Number of People

Chapter 928: Zizi scroll back to Beijing

  Chapter 928 Returning to Beijing

  Seeing Feng Ziying stepping into the gate of the mansion, Yu Chuan'er couldn't believe it, her eyes turned red, and she ran over and threw herself into Feng Ziying's arms, "Master, why are you back? When did you come back?"

  Feng Ziying was also a little excited, hugging Yu Chuan'er's delicate body with gentle words to comfort her.

After walking for more than three months, I have never been idle since I arrived in Yongping Mansion. Compared with the leisurely leisure time in the Imperial Academy, the life in Yongping Mansion is simply too fulfilling. It is so fulfilling that people wake up early every morning. Think about what to do today and whether you can complete it.

  In June, he only stayed at home for less than five days. The rest of the time he was not in Qian'an, Funing, Yuguan Port, or in Ji Town, Santunying, and even went to Changli.

   These days, the distance between the counties seems to be more than a hundred miles, but it takes more than half a day to go there, and after talking about things, it is basically dark.

The social security in the counties of Yongping is not very good. Even if you bring Sister You, Feng An Fengtai and other good players recruited by Wu Yaoqing, if you smear the night road, a strong crossbow can kill you, and it is hard to defend against. So Wu Yaoqing also resolutely opposed Feng Ziying's walking at night.

  Especially now that Feng Ziying has moved the interests of the Lulong gentry, although many gentry were terrified by his cruel methods, it also made some people hate them so much that they even took risks.

Moreover, when Feng Ziying went to each county, it was not easy to leave after talking about the matter. For example, when he went to Changli, he had to discuss the matter of the Huimin Salt Plant with the county magistrate and county magistrate of Changli. The problem was that Changli County could not solve this matter at all. of.

  The Huimin Salt Farm, which originally belonged to the Changludu Salt Transit Envoy Division, was destroyed long ago, and the salt households also fled in all directions, but the big gentry households and merchants in Changli took over.

  They divided the huge salt field into countless pieces, each occupying a piece, which is called waste utilization.

The Changludu Salt Envoy Division took back the salt field twice, and was finally abandoned by Japanese pirates from the sea. In the end, the Changludu Salt Envoy Division could only look forward to it, but after the division of the local big households in Changli, they were never seen again. Encountered Japanese pirates attack.

  Feng Ziying needs to know what tricks are hidden in the middle, and no one would welcome Feng Ziying, a colleague of Yongping Mansion, to investigate and understand the story behind it.

   There is also the origin of the bandits in the north who colluded with the Jizhen Army General, which is still a bit confusing.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that it must have something to do with Li Chengliang and Magui's generals, and even with the Mongolian horse thieves outside the side wall. In this way, the nature of these bandits and horse thieves is quite complicated, and they even surpassed ethnic boundaries. Mongols, Han people, and soldiers in the army can all unite for their own interests.

Although Feng Ziying is just an acquaintance, Zhu Zhiren's absence has made many things that should have been assistance, but have become the main focus, but Feng Ziying still can't refuse, and many things are done by herself. When there are real troubles or ties, Zhu Zhiren It's good to show up, this is the so-called one red face and one black face, complementing each other.

  Feng Ziying did not hesitate to work hard. For herself, it was considered a grassroots exercise, and she had the most intuitive understanding of the operating mode of the government below.

  Holding the jade bracelet that is soft and fragrant, Feng Ziying felt boundless in her heart.

  The girl's warm tears soaked into Feng Ziying's chest, and she couldn't help shaking her head. Feng Ziying stroked the girl's hair, "Okay, my master is back, why are you still crying?"

   "The slave girl is so happy." Yu Chuan'er was a little embarrassed and wanted to struggle to separate.

   "Why, I'm just too happy to miss you?" Feng Ziying teased the girl with her lips pursed.

  Yu Chuan'er's dimples were blushing, her beautiful eyes were full of affection, "I think, I miss you."

Seeing Yu Chuan'er's eager eyes and her cherry lips like fire, Feng Ziying couldn't hold back, lifted her pink cheek, and pressed it lightly, but her other hand had already uncontrollably penetrated into the other's breast. middle.

  In the midsummer season, the clothes were thin, and the lapel with blue background and white border was picked up and inserted by Feng Ziying. Her skin was like jade, and her hands were smooth and smooth, and she could hold them...

Yu Chuan'er was still a young girl who had never tasted such a love affair. After being hit by Feng Ziying like this, she was struck by a thunderbolt, and her whole body suddenly limp in Feng Ziying's arms. It's kind of like letting you pick and choose.

  It's a pity that the time and place are not suitable, otherwise Feng Ziying really wants to pick this already extremely delicate flower bone.

Counting Yu Chuan'er is also sixteen years old. Most girls of this age in this era are married. They can't compare to Jin Chuan'er's charming and glamorous, but they are a little more fresh and gentle, which makes people feel itchy. .

Panting and panting, Feng Ziying hugged her into the room with some regrets, letting her calm down in her arms, and it was enough to be gentle with her hands and eyes. This girl is not a human being, so casually It's a bit rash to touch her body.

