Number of People

Chapter 934: The B-character scroll is as big as a bucket, enjoy it?

  Chapter 934 The head of the B scroll is as big as a bucket, enjoy it?

  As soon as she came out of Wenyuan Pavilion, Feng Ziying ran into Zhang Jin head-on.

It has been a long time since Feng Ziying has seen this old friend of Linqing who was running back and forth in the Fusi of Nanbei Town. It is said that he has now returned to Fusi of Beizhen from Nanzhen Fusi, but the direction of work has changed slightly. What is the specific situation? , but don't know yet.

   "Brother Zhang."

   "Ziying." Zhang Jin was also surprised to meet Feng Ziying outside Wenyuan Pavilion, and wanted to enter quickly, but stopped, "When did you come back?

Feng Ziying realized that the other party must have something urgent. It is reasonable to say that Long Jinwei is not in the cabinet. Even if he has official business, he should have more contact with the Metropolitan Procuratorate, or contact the six ministries in detail. The cabinet is a major matter for the court. The business is generally in six departments.

  Thousands of households like Zhang Jin went straight to Wenyuan Pavilion, either it was an urgent matter or a major event, but Zhang Jin's expression didn't tell anything.

   "Looking for you elders?" Feng Ziying asked subconsciously, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhang is getting more and more proud now?"

Zhang Jin smiled wryly and shook her head: "How can it compare to your beauty? You can hear your reputation everywhere in the capital city. Well, there is something to do today. If Zi Yingming won't leave in the future, make an appointment for a drink? "

   "Okay, is there something urgent?" Feng Ziying subconsciously felt that something might happen, which could be seen from the deep worry in the other party's eyes.

   "Yang Kedong has appeared."

   It is no secret that Yang Kedong disappeared in the court, and Feng Ziying also learned about it from the news that Wang Wenyan sent.

At the beginning, some people didn't know whether Yang Kedong was indulging in Huajie and Liuxiang and didn't go home. This kind of situation also happened, but it was only a day or two at most, but after more than three days, there was still no sign of Yang Kedong. I know something is wrong.

   "Where is it?" Feng Ziying's heart tightened.

"I've returned to Bozhou, but I haven't shown up. We discovered it through a dark thread ten days ago through the eyeliner on Bozhou." Zhang Jin said with a deep expression, "It's still not sure why Yang Kedong fled back to Bozhou. Voice, Yang Yinglong is said to be bedridden, but we suspect he is faking illness."

  Feng Ziying took a deep breath and couldn't help clenching her fists. Will it come sooner or later?

Although Feng Ziying never believed that taking Yang Kedong as a hostage could restrict Yang Yinglong's ambitions, at least it was a restraint, slowing down the expansion of Yang Yinglong's ambitions, and buying Da Zhou some more time, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly .

  Fake illness means some ambition, or a way to confuse the court. It can even be said that Yang Kedong learned that his father was seriously ill and his filial piety was commendable, but he was worried that the court would not allow him to go back, so he sneaked back to his hometown.

   At least this can win him some moral reasons.

   But this does not change the fact that the Banzhou rebellion is imminent.

  With a heavy heart, Feng Ziying nodded: "Master Zhang and all the elders are here, Brother Zhang, hurry up and contact me when you get down."

  Zhang Jin didn't dare to stay for long, so she nodded and went in.

  Out of Wenyuan Pavilion, Feng Ziying was in a bad mood.

  The Chahar people are going to invade the south, and they are still worrying whether the Jianzhou Jurchens will also take the opportunity to make trouble. Unexpectedly, there will be chaos in the southwest. How could it be such a coincidence?

  Feng Ziying stopped subconsciously.

Feng Ziying has never been afraid to speculate on Nurhachi's cunning and malice. In his opinion, Jianzhou Jurchen is a tiger that has not yet grown up. If the containment is not weakened as soon as possible, it will sooner or later pose a fatal threat to Dazhou, even if he has himself as a variable. , but many solidified social structures have brought long-standing disadvantages and chronic diseases that no one person can change casually. He is mentally prepared for this.

  Lindan Batur's ambition that should have taken a few years to swell suddenly exploded this year, and it may be Nurhachi's means.

In the previous life, Nurhachi did not have much intertwining with Lin Danhan, but his son Huang Taiji completed the lore of Lin Dahan, and even drove the Chahar people to Qinghai in one fell swoop, and finally accepted Lin Danhan without hindrance The Eight Fujins.

But in this world, history has deviated somewhat from the original course. Daming has become the Great Zhou, Li Chengliang has become his father Feng Tang, and the Wula tribe has not been annexed by Jianzhou Jurchen, and even the Horqin tribe has not completely turned to Jianzhou. The Jurchens, together with the fact that Shuerhaqi and his son escaped to take shelter in Liaodong Town and began to strengthen themselves, it is estimated that these have stimulated and affected the strategic adjustment of the Jianzhou Jurchens.

  When Nurhachi thought that he was unable to take over Liaodong with his family, he might have to think of a way to instigate Lin Danhan to make trouble, so what about Yang Yinglong in Bozhou?

