Number of People

Chapter 933: Self-rolled edge ball

  Chapter 933 Self-written scroll edge ball

"Ziying, you have done a very good job, but you still need to think more about some methods." Ye Xianggao smiled and glanced at Qi Yongtai, who had never spoken, "Rule the world with the literati, and the court treats the gentry preferentially. It's cruel and harsh, and it's not good for your reputation."

Feng Ziying smiled wryly, and he also knew that Ye Xianggao had good intentions, "Master Shoufu, I don't want to do this either, but the situation in Yongping sometimes forces Fu Zun and I to play dangerous games, I know Many people also have some connections in Beijing. It is inevitable that someone will criticize and slander the magistrate and some of my actions in Beijing. I am prepared for this, but if I don’t do some things, it’s okay? It’s just that today Zhonghan Gong and Bo Xiaogong are here Here, I would like to mention by the way that Changli Huimin Salt Farm and Changludu Salt Transfer Commissioner have repeatedly sent letters to the government office, and the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have also sent letters to the government office, but how is the situation so far?"

  As soon as Huimin Saltworks was mentioned, Zheng Jizhi's face became very ugly, and he couldn't help interjecting: "The security in Yongping Mansion is not stable, and there are frequent riots, which has led to Huimin Saltworks being abandoned to this day. It is really annoying!"

Fang Congzhe's face was equally unsightly, "Ziying, you Yongping Mansion should investigate the matter of the Huimin Salt Farm. The Japanese pirates come and go without a trace. Are they really so powerful? Didn't it mean that the Japanese pirates' activities are basically no more than the Yangtze River Estuary now?" Why haven’t you heard of Shandong, but Beizhi has popped up?”

  Fang Congzhe and Zheng Jizhi are in charge of wealth, so they are naturally very concerned about the salt affairs, while the others don't know much about it.

  Qi Yongtai couldn't help but ask: "Ziying, why is Huimin Salt Farm being harassed by Japanese pirates? Could it be that Yantian can be moved away by Japanese pirates?"

  Feng Ziying smiled wryly, "Yantian can't be moved, but Japanese pirates have repeatedly attacked and entangled Yanhu, causing Yanhu to flee. Now the salt field in Yanchang has been divided up by local gentry in Changli, and the county is at a loss..."


   "What's the point?"

  Not only Qi Yongtai and Li Sancai changed their colors suddenly, but Ye Xianggao and Li Tingji also looked angry, and Fang Congzhe and Zheng Jizhi also looked gloomy.

Here, except for Fang Congzhe and Zheng Jizhi who know a little bit, the others don't know much about the specific situation, but they are all discerning people. I understand what's tricky in it.

Salt class is the most important and stable income of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It can be regarded as the financial lifeline. In the previous dynasty, salt and iron wire tea were sold exclusively, but in the Great Zhou Dynasty, only salt and iron were sold at first. Later, even the sale of iron was cancelled, but the sale of salt never wavered. In addition, the transfer of salt envoys from the Huaihe River and Huaihe River entered the emperor's internal treasury, so the other three major transfers were made to the salt envoys of the salt department. Income is the most stable income of the imperial court, which can be called the treasure of the treasury.

  Everything else has ups and downs, but this salt class is basically relatively stable every year. As long as the common people are still alive, they have to eat salt.

   If anyone wants to play the idea of ​​​​salting, it is really going to dig the roots of the household department.

   "Ziying, are you saying it's true?" Ye Xianggao's face was cold, his eyes like knives.

"Bo Xiaogong should know a thing or two. Ziying only went to Changli last month to learn about the situation, and she received a lot of warnings, asking me to keep my own place and not touch things that have nothing to do with me, otherwise I will be killed." I can't move an inch in Yongping Mansion." Feng Ziying also sneered.

   "Bo Xiao, is what Ziying said true?" Ye Xianggao turned his gaze to Zheng Jizhi.

Zheng Jizhi thought for a while before saying: "It's basically true. Huimin Salt Farm was destroyed by Japanese pirates three years ago, and the salt farm suffered a lot of losses. The Changludu Salt Envoy spent a lot of money to rebuild it. I didn't expect it to be destroyed again the year before last. The Ministry allocated special funds to rebuild, but it was still destroyed last year, and the salt households were dispersed. Later, the Ministry of Accounting has been shelved. It was too much for the envoy, and later I only knew that there were local salt farmers drying salt on the original site, but I didn’t know the specifics,..."

   Although Zheng Jizhi's words are euphemistic, they are basically confirmed to be true.

   "Could it be that the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of War have no response? Yongping Mansion is also sitting idly by?" Ye Xianggao was a little outraged. Such things have happened, so what else is he afraid to do? "Hubu is going to give up just now?!"

"Master Shoufu, the Japanese pirates came from the sea, and there are a lot of them. There are too few officers and soldiers to help them. If there are too many Japanese pirates, they will go away. Without the help of the navy, it will be difficult to eradicate them." Feng Ziying interjected: "You should deal with Yongping's situation." I know a little bit that the patrolling and arresting yamen servants in the local area can't help at all. To transfer troops, you have to go through the Bingbei Road to write and borrow troops. Changli, I’m afraid the local people have already heard the news, the Japanese pirates are obviously connected with the local people, and they have fled away long ago after getting the news.”