   "Master,..." Huddled in Feng Ziying's arms, carefully fastened the bellyband and tidied up the clothes, Yu Chuan'er's eyebrows became a little softer.

"Well, don't worry, you belong to the master, you can't escape after all, um, why didn't you go to the Changcui Temple today? Didn't it mean that Miaoyu really hoped that you would live there?" Feng Ziying smiled and helped Yu Chuan'er Flatten the placket.

Yu Chuan'er is also a little embarrassed, who would have thought that she could not help being so close to her master, she is no longer a child, and she has seen the situation of her sister and Xiangling after being in love with her master, and even heard of it. bed, I already have some feelings about the relationship between men and women.

  Today, I was so affectionately loved by Feng Ziying, and my heart was firmly tied to Feng Ziying. I wish I could not get up in Feng Ziying's arms.

  But she also knew that Feng Ziying must have something special to do when she comes back. Local officials are not allowed to enter Beijing without approval. Feng Ziying told them about this rule before going to Yongping.

"It's not as exaggerated as the master said. Ms. Miaoyu is just not used to living alone. The slaves are usually here in the mansion, that is, they go there every two or three days to help clean up. Miss Miaoyu got used to it, but if Miss Miaoyu really wants to be a maid for the master, it would be good for the servant to be a maid for Miss Miaoyu." Yu Chuan'er is still innocent, "But if she refuses to be a maid for the master , the slaves are from the Feng family, so they definitely won't serve her."

  Feng Ziying was moved. This girl only helped Miaoyu out of her own face. As she said, she was from Feng's family. If Miaoyu didn't marry into Feng's family, why should she serve Miaoyu?

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, you can go if you want, and rest in the mansion if you don't want to." Feng Ziying stroked her hair lovingly, "In a word, my jade bracelet is a treasure. Don't look at anyone's eyes,..."

  Yu Chuan'er let out a chuckle, "The slave is not a treasure, the slave is just a little maid, it's the slave's job to serve the good master, by the way, the master hasn't gone back there yet, right?"

   "Well, let's talk about coming to visit mother and aunt first, and then go back there." Feng Ziying nodded, "I may stay for two or three days after this trip,..."

   "I can only stay for two or three days?" Yu Chuan'er's disappointment was beyond words.

   "I'm an official from Yongping Mansion, not from Shuntian Mansion." Feng Ziying put down her hands, "Let's go, Lord, I'm going to say hello to my wife and concubine."

  When Feng Ziying returned to her main house, Shen Yixiu and the others had already received the news, and they were already waiting in the house.

Seeing that Shen Yixiu's face is much rounder, he already has a faint breath of being a mother, but there is not much clue about his waist. After all, it is only three or four months old. Shen Yixiu's figure is already slender, wearing a loose long skirt, It's covered with a piece of armor, and nothing can be seen.

"My concubine (servant) has met my husband (grandfather)." Shen Yixiu, Qingwen, and Yunshang all had a blessing to present. Shen Yixiu was better and could stand still, but his eye circles were a little red, while Qingwen and He Yunshang was in tears, especially Yunshang, wishing he could just throw himself into Feng Ziying's arms.

Supporting Shen Yixiu and stroking her lower abdomen, Feng Ziying seemed to be able to feel the blood connection of the fetus in her belly. When she left before, Shen Yixiu hardly had any reaction, but now, three months have passed, a life is taking shape .

   "Okay, don't look so depressed. Grandpa is back. Even though he only came back for two days, that's a good thing. Why are you all wiping away your tears?" Feng Ziying smiled and comforted Shen Yixiu, "Is everything alright?"

  Shen Yixiu nodded shyly, "It's all good, my wife and concubine come to see me every day, and I also walk around every day according to my husband's request, and do some exercise..."

   "Well, these exercises are indispensable. The first child is inherently more difficult, so the necessary activities are the key to ensuring a smooth delivery." Feng Ziying encouraged.

  The group of people finally returned to the house. Although Qingwen and Yunshang were reluctant to give up, they also knew that there should be room for them, so they closed the door knowingly, leaving them alone.

  It wasn't until the maids left that Shen Yixiu snuggled into Feng Ziying's arms, whispering softly, narrating his thoughts and the situation at home in the past three months.

  Feng Ziying also asked patiently, and then supported the other person to sit on the head of the bed, leaning against her arms, inserting a sentence or two from time to time, asking questions.

Rare gentle whispers are the best consolation for pregnant women. After walking for three months, Feng Ziying thought that she still had Eryou, Jin Chuaner, and Xiangling, and Shen Yixiu was worthy of staying alone in the empty room, and she was still a pregnant woman , I also felt somewhat apologetic.

   "Master came back suddenly this time, but what's the matter?" Shen Yixiu was also an official, so he naturally knew that local officials could not return to Beijing at will without being summoned by the emperor or ordered by the court.

"Well, Master Qi came to convey the cabinet's decree, maybe it's just for my husband to do something in Yongping Mansion during this time." Feng Ziying smiled, "Maybe the court officials can't sit still, think Listen to the situation and see if the emperor will summon him."

  (end of this chapter)

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