Yongtai said lightly.

   "It's fine if he doesn't want to? Then what is the majesty of the court?" Zhang Huaichang disagreed, "The more he is unwilling, the more he wants to let go. Even if the court can't be transferred, wouldn't it become a feudal town in the late Tang Dynasty?"

Wang Ziteng's wanton expansion of the Denglai Army must have attracted some attention from the court, but the Denglai Army was originally intended to be an emergency corps prepared for the emergency in the Liaodong, Jizhen and Xuanfu lines in the future, but the first consideration was It is necessary to build a naval fleet, so that the Denglai Army can move to the line from western Liaoning to southern Liaoning through shipping to form a rapid support.

  (end of this chapter)

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