This way of the enemy advancing and retreating, the enemy retreating and advancing is indeed quite perfect for this kind of Japanese pirates. Just bullying Beizhi, there is no navy fleet here, and this small group of hundreds of Japanese pirates is also the most difficult to defend against. .

  Ye Xianggao glanced around, "This is not a reason, if the court allows this kind of thing to happen, the country will be destroyed!"

  The words are so serious, but it is also difficult to implement how to deal with them. But does this have anything to do with the big households in Changli? Everyone has a scale in their hearts.

"It is also difficult to second Jizhen soldiers now. According to the news from the grassland outside the side wall, Lin Danbatur is quite ambitious this time. It may be that Nei Khalkha's attitude is more submissive. If you are tempted by persuasion and persuasion, you will send troops over, and once you really invade the south, it may be the largest southward invasion in the past twenty years."

Zhang Jingqiu, who hadn't said much all the time, interjected: "In this situation, You Shigong is still dispatching troops to Liaodong, and he has no spare energy to take care of local affairs. A small force of two or three hundred people may deal with this This kind of Japanese pirates who come from the sea and leave with one blow, are of little use, and even if you don’t pay attention, you may be attacked by the enemy.”

  Ye Xianggao frowned. It is not suitable for military discussions in front of foreign officials like Feng Ziying. Even though Feng Ziying's father is the governor of Ji Liao, he knows this situation better, but the rules cannot be broken, which makes him even more dissatisfied with Zhang Jingqiu.

   Zhang Jingqiu has a reason for saying this.

Feng Ziying has a close relationship with Jizhen. Judging from the current situation, the trend of Mongolian left-wing southward invasion is becoming more and more obvious. Jizhen may face considerable pressure, but the Ministry of War may only be able to protect the front line of Tianfu. It is necessary to ensure that the capital city does not Threatened and unable to form a situation where the former Ming also led the Tatar tribes to attack the capital, then it is very likely that Yongping Mansion will be abandoned, at least it will not be devoted to the defense of Yongping Mansion.

However, Feng Ziying is Feng Tang's only son. If something happened to him in the Yongping Mansion, then Feng Tang would definitely blame himself, the minister of the Ministry of War. Forget it.

  So he wants to remind Feng Ziying, don't just think about making achievements, but be fully prepared.

"We will discuss the military discussion in the future. Ziying, Yongping Mansion needs to pay attention to the matter of Huimin Saltworks. This is the foundation of the imperial court's taxation. If you let it do whatever it wants, I'm afraid there will be huge troubles. Does Yongping Mansion have any considerations?" Seeing Ye Xianggao's gloomy expression, Li San answered the words with great interest.

  Zhang Jingqiu is not too convinced of him, the elder in charge of military affairs, and Li Sancai knows it very well.

   Originally, they were all the same six ministers, and even Zhang Jingqiu served as minister earlier, and he was also a candidate that the emperor liked very much, but in the end he came to the position. No one can make Zhang Jingqiu feel comfortable.

  But Li Sancai didn't think he was inferior to Zhang Jingqiu.

  I also worked step by step. When you, Zhang Jingqiu, were unemployed in Nanjing, you had already worked hard in various positions.

  Just because of the achievements made by the governor of the water transport, Li Sancai thought that among the previous governors of the water transport, few of them could compare with himself.

   Fortunately, although Zhang Jingqiu is not convinced by himself, he has not been slowed down in major events. On the surface, the relationship can still be maintained, and everyone has maintained a bit of face.

"Mr. Daofu, to be honest, it's really tricky. I wanted to investigate first to see what's going on inside, but this year is also an eventful year. Just like Mr. Zhang said just now, the Mongols' invasion of the south is imminent, and Yongping Mansion will bear the brunt. Perhaps our year's hard work may be in vain, but we can't do nothing just because the Mongols want to invade the south, right?"

Feng Ziying smiled wryly and said: "But if we want to solve the problem of Japanese pirates behind the Huimin Salt Field, we will definitely need the support of the Ministry of War, so today I will also ask the Ministry of War for permission to do things cheaply in front of you adults. Please order the Ministry of War to provide cooperation and support."

   This is not a problem, and the elders and Zhang Jingqiu all nodded in agreement.

   This Wenyuan Pavilion questioning about politics seemed a bit uneventful, and Feng Ziying herself felt that it was dull.

Maybe it's just a curiosity, the cabinet ministers are quite curious about how a young boy who just came out of the Imperial Academy went to Yongping Mansion to stir up such a big storm, plus some unexpected actions, so let them be a little curious, But after asking, it seemed that it was nothing more than that, and my heart felt more at ease.

This is what Feng Ziying wanted. He didn't want to be regarded as a different kind of person by others. What he did was basically within the rules, at most it was just brushing the edge of the rules. my own.

  No matter how talented or amazing, no matter how talented and capable, as long as you don’t break the bottom line of the rules, the court can tolerate it. Now I don’t have the strength to break the rules.

  (end of this chapter)

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