Number of People

Chapter 929: family affairs

  Chapter 929 Family Affair

  Feng Ziying did not expect that her series of actions in Yongping Mansion would attract such attention from the court, and she would even call herself back directly.

In his opinion, although the opening of mines and workshops and even the opening of Hong Kong and Yuguan seem to have a great impact, in fact, these are basically military craftsmen brought back from Jizhen, coupled with the labor force obtained from cleaning up military households. Engagement has little to do with the locality, and the imperial court should not value it so much.

  Even if the imperial court is interested, it should only attract the attention of the imperial court after the shipment of autumn grain in Yongping Prefecture has greatly improved at the end of the year.

   Calling himself back so abruptly now is a bit of a fuss, maybe Qi Yongtai intends to use what he did in Yongping Mansion to fight back against those voices who doubted him.

Seeing that her husband seemed to be in a daze again, Shen Yixiu also thought that her husband must be a little tired after rushing back, so he smiled gently: "I'll ask Yunshang to prepare hot water for you, my husband, take a bath, and sleep well before we talk about it." .”

  Feng Ziying was a little moved, and nodded: "It's a hard work, good wife. I'm really tired after this trip without stopping."

  After taking a shower and taking a nap, when I woke up, it was already dark.

  It was getting dark very late in June, and I felt a gurgling sound in my stomach. Feng Ziying had a big appetite, and when she just got up, Yun Shang greeted her happily, "Master, are you awake?"

"Wake up, I've had enough sleep, I'm very energetic, and I'm hungry." Holding Yun Shang's hand, Feng Ziying felt that Yun Chang seemed to have grown taller, even though he hadn't seen her for only three months. It's a psychological induction, but it feels a little different.

In my impression, Yunshang is still that little girl, but in the past few years, the little girl has grown into a big girl unknowingly, her bumpy figure slowly opened up, a duck-egg face with picturesque eyebrows, and bright pupils like Black grapes soaked in a deep pool.

She is already half a head taller than Qingwen, and even Yunshang herself is a little dissatisfied, thinking that she is too tall, but in fact Feng Ziying estimates that she is about 1.68 meters, which is definitely considered tall among women in this era that's it.

   "Grandma has arranged for the kitchen to be ready, and said that I can eat when I wake up." Yun Shang's sweet smile made Feng Ziying fascinated.

This is a girl who puts all her body and mind on herself. Although he kept her by Shen Yixiu's side, Shen Yixiu also knew that Yunshang's identity was somewhat different from that of Qingwen, Jin Chuan'er, and Yu Chuan'er. The family members who grew up in Feng's family can even be regarded as family-born.

   "Okay, let's eat. After we finish eating, we'll chat about it." Feng Ziying was full of interest.

   After dinner, Feng Ziying went to her mother's place again, Duan also asked You Er You San and even Jin Chuan'er and Xiang Ling if anyone was pregnant.

  Hearing Feng Ziying's negative answer, Duan was a little disappointed and regretful, and couldn't help complaining that Feng Ziying didn't care about this and didn't work hard, which made Feng Ziying laugh and cry.

   This night was undoubtedly the most warm and pleasant one. I talked with Shen Yixiu, Qingwen and Yunshang, introduced the situation in Yongping Mansion, and briefly talked about what I did in Yongping Mansion.

Naturally, Qingwen and Yunshang didn't quite understand the danger here, but for Shen Yixiu, whose father was an official and now a prefect, they knew very well how much Feng Ziying's cruel actions touched the interests of the local gentry, and his face Can't help showing a touch of worry.

Feng Ziying noticed Shen Yixiu's worry, and patted the opponent's hand, "Don't worry, lady, you have your own discretion, but Yongping Mansion has been extremely weak for a long time, and there are many evils, if you don't take strong medicine, it will be difficult to reverse it, and you should know The special location of Yongping Mansion, my father is in Liaodong, and Yongping is the throat hub for all food and military supplies, so it can be said that this place is unstable, and my father's situation in Liaodong will be affected, and even the slightest mistake there is unacceptable."

"Well, I understand that Junyong has been fond of geography since I was a child, and I went to Shanhaiguan in person, so I talked to me about the unusual Yongping Mansion. Jingdong's first mansion is not called for nothing. You said you want to open it. Haiyuguan, then Yuguan should be on the edge of Shanhaiguan, if Yuguan Port can be like Ningbo and Yangzhou in the future, it will really help my father-in-law's protection in Liaodong."

  Shen Yixiu's words made Feng Ziying couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the Shen family is really not simple. Shen Zizheng actually likes geography, has been to Shanhaiguan, and has research on Yongping Mansion? Even Shen Yixiu was able to comment on the situation of Yongping Mansion, which really surprised him.

These days you say that it is not uncommon for girls to be able to talk about poetry and prose, Baochai, Daiyu, and Tanchun are fine, but it is probably rare for girls to be able to talk about geography and military affairs. Although Shen Yixiu is not yet proficient, at least she has It's a good sign to be able to talk to myself.

