Number of People

Chapter 927: Zizijuan, you are not an easy student!

  Chapter 927 Self-written paper, you are not an easy student!

   Neither Qi Yongtai nor Zhang Huaichang mentioned the emperor's attitude towards Wang Ziteng, but both of them are very clear about the emperor's current thoughts.

Wang Ziteng has been in charge of the Jingying Jiedushi for many years, and his connections in the Beijing camp are deeply ingrained. They were not cleaned up in a short period of time. Now that the Supreme Emperor is still there, it is impossible for the emperor to clean up the Beijing camp. He can only slowly mix sand. Now if Wang Ziteng's Denglai army is allowed to go north to Ji Town, it will really make the emperor feel like he is sitting on pins and needles.

  In addition, there is Niu Jizong sitting in Xuanda, not to mention Datong, but Xuanfu Town has been deliberately managed by the two governors from Wang Ziteng to Niu Jizong, which shows that they attach great importance to this place of capital.

  If there is the shadow of Prince Teng—Niu Jizong from Xuanfu to Jizhen, and then to the Jingying in the capital city, this is absolutely unacceptable to the emperor.

  Replacing Li Chengliang, among them, the emperor was also worried that Li Chengliang and Prince Yizhong were getting close, but he couldn't find a suitable candidate until Feng Tang appeared.

"Brother Huaichang, if Wang Ziteng can't go to Jizhen, the emperor will not agree." Qi Yongtai sighed, "At the beginning, the integration of the troops of Dengzhou Town and Laizhou Town was originally made to consider the construction of the naval fleet. Thinking of Wang Ziteng doing the opposite, embezzling military expenditures to build up the Denglai Army, making Shen Yourong jump on his feet, but now it's a done deal, what can I do? It's going to be sent to Yongping Mansion, won't this make the Emperor even more worried Blocking?"

"That shouldn't let this Denglai army stay in Shandong and become a burden instead!" Zhang Huaichang also realized the drawbacks of his thinking and shook his head, "Chengfeng, once Nurhachi and Lindan Batur join forces, or With a tacit understanding, Liaodong is in danger, and the imperial court can't be so helpless and wait for death!"

  Qi Yongtai doesn't care about military affairs, but as a elder, he also has the responsibility to make plans for major events related to the overall situation of the court.

   "What does Brother Huaichang mean?" Qi Yongtai asked back.

"Whether Yongping Mansion or Liaoxi Corridor is destroyed, it will greatly affect the follow-up stability of Liaodong. I still think that the defense of Jizhen, Daning, and Ningyuan should be strengthened, but the Liaodong Army cannot be deployed. Their side Need to deal with the Jianzhou Jurchen attack at any time." Zhang Huaichang said slowly: "How about transferring some of the Beijing camp to Ji Town?"

Qi Yongtai's eyes lit up, it was a good idea, but he shook his head immediately, "Brother Huaichang, the people in the Beijing camp have stayed in Beijing for too long to be honest, even though it's like that every year the Ministry of War checks drills, But after going into battle, especially against the Mongols, I guess even the Ministry of War and the generals of the Beijing camp have no idea how they performed, and the people in the Beijing camp probably don’t want to go to Ji Town, right?”

Zhang Huaichang was a little angry, "Chengfeng, this one doesn't want to go, and that one doesn't want to go, what is the imperial court raising soldiers for? Could it be that it costs so much to raise a bunch of waste? No complaints, they will go out of town for a while, but it will not work?"

  Qi Yongtai now has some doubts about Zhang Huaichang's purpose for coming here.

It is not too far to transfer some of the frontier troops to Ji Town. As long as they promise a big profit, they might not be able to coax these gentlemen. As for how they perform in Ji Town, it is secondary, and it can play some role. On the whole, the performances in the Beijing camp over the past few years are still good.

  If he was really disabled by the Mongols, perhaps the emperor would be happy to see it happen.

  If Zhang Huaichang came here with the instruction, then this matter can be considered.

Qi Yongtai didn't want to get involved in the Tian family's seizure of the heir apparent, and I believe Zhang Huaichang did the same, but there is no doubt that the scholars in the north were not too interested in Prince Yizhong. Prince Zhong had a much better impression among the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River than Emperor Yonglong who was not interested in poetry.

  In this situation, the so-called people are in the rivers and lakes and cannot help themselves, so they cannot avoid these.

"Well, I understand what Brother Huaichang means. I will talk to Jing Qiu and Zishu and listen to their opinions." Qi Yongtai finally nodded, "But in the end, it depends on the emperor, Shoufu, and Daofu. Attitude."

  Hearing Qi Yongtai mention Li Sancai, Zhang Huaichang couldn't help snorting again.

At the beginning, besides Zhang Jingqiu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, he was also the censor of Zuodu, but in the end he was chosen by Li Sancai, who was regarded as a traitor of northern scholars, so Zhang Huaichang had an impression of him. very bad.

   After finishing their business, Zhang Huaichang and Qi Yongtai started gossiping again.

"Chengfeng, your disciple made a lot of noise in Yongping Mansion. Zhu Zhiren hid behind the scenes and didn't show up. I originally planned that if Yongping Mansion didn't improve this year, next year the Jingchao would advise the officials to make Zhu Zhiren's corpse a vegetarian." The guy was dismissed, but after Feng Ziying went, this guy seemed to be quite cooperative. The gang of Yongping gentry who invaded military households and farmland were tormented enough by the two of them. Many people have come to Beijing for activities. I don’t believe it. Looking for your door?"