  Jianzhou Jurchen has a contact point in the capital city, just like Yehebu, there must be hidden characters engaged in other secret activities.

Although Yang Kedong is a hostage in Beijing, he can also take on the role of an intelligence contact point. After all, Bozhou is under the rule of Dazhou. Even if everyone knows that he is a hostage, they have to show courtesy and respect on the surface. It is impossible to treat him. There are too many restrictions on the behavior.

  Then it may not be impossible for Jianzhou Jurchen and Bozhou Yang to get in touch.

   Thinking of this, Feng Ziying's heart tightened.

  Because he suddenly remembered the scene of the Japanese hiding in the White Lotus Sect that he met in Linqing.

Internal troubles and external troubles seem to be no longer as unrelated as the history of the previous life. They seem to be affected by an invisible thread, forming a network unknowingly, and the bug caught in the center is Da Zhou. Even the bug himself is still fighting to death.

Sitting on the carriage back home, Feng Ziying was still thinking about this problem. Enemies of the Great Zhou appeared one after another. Internal and external, they used to be both friends and enemies, but now they are gradually becoming enemies. Scabies, which have now turned into elbow and armpit troubles and even confidant troubles, are popping up one after another, which can't but arouse Feng Ziying's vigilance.

Feng Ziying is very clear that she is not much better than Ye Xianggao and Qi Yongtai, and they are not ignorant of the internal and external troubles of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but it is difficult for them to really distinguish the seriousness of them. This is not a problem of their vision, but a historical limitation. It is difficult to judge the uncertainties that make many accidents become inevitable.

Like the three Wanli campaigns in previous lives, who would have thought that Zhang Juzheng's rich legacy would be wiped out by these three campaigns? A small ex-vice general's rebellion would cause such a big turmoil. A chieftain Yang Yinglong's rebellion will trap hundreds of thousands of Ming's troops, and it will be difficult to get out after years, and the consumption will be even more lamentable.

  What about this world? The rebellion of worship should not have caused as much harm as in the previous life, but the problem is that there is no Zhang Juzheng in Da Zhou, and there is no method of whipping and examination. .

  The Renchen Japanese Rebellion is similar to the previous life, and the Jianzhou Jurchen is not as powerful as the previous life in the same timeline, but the Bozhou Rebellion is coming, what will this rebellion in the southwestern hinterland bring to Da Zhou?

  Feng Ziying was unable to judge.

There is also the White Lotus Sect, which is also an invisible bomb. Once it explodes, it will be in the hinterland of Gyeonggi, Shandong, and Nanzhi. It is no less than the chaos in Bozhou in the southwest, and even worse.

  As for the harassment of the Japanese, Dongwu and Annan people on the southwest border, these are not worth mentioning at all.

  The only way to solve these difficult problems is to develop and strengthen Da Zhou's strength. Feng Ziying is also actively exploring ways to accumulate strength, but the time is too tight.

  He felt that he was rushing forward like a whip, and all the things in his memory that were similar to gold fingers had been squeezed out, but now it seems that it is still too late.

Yongping Mansion did not develop steadily in three to five years, and it could not play a role in prying a little in the political situation of Dazhou. Whether it is iron, steel, or firecrackers, in the final analysis, it must be transformed into real hard power. , can play a role, and my age and qualifications are too embarrassing.

   "Master, where are you going now?" Feng Ziying was woken up from his contemplation by Baoxiang who was sitting in front asking softly after the carriage had traveled for a while.

   "Where are you going?" Feng Ziying was taken aback for a moment.

  The narrative time to Wenyuan Pavilion is not long, it is still early, and there are many places to go.

Feng Ziying was even waiting for Qi Yongtai, Zhang Jingqiu, Chai Ke and even Zheng Jizhi and Guan Yingzhen to be summoned separately. Although many things in Yongping Mansion were just beginning, there were already some different clues, which are worthy of careful consideration. Think carefully.

  At this moment, you can go to Ying Zhen, the official of the Zhongshu Department, or Chai Ke from the Ministry of War. It is even necessary to meet Yang Sichang, Zheng Chongjian, and Wang Yingxiong. The other students, and even Ma Shiying, should also meet.

  Wang Ziteng also wants to say hello to see if he is in Beijing, and if Wang Ziteng is in Beijing, he also wants to meet.

If the Japanese problem is to be solved in the next stage, then Shen Yourong's Denglai Navy fleet is indispensable. Even though the Denglai Navy is still very young, none of the navy is equipped, but built. This group of Japanese pirates who should be hiding near Yongping Mansion should be a very good touchstone.

  These are official matters. As for private matters, there are more people to meet. Daiyu and Baochai should also go to the academy to meet Zhou Yongchun and the others...

  Jia Zheng still hasn't left Beijing, and I don't know how Yuanchun explained to Jia Zheng, or Yuanchun has other plans? And Yingchun, Sister Feng, should I see Tanchun too? …

  Thinking of all this, Feng Ziying's head was like a bucket, and she seemed to be really caught in the net of this world and couldn't extricate herself. Well, maybe it's because she enjoys it and doesn't want to leave?

  (end of this chapter)

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