   In fact, Feng Ziying's history is too bad. Shen Zizheng was not a simple character in the history of his previous life. He was talented since childhood, loved military affairs, and loved to travel to border areas in his spare time. He even had some intersections with Yuan Chonghuan.

Even in the time when Feng Ziying came and changed history, the original intention remained the same, but under the influence of Feng Ziying's reputation, the appearance was a bit bleak, and he was also influenced by Feng Ziying, a butterfly, so he wanted to improve in the examination field. .

   Seeing some changes in Feng Ziying's gaze, Shen Yixiu also pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, is it surprising that my concubine said this?"

"No, my father-in-law is the supreme ruler of the family, and Wan Jun's family has a normal background. I didn't expect Jun Yong to travel to Shanhaiguan. Well, this surprised me. Reading thousands of books is important, but traveling thousands of miles It is more meaningful, to be able to see the customs of the world, understand the principles of the world, and have to walk the road.”

Shen Yixiu was also very happy with Feng Ziying's words, and it was nothing more than a compliment to her. She didn't expect her husband to have such high expectations for her younger brother's performance, even more optimistic than the Jinshi exam. This surprised her, but she was also slightly surprised. In any case, it is a good thing for a husband to value his younger brother.

  You must know that although her husband has gone to Yongping Mansion, his reputation in Beijing has not diminished a bit. Although his actions in Yongping Mansion will receive a lot of criticism, he will also receive a lot of praise.

  After all, local affairs cannot be done by lip service alone. Without a little courage and skill, they can't handle it at all, and this is precisely the quality that a capable minister must possess.

Shen Yixiu is not an ordinary woman. Her father is in charge of a government. From their performance, she can see that it is not easy for her husband. You must know that her husband is only eighteen years old, while her father is almost fifty. This kind of experience The gap in life needs constant sharpening to fill in, and now my husband is steadily walking on this road.

"The gentleman is too famous. Although Junyong has some talent, his temper is still too escaping. My father once said that after Junyong was awarded a Jinshi, if he had the opportunity to walk around like a gentleman during his observation period, Just practice a little more."

Feng Ziying can also understand what his wife said. It is easy to observe politics in various ministries of the court, but it is limited to improve one's own ability. Unless you can really participate in the handling of certain specific affairs, otherwise the generality will be like a superficial superficiality. Waste of time.

   "If Jun Yong is willing, he can actually participate in the editing and editing of "Internal Reference". Well, if you have the opportunity, you can also go down for a run."

Feng Ziying knew that Shen Zizheng was currently observing politics in the Ministry of War, because Yang Sichang, who had the closest relationship with him, served in the Ministry of War. This kind of second-generation official, in fact, cleared up the relationship a little bit, and gave some face no matter where he was, so he naturally chose The Ministry of War.

   "That's a good thing, I will find time to talk to Junyong." Shen Yixiu is very happy, "I believe that Junyong will cherish such an opportunity."

Of course she knew that "Internal Canon" was sponsored by her husband alone, and the court also knew that the editorial position of "Internal Canon" was actually monopolized by Qingtan Academy, whether it was Baima Academy in Jiangnan, Chongwen Academy, or here. It is difficult for students from Chongzheng Academy and Tonghui Academy to intervene.

And it’s not that the students of these academies have never thought about editing a publication similar to "Internal Reference", but after two or three years of development, "Internal Reference" has become deeply entrenched in its status and influence in the court. The words are very specific in terms of funds, personnel, and the three-year round of editorial changes.

  For these inexperienced young scholars, it is an insurmountable barrier, so after threatening several times, even Yang Sichang and Hou Xun thought about it at the beginning, and finally gave up.

  If Shen Zizheng can enter the "Internal Reference", even if he participates in some affairs, he can get a lot of training. At the same time, it will also greatly improve Shen Zizheng's reputation in scholarly circles and officialdom.

  However, Shen Zizheng was still a little arrogant. If Feng Ziying hadn't offered to invite Ma Shiying and the others, Shen Zizheng would probably not have accepted such a "charity" from his brother-in-law.

  But this is not a problem for Shen Yixiu. Isn't it natural for a husband to help his younger brother? This is not an official position that is bestowed and accepted privately, it is just an opportunity to exercise.

  The pregnant woman was drowsy, and Shen Yixiu was a little sleepy before the hour of the day. Accompanied by her husband, she fell into a deep sleep.

  Feng Ziying was used to taking a break after the second quarter of Haizheng in Yongping Mansion. Now this is the time for him to deal with official documents or think about problems. In addition, he came back in the afternoon and slept for a while, so he was in a good state of mind and could not fall asleep at all.

  Looking at An Ran's sleeping wife, Feng Ziying felt more and more integrated with the world, especially after Shen Yixiu became pregnant with his child, he even wondered if his past life memory was just a dream of his own.

  Feng Ziying gently opened the bamboo curtain and walked out of the inner room, only to see Qingwen sitting cross-legged on the kang outside, yawning and embroidering flowers.

  (end of this chapter)

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