   Zhang Huaichang's words made Qi Yongtai smile, "Brother Huaichang, since the Metropolitan Procuratorate already knew about it, why didn't you send the censor down earlier?"

"Hmph, which place doesn't have such a situation? It's just a matter of degree. Zhu Zhiren is a bit soft-boned and has a gloomy temper. As long as there is someone who dares to fight and rush, he must have a backer to cooperate with him. Well, he can do something. Isn't it appropriate for Feng Ziying to go?"

  Zhang Huaichang sighed. He also learned about the situation in Yongping Mansion. The censor who went down had already reported the situation, which was basically in line with expectations.

"Yongping Mansion is known as the No. 1 mansion in the east of Beijing. It communicates with Liaodong and Beijing, and it is the throat of our northern land. There really can't be troubles, but I also heard that Yongping Mansion is not peaceful. I'm afraid it's not just the gentry. There are many problems, but some of the evil gentry in this group of gentry are really suspected of being accomplices."

   "As long as you don't make a big mess for me." Qi Yongtai rubbed his temples, "I thought he would be able to settle down a bit when he left the capital, but I didn't expect that his reputation in the capital city is even better now..."

   "It's not necessarily a bad thing for a young man to ask him to make more trips. Serious illnesses require strong medicine. Yongping Mansion has been rotten for so many years. It should have been cured long ago. You were responsible when you were in the Ministry of Officials." Zhang Huaichang was not polite.

"Okay, okay, now that my student has gone, it's a redemption, right?" Qi Yongtai was helpless, a small Yongping mansion, where he, a minister of the official department, could know about it at any time, but if he had a responsibility, it was justified. .

"I also heard that he combined the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce and the Guangdong Iron and Steel Merchants to build a large-scale construction project in the mansion. The Yuguan Port next to the south of Shanhaiguan is under construction. Is he planning to put the first port of the Northland in Yuguan? ? This is a good idea. If Yuguan opens the port, the entire Yongping Mansion and the Liaoxi Corridor will benefit a lot.”

  Speaking of this matter, Zhang Huaichang is really interested, which is directly related to the rise and fall of his hometown.

Qi Yongtai knew that Feng Ziying had a series of major moves in Yongping Mansion, mainly mining and smelting iron, but Kaiyuguan Port only mentioned that he wanted to find a suitable wharf for future transportation, but he really did not expect to open it. Yuguan port.

  He still knows where Yuguan is. It is next to Shanhaiguan, and it is a traffic pass, and it is right under the nose of Shanhaiguan. How can Jizhen easily agree? Even if he is Feng Tang's son, I'm afraid it's not easy to save face.

   Seeing that Qi Yongtai was also a little puzzled, Zhang Huaichang smiled smugly, "Chengfeng, it seems that you don't know enough about your student, you are not an easy student."

  Qi Yongtai was a little puzzled, there was something in Huaichang's words, "Why did you say that, brother Huaichang?"

"Hehe, mining can add a lot to the Jieshen Treasury. The Ministry of Industry is happy and the emperor likes it. Iron smelting and steelmaking plus the export of iron and steel and various iron and iron parts can increase a lot of business taxes. Zhu Zhiren and the Ministry of Households are happy Well, at least Zheng Boxiao doesn't need to go around for him as a fellow villager in this year's assessment. The Shanshan Chamber of Commerce and the gang have made a lot of money. Naturally, the northern scholars want to help him wave the flag, not to say that he started Is Hai Zhilue seeking profit for Jiangnan? Now it's Beidi's turn..."

   Zhang Huaichang talked more and more vigorously, and he seldom had such a situation, but after speaking smoothly, he felt that this Feng Ziying was extraordinary.

   Qi Yongtai himself has a square personality, but he can still teach such a variety of students, which has to be said to be an anomaly.

"Yuguan Port was opened, and ships came in and out from south to north, and it became the achievement of Guan Dongxian's Zhongshu Department; I heard that he is still actively contacting the Ministry of War, and plans to jointly set up a firecracker workshop in Lulong and Bingzhan Bureau. The Ministry of War only takes shares and dividends, what a beautiful thing? Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke can’t sleep and wake up laughing? And he also used Bingji Town to wipe out a hideout of Mongolian horse thieves, and even the Ministry of Punishment is commending it... After this series, among the six departments, apart from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Officials, who didn't get any benefit, which one didn't praise him? Hehe, Chengfeng, I'm afraid you don't have such great ability, do you?"

"As for the Ji Town that you are worried about, hehe, Yuguan opened the port, and the incoming and outgoing materials are all landed from Yuguan. How much can be saved in the transportation of food, salaries and military supplies in Jizhen and the Liaoxi Corridor alone? Not to mention Jizhen and Liaodong is also convenient for itself. Whoever disagrees, the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War can pressure them to agree, and a fool will not agree! You are worried about the safety of Yuguan, but who will threaten Yuguan from the sea? Donglu can still build ships after learning to swim? Or maybe Japan and North Korea came to attack Yuguan, do you have the guts? What are you planning?"

  The Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Punishment are all happy, and the reputation of the scholars in the North can also make a lot of money. Qi Yongtai was dumbfounded, and he was still savoring it after Zhang Huaichang left.

"Qi Gang, you go and send the post to Mr. Shoufu. In addition, arrange for someone to go to Yongping and let Ziying come back." Qi Yongtai thought for a while, "Forget it, wait until after the court meeting tomorrow, then I will send you a post." Go and inform Ziying."

   Seek all kinds of support!



  (end of this chapter)

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